Seriously people, can we get beyond Rush?

The real problems have been the same problems for decades. It is the same game cycle every 12 - 15 years, only the players change. Social Security, fuel and oil, healthcare, middle east, unemployment, no money for education, abortion, support nasa...and guess what? They like it this way...keeps us all worried and stuff.

Sure Rush does not deserve the attention, and yes I would agree on the surface this all seems so silly. But look at the dynamic dialogue occurring beneath the hyperpartisan sheath; there is real meat at the core. Listen for it, its interesting stuff and the ability to have these national moments of controversy are one of the naturally rich resources of the American culture.

This dialog is all fake. All of it. It's election season and idiots on both sides are pandering. There is NOTHING of substance to be seen

I am sorry you feel that way Gramps.

You know the saying we have two ears and one mouth so that we may listen twice as much as we speak? We'd benefit alot from this application.

I'm sorry you believe the crap you're being fed. None of this matters. Before obamacare contraception wasn't an issue. Know why? Because it wasn't broken. Now like many other things the politicians have created a mess just to make it look like they're cleaning something up.

It's all nonsense.
He has just cost the repub candidates untold # of female voters who'll defect to the Democrats waiting arms :cool:

bah, just a fluke.

Yep, a pimple on a teenager. Be gone in a few weeks. Meanwhile all the real problems go untouched.

Ya..And just when the GOP house was about to get all over those problems...:lol:

Ya THAT was gonna happen... :lol:

Could it be that nobody believes you fools anymore?

This rush thing has grown legs and maybe wings.. like the rapist said.."lay back and enjoy it"..:lol:
2) No one has a big enough pair to challenge Limbaugh. Simply put, Romney Gingrich and Santorum should have all condemned Rush the minute he said this. That. Very. Day. They didn't. Because they are all in a tight race right now, and the last thing they want is Rush getting on his show and denouncing them.

Limbaugh's influence is an illusion. He was dead set against John McCain in 2008, but McCain still won. And Huckabee came in second. This year, he's against Romney, but Romney will probalby get the nomination. (and nothing else).

But none of these guys can be man enough to punch Limbaugh out.

Wrong on #2

Our politicians are elected to represent us as Americans. Not police the free market and media.

It's not a matter of "policing" anything. It's a matter of doing the right thing.

When I was in the Army, my CO had this sign on his desk. It read, "If you see something wrong and don't do anything about it, you've set a new standard."

Most sensible people (those who aren't coming on here trying to rationalize it) know what Limbaugh did was wrong. Mitt Romney knows it was wrong. Newt Knows it was Wrong. Santorum knows it was wrong. Ron Paul might know it's wrong if the medications are kicking in.

Not a one of them came out and openly said, "What Rush Limbaugh said was vile, disgusting, horrible. and has no place in our public discourse".

Don Imus was taken off the air for referring to Rutger's players as "nappy headed ho's." Laura Schlsesinger, after years of homophobic remarks, took herself off the air after the uproar over her used of the dreaded N-Word. My opinion, neither of those are as egregious as what Limbaugh did.

And I like Limbaugh. Really, I do. I enjoy his show, I enjoy his little parodies. He is one of the great satirists of our age.

But he crossed a line.

The line he did or did not cross is for the listening public and his advertisers to determine. Not our elected officials. This is how free markets function. Had Rush done something illegal, then officials should have chimed in.
bah, just a fluke.

Yep, a pimple on a teenager. Be gone in a few weeks. Meanwhile all the real problems go untouched.

Ya..And just when the GOP house was about to get all over those problems...:lol:

Ya THAT was gonna happen... :lol:

Could it be that nobody believes you fools anymore?

This rush thing has grown legs and maybe wings.. like the rapist said.."lay back and enjoy it"..:lol:

"and then give birth to it, slut."~ rick sandstorum
bah, just a fluke.

Yep, a pimple on a teenager. Be gone in a few weeks. Meanwhile all the real problems go untouched.

Ya..And just when the GOP house was about to get all over those problems...:lol:

Ya THAT was gonna happen... :lol:

Could it be that nobody believes you fools anymore?

This rush thing has grown legs and maybe wings.. like the rapist said.."lay back and enjoy it"..:lol:

Put the RedBull down. You're all worked up over nothing.
sfc phony finally negged.
Poor old keyboard warrior he is.
El Rushbo is the de facto mouthpiece of the Repub Base so it is relevant when he slanders a poor young girl who wasn't even talking about herself much less.

I speak for myself. Does Bill Maher speak for you?

Does the Democratic Establishment call up Bill Maher to apologize to him like the former RNC Chair did to El Rushbo? :eusa_whistle:
I hope those "idiots" make people see that it's about the first amendment and not BC.

The First Amendment issue was resolved weeks ago. Your War on Women stands exposed.

Weeks ago? Really? How many weeks ago did this happen? I believe this will end up at the SC. And I don't care about who uses or doesn't use BC.
Yep, a pimple on a teenager. Be gone in a few weeks. Meanwhile all the real problems go untouched.

Ya..And just when the GOP house was about to get all over those problems...:lol:

Ya THAT was gonna happen... :lol:

Could it be that nobody believes you fools anymore?

This rush thing has grown legs and maybe wings.. like the rapist said.."lay back and enjoy it"..:lol:

Put the RedBull down. You're all worked up over nothing.

Me??? ...HUGGY??? Worked up??? Not even a mist of perspiration Sport! How about ALL of the national media running stories on the PigMan from mid last week?..every round table weekend discussion show and still going strong.. Thousands of people involved ..writers..producers...sound and light guys.....millions in advertising money...ALL the pudits lined up pro and conz.. And you think I'M worked up?

The energy the media is putting in this PigMan DRAMA makes Imus look like he got a parking ticket.
Ya..And just when the GOP house was about to get all over those problems...:lol:

Ya THAT was gonna happen... :lol:

Could it be that nobody believes you fools anymore?

This rush thing has grown legs and maybe wings.. like the rapist said.."lay back and enjoy it"..:lol:

Put the RedBull down. You're all worked up over nothing.

Me??? ...HUGGY??? Worked up??? Not even a mist of perspiration Sport! How about ALL of the national media running stories on the PigMan from mid last week?..every round table weekend discussion show and still going strong.. Thousands of people involved ..writers..producers...sound and light guys.....millions in advertising money...ALL the pudits lined up pro and conz.. And you think I'M worked up?

The energy the media is putting in this PigMan DRAMA makes Imus look like he got a parking ticket.

you are doomed.
Put the RedBull down. You're all worked up over nothing.

Me??? ...HUGGY??? Worked up??? Not even a mist of perspiration Sport! How about ALL of the national media running stories on the PigMan from mid last week?..every round table weekend discussion show and still going strong.. Thousands of people involved ..writers..producers...sound and light guys.....millions in advertising money...ALL the pudits lined up pro and conz.. And you think I'M worked up?

The energy the media is putting in this PigMan DRAMA makes Imus look like he got a parking ticket.

you are doomed.

I thought we were all doomed...:eusa_whistle:

More or less...:lol:
This dialog is all fake. All of it. It's election season and idiots on both sides are pandering. There is NOTHING of substance to be seen

I am sorry you feel that way Gramps.

You know the saying we have two ears and one mouth so that we may listen twice as much as we speak? We'd benefit alot from this application.

I'm sorry you believe the crap you're being fed. None of this matters. Before obamacare contraception wasn't an issue. Know why? Because it wasn't broken. Now like many other things the politicians have created a mess just to make it look like they're cleaning something up.

Womens sexuality, reproductive rights and birth control have always been issue and shame on you for not recognizing this fact.
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No, I will not 'get past' Rush until the Republican party distances itself from him and I have just spent the better part of an hour telling my REPULICAN congressman exactly that.
Again, this was resolved weeks ago when Obama indicated Catholics would get an exemption on top of their exemption through the rulemaking process that upset them so.

When your problem is with some lady's testimony, give up. Seriously.

My problem is with you and your ilk trying to rob people of their money and religious liberties.

It hasnt gone away because you are still trying to do it.

Still trying to do what? It's over. The First Amendment issue was resolved.

That's when the whole thing blew up in the face of the right. The administration offered its concession taking religious employers off the hook. And yet the War on Women persisted. It then became clear--beyond those who could already pretty clearly discern it--what you're actually trying to do. And continue to try to do.

Are you referring to when Obama said the insurance companies could pay for it?
The man makes 50+ million a year. A few advertisers lost is a drop in the bucket. It won't slow him down. In fact I bet his ratings will go up. And even if it was the beginning of the end for him it wouldn't matter as the void would be filled by someone else.

Point is he has no power. He doesn't make policy. He is a damn pundit. Like him or hate him it really makes no difference overall. This controversy will be long forgotten by election day. But gas may still be high. We may be involved in another military action. UE is still to high. The economy is still slugging along.

This story is a pimple on a 15 year old. Get over it. If you're on the left and this is all you got you're in big trouble come November. If you're on the right and you're obsessed with this you need a fucking hobby. It's his opinion, who cares?

Ps. I do see the irony but it needed to be said.

He has power because IDIOTS are too stupid to find the facts for themselves. Everyone at work today thought he had quoted Fluke. How surprised to learn he had not and that what he claimed was the issue was not even the issue!

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