She Doesn't Hold Back: Sarah Palin Calls Barack And Michelle 'Unpatriotic' & 'Racist'

She may be "speaking the truth" - but the very last sentence in the article.."The attack is likely to deepen the impression that the former Alaska governor is too divisive a figure to win the presidency" the truest statement made in the entire piece.

Divisive? Obama is the one who has been divisive and Palin is calling him out with his wife who has only liked America for 2 years now.

You know, neither you nor ignorant Sarah Palin have any idea exactly what Michelle Obama meant by that remark. But you have to have the ability to understand people and what motivates them. Empathy also figures into it in a big way. Neither the president or his wife are the least bit racist. To say that they are is very ignorant and unfair.
Barbara Bush was recently on Larry King, and she didn't "hold back" one bit. She always was outspoken!!

Barbara Bush: I Hope Palin Stays in Alaska

Not much love for Sarah Palin from the Bush matriarch: Asked by Larry King her opinion, Bush responded, "I sat next to her once. Thought she was beautiful. And she's very happy in Alaska, and I hope she'll stay there." At least she was smiling when she said it. CNN provides a video teaser (in the gallery), and the full interview airs Monday night.

Barbara Bush: I Hope Palin Stays in Alaska - Weekly Standard zings her, too

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Yanno........I really do hope the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil actually DOES run. It would be funny to watch her try to debate someone about real issues.

Barring that? My second choice would be to watch Palin try to play Celebrity Jeopardy. She'd do worse than Cooper and Blitzer.

Forget about debating Obama. I would like to see her defend some of the things she has said in debates against legitimate Republican contenders

She's gonna have to get-thru-THAT, first....and, we'll see how many o' her fans start WHINING about Republican-males pickin'-on-her....if SHE doesn't complain, first.

I'm still thinkin' she's gonna BAIL, before that (even) happens.

She's gonna milk the ol' public-adulation trip as-long-as-she-can. Even she knows the ol' turkey-neck is gainin'-on-her.​
Talk about speaking the truth, this woman is full of the truth when she says this. Sarah Palin is showing she has a set and she is not letting the political correctness stop her either. She is letting us know what kind of campaign she is going to give Obama if she runs. You gotta love this really. I mean, this is what you call being bold and it shows she stands by her convictions. The fact is, she is right, Barack and his wife Michelle are indeed very much unpatriotic and racist. They showed it in their statements on the campaign trail in 08 and they have showed it through their actions in the White House. Palin is showing she has a backbone and she intends to use it and this is a example. Obama doesn't realize that this woman doesn't give a crap about being politicaly correct when it pertains to calling him and his wife out. As President Clinton has said and Biden said it yesterday morning........'Don't underestimate this woman'. If she runs , which we all know she will, Obama will be faced with something he has never delt with before and that is a woman who will call it like she sees ignoring the political correctness that has swept America.

Sarah Palin brands Barack and Michelle Obama ?unpatriotic? | TopNews

the more palin mocks and taunts obama and democrats the less presidential she looks

Hell, this isn't much more than a modeling-job, for her. As-long-as she's out there...shakin' other Republican-candidate has to waste time (or, money) campaigning for 2012!! She's a distraction....a shiny-object, intended to keep the 'Baggers attention.

Eventually, The DICK; Armey (remember him??) will tell her it's time to box-up all her ca$h and head-back to Alaska....and, the NeoCons/corporate-boys will start rampin'-up The Game (for 2012). The 'Baggers won't know what HIT 'em....even when Sister Sarah tells 'em she really needs to spend more time with her family.

I'm kinda anxious to see how long ol' Todd sticks-around....after their a$$et$ have reached maximum-density.​


"One friend of the Palins’ remembers an argument between Sarah and Todd: “They took all the canned goods out of the pantry, then proceeded to throw them at each other. By the time they got done, the stainless-steel fridge looked like it had got shot up with a shotgun. Todd said, ‘I don’t know why I even waste my time trying to get nice things for you if you’re just going to ruin them.’ ” This friend adds, “As soon as she enters her property and the door closes, even the insects in that house cringe. She has a horrible temper, but she has gotten away with it because she is a pretty woman.” (The friend elaborated on this last point: “Once, while Sarah was preparing for a city-council meeting, she said, ‘I’m gonna put on one of my push-up bras so I can get what I want tonight.’ That’s how she rolls.”)"
Barbara Bush was recently on Larry King, and she didn't "hold back" one bit. She always was outspoken!!

Barbara Bush: I Hope Palin Stays in Alaska
....At a mall, somewhere..... :rolleyes:

"It's clear from the video that she violated the [wildlife] guidelines" of Wolverine Creek by getting to close to the bears, the director of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance told Newser."

I guess Mama Grizzley know....being so knowledgeable o' The Great Outdoors, and all...... :rolleyes:

Whatta farce......​
the more palin mocks and taunts obama and democrats the less presidential she looks

that's pretty funny... and you're thinking "it works for obama??"
If we take Palin at her word...she prefers being out in the wilderness to being in an office.

Let's make sure she keeps her word and stays out of the OVAL office. I mean...if she's telling the truth and all. If she's lying...and she'd rather be in an office...well then she's not worthy of the office.
She may be "speaking the truth" - but the very last sentence in the article.."The attack is likely to deepen the impression that the former Alaska governor is too divisive a figure to win the presidency" the truest statement made in the entire piece.

Divisive? Obama is the one who has been divisive and Palin is calling him out with his wife who has only liked America for 2 years now.

You know, neither you nor ignorant Sarah Palin have any idea exactly what Michelle Obama meant by that remark. But you have to have the ability to understand people and what motivates them. Empathy also figures into it in a big way. Neither the president or his wife are the least bit racist. To say that they are is very ignorant and unfair.

A known racist like you claiming that the Obamas aren't racist doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
I guess I am the only real american solicitting this board. Because I don't want either Palin nor Obama running in 2012!!

That is right--Give America a chance, put down and back away from your screwy populist!

Thank you!!

PS--That is right, I said "the only REAL AMERICAN":razz:
I guess I am the only real american solicitting this board. Because I don't want either Palin nor Obama running in 2012!!

That is right--Give America a chance, put down and back away from your screwy populist!

Thank you!!

PS--That is right, I said "the only REAL AMERICAN":razz:

LOL! Well I agree with your 'don't want'. ;)
I guess I am the only real american solicitting this board. Because I don't want either Palin nor Obama running in 2012!!

That is right--Give America a chance, put down and back away from your screwy populist!

Thank you!!

PS--That is right, I said "the only REAL AMERICAN":razz:

Gunna give us a hint on the horse you are backing?

Should be interesting....let me guess....Ron Paul's lookin' like Sister Sarah is gettin' happy-feet, a little prematurely; gettin' bored & preppin' to SPLIT, again!!

All she had to do was wait for Armey's "O.K." (to head-back-home....permanently), but...NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!....she has to push-back, against the GOP-hierarchy, and be TOLD to go-back (to Alaska)!!!!

Republican-ELITISTS???!!! :rolleyes:

Yeah.....who didn't expect THAT one?!!


"In an interview with Barbara Walters last week, Palin said she felt she could defeat President Obama in 2012 if she were nominated. Walters, in a new interview with Obama, asked him what he thought.

"You know, I don't speculate on what's going to happen two years from now," he said.

"You will not tell me that you think you could beat Sarah Palin?" Walters asked.

"What I'm saying is, I don't think about Sarah Palin," Obama said with a smile."
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Divisive? Obama is the one who has been divisive and Palin is calling him out with his wife who has only liked America for 2 years now.

You know, neither you nor ignorant Sarah Palin have any idea exactly what Michelle Obama meant by that remark. But you have to have the ability to understand people and what motivates them. Empathy also figures into it in a big way. Neither the president or his wife are the least bit racist. To say that they are is very ignorant and unfair.

A known racist like you claiming that the Obamas aren't racist doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

A known racist like me?? You stupid ass!! How do you reconcile just throwing out stupid remarks like that?? You know absolutely nothing about me. And if you would read things I post, you would never have said that and made such a fool of yourself. No wonder Republican party leaders are running from the tea party right wing radicals. You are all just as stupid as you can be.
You know, neither you nor ignorant Sarah Palin have any idea exactly what Michelle Obama meant by that remark. But you have to have the ability to understand people and what motivates them. Empathy also figures into it in a big way. Neither the president or his wife are the least bit racist. To say that they are is very ignorant and unfair.

A known racist like you claiming that the Obamas aren't racist doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

A known racist like me?? You stupid ass!! How do you reconcile just throwing out stupid remarks like that?? You know absolutely nothing about me.
You're quite-obviously unaware of all "conservatives'" mind-reading skills!!

Given that twice as many Americans view Palin unfavorably compared to Michelle Obama, I'd say the People's verdict on all this crap is quite conclusive.

As with a lot of her actions, as stupid as it looks on the face of it, there's a real strategy going on here. I think this guy at Balloon Juice sums it up pretty well:

Palin’s goal is to mobilize a base of Fox-watching, resentment-driven primary voters. These people are mainly white and male, and they do not like Michelle Obama. Palin’s characterization of Michelle Obama as an elite black woman who thinks she knows better just stirs the pot of resentment that Palin thinks will drive her primary victories. In the eyes of the typical Palin primary voter, Mrs. Obama’s anti-obesity program is in no way “benign”—it’s another example of that uppity Princeton-educated black ballbuster thinking she knows better than real Americans.

Second, if Palin does get the nomination, she’ll be a weak candidate with little or no positive agenda. So, she’ll have to attack Michelle and Barack Obama, Sasha, Malia and Bo, repeatedly and without regard to their poll numbers. She will run a constant Twitter and Facebook attack machine with the goal of making Obama look weak if he doesn’t respond, but also making him look like he’s picking on her and her family if he does. Her strategy for attracting women voters will be to make Obama look like he isn’t tough enough to defend his wife and family, and then to make him look like a jerk for attacking poor defenseless Sarah.

Palin will be able to pursue this strategy in large part because she won’t be subject to the same media rules as her primary or general opponents. The mainstream media dutifully reports her every tweet but is unable to question her directly on the horseshit that she spews. My guess is that she won’t travel with any press but Fox and associated friendly outlets. She’s shown a basic capability of participating in a debate and not making a complete ass of herself, if she’s prepped correctly, so she’ll probably outperform the low expectations that will accompany that little ritual.
if we take palin at her word...she prefers being out in the wilderness to being in an office.

Let's make sure she keeps her word and stays out of the oval office. I mean...if she's telling the truth and all. If she's lying...and she'd rather be in an office...well then she's not worthy of the office.

think this a tad literal ? you sound like dante. this is a fine example of how your people go right for the jugular. i can find obama lies, like when he quit the senate 1/3 thru the term. 33 %
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if we take palin at her word...she prefers being out in the wilderness to being in an office.

Let's make sure she keeps her word and stays out of the oval office. I mean...if she's telling the truth and all. If she's lying...and she'd rather be in an office...well then she's not worthy of the office.

think this a tad literal ? you sound like dante. this is a fine example of how your people go right for the jugular. i can find obama lies, like when he quit the senate 1/3 thru the term. 33 %

Palin quit, Obama was promoted.

See the difference?

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