Should Any Debates Be Drug Tested?

no such thing as a former traitor, when they run out of secrets to sell they just try to get reelected so they can steal more secrets.

oh, well. all of that russian and saudi money is stimulating the economy, and america does not have many other products to sell.
any evidence Trump sold secrets?
Studio 54...Was that where he met the porn star he paid for sex during his “straight edge lifestyle”.

This, by the way, is a proven fact; that your blob paid a porn star for sex. The fantasies about Biden being on drugs are just ridiculous.
What proven fact? Just because someone pays someone off isn't proof that Trump paid her for sex. First, he might not have done her at all and second, if he did, it doesn't mean he paid her for it.
The only drug test that should be administered is to anyone that wants to watch a debate. If I were Joe I wouldn’t debate the moron. I’d claim he was an illegitimate candidate not qualified to run due to the 14th amendment then tell him to go fuck himself.
Biden had no serious competition. He's also the sitting president.

Trump did have meaningful competition. He lost half of the voters in the Iowa Caucus. Your own cult even said that debating the other Republicans would only hurt him and you guys are correct. DeSantis and Haley would have wiped the floor with him.
Trump never had any serious competition.
Biden kicked ass so much in the SOTU that the right wingers are like... PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT DRUGS!!!

Its probably the only speech you watched other than altered twitter clips. Biden is just not the incompetent nincompoop you've been led to believe.
So, you're saying no reason to not drug test.

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