Seriously, How Awesome Was Obama? Post Your Favorite Moments


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
Trolling/No Content
A true class act. Best president I've seen in my lifetime. A man of integrity and heart. Extraordinarily rare qualities in a politician.

This is my favorite moment. What's yours?

I particularly liked when he closed all the veterans memorials and parks, even those that were open 24/7 and actually cost money to close when he didn't get his way on a particular vote. A more disgusting POS act it would be hard to comprehend. That level of douchebaggery, when veterans had traveled to THEIR new memorial, and who's days were numbered, is hard for me to reconcile.

It takes a true asshole to do that to an old person.
Couple of turds trolling already

One's even a mod, hilarious

It's not trolling dude. You specifically asked for my favorite moment. This is my favorite because it showed what an absolute piece of dog shit he was, and is. Priceless!
Couple of turds trolling already

One's even a mod, hilarious

How was that a troll?

When you post things (or memes) that aren't true with the sole purpose of irritating others and derailing the thread, you're trolling by definition.

Aren't true?????????????????????

What has that man accomplished that wasn't a complete disaster?

Obamacare? Tanking!

Arab Spring and his "red line in Syria???" He's a laughing stock and created ISIS.

Improved race relations? They are far worse than when he took office!

What has that man done??????????????
Couple of turds trolling already

One's even a mod, hilarious

It's not trolling dude. You specifically asked for my favorite moment. This is my favorite because it showed what an absolute piece of dog shit he was, and is. Priceless!

And you can thank Ted Cruz for that.

Oh? Suddenly obummer isn't responsible for his own actions? What is he, three years old?

Fine, you libs go live in your pretend nostalgia that Obama was great.

We will live in the reality that Obama's 8 years created and that's 4 to 8 years of Trump, a majority in the Senate, The House, 33 Governors, state legislatures, and Trump is set to nominate 2 to 3 justices.

But live in the dream that's Obama is still president, if it helps.
My very favorite time will be in a week. Sorry, you asked us, and frankly I suspect you already knew the answers. ;) You just like to
Couple of turds trolling already

One's even a mod, hilarious

It's not trolling dude. You specifically asked for my favorite moment. This is my favorite because it showed what an absolute piece of dog shit he was, and is. Priceless!

And you can thank Ted Cruz for that.

Oh? Suddenly obummer isn't responsible for his own actions? What is he, three years old?

Libs still think it's Bush's fault


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