Seriously, if the white man hasn't really been racist...

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Why is it that every so called race of non-white people on the planet and in the United States complaining and or has complained about the white man's racism and white supremacy? If non-whites across the world and especially the United States have all expressed the same sentiment surely they all can't be wrong and or delusional so why can't the white man recognize that there is a problem? It should be pointed out that no other race on earth has this reputation and this is worldwide.
Because the White male is the modern Jew and it's easier to blame Whites than to actually do anything to improve their own condition in the present.

Um, Jews didn't exterminate Tasmanians, oppress and take away Aborigines and their children, exterminate and make false promises to Native Americans as well as kick them off their own land and huddle them onto reservations, oppress Hispanics, and exploit East asians by trying to take over their economies as well as through colonization, oppress the people of India with their violence and greed and we already know about the white man's oppression of Africans and peoples of African descent in the New World. On a worldwide scale, no other race has wrecked as much havoc, oppression, lies, deceit and ignorance as Europeans and people's of European descent and its even more messed up that their way of justifying it and saving face is too pretend that everyone in the world loves the white man and wants to be like the white man and or that the white man with his superiority and or because he's superior[in his sick twisted mind] has the right to everything in the world because all others are a step below him in intellect and humanity. Its a sick way of thinking.
All races in the world have done wrong and have committed oppression, but the white man is the only one to have done it to all non-whites on a worldwide scale, non-whites don't even come close, do you now understand why some people consider the white man to be the devil? And no, black Muslims weren't the first ones to call the white man the devil, it was the Chinese before and during the Boxer Rebellion:

Boxer Rebellion, China Relief Expedition 1900

The Chinese were the right thing by kicking those Europeans and their sympathizers yet in textbooks in schools they're depicted as anti-Western people who refused to recognize the goodness of the white man, why?
Because the White male is the modern Jew and it's easier to blame Whites than to actually do anything to improve their own condition in the present.

Um, Jews didn't exterminate Tasmanians, oppress and take away Aborigines and their children, exterminate and make false promises to Native Americans...

Some genocides committed by Semitic Jews:
genocide against the Hittites
genocide against the Ammorites
genocide against the Canaanites
genocide against the Jesubutea
genocide against the Perrizites
genocide against the Hivites

. On a worldwide scale, no other race has wrecked as much havoc, oppression, lies, deceit and ignorance as Europeans and people's of European descent

Negroids never did because they never progressed beyond the stone age. The Mongoloid mostly fight amongst themselves and were stuck in the feudal age when the Whites developed sufficiently in Western Europe to spread their influence beyond marching distance.

everyone in the world... wants to be like the white man

You do. You had marches to be like the white man. You asked for laws so you could be like the White man. Now you want the White Man's help to bring Negroids in their native habitat back in Africa to a level where they can live like the White man. Such facts cannot be denied.
Because the White male is the modern Jew and it's easier to blame Whites than to actually do anything to improve their own condition in the present.

Um, Jews didn't exterminate Tasmanians, oppress and take away Aborigines and their children, exterminate and make false promises to Native Americans...

Some genocides committed by Semitic Jews:
genocide against the Hittites
genocide against the Ammorites
genocide against the Canaanites
genocide against the Jesubutea
genocide against the Perrizites
genocide against the Hivites

Don't hide behind the Jew, should the Bass name all of the Native American peoples killed off and exterminated by so called European explorers? The British, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Danish and Germans all had a hand in this, thats why Native Americans are virtually absent in the Carribbean. After killing off the men through murder and imported European disease, they intermarried with and or raped the women and caused entire Native American groups to disappear off the planet.

Negroids never did because they never progressed beyond the stone age. The Mongoloid mostly fight amongst themselves and were stuck in the feudal age when the Whites developed sufficiently in Western Europe to spread their influence beyond marching distance.

No, Africans were not hateful, warmongering supremacists who used racial ideology to conquer the world and Europeans did more than spread their ïnfluence[their influence being white supremacy], they spread genocide, lies, deception, murder, homosexuality and worst of all the notion than non-whites love the white man more than he loves himself.

You do. You had marches to be like the white man. You asked for laws so you could be like the White man. Now you want the White Man's help to bring Negroids in their native habitat back in Africa to a level where they can live like the White man. Such facts cannot be denied.

No, blacks marched because the government did not full enforce and protect the rights of all people under the Constitution.
Don't hide behind the Jew

Don't hide behind Kunta.

should the Bass name all of the Native American peoples killed off and exterminated by so called European explorers?
You realize that they were mostly killed by disease, rather than by guns right?
The British, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Danish and Germans
So first it's 'the Whites', then it's each individual nation of Whites when you want to make a longer list and continue your rant? Make up your mind, halfwit.

all had a hand in this, thats why Native Americans are virtually absent in the Carribbean. After killing off the men through murder and imported European disease, they intermarried with and or raped the women and caused entire Native American groups to disappear off the planet.
And? that has what to do with your welfare check? You keep babbling about how much you hate White people, yet you never spend thirty seconds on how Blacks can get off their asses, accept the equality offered, and make something for themselves.

]No, Africans were not hateful, warmongering supremacists
Actually, they were. They conquered their own fellows the next village over and sold them to the Whites.

No, blacks marched because the government did not full enforce and protect the rights of all people under the Constitution.
Newsflash: when the Constitution was written, 'people' did not include you. It was later, with the help of White abolitionists, that Backs became anything more than farm animals in the eyes of the law. How 'bout you stop playing the victim and start speaking out for Black responsibility and calling for Blacks to elevate themselves like Martin Luther King envisioned?
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Don't hide behind Kunta.


You realize that they were mostly killed by disease, rather than by guns right?
So first it's 'the Whites', then it's each individual nation of Whites when you want to make a longer list and continue your rant? Make up your mind, halfwit.

Killed by disease and guns and treachery, disease didn't herd people onto reservations. All those nations collectively document the white man's oppression of nonwhites because they all engaged in it.
It's obvious bass that you hate white people. You can bitch and moan all you want, but things are the way they are. Suck it up. Live with it. If you're such a great individual and have helped out in the world to improve your race, then please explain exactly what you've done. All I see is someone(yourself)on this message board in almost every single thread trying to promote your so-called bullshit. Get a FUKKKKKKKKKing life. You are nothing more then a black racist who is still trying to figure out how you can get something out of someone else to improve you own life. How about get an education and stop blaming your own problems on white people. Maybe then (only maybe) you will realize that the world doesn't revolve around yourself. I'ts time someone basically tells you to Fuck off. Good Day.
It's obvious bass that you hate white people. You can bitch and moan all you want, but things are the way they are. Suck it up. Live with it. If you're such a great individual and have helped out in the world to improve your race, then please explain exactly what you've done. All I see is someone(yourself)on this message board in almost every single thread trying to promote your so-called bullshit. Get a FUKKKKKKKKKing life. You are nothing more then a black racist who is still trying to figure out how you can get something out of someone else to improve you own life. How about get an education and stop blaming your own problems on white people. Maybe then (only maybe) you will realize that the world doesn't revolve around yourself. I'ts time someone basically tells you to Fuck off. Good Day.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, LMAO, you're off your rocker, just because the Bass doesn't see the white man as superior nor loves the white man greater than the white man loves himself doesn't mean that the Bass hates white people. History doesn't lie goshinj, so don't run from it.
Why is it that every so called race of non-white people on the planet and in the United States complaining and or has complained about the white man's racism and white supremacy? If non-whites across the world and especially the United States have all expressed the same sentiment surely they all can't be wrong and or delusional so why can't the white man recognize that there is a problem? It should be pointed out that no other race on earth has this reputation and this is worldwide.

Oh bullshit.

White don't more have the monopoly on racism, Charlie.

Seriously, if you really think that, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Why is it that every so called race of non-white people on the planet and in the United States complaining and or has complained about the white man's racism and white supremacy? If non-whites across the world and especially the United States have all expressed the same sentiment surely they all can't be wrong and or delusional so why can't the white man recognize that there is a problem? It should be pointed out that no other race on earth has this reputation and this is worldwide.

Oh bullshit.

No, its the truth, just pick up a history book and read it.

White don't more have the monopoly on racism, Charlie.

This is a straight up strawman, the Bass never said that whites have a monopoly on racism. The Bass said that when it came to oppressing people on a grand worldwide scale, no other race on the planet has done what the white man has done, nearly all non-whites have professed a dislike or some kind of resentment at the way whites have treated and viewed them. Whites have oppressed non-white people in every part of the world, no other so called race has ever done that.
I reject your thesis since it is founded on the principle of group guilt instead of individual guilt. See, I'm real big into blame the individuals responsible rather than the races, religions, (insert your own group here), etc.
I reject your thesis since it is founded on the principle of group guilt instead of individual guilt. See, I'm real big into blame the individuals responsible rather than the races, religions, (insert your own group here), etc.

The Bass isn't speaking on nor making group guilt as obviously not all whites are/were wrong, but in the collective sense what the Bass said is true.
I reject your thesis since it is founded on the principle of group guilt instead of individual guilt. See, I'm real big into blame the individuals responsible rather than the races, religions, (insert your own group here), etc.

The Bass isn't speaking on nor making group guilt as obviously not all whites are/were wrong, but in the collective sense what the Bass said is true.

So first you say that you're not placing blame on the group, and then within the very same sentence you place blame on the group.

Sorry, your thesis is still rejected.

Us American Whites have screwed up. We are trying to do better.

Speak for yourself.

I refuse to accept any blame for the so called plight of blacks. No one in my family ever owned slaves, traded in slaves or lynched a black person.

I do not buy into white guilt.
i dont consider myself white, my skin is like a white person but i am a British Citizen who also has been treated like crap because my accent was different, i cant say by all white people but it did does happen.
I was told go back to my own country etc So i have to agree with most of you, Im not allowed to say what i really want to say so i'll just say i'm not white im British, Enjoy your day

Us American Whites have screwed up. We are trying to do better.

Speak for yourself.

I refuse to accept any blame for the so called plight of blacks. No one in my family ever owned slaves, traded in slaves or lynched a black person.

I do not buy into white guilt.

You and your family benefit from white privilege based on the system whites created years ago.

Us American Whites have screwed up. We are trying to do better.

Speak for yourself.

I refuse to accept any blame for the so called plight of blacks. No one in my family ever owned slaves, traded in slaves or lynched a black person.

I do not buy into white guilt.

You and your family benefit from white privilege based on the system whites created years ago.

you know nothing about me or my family and that makes you unqualified to make such a statement.

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