Serious Thread Topic: Can Terrorism Really Be Stopped?

And the left cheers because Trump's travel ban has been thwarted again! My gawd!
The travel ban is not going to make you safer.

The ban is just temporary until better vetting methods are implimented.
He's already had more than the time allotted in the ban. I'm not hearing any improved methods. Why not? This wasn't done to improve vetting. It was a pacifier to make people feel safer. We won't be.

Yet if does "nothing" he'll get tarred and feathered for that.

Well, when you make ridiculous campaign promises such as being so strong “nobody will mess with us”, you deserve to be ridiculed when you shockingly are unable to stop it.

Candy are you an Israeli spy?
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.

Answer: yes.

Does Western Civilization have the courage to do what needs to be done? No

We haven't the Political Will, or the will of the people to fight as needed since WWII
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.

My advice to liberal's. Stop worrying about hurting someones feelings...when they are trying to kill you.

No liberal is worried about hurting terrorists feelings. Your right wing talking point is retarded (as usual.)
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.


Not a lot of time for a detailed response right now but I think the following; forget about stopping it totally. Be it Radical Islam or Radical Christianity…there will be people who hate.
The day that baker refused to bake that wedding cake will live in infamy.

You keep saying this same stupid thing in one thread after another.

The cause of most of this has already been stated earlier. Young men with no jobs and no hope. Nothing to live for. Whether it is in the Middle East or the inner city, or the suburbs and the heartland now with meth addiction or opiates, young males that are hopeless are the cause of almost all the ills in all societies around the world. That we sell billions in arms to arab governments that take 95% of the profits of the oil in their countries while their populations live in poverty only provides the most fertile ground for recruiters to violence. Add in ignorance and religious fanaticism and you have a cauldron of boiling misery that is gigantic and looking to feel powerful. Witness Isis, who's members hold the power of life and death in their hands and can rape any woman or girl they see. The two ultimate powers that a young male can wield.

Go back to the line in A Christmas Carol.

From the Ghost of Christmas Present as two hideous children hide under his robe:
“They are Man's and they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance and this girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.

A civilization lasts only until enough people in that society see that there is no hope for anyone other than a wealthy controlling few, then the civil society loses it's meaning as do the laws and the rule of the jungle is reinstated. And in the jungle it is angry young males in groups that control the countryside. Ignore the disenfranchised and someone else will not. They will recruit them with promises of power and dignity against the 'oppressors'. Forget the names of religions, countries, and sects. This is how humans everywhere through time behave.

Now THAT was well said. Amen.
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.


Not a lot of time for a detailed response right now but I think the following; forget about stopping it totally. Be it Radical Islam or Radical Christianity…there will be people who hate.
The day that baker refused to bake that wedding cake will live in infamy.

You keep saying this same stupid thing in one thread after another.

We must be reminded of the brutal Christian terrorists among us!
Lots of posts here, not sure someone else said this, but we kinda sorta stirred up this hornet nest by interfering in the middle east in the first place going back over fifty years ago. Now we have president Trump over there doing arms deals with the saudis. Trying to turn one group of muslims against the other. Ron Paul years ago blamed a lot of our problems with them on our being in the middle east in the first place. George Washington said, "trade with everyone, but stay out of the internal affairs of other countries" or words to that effect.
And the left cheers because Trump's travel ban has been thwarted again! My gawd!
The travel ban is not going to make you safer.

Travel ban from Libya and better background vetting in the long term WOULD have identified problems with the suicide bomber in Manchester. Clearly a day after, his Dad in Libya helped his radicalization and is now in custody by the Libyan. Most likely at the time this dirtbag entered the UK --- there was no serious way to VALIDATE his background and citizen records from Libya. THAT's the point. The "ban" is a temporary measure to figure out how to vet these folks.

MOST of whom don't want to be British or American or French -- they just want to stay alive or in the very rare cases like this one -- take advantage of chaos and wreek havoc and death....
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.

My advice to liberal's. Stop worrying about hurting someones feelings...when they are trying to kill you.

No liberal is worried about hurting terrorists feelings. Your right wing talking point is retarded (as usual.)

Bush92 has conveniently forgotten that President Obama killed more terrorists than any one on the planet.

Including bin Laden.

And their cash stores.

And their gasoline.

While Bush92 's hero Pooting was bombing fruit stands and killing children.
The cause of most of this has already been stated earlier. Young men with no jobs and no hope. Nothing to live for. Whether it is in the Middle East or the inner city, or the suburbs and the heartland now with meth addiction or opiates, young males that are hopeless are the cause of almost all the ills in all societies around the world. That we sell billions in arms to arab governments that take 95% of the profits of the oil in their countries while their populations live in poverty only provides the most fertile ground for recruiters to violence. Add in ignorance and religious fanaticism and you have a cauldron of boiling misery that is gigantic and looking to feel powerful. Witness Isis, who's members hold the power of life and death in their hands and can rape any woman or girl they see. The two ultimate powers that a young male can wield.

Go back to the line in A Christmas Carol.

From the Ghost of Christmas Present as two hideous children hide under his robe:
“They are Man's and they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance and this girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.

A civilization lasts only until enough people in that society see that there is no hope for anyone other than a wealthy controlling few, then the civil society loses it's meaning as do the laws and the rule of the jungle is reinstated. And in the jungle it is angry young males in groups that control the countryside. Ignore the disenfranchised and someone else will not. They will recruit them with promises of power and dignity against the 'oppressors'. Forget the names of religions, countries, and sects. This is how humans everywhere through time behave.

Now THAT was well said. Amen.
Well stated bullshit. I do a lot of charity work in the poorest third world nations. Call me when terrorists stop having links to only the Middle East. Poverty has nothing to do with terrorism. Just more Marxist bullshit thinking.
My advise to conservatives. Stop worrying when terrorists kill liberals! It's natural selection at work.
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.

Answer: yes.

Does Western Civilization have the courage to do what needs to be done? No

We haven't the Political Will, or the will of the people to fight as needed since WWII
Millennials are truly snowflakes more concerned about the party Friday than the world around them.
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.

My advice to liberal's. Stop worrying about hurting someones feelings...when they are trying to kill you.

No liberal is worried about hurting terrorists feelings. Your right wing talking point is retarded (as usual.)

Bush92 has conveniently forgotten that President Obama killed more terrorists than any one on the planet.

Including bin Laden.

And their cash stores.

And their gasoline.

While Bush92 's hero Pooting was bombing fruit stands and killing children.
More lies. Yes terrorists can be gotten rid of. Just kill them all along with liberals.
The cause of most of this has already been stated earlier. Young men with no jobs and no hope. Nothing to live for. Whether it is in the Middle East or the inner city, or the suburbs and the heartland now with meth addiction or opiates, young males that are hopeless are the cause of almost all the ills in all societies around the world. That we sell billions in arms to arab governments that take 95% of the profits of the oil in their countries while their populations live in poverty only provides the most fertile ground for recruiters to violence. Add in ignorance and religious fanaticism and you have a cauldron of boiling misery that is gigantic and looking to feel powerful. Witness Isis, who's members hold the power of life and death in their hands and can rape any woman or girl they see. The two ultimate powers that a young male can wield.

Go back to the line in A Christmas Carol.

From the Ghost of Christmas Present as two hideous children hide under his robe:
“They are Man's and they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance and this girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.

A civilization lasts only until enough people in that society see that there is no hope for anyone other than a wealthy controlling few, then the civil society loses it's meaning as do the laws and the rule of the jungle is reinstated. And in the jungle it is angry young males in groups that control the countryside. Ignore the disenfranchised and someone else will not. They will recruit them with promises of power and dignity against the 'oppressors'. Forget the names of religions, countries, and sects. This is how humans everywhere through time behave.

Excellent post and very true.

This is, btw, the same thing that has caused Somali piracy, drug addiction, and lot of other things.

And yet, here we are, doing the same thing all over again -- taking from the poor and working class and giving to the rich.

And again, we're be surprised that it doesn't work this tine either.
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.


Not a lot of time for a detailed response right now but I think the following; forget about stopping it totally. Be it Radical Islam or Radical Christianity…there will be people who hate.
The day that baker refused to bake that wedding cake will live in infamy.

You keep saying this same stupid thing in one thread after another.

To give you more lie fodder.
The travel ban is not going to make you safer.

I am amazed that you would say that. Obviously there's no way to guarantee anyone's safety these days, but you can cut down on the odds by reducing the number of possible terrorists and their supporters by not letting them in the country int he first place. And you do that by better and more thorough vetting. Whichis what Trump's travel ban is all about.
Then ban visitors on a permanent basis from the countries where the terrorists are coming from--Pakistan, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. This was a poorly thought out ban for optic purposes only.

I was under the impression that Trump's ban was applied to countries where their vetting process was deemed by the Obama Administration to be unacceptable. Which gives Trump the basis for temporarily denying entry until proper vetting is done on our side or better vetting is done on the other side. We can't know everything about everybody from anywhere and everywhere, right? So, we are forced to rely on foreign countries to provide us with valid information. Is it perfect? Of course not, no matter what you do the bad guys are going to get in but at least you can try to stop the flow of people from ME countries where we can't even trust their vetting procedures. And that ain't optics IMHO, it's about the best we can do under our constitution.

And BTW, can you imagine the hue and cry from the liberal left if Trump permanently banned everybody from your listed countries?
In order to make us "safer," in Trump's way of thinking, it would have to be a permanent ban. How is 90 or 120 days going to help? Since it's been more than that now and he hasn't asked for a report on "extreme vetting solutions," I'm believing he isn't serious about that either. I know what the admin said about the countries they chose. It sounds sensible on the outside, but the fact is that the work arounds we do to vet people from those countries (some of the countries where the civilian population is living through the worst hell, btw) seems to be working since they aren't coming here and attacking. Seems to be second generation Americans who got "turned." Maybe Dad was a radical, maybe the kid wasn't feeling part of American society. Maybe he was just an a-hole and it wouldn't make any difference. But the ban as written, even 2.0, isn't going to work. If it makes Americans feel better, I guess it will serve its purpose. But I do not agree with it and Trump's real reason for it--theater--is clear to me.

You call it theater, I call it the best he can do under the Constitution. Look at what's going on, liberal judges are blocking even a temporary ban from muslim countries based on perceived vetting inadequacies. How could he ever get a permanent ban passed the courts? Look - if his ban was in effect at least SOME young muslim males from the ME would be denied entry for a little while while we try to upgrade our vetting of them. I don't have a problem with that and I do think it's an attempt to make us safer.

But I'll also say this; if there is a terrorist attack in this country by somebody from one of those countries who we might have detained or denied entry but didn't because some liberal activist judge thinks he knows more about national security than the POTUS, who's going to look like shit then?
So what would you call the OKC attack if it wasn’t terrorism?

An anomaly that happened over 2 decades ago, not an example that home grown terrorists are just as bad as the Jihadists we are dealing with now

It's a running joke that when we are trying to discuss radical Islamic Jihadists, some fool liberal is gonna chime in with "but, but OKC..."

I'm being honest & not trying to be mean, but it really has turned into a bad joke

If you want to be part of the solution, harping on isolated incidents to draw moral equivalency isn't helping
Couple of right wing pillow biters advocating killing liberals. Typical conservatard drooling, way to shit up the thread assholes. I guess it was just a matter of time.

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