Serious Question: What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

And on a side note, what the hell has happened to American Journalism? I mean seriously, no one in the MSM was aware of all the Democratic Party corruption? Really? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about it. It says everything about the current state of American Journalism. It would be completely fair to consider it 'Fake News' at this point.
Most on the right knew the Dems were a bunch of corrupt jackasses and had the media in their back pockets, for decades. Those on the left don't care as long as they gain power. Undecideds weren't engaged in politics anyway and likely voted for their pocketbooks. Hillary promising tax increases would had had a far bigger impact.
How about admitting he will be a president chosen by Putin? That would be a start.
And on a side note, what the hell has happened to American Journalism? I mean seriously, no one in the MSM was aware of all the Democratic Party corruption? Really? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about it. It says everything about the current state of American Journalism. It would be completely fair to consider it 'Fake News' at this point.

An Assange Lover!
Trump and you Chumps need to live in reality. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time. You've been drinking piss for so many years, the cool water of the Truth tastes like poison.

Trump's ego needs to admit he got a leg up from Russia. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

Trump needs to impose more sanctions on Russia for interfering in our electoral process. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.
It isn't absolutely essential that Trump's ego admit he got a leg up from Russia. That is the sticking point, and he can do everything else he needs to do without admitting that minor point. He can't change the ego stuff, but it can be worked around
Just as soon as you get every Democrat President still alive to admit they got a leg up from the media. After all, information influence is what we are talking about here.
And on a side note, what the hell has happened to American Journalism? I mean seriously, no one in the MSM was aware of all the Democratic Party corruption? Really? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about it. It says everything about the current state of American Journalism. It would be completely fair to consider it 'Fake News' at this point.

An Assange Lover!

I do respect him quite a bit. If MSM Journalists weren't so inept and corrupt, he wouldn't have to do what he's doing. I mean seriously, no one in the MSM knew about all the Democratic Party corruption? I just find that incredibly hard to believe. And as it turns out, many in the MSM were actually complicit in the corruption.

Without organizations like Wikileaks, we would never receive any truth and reality in regards to the power-elite. The MSM has been thoroughly hijacked by Government and large Corporations. It doesn't deal in truth. It only deals in propaganda manipulation at this point.
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And on a side note, what the hell has happened to American Journalism? I mean seriously, no one in the MSM was aware of all the Democratic Party corruption? Really? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about it. It says everything about the current state of American Journalism. It would be completely fair to consider it 'Fake News' at this point.

An Assange Lover!

I ♥ Julian :)
(I'm lost in the quotes) said:
Trump's response to all this has been embarrassing

Calling claims false without any substantiation, screaming ignore this....nothing to see here
Calling everyone else a liar

He is like a child getting news he does not like

Much like the OP is worded and the question it asks I separate the act of hacking from its objective. Hillary was clearly responsible for her own defeat, with Bill offering damaging action by the ill-fated Sky Harbor meeting with Loretta Lynch. Trump's reaction though fits in with one reason I voted for McMullin, in that I see Trump as being too thin-skinned for the job.
J ASSANGE has stated many times his hate for the USA in the past he has said negative things about Russia, but always that they are better than the USA. J Assange is an enemy of the USA . so he is my enemy.
And on a side note, what the hell has happened to American Journalism? I mean seriously, no one in the MSM was aware of all the Democratic Party corruption? Really? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about it. It says everything about the current state of American Journalism. It would be completely fair to consider it 'Fake News' at this point.

An Assange Lover!

I ♥ Julian :)

You'd probably let him rape yoi too...
Pence us a staunch conservative, but he is not a Putin loving psychopath....
At this point I would like to see Trump show some love for America. He has praised Putin and denigrated Obama, the US intelligence community et al...
Pence us a staunch conservative, but he is not a Putin loving psychopath....

I hope the GOP and the Dems get together to block giving Trump the Nuclear codes until he has undergone a thorough mental examination by two independent non partisan psychologists.
It takes two to declare someone insane! Trump's insanity really doesn't require a clinical assessment but let's be responsible patriots and make it official in order to prevent him toying around with nukes!
At this point I would like to see Trump show some love for America. He has praised Putin and denigrated Obama, the US intelligence community et al...
Pence us a staunch conservative, but he is not a Putin loving psychopath....

I hope the GOP and the Dems get together to block giving Trump the Nuclear codes until he has undergone a thorough mental examination by two independent non partisan psychologists.
It takes two to declare someone insane! Trump's insanity really doesn't require a clinical assessment but let's be responsible patriots and make it official in order to prevent him toying around with nukes!

We are a little late for a mental examination, but it should be obvious to everyone that he has some major mental issues. It is scary to think what he is capable of.
And on a side note, what the hell has happened to American Journalism? I mean seriously, no one in the MSM was aware of all the Democratic Party corruption? Really? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about it. It says everything about the current state of American Journalism. It would be completely fair to consider it 'Fake News' at this point.

An Assange Lover!

I ♥ Julian :)

You'd probably let him rape yoi too...
Listen to the liberal who claims to stand up for women.. This is the kind of fucked up mind think of a rapist.. If you show you care about something, you're asking to be raped.. You're one sick stump, Jimmyboy.. Get that ball cheez checked out.
Do you have to be a hater to reply? increase the number of tech smart persons working on hacking. the hacking of part of our electrical grid gives me the creeps.
At this point I would like to see Trump show some love for America. He has praised Putin and denigrated Obama, the US intelligence community et al...
Pence us a staunch conservative, but he is not a Putin loving psychopath....

I hope the GOP and the Dems get together to block giving Trump the Nuclear codes until he has undergone a thorough mental examination by two independent non partisan psychologists.
It takes two to declare someone insane! Trump's insanity really doesn't require a clinical assessment but let's be responsible patriots and make it official in order to prevent him toying around with nukes!

We are a little late for a mental examination, but it should be obvious to everyone that he has some major mental issues. It is scary to think what he is capable of.
No,it is not too late. Obama is still the president and he can ORDER Trump to undergo a mental evaluation if he thinks his mental state is a threat to National Security.
Poor traitor...... ALL I mean ALL your post are nothing but pure bull Crap in support of your lover Putin. That is all your propaganda is all about.

As I told you before ....... I'm heavily involved with helping injured veterans and along that line I have the honor of knowing lots of active military personnel...........
These are the people that are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of this country. But you have this president elect supporting Russia. Can you imagine how devastating that is for them? Lots of them have friends and relatives that are deployed in Europe.
You will not believe what they are saying against Trump. Some of them even voted for this asshole.

You're off the deep end. Crossed the line into nothing more than a pathetic little troll. Now I will laugh at you as you rage about me being a Russian spy! MUHAHAHAHAHA

~rolls eyes~

That doesn't change a bit......... You are and always be a traitor and hostile to America. Move to Russia if you don't like it here. Traitor.
The traitors are the ones that foam over when things don't go their way and chant "dissent is patriotic" then criticize anyone that dares question our government officials.

So two questions remain:
What was the most damaging email revelations and what do you want to do about it?

I don't mind questioning or criticizing our government but listening and siding with foreign nationals that are hostile to my country is totally different story.
Evercurious was and is always been a patriotic Russian way before the primaries that is against all US interest.

Your question..... Update yourself.
Your problem is if people don't goose step to the leftist drumbeat you believe they have sided with the enemy.

LIBERALS ARE A FAR GREATER THREAT TO THE US THAN THE RUSSIANS. I put that in bold to try to make it through your filters.

You are a big Bullshit. Traitors are a threat to this country.

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