Serious Question: What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

Hillary influenced the Russians to turn a blind eye for her URANIUM DEAL... Where's the liberal outrage????? Hillary made MILLIONS off of arming our enemy....
You don't know jack and you've admitted you have no desire to "read" anything. it's much easier to just call me a traitor. Kiss my lilly white Alaskan ass you hack.

Poor traitor...... ALL I mean ALL your post are nothing but pure bull Crap in support of your lover Putin. That is all your propaganda is all about.

As I told you before ....... I'm heavily involved with helping injured veterans and along that line I have the honor of knowing lots of active military personnel...........
These are the people that are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of this country. But you have this president elect supporting Russia. Can you imagine how devastating that is for them? Lots of them have friends and relatives that are deployed in Europe.
You will not believe what they are saying against Trump. Some of them even voted for this asshole.

You're off the deep end. Crossed the line into nothing more than a pathetic little troll. Now I will laugh at you as you rage about me being a Russian spy! MUHAHAHAHAHA

~rolls eyes~

That doesn't change a bit......... You are and always be a traitor and hostile to America. Move to Russia if you don't like it here. Traitor.
The traitors are the ones that foam over when things don't go their way and chant "dissent is patriotic" then criticize anyone that dares question our government officials.

So two questions remain:
What was the most damaging email revelations and what do you want to do about it?

I don't mind questioning or criticizing our government but listening and siding with foreign nationals that are hostile to my country is totally different story.
Evercurious was and is always been a patriotic Russian way before the primaries that is against all US interest.

Your question..... Update yourself.
Your problem is if people don't goose step to the leftist drumbeat you believe they have sided with the enemy.

LIBERALS ARE A FAR GREATER THREAT TO THE US THAN THE RUSSIANS. I put that in bold to try to make it through your filters.
The Wiki emails and leaked tapes this week show Hillary and Obama creating ISIS and then turning a blind eye, KNOWINGLY, WILLINGLY and here sit the LYING THUGZ on the left trying to deflect the Wiki emails with their SNAKE OIL sale.. FUCK you bozos.. wont work.
He should acknowledge it and let Putin know it isn't OK. That is the very least Trump could do. He could also apologize to our men and women serving in intelligence agencies for doubting them.
lmfao GFY idiot.. The Donald doesn't have to apologize for SHIT, you sniveling snowflake..

But you liberal morons need to apologize to ISRAEL for your messiah interfering in their elections..
Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And for BREXIT, threatening the British people:

UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It
by Josh Feldman | 2:44 pm, June 24th, 2016
UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It

Excuse me, I thought this thread was about Trump. I think you conservatives secretly have a crush on Obama because you bring him up any chance you get.

Deflection is a conservatives greatest tool.
Poor Snowflake... I know it's difficult for you dumbazzes on the left to discern more than one thing at a time, but do try dummy..

Now answer the question.. WHERE IS YOUR OUTRAGE OVER OBOLA INFLUENCING ISRAEL ELECTIONS and BREAKING the law using taxpayer money to do it? Speak up STOOPID

It is wrong for Obama to do it as well. No one should be trying to influence a country's election. But Obama isn't a dictator that has been ruling America for years and years with no end to his rule in sight. Putin influencing our elections is extremely bad because the guy is ruthless. He oppresses minority groups in his country and jails or silence his opponents.

LOL Link the proof.. we'll wait

The Putin Critics Who Have Been Assassinated

Is Putin poisoning his opponents? -

New Normal in Russia: Putin Critics Punished with Harsh Prison Terms -
lmfao GFY idiot.. The Donald doesn't have to apologize for SHIT, you sniveling snowflake..

But you liberal morons need to apologize to ISRAEL for your messiah interfering in their elections..
Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And for BREXIT, threatening the British people:

UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It
by Josh Feldman | 2:44 pm, June 24th, 2016
UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It

Excuse me, I thought this thread was about Trump. I think you conservatives secretly have a crush on Obama because you bring him up any chance you get.

Deflection is a conservatives greatest tool.
Poor Snowflake... I know it's difficult for you dumbazzes on the left to discern more than one thing at a time, but do try dummy..

Now answer the question.. WHERE IS YOUR OUTRAGE OVER OBOLA INFLUENCING ISRAEL ELECTIONS and BREAKING the law using taxpayer money to do it? Speak up STOOPID

It is wrong for Obama to do it as well. No one should be trying to influence a country's election. But Obama isn't a dictator that has been ruling America for years and years with no end to his rule in sight. Putin influencing our elections is extremely bad because the guy is ruthless. He oppresses minority groups in his country and jails or silence his opponents.

LOL Link the proof.. we'll wait

The Putin Critics Who Have Been Assassinated

Is Putin poisoning his opponents? -

New Normal in Russia: Putin Critics Punished with Harsh Prison Terms -

I said PROOF you lying twit.. That's fucking opinion pieces.. BUT WE DO HAVE SOLID PROOF that your messiah influenced the Israeli election, that Hillary influenced her primary with the Bern....
He should acknowledge it and let Putin know it isn't OK. That is the very least Trump could do. He could also apologize to our men and women serving in intelligence agencies for doubting them.
lmfao GFY idiot.. The Donald doesn't have to apologize for SHIT, you sniveling snowflake..

But you liberal morons need to apologize to ISRAEL for your messiah interfering in their elections..
Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And for BREXIT, threatening the British people:

UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It
by Josh Feldman | 2:44 pm, June 24th, 2016
UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It

Excuse me, I thought this thread was about Trump. I think you conservatives secretly have a crush on Obama because you bring him up any chance you get.

Deflection is a conservatives greatest tool.
Like blaming election results on who you think may have revealed your party's corruption?

My party? Sorry I'm a not a democrat. A progressive yes but not a democrat. This goes beyond the DNC. We cannot have Putin trying to influence our elections. Putin is a dictator who isn't too keen on things like human rights.

This is also gives Putin the idea that he can control us. Do you want to be Russia's bitch? Because I rather not.
Well, you clearly preferred Hillary so I'm not buying the high horse routine.

Which email revelation was the most damaging for you? Part of the email revelations were about how the msm conspired dishonestly with Democrats. So you expect them to investigate the Dems?

I'm still waiting for your evidence against Putin though. It's a very serious charge and we should have more than flimsy conclusions.

I preferred Hilary because she wasn't an orange manchild. I was hoping that Bernie would be our incoming president but he got burned by the DNC.
Excuse me, I thought this thread was about Trump. I think you conservatives secretly have a crush on Obama because you bring him up any chance you get.

Deflection is a conservatives greatest tool.
Poor Snowflake... I know it's difficult for you dumbazzes on the left to discern more than one thing at a time, but do try dummy..

Now answer the question.. WHERE IS YOUR OUTRAGE OVER OBOLA INFLUENCING ISRAEL ELECTIONS and BREAKING the law using taxpayer money to do it? Speak up STOOPID

It is wrong for Obama to do it as well. No one should be trying to influence a country's election. But Obama isn't a dictator that has been ruling America for years and years with no end to his rule in sight. Putin influencing our elections is extremely bad because the guy is ruthless. He oppresses minority groups in his country and jails or silence his opponents.

LOL Link the proof.. we'll wait

The Putin Critics Who Have Been Assassinated

Is Putin poisoning his opponents? -

New Normal in Russia: Putin Critics Punished with Harsh Prison Terms -

I said PROOF you lying twit.. That's fucking opinion pieces.. BUT WE DO HAVE SOLID PROOF that your messiah influenced the Israeli election, that Hillary influenced her primary with the Bern....

You didn't even read any of them. Read the first one. It has a long list of his opponents who were killed.
Poor Snowflake... I know it's difficult for you dumbazzes on the left to discern more than one thing at a time, but do try dummy..

Now answer the question.. WHERE IS YOUR OUTRAGE OVER OBOLA INFLUENCING ISRAEL ELECTIONS and BREAKING the law using taxpayer money to do it? Speak up STOOPID

It is wrong for Obama to do it as well. No one should be trying to influence a country's election. But Obama isn't a dictator that has been ruling America for years and years with no end to his rule in sight. Putin influencing our elections is extremely bad because the guy is ruthless. He oppresses minority groups in his country and jails or silence his opponents.

LOL Link the proof.. we'll wait

The Putin Critics Who Have Been Assassinated

Is Putin poisoning his opponents? -

New Normal in Russia: Putin Critics Punished with Harsh Prison Terms -

I said PROOF you lying twit.. That's fucking opinion pieces.. BUT WE DO HAVE SOLID PROOF that your messiah influenced the Israeli election, that Hillary influenced her primary with the Bern....

You didn't even read any of them. Read the first one. It has a long list of his opponents who were killed.
I SAID SHOW ME THE FUCKING PROOF PUTIN INFLUENCED THE US ELECTION.. Learn to speak english.. ::throws a See-N-say at her::
It is wrong for Obama to do it as well. No one should be trying to influence a country's election. But Obama isn't a dictator that has been ruling America for years and years with no end to his rule in sight. Putin influencing our elections is extremely bad because the guy is ruthless. He oppresses minority groups in his country and jails or silence his opponents.

LOL Link the proof.. we'll wait

The Putin Critics Who Have Been Assassinated

Is Putin poisoning his opponents? -

New Normal in Russia: Putin Critics Punished with Harsh Prison Terms -

I said PROOF you lying twit.. That's fucking opinion pieces.. BUT WE DO HAVE SOLID PROOF that your messiah influenced the Israeli election, that Hillary influenced her primary with the Bern....

You didn't even read any of them. Read the first one. It has a long list of his opponents who were killed.
I SAID SHOW ME THE FUCKING PROOF PUTIN INFLUENCED THE US ELECTION.. Learn to speak english.. ::throws a See-N-say at her::

Well how much more evidence do you want? You think all these opponents winded up dead is a coincidence?

I said PROOF you lying twit.. That's fucking opinion pieces.. BUT WE DO HAVE SOLID PROOF that your messiah influenced the Israeli election, that Hillary influenced her primary with the Bern....

You didn't even read any of them. Read the first one. It has a long list of his opponents who were killed.
I SAID SHOW ME THE FUCKING PROOF PUTIN INFLUENCED THE US ELECTION.. Learn to speak english.. ::throws a See-N-say at her::

Well how much more evidence do you want? You think all these opponents winded up dead is a coincidence?
You're the perfect POSTERCHILD for the left.. Straight up stupid.. Get lost you damn idiot.. NO EVIDENCE OF INFLUENCING THE US ELECTION by any of you fleashitz
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

He should acknowledge it and let Putin know it isn't OK. That is the very least Trump could do. He could also apologize to our men and women serving in intelligence agencies for doubting them.

He's the President. He's well-within his rights to question Intel. So no apology is necessary. And telling Putin hacking is 'wrong,' really would be pretty pathetic and hypocritical. The US is currently hacking foreign nations all over the world. So what specific actions would you like to see Trump take against Russia?
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

He should acknowledge it and let Putin know it isn't OK. That is the very least Trump could do. He could also apologize to our men and women serving in intelligence agencies for doubting them.
lmfao GFY idiot.. The Donald doesn't have to apologize for SHIT, you sniveling snowflake..

But you liberal morons need to apologize to ISRAEL for your messiah interfering in their elections..
Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And for BREXIT, threatening the British people:

UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It
by Josh Feldman | 2:44 pm, June 24th, 2016
UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It

Interfering in foreign Elections is perfectly fine when a Democrat does it. That's the warped mentality you're dealing with. Personally, i feel Wikileaks' effort in exposing awful Democratic Party corruption, is heroic. If it did sway the Election, so be it. It should have.

Wikileaks merely put the truth out there for people to contemplate. And it's not Donald Trump's fault the Democratic Party is so corrupt. That's on Democrats themselves.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

He should acknowledge it and let Putin know it isn't OK. That is the very least Trump could do. He could also apologize to our men and women serving in intelligence agencies for doubting them.
lmfao GFY idiot.. The Donald doesn't have to apologize for SHIT, you sniveling snowflake..

But you liberal morons need to apologize to ISRAEL for your messiah interfering in their elections..
Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And for BREXIT, threatening the British people:

UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It
by Josh Feldman | 2:44 pm, June 24th, 2016
UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It

Interfering in foreign Elections is perfectly fine when a Democrat does it. That's the warped mentality you're dealing with. Personally, i feel Wikileaks' effort in exposing awful Democratic Party corruption, is heroic. If it did sway the Election, so be it. It should have. It merely put the truth out there for people to contemplate. And it's not Donald Trump's fault the Democratic Party is so corrupt. That's on Democrats themselves.

Wiki is the true face of a real Media who are there to keep the government/powerful in check.. which is why they are afforded extra Constitutional protections. The Founders would be mortified to see today's Propaganda Arm of the US Government, aka the US media.

lmfao GFY idiot.. The Donald doesn't have to apologize for SHIT, you sniveling snowflake..

But you liberal morons need to apologize to ISRAEL for your messiah interfering in their elections..
Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And for BREXIT, threatening the British people:

UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It
by Josh Feldman | 2:44 pm, June 24th, 2016
UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It

Excuse me, I thought this thread was about Trump. I think you conservatives secretly have a crush on Obama because you bring him up any chance you get.

Deflection is a conservatives greatest tool.
Like blaming election results on who you think may have revealed your party's corruption?

My party? Sorry I'm a not a democrat. A progressive yes but not a democrat. This goes beyond the DNC. We cannot have Putin trying to influence our elections. Putin is a dictator who isn't too keen on things like human rights.

This is also gives Putin the idea that he can control us. Do you want to be Russia's bitch? Because I rather not.
Well, you clearly preferred Hillary so I'm not buying the high horse routine.

Which email revelation was the most damaging for you? Part of the email revelations were about how the msm conspired dishonestly with Democrats. So you expect them to investigate the Dems?

I'm still waiting for your evidence against Putin though. It's a very serious charge and we should have more than flimsy conclusions.

I preferred Hilary because she wasn't an orange manchild. I was hoping that Bernie would be our incoming president but he got burned by the DNC.
And the leaked emails proved Bernie was set up to make Hillary look good. But Trump was the best choice getting rid of the policies in place by the chocolate Jesus.

I said PROOF you lying twit.. That's fucking opinion pieces.. BUT WE DO HAVE SOLID PROOF that your messiah influenced the Israeli election, that Hillary influenced her primary with the Bern....

You didn't even read any of them. Read the first one. It has a long list of his opponents who were killed.
I SAID SHOW ME THE FUCKING PROOF PUTIN INFLUENCED THE US ELECTION.. Learn to speak english.. ::throws a See-N-say at her::

Well how much more evidence do you want? You think all these opponents winded up dead is a coincidence?
That's nothing compared to the pile of bodies that crossed the Clintons.
Set policy to be enforced immediately against Russia with warning to China, North Korea, Israel and all others to expect similar penalties for government sponsored hacking of American entities.
Set policy to be enforced immediately against Russia with warning to China, North Korea, Israel and all others to expect similar penalties for government sponsored hacking of American entities.

Link the proof first.. We'll wait. Let's see the solid proof Putin influenced the US election..
I have proof Barry influenced 3 different elections.. What punishment do you suggest for the Amazing Knee Gro?
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

He should acknowledge it and let Putin know it isn't OK. That is the very least Trump could do. He could also apologize to our men and women serving in intelligence agencies for doubting them.
lmfao GFY idiot.. The Donald doesn't have to apologize for SHIT, you sniveling snowflake..

But you liberal morons need to apologize to ISRAEL for your messiah interfering in their elections..
Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And for BREXIT, threatening the British people:

UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It
by Josh Feldman | 2:44 pm, June 24th, 2016
UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It

Interfering in foreign Elections is perfectly fine when a Democrat does it. That's the warped mentality you're dealing with. Personally, i feel Wikileaks' effort in exposing awful Democratic Party corruption, is heroic. If it did sway the Election, so be it. It should have. It merely put the truth out there for people to contemplate. And it's not Donald Trump's fault the Democratic Party is so corrupt. That's on Democrats themselves.

Wiki is the true face of a real Media who are there to keep the government/powerful in check.. which is why they are afforded extra Constitutional protections. The Founders would be mortified to see today's Propaganda Arm of the US Government, aka the US media.


Organizations like Wikileaks are our only hope for receiving any truth about the corrupt power-elites. The MSM is completely owned and controlled by Government and large Corporations. It doesn't deal in truth. It deals only in propaganda manipulation.

There is no independent credible Journalism anymore. That died a long time ago. Without brave souls like those at Wikileaks, we wouldn't receive an ounce of truth and reality. The Media has been so thoroughly hijacked. No one should rely on it for truth. So i agree, GOD BLESS WIKILEAKS.
Set policy to be enforced immediately against Russia with warning to China, North Korea, Israel and all others to expect similar penalties for government sponsored hacking of American entities.

Link the proof first.. We'll wait. Let's see the solid proof Putin influenced the US election..
I have proof Barry influenced 3 different elections.. What punishment do you suggest for the Amazing Knee Gro?

Do your own damn homework. You folks are worse than the OJ jury.

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