Sherrod's going to Sue Breitbart...

nothing to defend about Breitbart
but seeing you lefties stand up and make a hero out the admitted racist bigot Sherrod is a the real laugh.
nothing to defend about Breitbart
but seeing you lefties stand up and make a hero out the admitted racist bigot Sherrod is a the real laugh.

Sadly, you need a doctored video and a lying blogger to feed your wounded ego in this thread. Poor girl. Maybe it will be less obvious, and less devastating, the next time one of your ilk decides to slander someone.
nothing to defend about Breitbart
but seeing you lefties stand up and make a hero out the admitted racist bigot Sherrod is a the real laugh.

Sadly, you need a doctored video and a lying blogger to feed your wounded ego in this thread. Poor girl. Maybe it will be less obvious, and less devastating, the next time one of your ilk decides to slander someone.

LOL, the word for last week was, RACIST.

the word for this WEEK, SLANDER.

nothing to defend about Breitbart
but seeing you lefties stand up and make a hero out the admitted racist bigot Sherrod is a the real laugh.

Sadly, you need a doctored video and a lying blogger to feed your wounded ego in this thread. Poor girl. Maybe it will be less obvious, and less devastating, the next time one of your ilk decides to slander someone.

LOL, the word for last week was, RACIST.

the word for this WEEK, SLANDER.


those adjectives are not mutually exclusive, nutter!


I guess you have no other option but the face and admit why Breitbart's acid reflux is about to act up again as his court date drawn nearer!

nothing to defend about Breitbart
but seeing you lefties stand up and make a hero out the admitted racist bigot Sherrod is a the real laugh.

Sadly, you need a doctored video and a lying blogger to feed your wounded ego in this thread. Poor girl. Maybe it will be less obvious, and less devastating, the next time one of your ilk decides to slander someone.

yeah, he slandered her with her own video footage. :lol:

Sure the guy is a douche, but she has no case.
nothing to defend about Breitbart
but seeing you lefties stand up and make a hero out the admitted racist bigot Sherrod is a the real laugh.

Sadly, you need a doctored video and a lying blogger to feed your wounded ego in this thread. Poor girl. Maybe it will be less obvious, and less devastating, the next time one of your ilk decides to slander someone.

yeah, he slandered her with her own video footage. :lol:

Sure the guy is a douche, but she has no case.

video footage that was butchered into suggesting the very slander that will pin him to the wall.

Mani, if I collect video footage of you and splice it to say that you wack off to child porn in order to discredit you and whatever organizations you are affiliated with then it's slander.
All of sudden THE left is demanding that all videos not be edited to show segments of it.

Sheesh, where in the hell is that going to leave all of LAMESTREAM MEDIA.

this crap is just that, CRAPPOLA

but it won't stop the lefties from running with it.

way friggen FUNNY:lol:
Oh boy, now Maybe Palin can go after all the bloggers and even the Lamestream media for the damage they have caused her.

I say we go GET EM.:lol:

As well she should, if she feels damaged. This needs to stop.

July 24, 2010
Shirley Sherrod and Me

I UNDERSTAND how Shirley Sherrod, the Agriculture Department official who was forced to resign last week, must have felt.

Last year I, too, resigned from an administration job, after I uttered some ill-chosen words about the Republican Party and was accused — falsely — of signing my name to a petition being passed around by 9/11 conspiracy theorists. Partisan Web sites and pundits pounced, and I, too, saw my name go from obscurity to national infamy within hours.

Our situations aren’t exactly the same. Ms. Sherrod’s comments, in which she, a black woman, appeared to admit to racial discrimination against a white couple, were taken far out of context, while I truly did use a vulgarity.

But the way we were treated is strikingly similar, and it reveals a lot about the venal nature of Washington politics in the Internet era. In my case, the media rushed to judgment so quickly that I was never able to make clear that the group put my name on its Web site without my permission. The group finally admitted that it never had my signature, but by then it was too late.

Fortunately, Ms. Sherrod has been offered a new job. But our stories offer cautionary tales to anyone interested in taking a job in national politics.

Life inside the Beltway has become a combination of speed chess and Mortal Kombat: one wrong move can mean political death. In the era of YouTube, Twitter and 24-hour cable news, nobody is safe. Even the lowliest staff member knows that an errant comment could wind up online, making her name synonymous with scandal.

The result is that people at all levels of government are becoming overly cautious, unwilling to venture new opinions or even live regular lives for fear of seeing even the most innocuous comment or photograph used against them, all while trying to protect and improve the country. The victims aren’t just government employees — the public as well is hurt. The imperative to immediately and constantly churn out news on even the most minor bit of controversy leads news organizations, and partisans posing as news organizations, to cross the line from responsible reporting to dangerous rumor-mongering.

More ---

omg, give me a friggen hankie.
the poor wittle VICTIM, a radical American hating avowed commie 9/11 truther.
and you post this CRAP from him.

He deserved to be heard, but because of the loudmouthed assholes you religiously follow, he never had a chance. I am so hoping Republicans, especially some "new" Republicans that represent your inhumane and greedy points of view, win complete power in Washington. Because I among others will be digging into all their skeletons and posting nonstop every day just to embarrass the shit out of them (and thus you). You think you're so fucking perfect (the "chosen ones"), you make me want to puke.

Republican Sex Scandals - dKosopedia

A guide to GOP scandals. - By Holly Allen, Christopher Beam, and Torie Bosch - Slate Magazine
As well she should, if she feels damaged. This needs to stop.

July 24, 2010
Shirley Sherrod and Me

I UNDERSTAND how Shirley Sherrod, the Agriculture Department official who was forced to resign last week, must have felt.

Last year I, too, resigned from an administration job, after I uttered some ill-chosen words about the Republican Party and was accused — falsely — of signing my name to a petition being passed around by 9/11 conspiracy theorists. Partisan Web sites and pundits pounced, and I, too, saw my name go from obscurity to national infamy within hours.

Our situations aren’t exactly the same. Ms. Sherrod’s comments, in which she, a black woman, appeared to admit to racial discrimination against a white couple, were taken far out of context, while I truly did use a vulgarity.

But the way we were treated is strikingly similar, and it reveals a lot about the venal nature of Washington politics in the Internet era. In my case, the media rushed to judgment so quickly that I was never able to make clear that the group put my name on its Web site without my permission. The group finally admitted that it never had my signature, but by then it was too late.

Fortunately, Ms. Sherrod has been offered a new job. But our stories offer cautionary tales to anyone interested in taking a job in national politics.

Life inside the Beltway has become a combination of speed chess and Mortal Kombat: one wrong move can mean political death. In the era of YouTube, Twitter and 24-hour cable news, nobody is safe. Even the lowliest staff member knows that an errant comment could wind up online, making her name synonymous with scandal.

The result is that people at all levels of government are becoming overly cautious, unwilling to venture new opinions or even live regular lives for fear of seeing even the most innocuous comment or photograph used against them, all while trying to protect and improve the country. The victims aren’t just government employees — the public as well is hurt. The imperative to immediately and constantly churn out news on even the most minor bit of controversy leads news organizations, and partisans posing as news organizations, to cross the line from responsible reporting to dangerous rumor-mongering.

More ---

omg, give me a friggen hankie.
the poor wittle VICTIM, a radical American hating avowed commie 9/11 truther.
and you post this CRAP from him.

He deserved to be heard, but because of the loudmouthed assholes you religiously follow, he never had a chance. I am so hoping Republicans, especially some "new" Republicans that represent your inhumane and greedy points of view, win complete power in Washington. Because I among others will be digging into all their skeletons and posting nonstop every day just to embarrass the shit out of them (and thus you). You think you're so fucking perfect (the "chosen ones"), you make me want to puke.

Republican Sex Scandals - dKosopedia

A guide to GOP scandals. - By Holly Allen, Christopher Beam, and Torie Bosch - Slate Magazine

so go PUKE. who cares.:lol:
good grief.
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Question: What is the most important issue facing the U.S. today?

- Two wars
- The Deficit and Debt
- Unemployment
- The BP Oil Spill
- Breitbart posting two video clips on his political blog site

Well in order of "importance" by the RWNM, the BP oil spill is getting a lot of faux press by their unequivocal defense of BP, now claiming the damage is actually minimal and those people in the Gulf should just grin and bear it.

seems mother nature cleaned up the spill fatser than obama and bp could....either that it obama and company blew it all out of proportion...remember never let a good crisis go to waste....

But but but, I thought Obama didn't do ENOUGH!! At least that was the whine a few weeks ago from the rabid right. Now you're saying he did so much that he "blew it out of proportion"?? Oh, okey-dokey.
Well in order of "importance" by the RWNM, the BP oil spill is getting a lot of faux press by their unequivocal defense of BP, now claiming the damage is actually minimal and those people in the Gulf should just grin and bear it.

seems mother nature cleaned up the spill fatser than obama and bp could....either that it obama and company blew it all out of proportion...remember never let a good crisis go to waste....

The fact that Obama called for the 6 month moratorium is pretty telling as to what the agenda was.

But of course. He's anti-American, in it only for himself, screw the working man. Therefore, he intentionally alienated a whole bunch of potential voters to his cause by putting them out of work.
Sherrod is a public figure now also whether she wanted to be our not. She was a government employee at the time and was giving a public speech. What happened to her was wrong but she has been offered more than aqueduct compensation for her troubles. Breitbart reputation is forever tarnished and he will be hard pressed to ever have any credibility. She can throw salt in the wound he created but I doubt she will get much other than further tarnishing an already crappy reputation.


Do you idiots actually ENJOY being dumbed down?
at the time of her speech she was

No, she was not. She worked for a private advocacy group. Geezus, look it up yourself. She has a Wikipedia page, in addition to every news story about her also includes her background.

She does realize she is a PUBLIC OFFICIAL and open to criticism. She is still the member of a racist group in the NAACP, so what is she bitching about.

I love how she blames FOX, yet they picked up the story after MSNBC! Maybe FOX should sue her for her slander!

Beitbart stated from the beginning that it was about the racist applaud and approval of the NAACP audience cheering her saying I could of helped whitey, but I choose not to!

Maybe if they don't want to be labeled incorrectly then they shouldn't always scream racism towards other!
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another stupid black person going to sue the wrong person. She DOES have a lawsuit, against the Ag Dep't for wrongful termination, and maybe they have a suit against a Breibert, but unlikely.

She does realize she is a PUBLIC OFFICIAL and open to critizm. She is still the member of a racist group in the NAACP, so what is she bitching about.

I love how she blames FOX, yet they picked up the story after MSNBC! Maybe FOX should sue her for her slander!

Beitbart stated from the beginning that it was about the racist applaud and approval of the NAACP audience cheering her saying I could of helped whitey, but I choose not to!

Maybe if they don't want to be labeled incorrectly then they shouldn't always scream racism towards other!

^Simply NOT Disputable...

The Left is being Patently Dishonest on this Issue... And doing so Willfully.


Well in order of "importance" by the RWNM, the BP oil spill is getting a lot of faux press by their unequivocal defense of BP, now claiming the damage is actually minimal and those people in the Gulf should just grin and bear it.

seems mother nature cleaned up the spill fatser than obama and bp could....either that it obama and company blew it all out of proportion...remember never let a good crisis go to waste....

The Liberal Press Blew it WAY OUT OF proportion, and failed to explain to people that Oil does not stay for ever, It naturally disperses. The Liberal Press over Played it so much, that Million of tourism Dollars are still being lost because people are under the Impression every beach from East Texas to North Florida is ruined. The Press has caused that impression, and it could not be further from the Truth. The VAST majority of the Beaches Had Little OR NO oil come ashore. Hotels rooms are sitting empty for No reason.

In their Zeal to make it look as bad as they could, to Drum up more support for Cap and Trade, and Anti Oil moves, they have cost innocent American Businesspeople Millions in lost Tourism Dollars. Way to go Liberal Press.

Blaming the "liberal press" is almost just to goddamned funny to even respond to. I laughed so hard at that, let me wipe my eyes dry before I try.

By the end of the first week after the explosion, Boehner was calling for an official government investigation to find out who was to blame. Within a few days (hours?), the Boner Boys had in hand copies of the license agreements that Obama's people had signed off on. Aha! The first GOTCHA MOMENT. (Never let a crisis get out of hand before blaming the Obama administration for it...)

By the second week, the RIGHT WING MEDIA was pouncing all over the Obama administration for not being right down there at the shoreline getting oil all over themselves and wading out to physically plug the leak themselves. Hell, Fox even dragged in Michael Brown who offered his own hypocritical assessment that Obama was failing to address the problem.

Every single one of the attempts to stop the leak was blamed on the Obama administration, not the effort to plug it. Day in and day out. It got so bad, that people actually stopped caring about the oil itself (other than those folks who had to live with it), and instead turned their attention to whose "fault" it was that it happened in the first place. And that, my friend, was NOT generated by "liberal media" but by the usual hysterial rantings of the rabid right wing conservatives this country has been infested with.

The "liberal press" made it look bad? Surely you jest.
Geithner and Rangel owed far more in past due taxes than Joe did.

Rangel is a corrupt POS. We agree on that point.

Hopefully he will get drummed out of congress and then he can be criminally convicted of rent fraud by the NYC authorities.

LOL what planet do you live on. The One I live on. THAT NEVER happens to Democrats.

I believe William Jefferson, a former Louisiana congressman, is serving time on graft and corruption charges. There obviously have been others, so your statement is an overreach at best.
Rangel is a corrupt POS. We agree on that point.

Hopefully he will get drummed out of congress and then he can be criminally convicted of rent fraud by the NYC authorities.

LOL what planet do you live on. The One I live on. THAT NEVER happens to Democrats.

I believe William Jefferson, a former Louisiana congressman, is serving time on graft and corruption charges. There obviously have been others, so your statement is an overreach at best.

Yes, and the Media Covered that ACTUAL CRIME how as compared with say... A Certain Florida Rep?...

What was Mark Foley (R) Convicted of again?...

I Assure you that the "Free Press" Covered that Non-Crime MORE than they will Cover Rangel and CERTAINLY More than they did William Jefferson.

And it's Obvious why.


The Liberal Press Blew it WAY OUT OF proportion, and failed to explain to people that Oil does not stay for ever, It naturally disperses. The Liberal Press over Played it so much, that Million of tourism Dollars are still being lost because people are under the Impression every beach from East Texas to North Florida is ruined. The Press has caused that impression, and it could not be further from the Truth. The VAST majority of the Beaches Had Little OR NO oil come ashore. Hotels rooms are sitting empty for No reason.

In their Zeal to make it look as bad as they could, to Drum up more support for Cap and Trade, and Anti Oil moves, they have cost innocent American Businesspeople Millions in lost Tourism Dollars. Way to go Liberal Press.

Wow, I was unaware that Bobby Jindal was a member of the "Liberal Press".

Must have gotten a job at the NY Times while I wasn't looking.

Jindal Never put a graphic up on Nation TV with a massive swath of the Gulf covered in a Red Blob that Said OIL SPILL. That was the Liberal Press, I credit that Graphic Shown on ABC and CNN at least, Repeatedly with making many people think there would be oil on every single Beach, and cancel their plans.

Those maps had nowhere near the effect that Bobby Jindal's rants did. Good God, to listen to him, the world was coming to an end. Don't make me find some of those videos...
Sadly, you need a doctored video and a lying blogger to feed your wounded ego in this thread. Poor girl. Maybe it will be less obvious, and less devastating, the next time one of your ilk decides to slander someone.

yeah, he slandered her with her own video footage. :lol:

Sure the guy is a douche, but she has no case.

video footage that was butchered into suggesting the very slander that will pin him to the wall.

Mani, if I collect video footage of you and splice it to say that you wack off to child porn in order to discredit you and whatever organizations you are affiliated with then it's slander.

That's not what he did (unless there is new evidence I've not seen).

He simply cherry-picked which portions of the footage he aired, but he didn't string anything together to alter what she actually said.

Perhaps the difference is more subtle than I thought. But I would've expected it to be obvious to you.

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