Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
i think churches should be allowed to baptize homosexuals if homosexuals are allowed to force churches or church members to accommodate them.

" will you bake our fairy cake"

"sure after you dunk your head into our magical water"

seems reasonable to me.
Only if they are open for business. If they don't charge for their space, then no. If they charge for the space, then yes. They are a business. Businesses should serve the public without discrimination. If they charge money Christ would call them money changers anyway.

Which is how courts have ruled to date as well. When bigots bring up the church that was sued, it was because of a space they rented to the public.

why on Earth would you want to rent from a church that wants NOTHING to do with you?

Seriously I think people who think that way should be euthanized for being stupid.
"Im going to spend money with people who hate my guts"

How stupid.
The church can control the schedule. They don't have to be around. But the law is clear, if it is a business, it can't discriminate. Libertarians have a screw loose about this concept.
I'm late to this thread, and I'm not reading all 125 pages. I'm just curious, are there any gay couples demanding particular churches be required to host their weddings?
i think churches should be allowed to baptize homosexuals if homosexuals are allowed to force churches or church members to accommodate them.

" will you bake our fairy cake"

"sure after you dunk your head into our magical water"

seems reasonable to me.

I'm sure racist feel the same way about being forced to bake cakes for blacks. Oh well. Get rid if ALL Public Accommodation laws or quit bitching about ONE group protected by them.

They have nothing to do with churches and never will. (Unless the church rents property to the public)
I'm late to this thread, and I'm not reading all 125 pages. I'm just curious, are there any gay couples demanding particular churches be required to host their weddings?

Not through the courts, just through public opinion.

People are not going to stop using their religion to hate. My recommendation is that gay people marry in the Unitarian Church, where they don't have to deal with the haters.
I'm late to this thread, and I'm not reading all 125 pages. I'm just curious, are there any gay couples demanding particular churches be required to host their weddings?

Not through the courts, just through public opinion.

People are not going to stop using their religion to hate. My recommendation is that gay people marry in the Unitarian Church, where they don't have to deal with the haters.
Was Jesus a hater?
I'm late to this thread, and I'm not reading all 125 pages. I'm just curious, are there any gay couples demanding particular churches be required to host their weddings?

Not through the courts, just through public opinion.

People are not going to stop using their religion to hate. My recommendation is that gay people marry in the Unitarian Church, where they don't have to deal with the haters.
Was Jesus a hater?

He sure hated that fig tree. (LOL!) But, he never said anything against gay people.
The freedom of religion, as well as the freedom from religion, mandates that individuals be free to politely excuse themselves from activities in which they do not wish to participate. An individual should no more be coerced to celebrate two gay people getting "married" (by being forced, for example, to bake a cake) than an atheist should be coerced to attend a church service.
No it does not. Learn to read, get a clue. The bill of rights is actually a list of restrictions on what government can do. There is no Mandate that individuals be free to politely excuse themselves from activities in which they do not wish to participate. You are making shit up.

Nor is there a mandate the individuals have to be forced to participate in activities they are religiously opposed to. Good luck forcing a Jewish deli to serve you a ham sandwich.
I'm late to this thread, and I'm not reading all 125 pages. I'm just curious, are there any gay couples demanding particular churches be required to host their weddings?

Not through the courts, just through public opinion.

People are not going to stop using their religion to hate. My recommendation is that gay people marry in the Unitarian Church, where they don't have to deal with the haters.
Was Jesus a hater?

He sure hated that fig tree. (LOL!) But, he never said anything against gay people.

He didn't have to. He supported everything that was in the Law.
I'm late to this thread, and I'm not reading all 125 pages. I'm just curious, are there any gay couples demanding particular churches be required to host their weddings?

Not through the courts, just through public opinion.

People are not going to stop using their religion to hate. My recommendation is that gay people marry in the Unitarian Church, where they don't have to deal with the haters.
Was Jesus a hater?

He sure hated that fig tree. (LOL!) But, he never said anything against gay people.

Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman. Jesus was a hater?
The left doesn't have the courage to criticize islam, which is oppressive and abusive.

What does Islam have to do with this thread?

The left pushes Christians around and ignores Muslim crap. Why doesn't a gay couple go to a Muslim bakery and order a gay themed wedding cake?

How many Muslim bakeries do we have in this country? There are none where I'm located. Christians being pushed around is a figment of your imagination.
I haven't heard anything about Muslims trying to push anti gay laws in this country, have you?
I'm late to this thread, and I'm not reading all 125 pages. I'm just curious, are there any gay couples demanding particular churches be required to host their weddings?

Not through the courts, just through public opinion.

People are not going to stop using their religion to hate. My recommendation is that gay people marry in the Unitarian Church, where they don't have to deal with the haters.
Was Jesus a hater?

He sure hated that fig tree. (LOL!) But, he never said anything against gay people.

He didn't have to. He supported everything that was in the Law.

Does that mean we should bring back slavery?
Nor is there a mandate the individuals have to be forced to participate in activities they are religiously opposed to. Good luck forcing a Jewish deli to serve you a ham sandwich.

Having a business make something they don't is not the same as refusing to serve someone because they are (insert minority here).

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