Shocking Video: Inside Alt-Right White Nationalists

There's a new contraption called YouTube that has videos you can watch. For free. Any time of day. It has everything you do and don't want to see.
That's no help at all...been all over the tube and nothing! can't find anything about Trump supporters attacking folks for the shirt and hat they have on.

Come on man catch up. Who cares about a hat, a Trump dope punched a 69 year old woman in the face a few days ago.
Come on man catch up. Who cares about a hat, a Trump dope punched a 69 year old woman in the face a few days ago
Where? and so what? Why do you think that belittles Trump and the rest of his supporters? You need to find the link for that because I've tried and can't.
Come on man catch up. Who cares about a hat, a Trump dope punched a 69 year old woman in the face a few days ago
Where? and so what? Why do you think that belittles Trump and the rest of his supporters? You need to find the link for that because I've tried and can't.

If you spent half the time searching on your own you'd find all this stuff but you choose to whine instead.

Whine on. Who cares.
This is a problem, because if by some miracle Trump were to actually win he would give defacto cover for the alt + right movement and every other crazy right wing group.

And you can bet they want to go from the alt + right to the alt + control. Watch the violence at Trump rallies, they are the new brownshirts.
The only violence at Trump rallies is brought by liberals

A lie of course. You know better. There are plenty of instances where Trump brownshirts hit people without provocation.
List some. I want to see anything you have showing Trump supporters attacking people for a shirt or hat they are wearing.

There's a new contraption called YouTube that has videos you can watch. For free. Any time of day. It has everything you do and don't want to see.
Not how it works. You make claims you, search youtube and other sources for the proof. I'm not here to try to prove your bullshit and the fact you don't have anything to show me helps prove my statement instead of yours.
Come on man catch up. Who cares about a hat, a Trump dope punched a 69 year old woman in the face a few days ago
Where? and so what? Why do you think that belittles Trump and the rest of his supporters? You need to find the link for that because I've tried and can't.

If you spent half the time searching on your own you'd find all this stuff but you choose to whine instead.

Whine on. Who cares.
If you're claiming it happened it should take you no time at all to provide the links. You're making the claims, back them up or STFU.
If you spent half the time searching on your own you'd find all this stuff but you choose to whine instead.

Whine on. Who cares
I'm not whining... I just don't like a liar. If your allegation had merit I'm sure you would produce a link.
If you spent half the time searching on your own you'd find all this stuff but you choose to whine instead.

Whine on. Who cares
I'm not whining... I just don't like a liar. If your allegation had merit I'm sure you would produce a link.

You don't own a television or a radio and you don't know how to check the news outlets online. Fair enough Farmer John. I assume you can't use the search feature on this very website either. Search for 69 year old woman, or trump supporters, or yada yada. Or don't I don't give a flying wallenda.
If you spent half the time searching on your own you'd find all this stuff but you choose to whine instead.

Whine on. Who cares
I'm not whining... I just don't like a liar. If your allegation had merit I'm sure you would produce a link.

You don't own a television or a radio and you don't know how to check the news outlets online. Fair enough Farmer John. I assume you can't use the search feature on this very website either. Search for 69 year old woman, or trump supporters, or yada yada. Or don't I don't give a flying wallenda.
The death rattle of a leftist arguing. You can't prove your point so you blame others for not being able to find your piles of bullshit that don't exist on their own. I think we'll just put you and your statement six feet under and call it a mercy killing.
You don't own a television or a radio and you don't know how to check the news outlets online. Fair enough Farmer John. I assume you can't use the search feature on this very website either. Search for 69 year old woman, or trump supporters, or yada yada. Or don't I don't give a flying wallenda
The old ladies story is already falling apart no one saw a punch and she has no mark on her face and she is a well known commie activist that has made similar accusations in the past.
These fools do not represent or speak for the Alt-right. These dumb shits are clueless

They are prominent members of the alt-right.
Prominent? The alt-right is composed primarily of millennials. Todays alt-right that is. The one Hillary likes to say is racist.

This is an internet culture that the old people do not understand at all. This video is proof of it. These gray hair dopes want to be a part of a "club" that they have no clue about

The people in the video do understand "the internet," and both of those speakers are loud mouthed, prominent members of the alt-right. Both millennials, gen x'ers and older folks belong to it. It's no more complicated than posting on this forum. What do you think it is, some sort of fucking Mensa club that only brainy hackers can join? LOL! It's just a bunch of dumb shit racist turds.
You need to educate yourself on the alt-right. You're merely regurgitating what a bunch of old people on TV and Clinton have told you. I'm not in favor or in opposition of the alt-right I'm only pointing out that its an internet culture started by millennials and comprised of mostly millennials. These dopes in the video, on TV and HRC have no clue what they are talking about when they comment on the alt-right. Hell they wouldn't even know wtf 4chan is. It's like watching 70 year olds who only know how to check their emails trying to be "cool" and describing an internet culture they have no clue about.

Inform yourself before commenting on an internet culture that you don't know other than what you heard on TV
We just had two days of shocking videos of a home grown Islamic terrorist shooting at Police Officers after using an IED device to destroy property and injure Americans in New York City and the left claims that they have "shocking videos of white nationalists"? Do radical lefties even live in the same dimension as the rest of us?
We just had two days of shocking videos of a home grown Islamic terrorist shooting at Police Officers after using an IED device to destroy property and injure Americans in New York City and the left claims that they have "shocking videos of white nationalists"? Do radical lefties even live in the same dimension as the rest of us?
No, they don't. They have no clue as to what everyone with a basic line of thinking see's. All they can see is spin and bullshit because reality has never been part of their philosophy. It's all rainbows and unicorns for them.
Come on man catch up. Who cares about a hat, a Trump dope punched a 69 year old woman in the face a few days ago
Where? and so what? Why do you think that belittles Trump and the rest of his supporters? You need to find the link for that because I've tried and can't.

Either you're a liar or you're too stupid to do a simple search.

All I did was put trump supporter punches 69 year old woman into a search engine, I use Bing, and then hit enter. Over a million articles came up. It took a matter of a few seconds.

I don't want to believe that you're so stupid you can't do that so I'll have to believe you're a liar.

Here's one of the articles. Apparently now there's arrest warrants on the barbaric trump supporters who punched a 69 year old woman.

Arrest warrant issued in assault of 69-year-old female protester at N.C. Trump rally - The Washington Post
Come on man catch up. Who cares about a hat, a Trump dope punched a 69 year old woman in the face a few days ago
Where? and so what? Why do you think that belittles Trump and the rest of his supporters? You need to find the link for that because I've tried and can't.

Either you're a liar or you're too stupid to do a simple search.

All I did was put trump supporter punches 69 year old woman into a search engine, I use Bing, and then hit enter. Over a million articles came up. It took a matter of a few seconds.

I don't want to believe that you're so stupid you can't do that so I'll have to believe you're a liar.

Here's one of the articles. Apparently now there's arrest warrants on the barbaric trump supporters who punched a 69 year old woman.

Arrest warrant issued in assault of 69-year-old female protester at N.C. Trump rally - The Washington Post

Thanks, I get tired of these people that can't type half a sentence and do a search when it is a well known story. It's like saying to someone "yes they found water is very wet in the Great Lakes" and them coming back with "where's a link, otherwise you are lying".

It is a form of babysitting the lazy and I don't do it anymore. The lazy have a way of dragging other people down to their level. Again, thanks for posting it up in any case.
They want to remake Trump in their image.

There it is.

Get these quotes on every station, every hour.


It's just the opposite of the black lives matter/new Black Panther party they're all the same - just racists...
Come on man catch up. Who cares about a hat, a Trump dope punched a 69 year old woman in the face a few days ago
Where? and so what? Why do you think that belittles Trump and the rest of his supporters? You need to find the link for that because I've tried and can't.

Either you're a liar or you're too stupid to do a simple search.

All I did was put trump supporter punches 69 year old woman into a search engine, I use Bing, and then hit enter. Over a million articles came up. It took a matter of a few seconds.

I don't want to believe that you're so stupid you can't do that so I'll have to believe you're a liar.

Here's one of the articles. Apparently now there's arrest warrants on the barbaric trump supporters who punched a 69 year old woman.

Arrest warrant issued in assault of 69-year-old female protester at N.C. Trump rally - The Washington Post
You are able to comprehend the article here right? The violent people were the anti-Trump protesters. The entire article is about how violent the protesters are. You posted the proof of what I am saying. If not for the left wing idiots, there would be no violence. But we all know that's not possible don't we. Leftism always ends in the deaths of millions. Cuba, China, Russia...Can't implement left wing paradise without killing several million.
They want to remake Trump in their image.

There it is.

Get these quotes on every station, every hour.



Is this all Hillary has?? and what does this mean to most normal people? these guys dont represent Trump
"Democrat Operatives"........

I wonder if there really are any of those.

It all sounds so 007!

It's actually more common than you think. Democrats have been busted many times for posing as 'Racist Boogeymen' and such.
there have been black men caught dressed in white robs and white hoods.
OMG that would be hysterical
it was
You know what would really be funny...white guys, with "black face" dressed up that way, getting their hoods pulled off, in a Scooby Doo moment
me personally, I don't care what anyone other than myself and my family does. the problem is and is factual that there are blacks in the KKK. Wow huh?

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