Seriously.....Can Anybody Really Imagine Donald Trump As President?

I'm going by his stated policy platform, not his past record as a businessman.

Do YOU support the use of Cheap Third World Labor to undercut American workers and wages? Because Hillary certainly does.

"I'm going by the lies he's decided to tell today, not by the evidence!"

Sorry, Chuckles, but words are cheap, especially when you're Donald Trump and make them up on the fly.

So if your argument is, "I'm voting for Trump because HILLARY!" you might as well save your breath. I've said it before, and will probably say it again about a million times this election cycle, but "Well, he's not Hillary!" means nothing; every single person in this country EXCEPT Hillary has the exact same qualification, and I wouldn't vote for THEM, either.

And before you take to your keyboard to ringingly insist that I am supporting Hillary, let me save you some time and just give you my answer now: piss off.

Electing Hillary means we'll have commie Dims in the White House for at least the next 50 years, and we'll have commie Supreme Court justices eviscerating the Constitution for the next 50 years. The USA will quickly become unrecognizable. Freedom will disappear from the face of the Earth and the humanity will descend into an endless totalitarian nightmare from which it will not wake for 1000 years.

It's really that serious.

Not if we have a Republican senate.....those bastards have decided that a justice nominated by a Democrat president is not to be considered.

not in the last 6 months of a lame duck president, and if the roles were reversed the dems would do exactly the same thing. Wake up and smell reality.

Six Months?? Now we've determined that you have trouble with your numbers.

OK, the last year of a lame duck president, and yes, the dems would be doing exactly the same thing if a republican was president.
Sure, I can imagine him as President. Problem is, I can't imagine him as a GOOD President.

Do you support the use of Cheap Third World Labor to undercut American workers and wages?

Because Hillary does, and Trump does not.

He doesn't? Tell me which of his branded products are made here in America, by American employees. I'll wait while you look for something.

I'm going by his stated policy platform, not his past record as a businessman.

Do YOU support the use of Cheap Third World Labor to undercut American workers and wages? Because Hillary certainly does.

"I'm going by the lies he's decided to tell today, not by the evidence!"

Sorry, Chuckles, but words are cheap, especially when you're Donald Trump and make them up on the fly.

So if your argument is, "I'm voting for Trump because HILLARY!" you might as well save your breath. I've said it before, and will probably say it again about a million times this election cycle, but "Well, he's not Hillary!" means nothing; every single person in this country EXCEPT Hillary has the exact same qualification, and I wouldn't vote for THEM, either.

And before you take to your keyboard to ringingly insist that I am supporting Hillary, let me save you some time and just give you my answer now: piss off.

Electing Hillary means we'll have commie Dims in the White House for at least the next 50 years, and we'll have commie Supreme Court justices eviscerating the Constitution for the next 50 years. The USA will quickly become unrecognizable. Freedom will disappear from the face of the Earth and the humanity will descend into an endless totalitarian nightmare from which it will not wake for 1000 years.

It's really that serious.

Yeah, I get that. Why do you think I'm so horrified and appalled that the three-toothed wonders in our population decided NOW was the best time to band together for a national tantrum?
The OP is love with FDR and see him as a GOD.

Trump makes an FDR style speech (with a little new deal thrown in) and then he is rejected by the OP for only one reason..

Because of the letter behind the name!
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

Sure, I can imagine him as President. Problem is, I can't imagine him as a GOOD President.

Do you support the use of Cheap Third World Labor to undercut American workers and wages?

Because Hillary does, and Trump does not.

He doesn't? Tell me which of his branded products are made here in America, by American employees. I'll wait while you look for something.
His steaks were made in America, and so was his wine.

Did you miss the part about "by American employees"? According to the US Department of Labor, Trump commonly imports foreign workers for his companies "to do jobs Americans won't do" . . . wait, where have I heard THAT before?
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

sure I can.

He's knows how to do biz so he knows how to be a pro. I'm sure he acts very differently when working.

considering the option is nothing more than a puppet

"When he's working". Could you tell me by what standard he's NOT "working" now? If convincing people to allow him to be their President is not part of the job, what the hell is it?! That's like saying, "Oh, it's okay that I went to my job interview dressed in a clown outfit and making balloon animals, because I'll act very differently and much more professionally after you hire me." Would anyone be surprised by the idea that that employer would never give you a chance to prove your claim?
he's a successful biz man, when he's doing biz I'm sure he doesn't act like he does to garner votes.

I actually don't care, neither douche running is going to fix anything

You're "sure"? WHY are you sure? Because you simply assume that he MUST be doing things the way you think he ought to, when no one's looking?

Given his business history, my bet is that that isn't his "public persona"; that's his actual personality, all day every day.
I'm going by his stated policy platform, not his past record as a businessman.

Do YOU support the use of Cheap Third World Labor to undercut American workers and wages? Because Hillary certainly does.

"I'm going by the lies he's decided to tell today, not by the evidence!"

Sorry, Chuckles, but words are cheap, especially when you're Donald Trump and make them up on the fly.

So if your argument is, "I'm voting for Trump because HILLARY!" you might as well save your breath. I've said it before, and will probably say it again about a million times this election cycle, but "Well, he's not Hillary!" means nothing; every single person in this country EXCEPT Hillary has the exact same qualification, and I wouldn't vote for THEM, either.

And before you take to your keyboard to ringingly insist that I am supporting Hillary, let me save you some time and just give you my answer now: piss off.

Electing Hillary means we'll have commie Dims in the White House for at least the next 50 years, and we'll have commie Supreme Court justices eviscerating the Constitution for the next 50 years. The USA will quickly become unrecognizable. Freedom will disappear from the face of the Earth and the humanity will descend into an endless totalitarian nightmare from which it will not wake for 1000 years.

It's really that serious.

Not if we have a Republican senate.....those bastards have decided that a justice nominated by a Democrat president is not to be considered.

So you agree that Hillary will bring in the dark ages if she has the power?

The difference in Hillary and Trump is that Hillary won't start WW3. Trump would nuke somebody in the first year.

Trump doesn't have enough common sense to pour piss from a boot with the instructions written on the heal. If his old man hadn't left him $200 million the nutty son-of-a-bitch would have starved.....even at that he went bankrupt three or four times.

In all fairness, Hillary probably WOULDN'T start WW3. But, also in all fairness, that would be because she would pre-emptively surrender.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

The last widely known American con artist before Trump was P T Barnum. Trump paints a very grim picture that seems to resonate with every American that has had so much as a candy bar get stuck in a vending machine. He is a fraud. I am wondering if he is REALLY a billionaire.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

sure I can.

He's knows how to do biz so he knows how to be a pro. I'm sure he acts very differently when working.

considering the option is nothing more than a puppet

"When he's working". Could you tell me by what standard he's NOT "working" now? If convincing people to allow him to be their President is not part of the job, what the hell is it?! That's like saying, "Oh, it's okay that I went to my job interview dressed in a clown outfit and making balloon animals, because I'll act very differently and much more professionally after you hire me." Would anyone be surprised by the idea that that employer would never give you a chance to prove your claim?
he's a successful biz man, when he's doing biz I'm sure he doesn't act like he does to garner votes.

I actually don't care, neither douche running is going to fix anything

You're "sure"? WHY are you sure? Because you simply assume that he MUST be doing things the way you think he ought to, when no one's looking?

Given his business history, my bet is that that isn't his "public persona"; that's his actual personality, all day every day.

No one would work or invest in someone like that.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!
If all the women suddenly got their periods and did not to to vote on election day, and also forgot to send-in their absentee ballots, and all the Mexican-Americans suddenly had a big Cinco De Mayo party to go to, and all the Muslim-Americans were called to prayer, and all the gays and Lesbians had a gay pride parade, AND television broadcasting went out so that the Trump tv audience had NOTHING ELSE to do, ...

... THEN Trump would get elected. Maybe.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!
Seriously can anyone imagine old hag Hillary as President, she is senile sickly and old.
Hillary looked pretty good in her white outfit while giving her speech.

Sort of like a Naval officer (USN or USMC).

[ U.S. Army officers have white uniforms too but they rarely wear them. ]

But you probably did not like officers either Gunny.
Seriously? No.

You folks who will vote for Trump I understand the desire to vote for anyone who even 'appears' to be not attached to any normal political party in the US. If Colin Powell were running as an Independent or Libetarian I'd vote for him. If Bush Sr. were running for a second term I'd vote for him. They are decent men who actually think before they speak or act. I generally respect John McCain though no forgiveness for foisting Sarah Palin on the country. I disagree with Marco Rubio's politics but he isn't bugbat crazy.

Palin, Bachmann, Gingrich, Cruz, Trump. These people are human trainwrecks. They should not be allowed to drive and should never get anywhere near authority over other human beings.
Colin Powell covered up My Lai.

He would never be elected after that.

Remember all the Nam Vets that came chasing after Kerry?

They would be chasing Powell with pitchforks and torches.

My Lai Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

compared to the Hildebeast, I will take Trump. All Hillary needs is the chair and the white cat to stroke as she talks about her master plan.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!
If all the women suddenly got their periods and did not to to vote on election day, and also forgot to send-in their absentee ballots, and all the Mexican-Americans suddenly had a big Cinco De Mayo party to go to, and all the Muslim-Americans were called to prayer, and all the gays and Lesbians had a gay pride parade, AND television broadcasting went out so that the Trump tv audience had NOTHING ELSE to do, ...

... THEN Trump would get elected. Maybe.

You are not making me feel comfortable over here. :eek:
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

sure I can.

He's knows how to do biz so he knows how to be a pro. I'm sure he acts very differently when working.

considering the option is nothing more than a puppet

"When he's working". Could you tell me by what standard he's NOT "working" now? If convincing people to allow him to be their President is not part of the job, what the hell is it?! That's like saying, "Oh, it's okay that I went to my job interview dressed in a clown outfit and making balloon animals, because I'll act very differently and much more professionally after you hire me." Would anyone be surprised by the idea that that employer would never give you a chance to prove your claim?
he's a successful biz man, when he's doing biz I'm sure he doesn't act like he does to garner votes.

I actually don't care, neither douche running is going to fix anything

You're "sure"? WHY are you sure? Because you simply assume that he MUST be doing things the way you think he ought to, when no one's looking?

Given his business history, my bet is that that isn't his "public persona"; that's his actual personality, all day every day.

No one would work or invest in someone like that.

Sure they would, at least initially, if they thought competent hirelings were going to do the actual work, and if they thought slapping Trump's "brand" on things would add value.

Are you really saying that only brilliant, competent people get risks taken on them in this country? Did you miss the many, MANY CEOs who drive their companies into the ground, or even end up being charged with crimes? Or the countless politicians who get elected while not knowing their asses from their elbows?

Why do I get the feeling that you haven't really investigated or thought about Trump's history at all, and just assumed that because he tells you how rich he is, that must automatically translate into him being brilliant, and therefore completely different in private than he presents himself in public? Do you really think there aren't people in this country with a lot of money without the common sense to navigate their way out of a wet paper bag?
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!
If all the women suddenly got their periods and did not to to vote on election day, and also forgot to send-in their absentee ballots, and all the Mexican-Americans suddenly had a big Cinco De Mayo party to go to, and all the Muslim-Americans were called to prayer, and all the gays and Lesbians had a gay pride parade, AND television broadcasting went out so that the Trump tv audience had NOTHING ELSE to do, ...

... THEN Trump would get elected. Maybe.

Why, precisely, do you assume that women getting their periods would stop them from voting? What century do you live in?
His policies, actions, and statements verify what I said. Obbie and Mooshelle hate the USA for its past sins against minorities (real or imagined) and they have been determined to "get even" and punish whitey. His refusal to identify the enemy as radical islam and his support of the terrorist organization BLM is further confirmation of his goal to destroy our culture, our economy, and our borders.

Your are free to continue to worship him, but you do it out of ignorance or stupidity.

Total, utter crap. There is not one shred of credible evidence to support your assertion. Just wishful thinking by Obama haters and shills for the neocon whackjobs of the right.

"the Cambridge police acted stupidly"
"I want to fundamentally change the USA"
"Islam is a religion of peace"
"Michael Brown was a victim"
"BLM is not a racist organization"
"healthcare premiums will go down $2500/year"
"I was never proud of my country"
"If I had a son he would look like Trayvon"

None of the above prove your assertion, and quite a few of them are correct. Trayvon Martin would look like the president, the Cambridge police absolutely looked like dickheads, and what is wrong with wanting to change a place for the better?

In your mind, that's an intellectually valid question? Really?

why wouldn't it be a valid question?
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!
If all the women suddenly got their periods and did not to to vote on election day, and also forgot to send-in their absentee ballots, and all the Mexican-Americans suddenly had a big Cinco De Mayo party to go to, and all the Muslim-Americans were called to prayer, and all the gays and Lesbians had a gay pride parade, AND television broadcasting went out so that the Trump tv audience had NOTHING ELSE to do, ...

... THEN Trump would get elected. Maybe.

Why, precisely, do you assume that women getting their periods would stop them from voting? What century do you live in?

i think he was being facetious.

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