Shocking Video: Inside Alt-Right White Nationalists

As soon as the election is over and there is no reason to create nonsense, the alt right myth will disappear like smoke.
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Perhaps we should post the #BlackLivesMatter video calling for death to all cops?

Perhaps you could try...for once....not to deflect.
Why Loose Loon it's relevant to the subject matter...I know you just hate it when I point out the subversive hypocrisy.

No. It is deflection. It is not related to the topic. What do you have to say about the OP? What is your take on the fact that the "Alt-Right" is showing better than lukewarm support for Donald Trump? How do you feel about the idea that white supremacists are emboldened to the point where they call a press conference? How does their take on Jews strike you?

The topic is the alt right and trump. Nothing else.
Apparently they are for East Asian supremacy if you bothered to watch the video. They claimed that East Asians have the highest average IQ. On The other hand, Hazelnut just started to advertise their views... giving more exposure to them....
Fuck the alt-right. Bunch of silly twats with their seriously bizarre lingo (what the fuck are 'dank memes?') and stupid gifs. They're nerdier than the D&D nerds I went to school with -- except 100x angrier.
Perhaps we should post the #BlackLivesMatter video calling for death to all cops?

Perhaps you could try...for once....not to deflect.
Why Loose Loon it's relevant to the subject matter...I know you just hate it when I point out the subversive hypocrisy.

No. It is deflection. It is not related to the topic. What do you have to say about the OP? What is your take on the fact that the "Alt-Right" is showing better than lukewarm support for Donald Trump? How do you feel about the idea that white supremacists are emboldened to the point where they call a press conference? How does their take on Jews strike you?

The topic is the alt right and trump. Nothing else.
About the same as you feel when #BLM can March and call for death of cops
.and as I just proved, it is relevant.... you think you own the narrative..

Start a thread on it and tag me. I'll respond. about responding here on topic? Can you?
Perhaps we should post the #BlackLivesMatter video calling for death to all cops?

Perhaps you could try...for once....not to deflect.
Why Loose Loon it's relevant to the subject matter...I know you just hate it when I point out the subversive hypocrisy.

No. It is deflection. It is not related to the topic. What do you have to say about the OP? What is your take on the fact that the "Alt-Right" is showing better than lukewarm support for Donald Trump? How do you feel about the idea that white supremacists are emboldened to the point where they call a press conference? How does their take on Jews strike you?

The topic is the alt right and trump. Nothing else.
Apparently they are for East Asian supremacy if you bothered to watch the video. They claimed that East Asians have the highest average IQ. On The other hand, Hazelnut just started to advertise their views... giving more exposure to them....

They are not suggesting increased immigration from Asia, are they?
Perhaps we should post the #BlackLivesMatter video calling for death to all cops?

Perhaps you could try...for once....not to deflect.
Why Loose Loon it's relevant to the subject matter...I know you just hate it when I point out the subversive hypocrisy.

No. It is deflection. It is not related to the topic. What do you have to say about the OP? What is your take on the fact that the "Alt-Right" is showing better than lukewarm support for Donald Trump? How do you feel about the idea that white supremacists are emboldened to the point where they call a press conference? How does their take on Jews strike you?

The topic is the alt right and trump. Nothing else.
About the same as you feel when #BLM can March and call for death of cops
.and as I just proved, it is relevant.... you think you own the narrative..

Start a thread on it and tag me. I'll respond. about responding here on topic? Can you?

I did, you just don't like my reply.... too fucking bad!
Perhaps we should post the #BlackLivesMatter video calling for death to all cops?

Perhaps you could try...for once....not to deflect.
Why Loose Loon it's relevant to the subject matter...I know you just hate it when I point out the subversive hypocrisy.

No. It is deflection. It is not related to the topic. What do you have to say about the OP? What is your take on the fact that the "Alt-Right" is showing better than lukewarm support for Donald Trump? How do you feel about the idea that white supremacists are emboldened to the point where they call a press conference? How does their take on Jews strike you?

The topic is the alt right and trump. Nothing else.
About the same as you feel when #BLM can March and call for death of cops
.and as I just proved, it is relevant.... you think you own the narrative..
His support for BLM and their cop killer modus operandi can hit close to home but leftists sacrifice everything to gain power.
Perhaps we should post the #BlackLivesMatter video calling for death to all cops?

Perhaps you could try...for once....not to deflect.
Why Loose Loon it's relevant to the subject matter...I know you just hate it when I point out the subversive hypocrisy.

No. It is deflection. It is not related to the topic. What do you have to say about the OP? What is your take on the fact that the "Alt-Right" is showing better than lukewarm support for Donald Trump? How do you feel about the idea that white supremacists are emboldened to the point where they call a press conference? How does their take on Jews strike you?

The topic is the alt right and trump. Nothing else.
Apparently they are for East Asian supremacy if you bothered to watch the video. They claimed that East Asians have the highest average IQ. On The other hand, Hazelnut just started to advertise their views... giving more exposure to them....

They are not suggesting increased immigration from Asia, are they?
I am not suggesting anything. I repeated what they said about East Asians.
This is a problem, because if by some miracle Trump were to actually win he would give defacto cover for the alt + right movement and every other crazy right wing group.

And you can bet they want to go from the alt + right to the alt + control. Watch the violence at Trump rallies, they are the new brownshirts.
The only violence at Trump rallies is brought by liberals

A lie of course. You know better. There are plenty of instances where Trump brownshirts hit people without provocation.
List some. I want to see anything you have showing Trump supporters attacking people for a shirt or hat they are wearing.
Probably Democrat operatives posing as 'Racist Boogeymen' to get the 'Safe Space' morons all worked up. Seems to have worked pretty well on this OP. ;)
"Democrat Operatives"........

I wonder if there really are any of those.

It all sounds so 007!

It's actually more common than you think. Democrats have been busted many times for posing as 'Racist Boogeymen' and such.
there have been black men caught dressed in white robs and white hoods.
OMG that would be hysterical
it was
You know what would really be funny...white guys, with "black face" dressed up that way, getting their hoods pulled off, in a Scooby Doo moment
I'm a gay Latino..:lmao: man that little scum eater has covered all the bases. :lmao:
I am just so amazed at the intellectual capacity of leftist. They so easily coin a new slanderous phrase to belittle and defame their opponents. I guess racist, sexist homophobe, islamaphobe, and nazi weren't working so they have a new label to use. The fact is when they pop out one of these catchy little descriptions they are actually describing themselves EVERY time. their actions are the basis of all the labels they spew they just hide behind the act of throwing them around.
These fools do not represent or speak for the Alt-right. These dumb shits are clueless

They are prominent members of the alt-right.
Prominent? The alt-right is composed primarily of millennials. Todays alt-right that is. The one Hillary likes to say is racist.

This is an internet culture that the old people do not understand at all. This video is proof of it. These gray hair dopes want to be a part of a "club" that they have no clue about
This is a problem, because if by some miracle Trump were to actually win he would give defacto cover for the alt + right movement and every other crazy right wing group.

And you can bet they want to go from the alt + right to the alt + control. Watch the violence at Trump rallies, they are the new brownshirts.
The only violence at Trump rallies is brought by liberals

A lie of course. You know better. There are plenty of instances where Trump brownshirts hit people without provocation.
List some. I want to see anything you have showing Trump supporters attacking people for a shirt or hat they are wearing.

There's a new contraption called YouTube that has videos you can watch. For free. Any time of day. It has everything you do and don't want to see.
There's a new contraption called YouTube that has videos you can watch. For free. Any time of day. It has everything you do and don't want to see.
That's no help at all...been all over the tube and nothing! can't find anything about Trump supporters attacking folks for the shirt and hat they have on.
These fools do not represent or speak for the Alt-right. These dumb shits are clueless

They are prominent members of the alt-right.
Prominent? The alt-right is composed primarily of millennials. Todays alt-right that is. The one Hillary likes to say is racist.

This is an internet culture that the old people do not understand at all. This video is proof of it. These gray hair dopes want to be a part of a "club" that they have no clue about

The people in the video do understand "the internet," and both of those speakers are loud mouthed, prominent members of the alt-right. Both millennials, gen x'ers and older folks belong to it. It's no more complicated than posting on this forum. What do you think it is, some sort of fucking Mensa club that only brainy hackers can join? LOL! It's just a bunch of dumb shit racist turds.

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