Serious Question: What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

No, you're not serious. You couldn't provide any specific retaliation measures you would like to see Trump impose on Russia. You only spewed condescending vague nonsense.

These people not only do not offer any specific measures, they cannot explain what they mean with "hacking the election".
What was "hacked"?
Was the computer system that counts the votes hacked?
Or did the hackers expose the lies of the dishonest MSM, and informed the American voters about the crimes and corruption of Killary?

Like i said, we know you hate Trump. That's a given. But you should still be able to answer the question. It's a simple fair question. Care to try again? Focus this time.

They hate the Russian people and their elected President Vladimir Putin, they instigate hate against Russia, and they want that Trump hates Russia, too.

They do not know how this hate propaganda will end, but they just want more hate, more hostility.

The question is why?
Cui Bono?
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Why would Trump do anything? He's probably thanking them for all the help. Probably gonna send Pootypoot a case of Trump wine and Trump steaks.

Yes we know, you hate Donald Trump. We get that. But what do you want him to do? Give some specifics. Try to focus.
I probably shouldn't have answered as I'm not a Trump hater. I'm not a Trump fan either. I don't expect him to do anything. I'm hoping that there will be tighter cyber and information security than we have seen over the past 20 years.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Why would Trump do anything? He's probably thanking them for all the help. Probably gonna send Pootypoot a case of Trump wine and Trump steaks.

Yes we know, you hate Donald Trump. We get that. But what do you want him to do? Give some specifics. Try to focus.
I probably shouldn't have answered as I'm not a Trump hater. I'm not a Trump fan either. I don't expect him to do anything. I'm hoping that there will be tighter cyber and information security than we have seen over the past 20 years.

It's not about what you expect. How do you want Trump to retaliate against Russia?
Russia should be punished that is seemingly without doubt...

Seemingly without doubt? How can something be "without doubt", if it is only "seemingly"?
That was an oxymoronic statement.

You cannot stampede American Normies into another big war with such statements any more.

Not to do that is to say to the world the USA is very weak and they will sell out there country to the enemy for power...

The USA has really become very weak, but this has nothing to do with sabre-rattling.

America cannot protect its own boarders from a Third World Invasion, American politicians are unable to protect the interests of the founding population of America, they are unable to protect their jobs and their neighbourhood.

Do you really believe that this real weakness of America can be compensated with some crazy wars on the other side of the globe that are not in the interests of American Normies?

It seems that you live in your ideological bubble and ignore the observable reality.

Where did I say war... No need for War....

The evidence is there.. The people who have been tasked to investigate did that, 17 intelligence agencies said the Russians interfered in the US Elections...
They presented that to the Senate and they agreed as well...

Increase the Sanctions... Isolate Russia and make a pariah in the international community... Stop buying there gas and oil as much as possible.
Start developing Geothermal power in Iceland, really start cutting there income... Cut there access to the financial markets let them print money and inflation runs wild... Let them feel the hurt...

And cut the lights out in Moscow for a week.
The evidence is there.. The people who have been tasked to investigate did that, 17 intelligence agencies said the Russians interfered in the US Elections...
They presented that to the Senate and they agreed as well...

Increase the Sanctions... Isolate Russia and make a pariah in the international community... Stop buying there gas and oil as much as possible.
Start developing Geothermal power in Iceland, really start cutting there income... Cut there access to the financial markets let them print money and inflation runs wild... Let them feel the hurt...
What's your source for that? The left is notorious for posturing so I'll wait.

No one can post more fake news than the Russians and their Reupblican allies.
LIBERALS ARE A FAR GREATER THREAT TO THE US THAN THE RUSSIANS. I put that in bold to try to make it through your filters.

Do the warmongers really hope that they and their family members will survive a nuclear war?
It is obvious that the old warmongers never sent their own children to wage unnecessary and crazy wars on the other side of the globe, others had to die for their warmongering.

But will this work in a nuclear war with Russia?
Russia should be punished that is seemingly without doubt...

Seemingly without doubt? How can something be "without doubt", if it is only "seemingly"?
That was an oxymoronic statement.

You cannot stampede American Normies into another big war with such statements any more.

Not to do that is to say to the world the USA is very weak and they will sell out there country to the enemy for power...

The USA has really become very weak, but this has nothing to do with sabre-rattling.

America cannot protect its own boarders from a Third World Invasion, American politicians are unable to protect the interests of the founding population of America, they are unable to protect their jobs and their neighbourhood.

Do you really believe that this real weakness of America can be compensated with some crazy wars on the other side of the globe that are not in the interests of American Normies?

It seems that you live in your ideological bubble and ignore the observable reality.

Where did I say war... No need for War....

The evidence is there.. The people who have been tasked to investigate did that, 17 intelligence agencies said the Russians interfered in the US Elections...
They presented that to the Senate and they agreed as well...

Increase the Sanctions... Isolate Russia and make a pariah in the international community... Stop buying there gas and oil as much as possible.
Start developing Geothermal power in Iceland, really start cutting there income... Cut there access to the financial markets let them print money and inflation runs wild... Let them feel the hurt...

And cut the lights out in Moscow for a week.

You so sure that's wise? You know, it can retaliate. And i'll tell ya, Russians are much heartier folks than average Americans are. They're used to dealing with hardships. Most Americans are fat, lazy, and spoiled rotten.

How long do you think average Americans could live without their Internet, Cell Phones, TV, Gas, and so on? Answer is, not for long son. The Russians can tough it out much longer than average Americans can. Bet on that.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Why would Trump do anything? He's probably thanking them for all the help. Probably gonna send Pootypoot a case of Trump wine and Trump steaks.

Yes we know, you hate Donald Trump. We get that. But what do you want him to do? Give some specifics. Try to focus.
I probably shouldn't have answered as I'm not a Trump hater. I'm not a Trump fan either. I don't expect him to do anything. I'm hoping that there will be tighter cyber and information security than we have seen over the past 20 years.

It's not about what you expect. How do you want Trump to retaliate against Russia?
President Obama has already responded by expelling diplomats. There is no need for Trump to do anything yet.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Why would Trump do anything? He's probably thanking them for all the help. Probably gonna send Pootypoot a case of Trump wine and Trump steaks.

Yes we know, you hate Donald Trump. We get that. But what do you want him to do? Give some specifics. Try to focus.
I probably shouldn't have answered as I'm not a Trump hater. I'm not a Trump fan either. I don't expect him to do anything. I'm hoping that there will be tighter cyber and information security than we have seen over the past 20 years.

It's not about what you expect. How do you want Trump to retaliate against Russia?
President Obama has already responded by expelling diplomats. There is no need for Trump to do anything yet.

Fair enough. Thanks.

Do we have to take these CT seriously?

Some politicians, who dared to disregard the demands/interests of Zionists, also died.

1. JFK
2. German politician Barschel
3. German politician Mölleman
4. Austrian politician Haider

Many people believe that Mossad was involved in these killings.
The survivors of USS-Liberty believe that Israel intentionally attacked and killed Americans, that the attack was not a mistake, but a planned "false flag operation". If there were no survivors, they would have blamed this attack on Arabs, and bombed Cairo into the stone age.
Many people believe that Israel was involved in the 911 attack, too.
Netanyaho even admitted, that 911 was good for Israel.

Regarding the Lavon Affair, Israel even acknowledged that this was a planned false flag attack, the agents were honoured by the Israeli president.

As we see, there are a lot of CT theories, but as long as there are no proves, you cannot say that Israel was behind the attacks.

The same is true with CT regarding Putin.

In the case of Lavon Affair, we can REALLY say that Israel tried to kill Americans and blame it on "them Muslims".

On March 30, 2005 Israel publicly honored the surviving spies, and President Moshe Katsav presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel.[3]
Lavon Affair - Wikipedia

Did anything change in the relations between the USA and Israel, after American government learned, that Israeli spies tried to kill Americans an blame this on Arabs, that Israel was many decades denying this, speak lying to Americans?

No, Israel is still the best friend of the USA!

So why is Russia an enemy of the USA?
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Questioning the statements of the intelligence division without substance? Are you shitting me? Look I guarantee you that Trumps people are better than me at this shit and I've destroyed the gov's first report:

Vlad the Merciful flushed Joke Obama down the toilett - Breaking down the PDF reports "evidence" - re Phishing
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 1)
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 2)

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Destroying the PDF report's "evidence" - re Malware
Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit. - Wikileaks has always claimed it was an insider, Crowdstrike connection, and further breaking down report's evidence
No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC - Explaining Guccifer 2.0 and APT28 & APT29 (labeled Fuzzy Bear and Cozy Bear by a private company, not our government, Crowdstrike connection part 2
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Wikileaks nailing Russia (and specifically Putin,) aka they are no friends
PROOF: FBI, DHS release joint report on Russia hacking - Related: Just how easy it is too get the malware proclaimed as Russia (malware claims to be Ukrainian - Guccifer 2.0 claims to be Ukrainian as well )
CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win - Related: explaining a bit on how hacking/coding/malware works, as well as trashing the proclaimed "keyboard" tracking the media is flapping about.

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Our reactions to other countries hacking us in the very recent past (aka 2015)

I'm not going to read all of that......... You are the equivalent female version of Dalesmith............. You've been a Putin lover before Trump enter the presidential race. So it's not a surprise that you are still a Putin lover like Trump.

Trump redefined the clear and real good example of a real PUPPET. The saddest part is WE (not you) as an American we'll also be considered as a Russian Puppet. I'm very sure you've love that.

In other words, you have no desire to find the truth, you'll let whomever feed it to you. That's your choice.

Personally I am not willing to do so and thus I will question it. No I'm not a Putin lover, I believe in /truth/ and I'm not hampered by partisan beliefs that "puppet" me to the right or the left.

Wrong! We want Trump to put the integrity of our nation before his ego. He seems to want to ignore the charges of hacking because he thinks such charges dilute his election. Well, such charges are more serious than the Trump ego.

Are we to be subject to what's better for Donald is better anyway? His tax returns would tell us of any foreign business dealings. Are Trump's businesses more important than the administration of our nation? Trump's conflict of interests will be an ongoing concern. Not because we hate Trump, but because the President cannot also serve as his own benefactor in business.

You Trump supporters have a serious blind spot, ethics wise. If you want to be taken seriously, take this President Elect seriously.

I actually understand the first part, I do want the integrity of our nation to come before partisan bullshit and flinging shit at a foreign nation without evidence isn't upholding the bastion of justice and fairness that this country should represent. It's bad enough that we were caught spying on our allies, now we're throwing stones at the most convenient target. Like I've said, I'd be all for bringing this before a judge - and he'd throw it out of the court room because it's so flimsy.

You don't think that other programmers, IT security folks, and hackers all over the world know that what we're throwing at Russia is bullshit? You don't think that's going to harm our reputation?

You're lecturing me about ethics while you support going full hog against a country based on opinions and assumptions? ~snort~

Talk about a load of shit... The Russians using illegal methods to give hurt the democrats and thus help the GOP....

Why did they do that?
Because GOP candidate will let them off war crimes...

Comrade, I suggest you go to Arlington Cemetery and have a good shit on their graves because at least that would be more honest... Those guys died for something you would just give away...
LOL You're out there buddy. The UN's the one's laying out war crimes bullshit, the US ceded that 'exclusive right' when the UN came into power.

I'm not giving away shit, that's you and your ilks bullshit projections. All I'm saying is that it is not acceptable to me for us to wrongfully accuse /any/ other nation of crimes we have no proof of them doing.

If that makes me a fucking traitor, then so be it. I am on the side of what is right, regardless of the shit hole of injustice you want to drag this country into.
... Russians interfered in the US Elections...

How exactly did they interfere?

Increase the Sanctions... Isolate Russia and make a pariah in the international community... Stop buying there gas and oil as much as possible.

How can American or European Normies profit from this insanity?
How can this be helpful to make America great again?

USA and Israel interfered in most elections in the world, and not with leaking emails, they organised putsches, instigated Orange Revolutions, a lot of money was pumped into Ukraine, the "protesters" got money for their activity.

Israeli citizens are directly interfering in American elections, Haim Saban treated Hillary as a puppet, he even told her how she has to behave:

Haim Saban (/sɑːˈbɑːn/; Hebrew: חיים סבן‎‎; born October 15, 1944) is an Egyptian-born Israeli-American media proprietor, investor, philanthropist, musician, record, film & television producer.[2] A businessman with interests in financial services, entertainment, and media, and an estimated net worth of $3 billion, he is ranked by Forbes as the 143rd richest person in America.[1]
Saban supported Hillary Clinton for President of the United States in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Between June 2015 and June 2016, he and his wife donated US$7 million to Priorities USA, a pro-Clinton Super PAC. Meanwhile, Saban has called Republican candidate Donald Trump "a danger to America".[35]
Haim Saban - Wikipedia

Dmocratic mega-donor Haim Saban has an open line to Hillary Clinton and he’s not afraid to use it.

“I told her: ‘don’t shout. Why are you shouting all the time? It’s drilling a hole in my head. You can say the same thing without shouting, let Trump, that conman, to shout. You don’t need to shout,’” Saban said in an interview with Israel’s Channel 10 TV. He said that he feels free to call the candidate up whenever he feels there is something he needs to tell her.
When Haim Saban Told Hillary Clinton To Stop Shouting

Ase we see, the interference of Israel in American elections is not a CT, it is REALITY!!!!

So what?
Will USA now stop sending American taxpayer's money to Israel?

Poor traitor...... ALL I mean ALL your post are nothing but pure bull Crap in support of your lover Putin. That is all your propaganda is all about.

As I told you before ....... I'm heavily involved with helping injured veterans and along that line I have the honor of knowing lots of active military personnel...........
These are the people that are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of this country. But you have this president elect supporting Russia. Can you imagine how devastating that is for them? Lots of them have friends and relatives that are deployed in Europe.
You will not believe what they are saying against Trump. Some of them even voted for this asshole.

You're off the deep end. Crossed the line into nothing more than a pathetic little troll. Now I will laugh at you as you rage about me being a Russian spy! MUHAHAHAHAHA

~rolls eyes~

That doesn't change a bit......... You are and always be a traitor and hostile to America. Move to Russia if you don't like it here. Traitor.
The traitors are the ones that foam over when things don't go their way and chant "dissent is patriotic" then criticize anyone that dares question our government officials.

So two questions remain:
What was the most damaging email revelations and what do you want to do about it?

I don't mind questioning or criticizing our government but listening and siding with foreign nationals that are hostile to my country is totally different story.
Evercurious was and is always been a patriotic Russian way before the primaries that is against all US interest.

Your question..... Update yourself.

Here it is folks, the entire body of evident this nitwit bases his proclamation of me as a traitor and Russia lover on - Putin's reaction on shooting down Russian plane by Turkey

Why? Because I think Turkey fucked up shooting down that Russian plane. (PS If you dig down far enough into that threat you can find dumb dumb here denying photographic proof like the unhinged fool he is.)


Troll on valiant warrior!

That doesn't change a bit....... You are still a traitor a Putin lover. Turkey should shoot down more Russian plane including murderer Putin.
Don't get the wrong idea about Assange, he's no friend to /any/ government or political party. At best he's an anarchist with a deep distrust of authority figures. He's a part-time ally at the moment because of his despise for the globalist agenda - which seeks to consolidate global power into a single entity, a true nightmare for any authority hating person. The only thing we can say about Assange for sure is that he's got insider connections, an agenda against everyone in power, and a determination to put the truth out there for the entire world to see. If he had [more] dirt on the RNC or I guarantee you he'd drop it and if he had [more] dirt on Russia he would as well. He's both the enemy and the ally rolled up in a transparent bundle of distrust and dislike of everyone; a hero and a threat.

I have a tremendous of respect for Mendax's work, he's the face of the hacktivist movement, the first major player in the war against deception of the people at large. I trust the information he puts out explicitly, but I'd never trust the man himself with a secret were I in some higher up position (be that a government operative or a business.) It's like inviting a lion over because you have a mouse infestation, it's only a matter of time before he turns on you...

That doesn't change anything you are still a Putin lover and a traitor.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
They don't know or care.

They are the stupid pawn puppets of the democrats whose entire post election strategy is to make Trump seem illegitimate.

Their goal for the next 4 years will be to get anything they can to impeach him.

When I say THEY, I mean the democrats and RINO establishment.

That is what they actually want.
You're off the deep end. Crossed the line into nothing more than a pathetic little troll. Now I will laugh at you as you rage about me being a Russian spy! MUHAHAHAHAHA

~rolls eyes~

That doesn't change a bit......... You are and always be a traitor and hostile to America. Move to Russia if you don't like it here. Traitor.
The traitors are the ones that foam over when things don't go their way and chant "dissent is patriotic" then criticize anyone that dares question our government officials.

So two questions remain:
What was the most damaging email revelations and what do you want to do about it?

I don't mind questioning or criticizing our government but listening and siding with foreign nationals that are hostile to my country is totally different story.
Evercurious was and is always been a patriotic Russian way before the primaries that is against all US interest.

Your question..... Update yourself.

Here it is folks, the entire body of evident this nitwit bases his proclamation of me as a traitor and Russia lover on - Putin's reaction on shooting down Russian plane by Turkey

Why? Because I think Turkey fucked up shooting down that Russian plane. (PS If you dig down far enough into that threat you can find dumb dumb here denying photographic proof like the unhinged fool he is.)


Troll on valiant warrior!

That doesn't change a bit....... You are still a traitor a Putin lover. Turkey should shoot down more Russian plane including murderer Putin.
Oh look. A soros puppet loser.
Has anybody suggested instead of dismissing the accusations against Russia that Trump at least issue warning that providing computer security password to foreign agents, knowingly or unknowingly, is grounds for immediate dismissal? It makes way more sense to me if the approach was calling out the foolishness of John Podesta rather than backing Russia over our own intelligence agencies.

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