Should american indians be called mongolian-americans.?

Calling them native-americans is BS since that implies they were here forever. They came from asia..

Is there some reason for starting this thread?

That being the case, you can say all Irish are actually Celts or all Germans actually came from Eastern Europe or that any other "native race" comes from somewhere else.

Some believe humans developed in Africa so that makes EVERY human being an African.

Others believe our current genetic make-up originated in the Central Caucus.

Who believes that?

I was just indicating that not all paleontologists believe that the Cradle of Mankind is in Africa.
Canada has solved this semantic conundrum by referring to them as people of the First Nations. It works for me, although I would prefer, "Injuns."
MrG prefers injuns too. But only from other injuns. If you ain't one, you can't say it. Kinda like the N word.
Canada has solved this semantic conundrum by referring to them as people of the First Nations. It works for me, although I would prefer, "Injuns."

"People of the First Nations"??? That's about the same as native-americans. Why can't we call them what they are - red welfare trash.?
Go to a rez and say that to some of them. Wear body armor.
Canada has solved this semantic conundrum by referring to them as people of the First Nations. It works for me, although I would prefer, "Injuns."
MrG prefers injuns too. But only from other injuns. If you ain't one, you can't say it. Kinda like the N word.

So there are words injuns can use but whites can't. That's racism on your part. THINK
You can call them whatever you want, but the reality is they were here before you were, so go home you illegal alien crackers!

The reality is white people give injuns welfare and affirmative action without which all you drunken savages would starve. You should thank us.

BTW - until white man came, no north american injun tribe had a written language. Just animals living in caves and eating bugs and dying at 32.
Some Native Americans are genetically half white. For example, 46% of the Cherokees belong to the Indo-European haplogroup R1 and 50% of them are classified as the Asian haplogroup Q. Native Americans are originally from Siberia, which has been a racial melting pot for the past 30,000 years, and many native Siberians are also half white and half Asian (e.g. the Khanty, living in Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug.)


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