Shocking Video: Inside Alt-Right White Nationalists

Come on man catch up. Who cares about a hat, a Trump dope punched a 69 year old woman in the face a few days ago
Where? and so what? Why do you think that belittles Trump and the rest of his supporters? You need to find the link for that because I've tried and can't.

Either you're a liar or you're too stupid to do a simple search.

All I did was put trump supporter punches 69 year old woman into a search engine, I use Bing, and then hit enter. Over a million articles came up. It took a matter of a few seconds.

I don't want to believe that you're so stupid you can't do that so I'll have to believe you're a liar.

Here's one of the articles. Apparently now there's arrest warrants on the barbaric trump supporters who punched a 69 year old woman.

Arrest warrant issued in assault of 69-year-old female protester at N.C. Trump rally - The Washington Post
You are able to comprehend the article here right? The violent people were the anti-Trump protesters. The entire article is about how violent the protesters are. You posted the proof of what I am saying. If not for the left wing idiots, there would be no violence. But we all know that's not possible don't we. Leftism always ends in the deaths of millions. Cuba, China, Russia...Can't implement left wing paradise without killing several million.
they hate human beings.

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