Serious Question: What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

They want Russia to be bombed so we can all have the excitement of WWIII or something :rolleyes-41:
And on a side note, what the hell has happened to American Journalism? I mean seriously, no one in the MSM was aware of all the Democratic Party corruption? Really? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about it. It says everything about the current state of American Journalism. It would be completely fair to consider it 'Fake News' at this point.

An Assange Lover!

I ♥ Julian :)

You'd probably let him rape yoi too...

Jim you need to just don the leather chaps and the feather boa, your Homo fantasy now isn't just about Putin, it's about Julian Assange also.

I am not the one humping Putee and Assange's leg. You and Stump are their lovers. What has Putee got on Stump?
And on a side note, what the hell has happened to American Journalism? I mean seriously, no one in the MSM was aware of all the Democratic Party corruption? Really? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about it. It says everything about the current state of American Journalism. It would be completely fair to consider it 'Fake News' at this point.

An Assange Lover!

I ♥ Julian :)

You'd probably let him rape yoi too...

Jim you need to just don the leather chaps and the feather boa, your Homo fantasy now isn't just about Putin, it's about Julian Assange also.

I am not the one humping Putee and Assange's leg. You and Stump are their lovers. What has Putee got on Stump?

Huh? I don't think I've ever made a comment suggesting I love Julian Assange.
An Assange Lover!

I ♥ Julian :)

You'd probably let him rape yoi too...

Jim you need to just don the leather chaps and the feather boa, your Homo fantasy now isn't just about Putin, it's about Julian Assange also.

I am not the one humping Putee and Assange's leg. You and Stump are their lovers. What has Putee got on Stump?

Huh? I don't think I've ever made a comment suggesting I love Julian Assange.
That dumb Fuck is referring to me.. lol
And on a side note, what the hell has happened to American Journalism? I mean seriously, no one in the MSM was aware of all the Democratic Party corruption? Really? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about it. It says everything about the current state of American Journalism. It would be completely fair to consider it 'Fake News' at this point.

An Assange Lover!

I ♥ Julian :)

You'd probably let him rape yoi too...

Jim you need to just don the leather chaps and the feather boa, your Homo fantasy now isn't just about Putin, it's about Julian Assange also.

I am not the one humping Putee and Assange's leg. You and Stump are their lovers. What has Putee got on Stump?

You should probably apologize for what you said to that poster. The rape thing was uncalled for. Step up, show some maturity, and apologize.
What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

Let me be clear. I hate Trump's policy proposals. I don't hate Trump; he's a reasonably personable fellow for short periods of time. I would just like for his first term to quickly conclude with his successfully being impeached and convicted, thereby making him what one hopes would become the hapax legomenon of presidencies.

What should he do about Russian meddling in our electoral process?
  1. Stop denying that they did meddle in our electoral process.
  2. Stop trying to discredit and discount the USIC.
  3. Stop making courting Putin's favor.
  4. Cancel his still pending real estate deal in Russia.
  5. Withhold all forms and hints of approbation of Russia's annexation of the Crimea and actually denounce it and deny recognition of it as Russian territory.
  6. Leak the stuff that we've hacked from the Russians and about Putin.
  7. Implement technology controls that allow outsiders access to only publicly available government information. (This is, to a large degree, already in place, but it can be enhanced.)
  8. Without no advance notice, hint, or mention of considering it, freeze Russian and Russian owned assets in the U.S. and its territories. Ask our allies to do the same.
  9. Impose trade sanctions like and not limited to those imposed on Iran.

Remember, the issue isn't that the Russians hacked and released government information. They hacked private organizations and released some of what they found.
An Assange Lover!

I ♥ Julian :)

You'd probably let him rape yoi too...

Jim you need to just don the leather chaps and the feather boa, your Homo fantasy now isn't just about Putin, it's about Julian Assange also.

I am not the one humping Putee and Assange's leg. You and Stump are their lovers. What has Putee got on Stump?

You should probably apologize for what you said to that poster. The rape thing was uncalled for. Step up, show some maturity, and apologize.

"The rape thing was uncalled for."

Trivialising rape to make a cheap political point is not a good situation, rape is a very serious issue and yes Jim should apologise for his comment.
But the Republicans weren't exposed for being corrupt. If you think the Democrats are one of the most corrupt institutions on earth, you need to get out more.

You need to check out Wikileaks more. Your Party is incredibly corrupt.

My party? Which is my party exactly?

You're a Democrat Trump-Hater, no?


Too many people with too many assumptions... You'd think people would ask BEFORE they make a fool of themselves, wouldn't you?

Oh, before you decide that everyone's either Republican or Democrat, I'm neither, see, saved you the hassle of doing it again.

Sorry, but you do sound like a rabid Democrat Trump-Hater. If it quacks like a duck...

Wow, attacks. You start with assumptions, when they're wrong you just go with insults and attacks. Well, nothing much new there then. Gotta love America's education system.
You need to check out Wikileaks more. Your Party is incredibly corrupt.

My party? Which is my party exactly?

You're a Democrat Trump-Hater, no?


Too many people with too many assumptions... You'd think people would ask BEFORE they make a fool of themselves, wouldn't you?

Oh, before you decide that everyone's either Republican or Democrat, I'm neither, see, saved you the hassle of doing it again.

Sorry, but you do sound like a rabid Democrat Trump-Hater. If it quacks like a duck...

Wow, attacks. You start with assumptions, when they're wrong you just go with insults and attacks. Well, nothing much new there then. Gotta love America's education system.

You haven't posted anything to cause me to reconsider my assessment of you. Like i said, if it quacks like a duck...
That doesn't change a bit......... You are and always be a traitor and hostile to America. Move to Russia if you don't like it here. Traitor.
The traitors are the ones that foam over when things don't go their way and chant "dissent is patriotic" then criticize anyone that dares question our government officials.

So two questions remain:
What was the most damaging email revelations and what do you want to do about it?

I don't mind questioning or criticizing our government but listening and siding with foreign nationals that are hostile to my country is totally different story.
Evercurious was and is always been a patriotic Russian way before the primaries that is against all US interest.

Your question..... Update yourself.

Here it is folks, the entire body of evident this nitwit bases his proclamation of me as a traitor and Russia lover on - Putin's reaction on shooting down Russian plane by Turkey

Why? Because I think Turkey fucked up shooting down that Russian plane. (PS If you dig down far enough into that threat you can find dumb dumb here denying photographic proof like the unhinged fool he is.)


Troll on valiant warrior!

That doesn't change a bit....... You are still a traitor a Putin lover. Turkey should shoot down more Russian plane including murderer Putin.
Oh look. A soros puppet loser.

You are very wrong Dude. Trump is branded as putin puppet.
The traitors are the ones that foam over when things don't go their way and chant "dissent is patriotic" then criticize anyone that dares question our government officials.

So two questions remain:
What was the most damaging email revelations and what do you want to do about it?

I don't mind questioning or criticizing our government but listening and siding with foreign nationals that are hostile to my country is totally different story.
Evercurious was and is always been a patriotic Russian way before the primaries that is against all US interest.

Your question..... Update yourself.

Here it is folks, the entire body of evident this nitwit bases his proclamation of me as a traitor and Russia lover on - Putin's reaction on shooting down Russian plane by Turkey

Why? Because I think Turkey fucked up shooting down that Russian plane. (PS If you dig down far enough into that threat you can find dumb dumb here denying photographic proof like the unhinged fool he is.)


Troll on valiant warrior!

That doesn't change a bit....... You are still a traitor a Putin lover. Turkey should shoot down more Russian plane including murderer Putin.
Oh look. A soros puppet loser.

You are very wrong Dude. Trump is branded as putin puppet.

Ok, then lay out your plan of attack. What retaliation actions do you want Trump to take against Russia? The floor is yours. Go...
another Russia hacking thread?

what do you think Barron?


“We have to work something out.” That is what your messiah said.

WOW…pretty strong words.
I don't mind questioning or criticizing our government but listening and siding with foreign nationals that are hostile to my country is totally different story.
Evercurious was and is always been a patriotic Russian way before the primaries that is against all US interest.

Your question..... Update yourself.

Here it is folks, the entire body of evident this nitwit bases his proclamation of me as a traitor and Russia lover on - Putin's reaction on shooting down Russian plane by Turkey

Why? Because I think Turkey fucked up shooting down that Russian plane. (PS If you dig down far enough into that threat you can find dumb dumb here denying photographic proof like the unhinged fool he is.)


Troll on valiant warrior!

That doesn't change a bit....... You are still a traitor a Putin lover. Turkey should shoot down more Russian plane including murderer Putin.
Oh look. A soros puppet loser.

You are very wrong Dude. Trump is branded as putin puppet.

Ok, then lay out your plan of attack. What retaliation actions do you want Trump to take against Russia? The floor is yours. Go...

Look you dumb hypocrite..... Why are you not asking those questions to your liar buddies?

To answer your question. Russia is not and will never be a friend of my (not your) country. Stop being a puppet, support his country, tough against Russia and stop lying to Americans.
Here it is folks, the entire body of evident this nitwit bases his proclamation of me as a traitor and Russia lover on - Putin's reaction on shooting down Russian plane by Turkey

Why? Because I think Turkey fucked up shooting down that Russian plane. (PS If you dig down far enough into that threat you can find dumb dumb here denying photographic proof like the unhinged fool he is.)


Troll on valiant warrior!

That doesn't change a bit....... You are still a traitor a Putin lover. Turkey should shoot down more Russian plane including murderer Putin.
Oh look. A soros puppet loser.

You are very wrong Dude. Trump is branded as putin puppet.

Ok, then lay out your plan of attack. What retaliation actions do you want Trump to take against Russia? The floor is yours. Go...

Look you dumb hypocrite..... Why are you not asking those questions to your liar buddies?

To answer your question. Russia is not and will never be a friend of my (not your) country. Stop being a puppet, support his country, tough against Russia and stop lying to Americans.

Oh, so you got nothing of substance. That's what i thought. You're very dumb and hateful. Movin on...
What they /really/ think or the bullshit that the MSM /says/ they think?

I'm betting that the reality is they don't particularly give a shit, because they have their own countries politics to get in pissing matches over.
What they /really/ think or the bullshit that the MSM /says/ they think?

I'm betting that the reality is they don't particularly give a shit, because they have their own countries politics to get in pissing matches over.

You are very ignorant, stuck in alaska with very limited foreign affairs experience. They think people like you are stupid and dumb. Trump is an embarrassment. Since when and where you see a president bashing his own intelligence agencies?
Whole world knows what Putin shit represents.
Since when you see a leader kissing Putin ass. Only Iran, Syria and China................ Then Trump.

Bottom Line ......... ............... The world are terrified about Trump and how dumb are Americans like you.
Nice personal attack fruit loop.

That said, I don't trust the government, that doesn't make me "stupid" it makes me skeptical.

You have /repeatedly/ stated that you are not going to read more than 3 sentences. You have /repeatedly/ said that you aren't going to read the evidence that lays out /why/ I don't buy the Russian hacking connection. You have repeatedly accused me of being a traitor, even though all I have /ever/ argued for is what is right and just. Your opinions are worthless to me son, you're a war monger who apparently has a fetish with the cold war, and you have zero integrity.

You just don't get it. You are a random troll who's tirades I find amusing so I poke at you knowing you'll react. Carry on peon.

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