Seriously.....Can Anybody Really Imagine Donald Trump As President?

sure I can.

He's knows how to do biz so he knows how to be a pro. I'm sure he acts very differently when working.

considering the option is nothing more than a puppet

"When he's working". Could you tell me by what standard he's NOT "working" now? If convincing people to allow him to be their President is not part of the job, what the hell is it?! That's like saying, "Oh, it's okay that I went to my job interview dressed in a clown outfit and making balloon animals, because I'll act very differently and much more professionally after you hire me." Would anyone be surprised by the idea that that employer would never give you a chance to prove your claim?
he's a successful biz man, when he's doing biz I'm sure he doesn't act like he does to garner votes.

I actually don't care, neither douche running is going to fix anything

You're "sure"? WHY are you sure? Because you simply assume that he MUST be doing things the way you think he ought to, when no one's looking?

Given his business history, my bet is that that isn't his "public persona"; that's his actual personality, all day every day.

No one would work or invest in someone like that.

Sure they would, at least initially, if they thought competent hirelings were going to do the actual work, and if they thought slapping Trump's "brand" on things would add value.

Are you really saying that only brilliant, competent people get risks taken on them in this country? Did you miss the many, MANY CEOs who drive their companies into the ground, or even end up being charged with crimes? Or the countless politicians who get elected while not knowing their asses from their elbows?

Why do I get the feeling that you haven't really investigated or thought about Trump's history at all, and just assumed that because he tells you how rich he is, that must automatically translate into him being brilliant, and therefore completely different in private than he presents himself in public? Do you really think there aren't people in this country with a lot of money without the common sense to navigate their way out of a wet paper bag?
coe's aren't owners, so your comparison is a failure.

Trump has been at it for decades, so we are decades passed the 'initial' stage.
No, I can't imagine it - but other do...

Seriously....this is legitimate thread.

The man won the nomination.

Pretty handily.

And some idiot asks this question.
"Seriously.....Can Anybody Really Imagine Donald Trump As President?"


Absolutely NOT.

The former Republican party now known as the TRUMP party, nominated a man with no respect, no honor, no dignity, and no loyalty that he has shown to anyone other than himself. This party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan.

A candidate that is the most unfit, incompetent, unqualified person to ever run for Commander & Chief. He alone is the greatest threat to the safety & National Security of this Nation. Trump has been endorsed by Russia, then he gets on National Television and encourages them to do a Cyber attack on the United States. That is collusion with a foreign country to obtain secrets, which is also known as High Treason in this country.

Leon Panetta--former CIA chief, and Secretary of Defense says it all.

Doug Elmets, close friend of Ronald Reagan and former staffer speaks to Republicans.

I have been a life long Republican, I have changed my party status to Independent. The Republican party no longer represents me. I will be casting a vote for Hillary Clinton. This year I am voting country over spoon fed partisan politics.
I saw a few interesting things recently....
Some are suggesting that Ivanka should be the VP
Trump has said if he wins he might step down....

So we will have the first Women President and it wont be Hillary....

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

I've been telling them to practice saying, "Madame President!"

Can she carry out the duties of president from the alzheimers ward?
I saw a few interesting things recently....
Some are suggesting that Ivanka should be the VP
Trump has said if he wins he might step down....

So we will have the first Women President and it wont be Hillary....

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

I've been telling them to practice saying, "Madame President!"

Can she carry out the duties of president from the alzheimers ward?

My mother(and Ronald Reagan) suffered and died from alzheimers. If you had a clue what that's like you wouldn't be joking about it.
I saw a few interesting things recently....
Some are suggesting that Ivanka should be the VP
Trump has said if he wins he might step down....

So we will have the first Women President and it wont be Hillary....

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

I've been telling them to practice saying, "Madame President!"

Can she carry out the duties of president from the alzheimers ward?

My mother(and Ronald Reagan) suffered and died from alzheimers. If you had a clue what that's like you wouldn't be joking about it.

Grow up. My father had it too and I am quite aware of how devastating it is to the person and family.

My concern is that Hillary has the onset symptoms of it right now. She should not be allowed to run with her medical conditions and history.

The man makes fun of handicapped people.
He is unfit for dog catcher; much less President.

And Hillary barks like a dog.. this makes her fit for what? Oh, yeah, a straitjacket.

Seriously…would you even shake the hand of a person you saw making fun of a handicapped individual on the street? If your waiter was doing it in a restaurant, would you leave the guy a tip? If you were going to hire someone and they pulled something like this; would you remotely consider hiring them?

You can lie and say yes I suppose….

Would you shake the hand of a woman who has systematically sought to destroy the lives of women who accused her serial sex abusing husband of rape and other crimes? Or, barks like a dog and mocks people of color by talking in a fake accent?

Please, they're both seriously flawed individuals.

You’re equating one to the other? Really?

I saw a few interesting things recently....
Some are suggesting that Ivanka should be the VP
Trump has said if he wins he might step down....

So we will have the first Women President and it wont be Hillary....

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

I've been telling them to practice saying, "Madame President!"

Can she carry out the duties of president from the alzheimers ward?

My mother(and Ronald Reagan) suffered and died from alzheimers. If you had a clue what that's like you wouldn't be joking about it.

Grow up. My father had it too and I am quite aware of how devastating it is to the person and family.

My concern is that Hillary has the onset symptoms of it right now. She should not be allowed to run with her medical conditions and history.

Just when you think you've heard it all.....along comes a Dumbass!!
Still, one can't help but wonder if Hillary became senile before, or after she killed Vince Foster?

But, the truth is that Hillary is certainly starting to show her age. Hell, I'd bet that she remembers way back to a time before the republicans had lost their collective minds!
Imagine a presidential candidate who hasn't been under investigations that have cost taxpayers millions and who hasn't freeloaded off the taxpayers his whole life. That candidate is Trump. "Clinton Cash" is a good education for demorats who will take their blinders off so they can view the real hillary clinton and her wife bill. Link below

Still, one can't help but wonder if Hillary became senile before, or after she killed Vince Foster?

But, the truth is that Hillary is certainly starting to show her age. Hell, I'd bet that she remembers way back to a time before the republicans had lost their collective minds!

The senility is new, the corruption is life long, as is the lying.

Wake up, its all about her and power. She doesn't give a shit about people like you. You are her ignorant sheep that she needs to exploit.

I cannot understand how anyone can be so foolish as to support this life long criminal and traitor.
Still, one can't help but wonder if Hillary became senile before, or after she killed Vince Foster?

It is doubtful Hillary herself offed Foster. Hillary and Maggie Williams spent that night cleaning out Foster's office, suggesting Hillary was not prepared.
Still, one can't help but wonder if Hillary became senile before, or after she killed Vince Foster?

But, the truth is that Hillary is certainly starting to show her age. Hell, I'd bet that she remembers way back to a time before the republicans had lost their collective minds!

The senility is new, the corruption is life long, as is the lying.

Wake up, its all about her and power. She doesn't give a shit about people like you. You are her ignorant sheep that she needs to exploit.

I cannot understand how anyone can be so foolish as to support this life long criminal and traitor.

I used to be a Republican. Anybody who is naïve enough to think the modern Republican party is good for anything except tax cuts for the rich and starting unnecessary foreign wars has their heads up their arses.
Still, one can't help but wonder if Hillary became senile before, or after she killed Vince Foster?

But, the truth is that Hillary is certainly starting to show her age. Hell, I'd bet that she remembers way back to a time before the republicans had lost their collective minds!

The senility is new, the corruption is life long, as is the lying.

Wake up, its all about her and power. She doesn't give a shit about people like you. You are her ignorant sheep that she needs to exploit.

I cannot understand how anyone can be so foolish as to support this life long criminal and traitor.

I used to be a Republican. Anybody who is naïve enough to think the modern Republican party is good for anything except tax cuts for the rich and starting unnecessary foreign wars has their heads up their arses.

Perpetual war is good for you!

(This message brought to you by Boeing and the Joint Chief's of Staff)

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