She Doesn't Hold Back: Sarah Palin Calls Barack And Michelle 'Unpatriotic' & 'Racist'

That's because I looked up your number on my own.


You're really out of your depth here you should get a new hobby.

Hardly. Since you fail and :eusa_liar: here you go

Picture Darkens for Americans, Poll Finds -

Link is on the left, but that might be too onerous for one as yourself, so here you go:


I'm sorry, but there is no volume, perhaps you can find someone to read it to you and add up the numbers?

Ha, see, with proper training you are responsive.

Political Figures: O

I suggest you look at the first poll, which is the only one with up-to-date numbers. As you see, Michelle Obama is NOT in any sort of downtrend such as the rightwing biased Byron York suggested.
Ok....What political candidate iSN'T oppotunistic and self serving?
Running for political office is all about salesmanship and opportunity. To some it is unpalatable, but we vote anyway.
Look, do not be fooled by the negative media coverage. Study the woman yourself.

I have, can't avoid her. She's the far right's answer to Obama and you act like that's a 'good thing.'

Obama is so far left, he expanded gun laws more than any other president in history.

??? You mean the new law that allows for LOADED GUNS to be carried in National Parks???
Perhaps you don't realize that a lot of states have loosened their gun laws? I can't find anything else to substantiate your statement.
Hardly. Since you fail and :eusa_liar: here you go

Picture Darkens for Americans, Poll Finds -

Link is on the left, but that might be too onerous for one as yourself, so here you go:


I'm sorry, but there is no volume, perhaps you can find someone to read it to you and add up the numbers?

Ha, see, with proper training you are responsive.

Political Figures: O

I suggest you look at the first poll, which is the only one with up-to-date numbers. As you see, Michelle Obama is NOT in any sort of downtrend such as the rightwing biased Byron York suggested.

You are either lying in the manner of TM or you are unable to read a simple chart.
Ha, see, with proper training you are responsive.

Political Figures: O

I suggest you look at the first poll, which is the only one with up-to-date numbers. As you see, Michelle Obama is NOT in any sort of downtrend such as the rightwing biased Byron York suggested.

You are either lying in the manner of TM or you are unable to read a simple chart.

The Roper poll taken in November says Michelle Obama's numbers are 67 - 27.

Aren't they the numbers I cited?
False. It was the Bush DOJ that dropped the criminal charges.
That is not true.

The Obama administration won a default judgment in federal court in April 2009 when the Black Panthers didn't appear in court to fight the charges. But the administration moved to dismiss the charges in May 2009. Justice attorneys said a criminal complaint, which resulted in the injunction, proceeded successfully.

They won and still dismissed. :wtf:

Justice Department lawyer accuses Holder dropping New Black Panther case political

What a difference the color of skin makes.

The Bush administration DOJ chose not to pursue similar charges against members of the Minutemen, one of whom allegedly carried a weapon while harassing Hispanic voters in Arizona in 2006-

To illustrate his point, Perez highlighted the Department of Justice's decision in 2006 not to pursue charges against members of the Minutemen for allegedly intimidating Hispanic voters in Pima, Arizona -- with one member of the group allegedly carrying a gun:

I guess only if you're black should charges of intimidation be brought up. What about WHITE intimidation?

Voter intimidation in a district that is heavily Democratic trying to intimidate voters to vote Democratic. Yea, I'm sure it changed the "complexion" of the "race".
Good to know that you are A-OK with cheating on elections, Deanie-do. :thup:
I have, can't avoid her. She's the far right's answer to Obama and you act like that's a 'good thing.'

Obama is so far left, he expanded gun laws more than any other president in history.

??? You mean the new law that allows for LOADED GUNS to be carried in National Parks???
Perhaps you don't realize that a lot of states have loosened their gun laws? I can't find anything else to substantiate your statement.

Key word National parks.

That means states don't make the rules there, the Federal Government does.

Perhaps you didn't realize that.

Obama is so far left, he expanded gun laws more than any other president in history.

??? You mean the new law that allows for LOADED GUNS to be carried in National Parks???
Perhaps you don't realize that a lot of states have loosened their gun laws? I can't find anything else to substantiate your statement.

Key word National parks.

That means states don't make the rules there, the Federal Government does.

Perhaps you didn't realize that.


I realize they're separate. Here we have Assateague National Park and Assateague State Park. One is run by the feds (with looser rules and regulations) and the other is run by the state.
??? You mean the new law that allows for LOADED GUNS to be carried in National Parks???
Perhaps you don't realize that a lot of states have loosened their gun laws? I can't find anything else to substantiate your statement.

Key word National parks.

That means states don't make the rules there, the Federal Government does.

Perhaps you didn't realize that.


I realize they're separate. Here we have Assateague National Park and Assateague State Park. One is run by the feds (with looser rules and regulations) and the other is run by the state.
Key word National parks.

That means states don't make the rules there, the Federal Government does.

Perhaps you didn't realize that.


I realize they're separate. Here we have Assateague National Park and Assateague State Park. One is run by the feds (with looser rules and regulations) and the other is run by the state.

I camp at the State Park every year.... love them ponies...and the mosquitos
"Sarah Palin teases that she might run for president. But she is unqualified - not just in the (let me count the) usual ways, but because she does not know the country She could not be the president of black America nor of Hispanic America. She knows more about grizzlies than she does about African Americans - and she clearly has more interest in the former than the latter. Did she once just pick up the phone and ask Michelle Obama what she meant by her remark? Did she ask about her background? What it was like at Princeton? What it was like for her parents or her grandparents?"

Thats what Palin does best......point out who the "Real Americans" are

Which is one of the reasons I really hope she runs.

There's no way she can win in a general election.
She's RUNNIN', alright.....from Katie Couric.....and, WHINING, TOO!!!!!!



"If Sarah Palin does run for president next year, at least one high profile journalist will be forbidden access to the former Alaska governor.

Speaking to Fox New's Sean Hannity in an interview to air Monday, Palin said she wants nothing to do with Katie Couric, the CBS Evening News anchor who's line of questioning facilitated one of the most memorable political foibles of the 2008 presidential campaign.

"As for doing an interview, though, with a reporter who already has such a bias against whatever it is that I would come out and say? Why waste my time? No," Palin told Hannity of Couric, according to excerpts obtained by Time's Mark Halperin."

Palin honestly thinks she could run for president and win while boycotting the 'lamestream media'?

Ask Sharron Angle, Joe Miller, and Christine O'Donnell how that campaign strategy works, which, btw,

happens have been suggested to them BY Palin.
Yanno........I really do hope the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil actually DOES run. It would be funny to watch her try to debate someone about real issues.

Barring that? My second choice would be to watch Palin try to play Celebrity Jeopardy. She'd do worse than Cooper and Blitzer.
Yanno........I really do hope the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil actually DOES run. It would be funny to watch her try to debate someone about real issues.

Barring that? My second choice would be to watch Palin try to play Celebrity Jeopardy. She'd do worse than Cooper and Blitzer.

Forget about debating Obama. I would like to see her defend some of the things she has said in debates against legitimate Republican contenders
Talk about speaking the truth, this woman is full of the truth when she says this. Sarah Palin is showing she has a set and she is not letting the political correctness stop her either. She is letting us know what kind of campaign she is going to give Obama if she runs. You gotta love this really. I mean, this is what you call being bold and it shows she stands by her convictions. The fact is, she is right, Barack and his wife Michelle are indeed very much unpatriotic and racist. They showed it in their statements on the campaign trail in 08 and they have showed it through their actions in the White House. Palin is showing she has a backbone and she intends to use it and this is a example. Obama doesn't realize that this woman doesn't give a crap about being politicaly correct when it pertains to calling him and his wife out. As President Clinton has said and Biden said it yesterday morning........'Don't underestimate this woman'. If she runs , which we all know she will, Obama will be faced with something he has never delt with before and that is a woman who will call it like she sees ignoring the political correctness that has swept America.

Sarah Palin brands Barack and Michelle Obama ?unpatriotic? | TopNews

the more palin mocks and taunts obama and democrats the less presidential she looks

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