Shocked!!!! Prankster Puts Bacon On Muslim's Sandwich

Shellfish are considered bottom feeders that feed off of dead material and are the "Insects of the sea."

You were wrong. It's not sinful for Christians to eat shellfish...and never was.

I just showed you the passage from the Bible. If you choose not to follow your own rules that is on you. But as far as this thread is concerned, pork is a definite no-no for Muslims.

And I explained why you're full of shit, dumbass.

You are wrong, go lick your wounds and next time don't come unprepared

You now look foolish

How do I look foolish? Is the passage in the Bible or not?

It is, it's OLD COVENANT, done away with by the NEW COVENANT, Christ himself said it was no longer a sin. Mark chapter seven

Then why are the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament still something you should follow? I'm sorry, but it doesn't make someone else foolish to quote a rule from the Bible, and then someone else says they choose not to follow it. The Pope said to be more accepting of homosexuals, even though the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. Religion is full of contradictions, but that doesn't make others foolish.
I read something interesting on that...pork for instance. It's forbidden in two of the main ME religions - Judaism and Islam. What I read was that pigs were a direct competitor for resources with humans in that environment - they aren't native to desert terrain, and compete for the same resources as people, as opposed to cows or goats.

The restrictions in Islam were obviously borrowed from Judaism for the exact same reasons I have stated.

Contrary to popular mythology, before modern times you wouldn't find a huge number of cows anywhere in the desert. In 1929, there were a whopping 336 dairy cattle in Israel. Beef cattle are a very recent addition to Israel's agriculture.
“Do not eat the creatures of the sea that have no fins or scales, for they are unclean” Lev 11:10, I Cor 8:8 – 13, Deu 14:10

Old Covenant, done away with by the New Covenant and it was Mosaic dietary law, directed at Jews, not Gentiles

You have been schooled and are dismissed

Shellfish are considered bottom feeders that feed off of dead material and are the "Insects of the sea."

You were wrong. It's not sinful for Christians to eat shellfish...and never was.
Wait! He's not religious! I guess that means he knows what it means to be religious. He's telling us what's best for mooslims, Catholics, and christians. Makes him (her?) an expert on the subject of religion, doesn't it?

I simply posted a Bible passage. As I said, I could care less how closely someone else follows THEIR rules.
Dude, I already told you, I'm not religious so you can keep your bible passages to yourself.
You were wrong. It's not sinful for Christians to eat shellfish...and never was.

I just showed you the passage from the Bible. If you choose not to follow your own rules that is on you. But as far as this thread is concerned, pork is a definite no-no for Muslims.

And I explained why you're full of shit, dumbass.

You are wrong, go lick your wounds and next time don't come unprepared

You now look foolish

How do I look foolish? Is the passage in the Bible or not?

It is, it's OLD COVENANT, done away with by the NEW COVENANT, Christ himself said it was no longer a sin. Mark chapter seven

Then why are the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament still something you should follow? I'm sorry, but it doesn't make someone else foolish to quote a rule from the Bible, and then someone else says they choose not to follow it. The Pope said to be more accepting of homosexuals, even though the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. Religion is full of contradictions, but that doesn't make others foolish.
The 10 commandments aren't a bad set of rules to live by, generally. I prefer "Do unto others as you would have done unto you".
I always wanted a nice sucking pig stuffed with sauerkraut and bread stuffing.

Damn! That looks tasty. Will you be serving apple sauce, too?
I just showed you the passage from the Bible. If you choose not to follow your own rules that is on you. But as far as this thread is concerned, pork is a definite no-no for Muslims.

And I explained why you're full of shit, dumbass.

You are wrong, go lick your wounds and next time don't come unprepared

You now look foolish

How do I look foolish? Is the passage in the Bible or not?

It is, it's OLD COVENANT, done away with by the NEW COVENANT, Christ himself said it was no longer a sin. Mark chapter seven

Then why are the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament still something you should follow? I'm sorry, but it doesn't make someone else foolish to quote a rule from the Bible, and then someone else says they choose not to follow it. The Pope said to be more accepting of homosexuals, even though the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. Religion is full of contradictions, but that doesn't make others foolish.
The 10 commandments aren't a bad set of rules to live by, generally. I prefer "Do unto others as you would have done unto you".

The 'Golden Rule' is common to many social ethos. For example,

"What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn." -- Rabbi Hillel
And to my understanding, isn't it true they also don't want cross contamination, which in a restaurant that serves pork products could very easily happen, even if not on the item they order.

Under the rules for Kashrut, meat and dairy cannot be served at the same meal. They can't be cooked in the same cookware, served on the same plates, eaten with the same utensils or stored in the same refrigerator. A restaurant that serves dairy products cannot server meat products and vice versa.

Of course, the rules of Halal are much less strict than the rules of Kashrut. But, it would be very difficult to prevent cross-contamination in a restaurant where pork items are prepared alongside other items.
Then why would anyone observing such strict dietary rules risk violating them by eating at establishments that cannot, or will not, be able to guarantee the purity of the food they serve?
Dude, I already told you, I'm not religious so you can keep your bible passages to yourself.

I believe he's merely pointing out the source of dietary restrictions and not encouraging you to participate in them.
Possibly. But that's not how his observation came across. There must be some reason for religious restrictions for certain foods, and they have been quite adequately advanced during this discussion, without biblical references.
And I explained why you're full of shit, dumbass.

You are wrong, go lick your wounds and next time don't come unprepared

You now look foolish

How do I look foolish? Is the passage in the Bible or not?

It is, it's OLD COVENANT, done away with by the NEW COVENANT, Christ himself said it was no longer a sin. Mark chapter seven

Then why are the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament still something you should follow? I'm sorry, but it doesn't make someone else foolish to quote a rule from the Bible, and then someone else says they choose not to follow it. The Pope said to be more accepting of homosexuals, even though the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. Religion is full of contradictions, but that doesn't make others foolish.
The 10 commandments aren't a bad set of rules to live by, generally. I prefer "Do unto others as you would have done unto you".

The 'Golden Rule' is common to many social ethos. For example,

"What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn." -- Rabbi Hillel
It works well for me, and I deal with many people of various ethnicity, religious backgrounds, racial groups, ages and genders. Treating people as you would be treated frees you from considering so many external factors.
Is it okay for Christians to eat pork and shellfish?
Answered by Steven · 31 March 2010 · 91 Comments

Yes, it’s okay, providing it isn’t done, as Paul says, when it will cause real offence, such as when inviting a Jewish guest. This is Mark’s comment that Jesus “declared all foods clean”:

Mark 7:18 And [Jesus] said to them, “Then are you also without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him, 19 since it enters not his heart but his stomach, and is expelled?” Thus he declared all foods clean.

The only exception is where any food — either a “clean” food offered to idols (e.g., beef or mutton), or a food that was unclean to Jews like pork or shellfish, or by extension today beef to a Hindu or meat to a Buddhist — will cause a stumbling block or barrier between someone and belief in Christ. Paul discusses how and why not to offend converts from idol-worship in 1Co.10, and how not to offend converts from Judaism in Rom.14. However, in those chapters Paul repeatedly makes it clear that, apart from not causing other believers (particularly new believers) to stumble, he himself is free to eat anything, and so are Christians.

Paul specifically warns about Christians who try to establish again the Jewish food laws:

1Tim.4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, 2 through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, 3 who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5 for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer.

The rules against pork and shellfish in the Law of Moses were a temporary restriction.

Is it okay for Christians to eat pork and shellfish?

But the family noticed a smoky taste


I LOVE bacon... but I'm not going to look down on other people if their religion tells them they shouldn't eat it. I LOVE lobster, shrimp, and crab, but Catholics aren't supposed to eat that... but I don't tell them they are bad people because of it.

You continue to expose how little you know of Catholics and the Bible

There is no Biblical law stating Catholics cannot eat shellfish...and never has there been one

“Do not eat the creatures of the sea that have no fins or scales, for they are unclean” Lev 11:10, I Cor 8:8 – 13, Deu 14:10
There must be some reason for religious restrictions for certain foods, and they have been quite adequately advanced during this discussion, without biblical references.

Actually, no... the basis for religious dietary restrictions is religious scripture. There is no evidence that ancient Hebrews or Muslims possessed knowledge of germs and their pathologies. At the end of the day, we follow dietary restrictions (or not) because G-d said so.
There must be some reason for religious restrictions for certain foods, and they have been quite adequately advanced during this discussion, without biblical references.

Actually, no... the basis for religious dietary restrictions is religious scripture. There is no evidence that ancient Hebrews or Muslims possessed knowledge of germs and their pathologies. At the end of the day, we follow dietary restrictions (or not) because G-d said so.
Good thing I can personally draw the line at things with more than four legs, or less than four, with certain exceptions allowed.
I have noticed that the guys who come to buy my goats butcher according to kosher (halal) rules. Surely doesn't stop me from selling them the meat they so desire. They also pay cash, don't dicker too much about the price, and clean up everything except hooves and horns.
Then why would anyone observing such strict dietary rules risk violating them by eating at establishments that cannot, or will not, be able to guarantee the purity of the food they serve?

That was my original point about a thousand posts ago. You cannot expect others who don't follow your observances to be responsible for you violating them. In Judaism, a Kosher Jew can't eat in a non-Kosher restaurant and is prohibited from even entering one if he doesn't eat. Certain Kosher foods can only be prepared by specially trained and regulated persons.

If you go into a Taco Bell and get cheese in your Burrito Supreme, you can't sue Taco Bell.
Then why would anyone observing such strict dietary rules risk violating them by eating at establishments that cannot, or will not, be able to guarantee the purity of the food they serve?

That was my original point about a thousand posts ago. You cannot expect others who don't follow your observances to be responsible for you violating them. In Judaism, a Kosher Jew can't eat in a non-Kosher restaurant and is prohibited from even entering one if he doesn't eat. Certain Kosher foods can only be prepared by specially trained and regulated persons.

If you go into a Taco Bell and get cheese in your Burrito Supreme, you can't sue Taco Bell.
In a sane society, no.
Unfortunately, it's so easy to sue, and win, based on such specious grounds that some folks are motivated to pull plant bacon on a sandwich. Greed is a strong motivation for too many people.
Then why would anyone observing such strict dietary rules risk violating them by eating at establishments that cannot, or will not, be able to guarantee the purity of the food they serve?

That was my original point about a thousand posts ago. You cannot expect others who don't follow your observances to be responsible for you violating them. In Judaism, a Kosher Jew can't eat in a non-Kosher restaurant and is prohibited from even entering one if he doesn't eat. Certain Kosher foods can only be prepared by specially trained and regulated persons.

If you go into a Taco Bell and get cheese in your Burrito Supreme, you can't sue Taco Bell.
In a sane society, no.
Unfortunately, it's so easy to sue, and win, based on such specious grounds that some folks are motivated to pull plant bacon on a sandwich. Greed is a strong motivation for too many people.

Yeah except for new laws that punish people for frivolous lawsuits.
Then why would anyone observing such strict dietary rules risk violating them by eating at establishments that cannot, or will not, be able to guarantee the purity of the food they serve?

That was my original point about a thousand posts ago. You cannot expect others who don't follow your observances to be responsible for you violating them. In Judaism, a Kosher Jew can't eat in a non-Kosher restaurant and is prohibited from even entering one if he doesn't eat. Certain Kosher foods can only be prepared by specially trained and regulated persons.

If you go into a Taco Bell and get cheese in your Burrito Supreme, you can't sue Taco Bell.
In a sane society, no.
Unfortunately, it's so easy to sue, and win, based on such specious grounds that some folks are motivated to pull plant bacon on a sandwich. Greed is a strong motivation for too many people.

Yeah except for new laws that punish people for frivolous lawsuits.
New laws that punish for frivolous lawsuits! I'd love to see a link to something that encouraging. Thanks!
Then why would anyone observing such strict dietary rules risk violating them by eating at establishments that cannot, or will not, be able to guarantee the purity of the food they serve?

That was my original point about a thousand posts ago. You cannot expect others who don't follow your observances to be responsible for you violating them. In Judaism, a Kosher Jew can't eat in a non-Kosher restaurant and is prohibited from even entering one if he doesn't eat. Certain Kosher foods can only be prepared by specially trained and regulated persons.

If you go into a Taco Bell and get cheese in your Burrito Supreme, you can't sue Taco Bell.
In a sane society, no.
Unfortunately, it's so easy to sue, and win, based on such specious grounds that some folks are motivated to pull plant bacon on a sandwich. Greed is a strong motivation for too many people.

Yeah except for new laws that punish people for frivolous lawsuits.
New laws that punish for frivolous lawsuits! I'd love to see a link to something that encouraging. Thanks!

Lots of states have them.
Jesus Christ the problem Middle East cults like "Judaism" and "Islam" have with pork is their idiotic, "gay" mythology. It is a rejection of the original Goddess in favor of the "gay" Yahweh deity. In terms of food/protein for land creatures is goes like this chicken-turkey-duck then pork, then buffalo, then cow

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