
A few times a year I take an extreme left-wing tour in Israel. These tours aim to show why settlers, the IDF, the occupation etc. are all evil. As an Israel educator, I find by participating I become a better Israel Advocacy teacher. Some of these tours have opened my eyes to the Palestinian experience and have inspired me to reach out to Palestinians.

(full article online)

A Settler (Me) in Nabi Saleh, the Tamimis, T’ruah and Breaking the Silence | The Jewish Press - | Rabbi Uri Pilichowski | 6 Tevet 5778 – December 24, 2017 |
Are you denying that Israel was taken by the invading Arab Muslim armies around 700-800?
Slow down, we are talking international law. None of it was applicable centuries ago. I just realized you don't even understand the discussion.

None of it was applicable centuries ago.

So much for war crimes and no statute of limitations......
RE: Settlements
※→ abi, et al,

Always, it is the opponents that demand the Israelis to bend first, ⇒ to put themselves in a vulnerable and compromising position when dealing with Arab Political Entities who have proven themselves hostile, that have a past pattern of criminal behaviors, and history of actual attacks (not to mention supporting the Arab Palestinians in the conduct activities by Jihadist, the Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric fighters) against Israel.

Is stupid and obviously this is what Israel pays millions for to get posted on US forums.

Area C is Palestine.

End the occupation, allow for right of return, hold free and fair elections and let's end this.

My opinion is that the foreign witness representative should be arrested and put on trial for perpetrating a fraud concerning the Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (Oslo II Accords) and falsifying evidence which established Area "C" (full Israeli civil and security control). When these criminals are brought to justice and make restitution for the cost incurred by the Israelis, the damage done to property, as well as life insurance proceeds to beneficiaries of the Arab Palestinians due to the deaths associated with the Israeli Administration witnessed by:

The Russian Federation
The Arab Republic of Egypt
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The Kingdom of Norway
The European Union

Once these nations are made to answer for the fraud, and made the appropriate restitution to every single Arab Palestinian that claims this Area "C" territory was stolen from them, then and only then, should Israel considered bids to Settle the Issue. BUT, if these witnesses give evidence that the Accords, signed by Mahmoud Abbas, did give Israel full Israeli civil and security control over Area "C," THEN Mahmoud Abbas must make restitution, and the Arab Palestinian Government must demonstrate when, if ever, Area "C" was under their sovereign control.

The acceptance of the unregulated Right-of-Return (RoR) Issue coupled with demand for "free and fair elections" after the Arab Palestinians successfully alter the demographics in their favor, is a form of a forced suicide demand levied over the Israelis. It is an attempt by the Arab Palestinians to manipulate the outcome that will place the Arabs in Power and dissolve the Jewish National Home under the color of law. The Israelis will do no such thing. The Israelis will not acquiesce to demands that will ultimately destroy the Jewish State; whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed to establishment in Palestine ⇒ of a national home for the Jewish people. Nothing will ever politically induce the Jewish People to walk to the gallows ⇒ that would destroy the sanctuary, safe haven and national home established to avoid this very eventuality. They (in all probability) will never again be forced to "bend the knee."
It is the concept behind the active defense from → the tyranny of the
majority → persecuting the Jewish People under color of any law → to willfully deprive
Israel or its people that which make it safe and secure (a Jewish National Home with
defendable borders.

As part of Customary Law, SINCE when has the Arab Palestinian Government (The Palestinian National Authority, the State of Israel, the unity government, whatever it is today) absolute control over all the territory its claims and the domestic affairs of that same territory, to the exclusion of all external powers, on the principle of non-interference in another country's domestic affairs, and that each state (no matter how large or small) is equal in international law.

Most Respectfully,
End the occupation, allow for right of return, hold free and fair elections and let's end this.
Israel already holds free and fair elections for their citizens why in hell would they let enemies vote in their country?
So let's even it out and demand the same thing for BOTH sides. If they can not trust one another, then they must be separated from one another. IF Arab Palestine MUST be Jew-free to function, then Israel MUST be Arab- free to function.

You would expel 1,786,000 or so people, who have lived for generations in what is now Israel so all of Israel is Arab free?

Simple. You negotiate for a contiguous State and accept any Jews which are in that area. And then you guarantee their safety and their rights. Its easy. Israel has ALREADY done this with the Arabs. If it can be done on the one side then it can be done on the other. Palestine negotiates a contiguous state and Israel negotiates for guarantees of rights and safety for Jews.

In principle I agree. But the settlements increase the tensions. Leave them as they are NOW until a final status is negotiated. And while your at it - mix the populations. Allow non Jews to live with Jews. And encourage the same in Palestinian areas.

Yes, its idealistic. But the alternative is to create two completely ethnically homogeneous states. Which would you prefer to aim for?

My preference would not be the alternative.
Why don't you move to Israel for a year and see what it does to your nerves knowing that an Arab can stab you at any moment.

I suspect the Palestinians feel quite similar not knowing when someone will bust in and take one of their kids in for questioning or shoot a kid for throwing rocks. Works both ways.
rocks can kill dumb ass so throwing them is a crime in most Countries.

Only Palestinian rock throwers get shot for it. Jewish rock throwers don't. (dumb ass).
Really retard? Last I checked Jewish rock throwers get arrested and tried for their crimes. But to the point throw rocks at armed troops and you get shot pretty simple concept for even the STUPIDEST person to understand, NO?
Are you denying that Israel was taken by the invading Arab Muslim armies around 700-800?
Slow down, we are talking international law. None of it was applicable centuries ago. I just realized you don't even understand the discussion.
You were the one who said no statute of limitations.

And that is EXACTLY the problem with such concepts as "rights of return" or for that matter reparations. How far do you go back? :dunno: It's arbitrary.

My feeling is it only applies as a right - to those directly affected.
You would expel 1,786,000 or so people, who have lived for generations in what is now Israel so all of Israel is Arab free?

In principle I agree. But the settlements increase the tensions. Leave them as they are NOW until a final status is negotiated. And while your at it - mix the populations. Allow non Jews to live with Jews. And encourage the same in Palestinian areas.

My preference would not be the alternative.
Why don't you move to Israel for a year and see what it does to your nerves knowing that an Arab can stab you at any moment.

I suspect the Palestinians feel quite similar not knowing when someone will bust in and take one of their kids in for questioning or shoot a kid for throwing rocks. Works both ways.
rocks can kill dumb ass so throwing them is a crime in most Countries.

Only Palestinian rock throwers get shot for it. Jewish rock throwers don't. (dumb ass).
Really retard? Last I checked Jewish rock throwers get arrested and tried for their crimes. But to the point throw rocks at armed troops and you get shot pretty simple concept for even the STUPIDEST person to understand, NO?

Yes. Thank you for making my point. They don't get shot.

Moron :)
Shot lobbing rocks at cars (not at soldiers). Palestinian teen shot dead while throwing rocks

In the West Bank, Israeli and Palestinian kids who throw stones face unequal justice

For young people growing up in the West Bank, the quickest form of protest is never more than an arm’s reach away. It’s the stone on the ground. When hurled at the opposing side, it is a tool of violence for both Israelis and Palestinians alike.

“Israeli settlers are prosecuted under Israeli civilian law, but Palestinians, who live just a few minutes away from those Israeli settlers, are subject to a completely different set of laws — military laws and the military justice system,” Estrin said.

The Associated Press report followed two 15-year-old boys who lived near each other. They were accused of the same crime of stone-throwing just one day apart, but the outcomes were completely different.

For the Israeli teen, Estrin said that he was placed under house arrest and has since been freed, though his trial continues. The Palestinian teenager was arrested and jailed for nine months, for the same crime.

...Between 2008 and 2013, the number of young Palestinians arrested by police for throwing stones was 1,142, while the number of young Israeli settlers arrested was 53. The consequences for a Palestinian, he said, can range from three to eight months of a military prison sentence, while the typical outcome for an Israeli is release without being convicted.

Settlements increase the friction between Israeli's and Palestinians, and that is where most of the rock throwing occurs, with very different punishments for the perpetrators.
Shot lobbing rocks at cars (not at soldiers). Palestinian teen shot dead while throwing rocks

In the West Bank, Israeli and Palestinian kids who throw stones face unequal justice

For young people growing up in the West Bank, the quickest form of protest is never more than an arm’s reach away. It’s the stone on the ground. When hurled at the opposing side, it is a tool of violence for both Israelis and Palestinians alike.

“Israeli settlers are prosecuted under Israeli civilian law, but Palestinians, who live just a few minutes away from those Israeli settlers, are subject to a completely different set of laws — military laws and the military justice system,” Estrin said.

The Associated Press report followed two 15-year-old boys who lived near each other. They were accused of the same crime of stone-throwing just one day apart, but the outcomes were completely different.

For the Israeli teen, Estrin said that he was placed under house arrest and has since been freed, though his trial continues. The Palestinian teenager was arrested and jailed for nine months, for the same crime.

...Between 2008 and 2013, the number of young Palestinians arrested by police for throwing stones was 1,142, while the number of young Israeli settlers arrested was 53. The consequences for a Palestinian, he said, can range from three to eight months of a military prison sentence, while the typical outcome for an Israeli is release without being convicted.

Settlements increase the friction between Israeli's and Palestinians, and that is where most of the rock throwing occurs, with very different punishments for the perpetrators.
Because rocks don't kill.
Why not ask some neighbors to throw rocks and you and see what happens?
But first we will private message each other and I can be a beneficiary in your will.
Shot lobbing rocks at cars (not at soldiers). Palestinian teen shot dead while throwing rocks

In the West Bank, Israeli and Palestinian kids who throw stones face unequal justice

For young people growing up in the West Bank, the quickest form of protest is never more than an arm’s reach away. It’s the stone on the ground. When hurled at the opposing side, it is a tool of violence for both Israelis and Palestinians alike.

“Israeli settlers are prosecuted under Israeli civilian law, but Palestinians, who live just a few minutes away from those Israeli settlers, are subject to a completely different set of laws — military laws and the military justice system,” Estrin said.

The Associated Press report followed two 15-year-old boys who lived near each other. They were accused of the same crime of stone-throwing just one day apart, but the outcomes were completely different.

For the Israeli teen, Estrin said that he was placed under house arrest and has since been freed, though his trial continues. The Palestinian teenager was arrested and jailed for nine months, for the same crime.

...Between 2008 and 2013, the number of young Palestinians arrested by police for throwing stones was 1,142, while the number of young Israeli settlers arrested was 53. The consequences for a Palestinian, he said, can range from three to eight months of a military prison sentence, while the typical outcome for an Israeli is release without being convicted.

Settlements increase the friction between Israeli's and Palestinians, and that is where most of the rock throwing occurs, with very different punishments for the perpetrators.
Because rocks don't kill.
Why not ask some neighbors to throw rocks and you and see what happens?
But first we will private message each other and I can be a beneficiary in your will.

Am I making the argument that rock throwing should NOT be a crime?
Shot lobbing rocks at cars (not at soldiers). Palestinian teen shot dead while throwing rocks

In the West Bank, Israeli and Palestinian kids who throw stones face unequal justice

For young people growing up in the West Bank, the quickest form of protest is never more than an arm’s reach away. It’s the stone on the ground. When hurled at the opposing side, it is a tool of violence for both Israelis and Palestinians alike.

“Israeli settlers are prosecuted under Israeli civilian law, but Palestinians, who live just a few minutes away from those Israeli settlers, are subject to a completely different set of laws — military laws and the military justice system,” Estrin said.

The Associated Press report followed two 15-year-old boys who lived near each other. They were accused of the same crime of stone-throwing just one day apart, but the outcomes were completely different.

For the Israeli teen, Estrin said that he was placed under house arrest and has since been freed, though his trial continues. The Palestinian teenager was arrested and jailed for nine months, for the same crime.

...Between 2008 and 2013, the number of young Palestinians arrested by police for throwing stones was 1,142, while the number of young Israeli settlers arrested was 53. The consequences for a Palestinian, he said, can range from three to eight months of a military prison sentence, while the typical outcome for an Israeli is release without being convicted.

Settlements increase the friction between Israeli's and Palestinians, and that is where most of the rock throwing occurs, with very different punishments for the perpetrators.
Because rocks don't kill.
Why not ask some neighbors to throw rocks and you and see what happens?
But first we will private message each other and I can be a beneficiary in your will.

Am I making the argument that rock throwing should NOT be a crime?
In a manner of speaking? Yes.
You curse me out you don't get shot.
You throw rocks at me, you get shot...simple enough.
Shot lobbing rocks at cars (not at soldiers). Palestinian teen shot dead while throwing rocks

In the West Bank, Israeli and Palestinian kids who throw stones face unequal justice

For young people growing up in the West Bank, the quickest form of protest is never more than an arm’s reach away. It’s the stone on the ground. When hurled at the opposing side, it is a tool of violence for both Israelis and Palestinians alike.

“Israeli settlers are prosecuted under Israeli civilian law, but Palestinians, who live just a few minutes away from those Israeli settlers, are subject to a completely different set of laws — military laws and the military justice system,” Estrin said.

The Associated Press report followed two 15-year-old boys who lived near each other. They were accused of the same crime of stone-throwing just one day apart, but the outcomes were completely different.

For the Israeli teen, Estrin said that he was placed under house arrest and has since been freed, though his trial continues. The Palestinian teenager was arrested and jailed for nine months, for the same crime.

...Between 2008 and 2013, the number of young Palestinians arrested by police for throwing stones was 1,142, while the number of young Israeli settlers arrested was 53. The consequences for a Palestinian, he said, can range from three to eight months of a military prison sentence, while the typical outcome for an Israeli is release without being convicted.

Settlements increase the friction between Israeli's and Palestinians, and that is where most of the rock throwing occurs, with very different punishments for the perpetrators.
Because rocks don't kill.
Why not ask some neighbors to throw rocks and you and see what happens?
But first we will private message each other and I can be a beneficiary in your will.

Am I making the argument that rock throwing should NOT be a crime?
In a manner of speaking? Yes.
You curse me out you don't get shot.
You throw rocks at me, you get shot...simple enough.

In a manner of speaking no - I'm not. It causes damage, injury, even death - it should be a criminal offense.

On the other hand:

If you throw rocks and are a Palestinian you get shot.
If you throw rocks and are a Jew you do not.
Shot lobbing rocks at cars (not at soldiers). Palestinian teen shot dead while throwing rocks

In the West Bank, Israeli and Palestinian kids who throw stones face unequal justice

For young people growing up in the West Bank, the quickest form of protest is never more than an arm’s reach away. It’s the stone on the ground. When hurled at the opposing side, it is a tool of violence for both Israelis and Palestinians alike.

“Israeli settlers are prosecuted under Israeli civilian law, but Palestinians, who live just a few minutes away from those Israeli settlers, are subject to a completely different set of laws — military laws and the military justice system,” Estrin said.

The Associated Press report followed two 15-year-old boys who lived near each other. They were accused of the same crime of stone-throwing just one day apart, but the outcomes were completely different.

For the Israeli teen, Estrin said that he was placed under house arrest and has since been freed, though his trial continues. The Palestinian teenager was arrested and jailed for nine months, for the same crime.

...Between 2008 and 2013, the number of young Palestinians arrested by police for throwing stones was 1,142, while the number of young Israeli settlers arrested was 53. The consequences for a Palestinian, he said, can range from three to eight months of a military prison sentence, while the typical outcome for an Israeli is release without being convicted.

Settlements increase the friction between Israeli's and Palestinians, and that is where most of the rock throwing occurs, with very different punishments for the perpetrators.
Because rocks don't kill.
Why not ask some neighbors to throw rocks and you and see what happens?
But first we will private message each other and I can be a beneficiary in your will.

Am I making the argument that rock throwing should NOT be a crime?
In a manner of speaking? Yes.
You curse me out you don't get shot.
You throw rocks at me, you get shot...simple enough.

In a manner of speaking no - I'm not. It causes damage, injury, even death - it should be a criminal offense.

On the other hand:

If you throw rocks and are a Palestinian you get shot.
If you throw rocks and are a Jew you do not.
Is every Palestinian who is throwing rocks, no matter what size, being shot? Or does it depend on the circumstances ?
Shot lobbing rocks at cars (not at soldiers). Palestinian teen shot dead while throwing rocks

In the West Bank, Israeli and Palestinian kids who throw stones face unequal justice

For young people growing up in the West Bank, the quickest form of protest is never more than an arm’s reach away. It’s the stone on the ground. When hurled at the opposing side, it is a tool of violence for both Israelis and Palestinians alike.

“Israeli settlers are prosecuted under Israeli civilian law, but Palestinians, who live just a few minutes away from those Israeli settlers, are subject to a completely different set of laws — military laws and the military justice system,” Estrin said.

The Associated Press report followed two 15-year-old boys who lived near each other. They were accused of the same crime of stone-throwing just one day apart, but the outcomes were completely different.

For the Israeli teen, Estrin said that he was placed under house arrest and has since been freed, though his trial continues. The Palestinian teenager was arrested and jailed for nine months, for the same crime.

...Between 2008 and 2013, the number of young Palestinians arrested by police for throwing stones was 1,142, while the number of young Israeli settlers arrested was 53. The consequences for a Palestinian, he said, can range from three to eight months of a military prison sentence, while the typical outcome for an Israeli is release without being convicted.

Settlements increase the friction between Israeli's and Palestinians, and that is where most of the rock throwing occurs, with very different punishments for the perpetrators.
Because rocks don't kill.
Why not ask some neighbors to throw rocks and you and see what happens?
But first we will private message each other and I can be a beneficiary in your will.

Am I making the argument that rock throwing should NOT be a crime?
In a manner of speaking? Yes.
You curse me out you don't get shot.
You throw rocks at me, you get shot...simple enough.

In a manner of speaking no - I'm not. It causes damage, injury, even death - it should be a criminal offense.

On the other hand:

If you throw rocks and are a Palestinian you get shot.
If you throw rocks and are a Jew you do not.
Is every Palestinian who is throwing rocks, no matter what size, being shot? Or does it depend on the circumstances ?

Has any Jewish kid been shot?
Because rocks don't kill.
Why not ask some neighbors to throw rocks and you and see what happens?
But first we will private message each other and I can be a beneficiary in your will.

Am I making the argument that rock throwing should NOT be a crime?
In a manner of speaking? Yes.
You curse me out you don't get shot.
You throw rocks at me, you get shot...simple enough.

In a manner of speaking no - I'm not. It causes damage, injury, even death - it should be a criminal offense.

On the other hand:

If you throw rocks and are a Palestinian you get shot.
If you throw rocks and are a Jew you do not.
Is every Palestinian who is throwing rocks, no matter what size, being shot? Or does it depend on the circumstances ?

Has any Jewish kid been shot?
Please bring the level of the conversation up.

Arabs are the ones who have stoned Jews, any size of rocks, in order to harm or kill, as you put it.
They do it to intimidate Jews and make them move from their own land.
Have Jews been stoning Arabs? Since which year, and yes some have been doing so. But why, exactly compared to the reason given by the Arabs who do it on a daily basis, and do since how long?

Has any Jewish kid or adult been shot? By the Arabs?
The Arabs know better than to do that, it would take away the victim designation they have achieved since the 1970s, after they lost the 1973 war.

What is all of these for? Why attack children who are hiking? What was the crime?

Arabs Try To Lynch Israeli Children Taking Hike To Celebrate Bar-Mitzvah

Why are the Arabs being taught to attack any Jews walking, talking, driving, etc since the Oslo Accords, when those Accords were signed in order to have the opposite effect. The end of incitement against the Jews and negotiate a peace agreement and the creation of an Arab State next to Israel?

Is it really the Jewish settlements? All of them? Why are they illegal and the Arab ones which the EU and the PA continues to attempt to build on Area C are not?

I know you may be just about the expanding of settlements, as the Arabs say.
But no settlement is expanding beyond its designated area, as agreed by the Oslo Accords.

So, once again......Why are the Arabs stoning Jews? In Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem........
[ It just amazes me how people keep thinking that the issue is about Settlements, as the Palestinians clearly do not think so, and clearly say so ]

A co-founder and leader of the Hamas terror organization has warned US President Donald Trump that once Hamas has “liberated Palestine in its entirety… we will shut down your embassy, and deport all the people of your kind.”
Once Palestine had been taken, “annihilation” would be “the fate not only of the Jews, but also of their helpers and of the people who trusted them, cooperated with them,” he went on.

(full article online)

Hamas will ‘shut down’ US embassy in Israel, co-founder of terror group warns

[ No matter how many times people are told that it is not about settlements, or refugees, etc......they will not believe it ]
Am I making the argument that rock throwing should NOT be a crime?
In a manner of speaking? Yes.
You curse me out you don't get shot.
You throw rocks at me, you get shot...simple enough.

In a manner of speaking no - I'm not. It causes damage, injury, even death - it should be a criminal offense.

On the other hand:

If you throw rocks and are a Palestinian you get shot.
If you throw rocks and are a Jew you do not.
Is every Palestinian who is throwing rocks, no matter what size, being shot? Or does it depend on the circumstances ?

Has any Jewish kid been shot?
Please bring the level of the conversation up.

I have. What brings it DOWN is ignoring the inequities in how the penalties are applied.

AGAIN - have any Jewish kids been SHOT for throwing rocks?

Arabs are the ones who have stoned Jews, any size of rocks, in order to harm or kill, as you put it.
They do it to intimidate Jews and make them move from their own land.
Have Jews been stoning Arabs? Since which year, and yes some have been doing so. But why, exactly compared to the reason given by the Arabs who do it on a daily basis, and do since how long?

Throwing stones in a land full of stones is a common and culturally ingrained practice of all the people living there going back to David and Goliath and know, the story of the little dude that killed the giant dude with a slingshot and a stone...:D?

"They do it to intimidate the Jews and make them move from their own land...." did it occur to you that the Jewish settlers do it to intimidate the Palestinians and make them move from their own land?

In fact - Jewish settlers stoning Palestinians in the contest settlement areas IS a big problem. At times Palestinian school kids need to be escorted by soldiers past settlements to protect them. Kind of sounds like a "daily basis" to me. How about you?

It's not just the Jews who get hurt from thrown stones. So why the double standard in acknowledging it and in how it's handled? :dunno:

In a separate incident on Thursday night, a seven-year-old Palestinian girl was hospitalised after settlers threw stones at her family's car in the same area. The stones and glass hit her face, leaving her with multiple injuries.

Has any Jewish kid or adult been shot? By the Arabs?
The Arabs know better than to do that, it would take away the victim designation they have achieved since the 1970s, after they lost the 1973 war.

I wasn't actually thinking of that, but I guarantee if an Arab shot a Jewish stone thrower there would be hell to pay. No, I was talking about Israeli's. Have they shot any of the Jewish rock throwers?

What is all of these for? Why attack children who are hiking? What was the crime?

Arabs Try To Lynch Israeli Children Taking Hike To Celebrate Bar-Mitzvah

Exactly. Why? Why are kids attacked? Why do school kids needed to be escorted by soldiers? None of this is ok. Shouldn't it be treated the same?

Why are the Arabs being taught to attack any Jews walking, talking, driving, etc since the Oslo Accords, when those Accords were signed in order to have the opposite effect. The end of incitement against the Jews and negotiate a peace agreement and the creation of an Arab State next to Israel?

Why are settlers taught to attack Palestinians walking, driving...going to school? Hatred is learned and it's up to the adults to combat it. On all sides.

Is it really the Jewish settlements? All of them? Why are they illegal and the Arab ones which the EU and the PA continues to attempt to build on Area C are not?

I know you may be just about the expanding of settlements, as the Arabs say.
But no settlement is expanding beyond its designated area, as agreed by the Oslo Accords.

So, once again......Why are the Arabs stoning Jews? In Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem........

Why are the Jews stoning Arabs? :dunno:

Why the double standard in acknowledging that both sides are guilty of this but the perpetrators are treated very differently?
In a manner of speaking? Yes.
You curse me out you don't get shot.
You throw rocks at me, you get shot...simple enough.

In a manner of speaking no - I'm not. It causes damage, injury, even death - it should be a criminal offense.

On the other hand:

If you throw rocks and are a Palestinian you get shot.
If you throw rocks and are a Jew you do not.
Is every Palestinian who is throwing rocks, no matter what size, being shot? Or does it depend on the circumstances ?

Has any Jewish kid been shot?
Please bring the level of the conversation up.

I have. What brings it DOWN is ignoring the inequities in how the penalties are applied.

AGAIN - have any Jewish kids been SHOT for throwing rocks?

Arabs are the ones who have stoned Jews, any size of rocks, in order to harm or kill, as you put it.
They do it to intimidate Jews and make them move from their own land.
Have Jews been stoning Arabs? Since which year, and yes some have been doing so. But why, exactly compared to the reason given by the Arabs who do it on a daily basis, and do since how long?

Throwing stones in a land full of stones is a common and culturally ingrained practice of all the people living there going back to David and Goliath and know, the story of the little dude that killed the giant dude with a slingshot and a stone...:D?

"They do it to intimidate the Jews and make them move from their own land...." did it occur to you that the Jewish settlers do it to intimidate the Palestinians and make them move from their own land?

In fact - Jewish settlers stoning Palestinians in the contest settlement areas IS a big problem. At times Palestinian school kids need to be escorted by soldiers past settlements to protect them. Kind of sounds like a "daily basis" to me. How about you?

It's not just the Jews who get hurt from thrown stones. So why the double standard in acknowledging it and in how it's handled? :dunno:

In a separate incident on Thursday night, a seven-year-old Palestinian girl was hospitalised after settlers threw stones at her family's car in the same area. The stones and glass hit her face, leaving her with multiple injuries.

Has any Jewish kid or adult been shot? By the Arabs?
The Arabs know better than to do that, it would take away the victim designation they have achieved since the 1970s, after they lost the 1973 war.

I wasn't actually thinking of that, but I guarantee if an Arab shot a Jewish stone thrower there would be hell to pay. No, I was talking about Israeli's. Have they shot any of the Jewish rock throwers?

What is all of these for? Why attack children who are hiking? What was the crime?

Arabs Try To Lynch Israeli Children Taking Hike To Celebrate Bar-Mitzvah

Exactly. Why? Why are kids attacked? Why do school kids needed to be escorted by soldiers? None of this is ok. Shouldn't it be treated the same?

Why are the Arabs being taught to attack any Jews walking, talking, driving, etc since the Oslo Accords, when those Accords were signed in order to have the opposite effect. The end of incitement against the Jews and negotiate a peace agreement and the creation of an Arab State next to Israel?

Why are settlers taught to attack Palestinians walking, driving...going to school? Hatred is learned and it's up to the adults to combat it. On all sides.

Is it really the Jewish settlements? All of them? Why are they illegal and the Arab ones which the EU and the PA continues to attempt to build on Area C are not?

I know you may be just about the expanding of settlements, as the Arabs say.
But no settlement is expanding beyond its designated area, as agreed by the Oslo Accords.

So, once again......Why are the Arabs stoning Jews? In Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem........

Why are the Jews stoning Arabs? :dunno:

Why the double standard in acknowledging that both sides are guilty of this but the perpetrators are treated very differently?
I guess the issue is that Jews don't set the situation up for the press.
In a manner of speaking? Yes.
You curse me out you don't get shot.
You throw rocks at me, you get shot...simple enough.

In a manner of speaking no - I'm not. It causes damage, injury, even death - it should be a criminal offense.

On the other hand:

If you throw rocks and are a Palestinian you get shot.
If you throw rocks and are a Jew you do not.
Is every Palestinian who is throwing rocks, no matter what size, being shot? Or does it depend on the circumstances ?

Has any Jewish kid been shot?
Please bring the level of the conversation up.

I have. What brings it DOWN is ignoring the inequities in how the penalties are applied.

AGAIN - have any Jewish kids been SHOT for throwing rocks?

Arabs are the ones who have stoned Jews, any size of rocks, in order to harm or kill, as you put it.
They do it to intimidate Jews and make them move from their own land.
Have Jews been stoning Arabs? Since which year, and yes some have been doing so. But why, exactly compared to the reason given by the Arabs who do it on a daily basis, and do since how long?

Throwing stones in a land full of stones is a common and culturally ingrained practice of all the people living there going back to David and Goliath and know, the story of the little dude that killed the giant dude with a slingshot and a stone...:D?

"They do it to intimidate the Jews and make them move from their own land...." did it occur to you that the Jewish settlers do it to intimidate the Palestinians and make them move from their own land?

In fact - Jewish settlers stoning Palestinians in the contest settlement areas IS a big problem. At times Palestinian school kids need to be escorted by soldiers past settlements to protect them. Kind of sounds like a "daily basis" to me. How about you?

It's not just the Jews who get hurt from thrown stones. So why the double standard in acknowledging it and in how it's handled? :dunno:

In a separate incident on Thursday night, a seven-year-old Palestinian girl was hospitalised after settlers threw stones at her family's car in the same area. The stones and glass hit her face, leaving her with multiple injuries.

Has any Jewish kid or adult been shot? By the Arabs?
The Arabs know better than to do that, it would take away the victim designation they have achieved since the 1970s, after they lost the 1973 war.

I wasn't actually thinking of that, but I guarantee if an Arab shot a Jewish stone thrower there would be hell to pay. No, I was talking about Israeli's. Have they shot any of the Jewish rock throwers?

What is all of these for? Why attack children who are hiking? What was the crime?

Arabs Try To Lynch Israeli Children Taking Hike To Celebrate Bar-Mitzvah

Exactly. Why? Why are kids attacked? Why do school kids needed to be escorted by soldiers? None of this is ok. Shouldn't it be treated the same?

Why are the Arabs being taught to attack any Jews walking, talking, driving, etc since the Oslo Accords, when those Accords were signed in order to have the opposite effect. The end of incitement against the Jews and negotiate a peace agreement and the creation of an Arab State next to Israel?

Why are settlers taught to attack Palestinians walking, driving...going to school? Hatred is learned and it's up to the adults to combat it. On all sides.

Is it really the Jewish settlements? All of them? Why are they illegal and the Arab ones which the EU and the PA continues to attempt to build on Area C are not?

I know you may be just about the expanding of settlements, as the Arabs say.
But no settlement is expanding beyond its designated area, as agreed by the Oslo Accords.

So, once again......Why are the Arabs stoning Jews? In Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem........

Why are the Jews stoning Arabs? :dunno:

Why the double standard in acknowledging that both sides are guilty of this but the perpetrators are treated very differently?
Sorry, but you truly have not answered my questions.

As I have pointed out, there is a daily stoning of Jews, walking or in their cars in Judea and Samaria.

Jews attacking Arabs walking or in cars is a very rare occurrence.

Also, some Jews would not need to feel they want to attack Arabs with stones if the Arabs had not started the custom.

Yes, stoning does go back to even before David and Goliath, but when were Jews stoning Arabs or anyone else for being on their land, since the Muslim conquest?

How many Jews are stoning Hashemite Arabs for that clan having settled on Jewish land since 1925?

How many Jews are stoning Arabs in Gaza who have taken over the land where they lived until 2005? Or were they stoning Arabs after the 1920 expulsion from their homes in 1920?

You question double standards when it comes to the very few Jews who have done this kind of act for the past 100 years, compared to the hundreds of Arabs who are motivated on a daily basis to attack Jews with stones, knives, cars, and more, etc. for those same 100 years.

Even if we cut it down to the past 10 years, the number of Jews attacking Arabs with stones would pale in comparison with the number of Arabs who have been doing the same for the same period of time.

Some Jews mostly throw rocks at Arabs out of reaction to Arabs throwing stones at Jews, which is never ending.

I am trying to point out that the reason for Jews throwing stones at Arabs is totally different from Arabs doing it against Jews.

Some Jews simply got fed up with Arabs throwing rocks for all of these years and are taking it under their own resolve to do the same thing.

Arabs, on the contrary, are taught at home, in schools, in their media to do exactly that to Jews, anytime, all the time.

There is no double standard of any kind between the two.

Do you need further information about why some Jews have decided they have had enough and are doing the same to Arabs?

Do you truly believe that if a Jew harms or kills an Arab with rocks, that they will end up set free and not convicted for it?
In a manner of speaking? Yes.
You curse me out you don't get shot.
You throw rocks at me, you get shot...simple enough.

In a manner of speaking no - I'm not. It causes damage, injury, even death - it should be a criminal offense.

On the other hand:

If you throw rocks and are a Palestinian you get shot.
If you throw rocks and are a Jew you do not.
Is every Palestinian who is throwing rocks, no matter what size, being shot? Or does it depend on the circumstances ?

Has any Jewish kid been shot?
Please bring the level of the conversation up.

I have. What brings it DOWN is ignoring the inequities in how the penalties are applied.

AGAIN - have any Jewish kids been SHOT for throwing rocks?

Arabs are the ones who have stoned Jews, any size of rocks, in order to harm or kill, as you put it.
They do it to intimidate Jews and make them move from their own land.
Have Jews been stoning Arabs? Since which year, and yes some have been doing so. But why, exactly compared to the reason given by the Arabs who do it on a daily basis, and do since how long?

Throwing stones in a land full of stones is a common and culturally ingrained practice of all the people living there going back to David and Goliath and know, the story of the little dude that killed the giant dude with a slingshot and a stone...:D?
It's not just the Jews who get hurt from thrown stones. So why the double standard in acknowledging it and in how it's handled? :dunno:

In a separate incident on Thursday night, a seven-year-old Palestinian girl was hospitalised after settlers threw stones at her family's car in the same area. The stones and glass hit her face, leaving her with multiple injuries.

Exactly. Why? Why are kids attacked?
Nice source. Good job. :cool-45:
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