Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Blacks are a race. Lifestyles are behaviors. There is no provision in the Constitution for lifestyles. There is for race. Do make a note of that for setting up your future premises for argument...

Whether the case concerned black people, gay people, or people from a Renaissance faire is irrelevant.

a) You can't refuse to serve a type of people based on religious grounds

b) this has never come back to infringe on, specifically, the church's right to refuse to marry whoever they wanted.
Whether the case concerned black people, gay people, or people from a Renaissance faire is irrelevant.

a) You can't refuse to serve a type of people based on religious grounds

b) this has never come back to infringe on, specifically, the church's right to refuse to marry whoever they wanted.

Yes, Windsor 2013 says states get to define which lifestyles may set examples for children. They say overwhelmingly that that structure for the benefit of children must include representatives from both the childrens' genders, not just one.

A church is merely a congregation of individual christians. And as such, a church's individual components most certainly have been sued in attempts to force them to abdicate their faith in favor of promoting the LGBT cult values "in marriage". In fact, entire states' majorities have been sued and forced to abdicate their own democratic rule when it comes to setting paramaters for childrens' best formative environments.

Properly, hundreds of millions of people have been forced to swallow LGBT cult values that are repugnant to adopt a repugnant lifestyle directly into ground-zero of their future citizens' (childrens') formative environment.

If you think for one minute that the congregation of indivdiual christans/voters will not be sued to accomodate "gay weddings" you are on drugs buddy..
So you agree then that "marriage" (whose definition we currently disagree on) is a right, and not a privilege?

Only for pairs of man/woman of any race, yes, it's a right. As long as they are old enough, not polysexual or all the other qualifiers. The structure of man/woman is not dissolvable by alternative lifestyles if it is set by the state as such. The fed limits the states to who they can exclude with regard to RACE. With regards to lifestyles however, the state defines marriage as a privelege; with the wellbeing of children in mind. The structure of man/woman isn't harmed by how well one of the spouses can tan at the beach. It is defined however by if the two or more people involved present zero complimentary-gendered adult/parent role model.

The state defines marriage as a right no matter the context. You can disavow your previous posts about marriage being a privilege or you can take in this new information and modify your views, but you can't do neither. Something can't be a right for one citizen and a privilege for another. The only question now is the definition of marriage and what, exactly, one's right to marry gives them.
No- those cases were not about 'race'- only Loving v. Virginia were about a couple that wanted to get married but were prevented by State laws against mixed race marriage.

The other cases had to do with among other things: regulations against prisoners marrying, laws preventing a parent with unpaid child support from getting married- by the way that is an interesting case- and not a good one for you...

And all knew and understood at the time those decisions were made that the word "marriage" meant, without exception or even innuendo at anything else, "a lifelong union between a man and a woman for the benefit of a family in which children almost certainly will arrive".

Prove it.

See here is the thing- you just make crap up. Look at my favorite Supreme Court definition of marriage:

In Griswold v. Connecticut,381 U. S. 479(1965), the Court observed:

"We deal with a right of privacy older than the Bill of Rights -- older than our political parties, older than our school system. Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred. It is an association that promotes a way of life, not causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths; a bilateral loyalty, not commercial or social projects. Yet it is an association for as noble a purpose as any involved in our prior decisions."

Not one mention of 'family in which children almost certainly will arrive'.

You just make crap up.

You are not married- yet you lecture us on what marriage is.
You are not a parent- yet you lecture us on what good parenting is.
You are not educated- yet you lecture us on what the law is.

Now what makes your claim specifically ignorant is because of what Griswold was about.

Griswold was about the right of a married couple to use contraceptives. State law prevented anyone from legally using contraceptives. The court said married couples have the right to prevent pregnancies. Not one word in the decision about marriage being about having children.
Whether the case concerned black people, gay people, or people from a Renaissance faire is irrelevant.

a) You can't refuse to serve a type of people based on religious grounds

b) this has never come back to infringe on, specifically, the church's right to refuse to marry whoever they wanted.

Yes, Windsor 2013 says states get to defin..

No- Windsor didn't say that.
Look at your own post. You take umbrage at having your position described as delusional, then explain how the government wants to destroy Christmas. And you want me to believe a handful of especially charismatic individuals have taken the reigns of government, which is basically what the Illuminati is. It's a Dan Brown novel.

The fact that there is an attack by a group of mind-numbingly obtuse bureaucrats, who simultaneously find a basis that someone is offended by Christianity, but find no basis in Christians being offended by them... provides that 'it', is reality.

See how that works?

Doesn't this get exhausting? Look how much work goes into keeping your position viable in your own mind. You literally have to create two (at least) government conspiracies to sustain it.

Reality sustains itself... so, there's no effort involved, given that we're not the one's doing 'it'.

But you have to know this part is fiction: "True "Christians" just want to be left alone in order to practice their religion as they have always done." This whole issue ONLY exists because Christians want to control who else can get married. Just think of the arrogance: They want to control marriage itself in this country, as if Jesus invented that shit.

Christians did not create the universe, we do not set the laws of nature... and the laws of nature define the standard for marriage, as it has defined the species.

Wherein two distinct, but complimenting genders join together, forming one sustainable body from two, through which is conceived a new body, to be sustained through that union, until it becomes able to sustain itself... and the process begins anew.

So, if you've a grievance with Nature's design of humanity... you should probably take it up with the Creator of Humanity. We're merely those who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the laws which nature has established, to govern human behavior.

If ever you actually want to stop feeling like you're in conflict with others, it's entirely in Christians' hands to end it. Just let other people live their fucking lives.

We're not the aggressor... and the aggressor determines when the conflict is over. So at the moment, you've the choice to stop and where ya take that choice, it will stop.

But we're human beings... and we have limits. And I want you to think about this... That closet is one which you people created for yourselves. We didn't create... you did.

For the vast majority of human existence, you people have been locked in there.

Now why do you suppose that is?

Do you suppose that in the brief, interval periods throughout that history, the normalization of sexual abnormality produced a long and distinguished list of cultural benefits, which when set against a tiny short list of cultural liabilities, that the net result to those now long since extinct cultures was a HUGE SOCIETAL PLUS; therefore, the survivors of the collapse were quick to re-establish the normalization of sexual abnormality which had provided such a profound benefit to the previous, but defunct society...?

Do ya think that is why you people have locked yourselves in the closet for the vast majority of the 5000 years of human civilization, because the result of accepting your behavior nets the culture more benefit than it cost them in liabilities?

I gotta be honest with ya... in just the 30 years that I've watched ya work. I get the sense that you people are ALL liability. I can't find a single potential benefit. You're a cancer, or maybe a virus; there's a good argument for both analogues... because ya spreads like the wind once it is activated, or once the cultural body is infected and the effect you bring can only be described as decay and destruction.

So knowing that... what would you say would be "A" reason that you would like to latch onto, which could give you ANY HOPE to believe that the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality will stand?

When ever you're ready, I'll be hear for ya.

Whether the case concerned black people, gay people, or people from a Renaissance faire is irrelevant.

a) You can't refuse to serve a type of people based on religious grounds

b) this has never come back to infringe on, specifically, the church's right to refuse to marry whoever they wanted.

Yes, Windsor 2013 says states get to define which lifestyles may set examples for children. They say overwhelmingly that that structure for the benefit of children must include representatives from both the childrens' genders, not just one.

A church is merely a congregation of individual christians. And as such, a church's individual components most certainly have been sued in attempts to force them to abdicate their faith in favor of promoting the LGBT cult values "in marriage". In fact, entire states' majorities have been sued and forced to abdicate their own democratic rule when it comes to setting paramaters for childrens' best formative environments.

Properly, hundreds of millions of people have been forced to swallow LGBT cult values that are repugnant to adopt a repugnant lifestyle directly into ground-zero of their future citizens' (childrens') formative environment.

If you think for one minute that the congregation of indivdiual christans/voters will not be sued to accomodate "gay weddings" you are on drugs buddy..

So you are in favor of people being able to refuse to serve black people on religious grounds? Say, at a lunch counter?
Whether the case concerned black people, gay people, or people from a Renaissance faire is irrelevant.

a) You can't refuse to serve a type of people based on religious grounds

b) this has never come back to infringe on, specifically, the church's right to refuse to marry whoever they wanted.

Yes, Windsor 2013 says states get to define which lifestyles may set examples for children. They say overwhelmingly that that structure for the benefit of children must include representatives from both the childrens' genders, not just one.

A church is merely a congregation of individual christians. And as such, a church's individual components most certainly have been sued in attempts to force them to abdicate their faith in favor of promoting the LGBT cult values "in marriage". In fact, entire states' majorities have been sued and forced to abdicate their own democratic rule when it comes to setting paramaters for childrens' best formative environments.

Properly, hundreds of millions of people have been forced to swallow LGBT cult values that are repugnant to adopt a repugnant lifestyle directly into ground-zero of their future citizens' (childrens') formative environment.

If you think for one minute that the congregation of indivdiual christans/voters will not be sued to accomodate "gay weddings" you are on drugs buddy..

So you are in favor of people being able to refuse to serve black people on religious grounds? Say, at a lunch counter?

Wake Forest Law Review 8211 A Unique Religious Exemption From Antidiscrimination Laws in the Case of Gays Putting the Call for Exemptions for Those Who Discriminate Against Married or Marrying Gays in Context
And you're more than welcome to your beliefs. But your religious beliefs won't be reflected in our laws...
Ahem.... You've heard of the 1st Amendment?

I have. And the 1st amendment doesn't make you immune to generally applicable law. You are subject to all generally applicable law that everyone else is. Not simple that law that you agree with. Your interpretation of religious liberty has been rejected by the court. The longer advocates for your brand of 'religious liberty' push their philosophy, the more it sounds like a religiously based Sovereign Citizen argument.

Whereas nothing at all is said in the Constitution about gay marriage, or marriage at all for that matter (when marriage is a state-granted privelege; see: Windsor 2013), there is quite a bit in the Constitution said about freedom of religion. Windsor 2013 was clear: state's decide on lifestyle-marriage.

Read the 9th amendment. You are exactly the kiind of person that the opponents of a Bill of Rights spoke of; those who would reject a right if it weren't explicitly enumerated. The 9th was created to balm those valid concerns, clearly indicating that reserve rights exist regardless of enumeration.

The Windsor Decision clearly said that subject to constitution guarantees that States were free to choose.

Subject to certain constitutional guarantees, see, e.g., Loving v. Virginia, 388 U. S. 1, “regulation of domestic relations” is “an area that has long been regarded as a virtually exclusive province of the States,” Sosna v. Iowa, 419 U. S. 393.

Windsor V. US

Its the constitutional guarantees part of Windsor you consistently omit and refuse to acknowledge exists in the Windsor Ruling. Which is ironic, given that your very argument now is constitutional guarantees. And every ruling that overturned gay marriage bans did so on the basis of the violation of constitutional guarantees.

You can ignore this issue. But the courts won't. And haven't.

Good luck tweaking the Constitution to favor your cult forcing christians to abdicate their faith in daily life as individuals and congregated together at a building called "a church".

There's no biblical prohibition against selling cake. You've imagined it.

Remember, the 1st doesn't grant "Freedom of Church"... it grants "Freedom of Religion". Religion is in the heart of each of the faithful. It's most hallowed ground is in day to day life as each christian faces off with temptation to evil.

Religious liberty does not grant you the authority to ignore any generally applicable law that you disagree with. What you're arguing for is a Soverign Citizen argument, where only those laws that you like apply to you.

That's not the way our republic works nor has ever worked. Not in any era of our nation. Generally applicable laws apply to everyone. Regardless of if you personally agree with them. PA laws don't target Christians exclusively or specifically. They apply to everyone who does business.

The "exercise thereof" is the exercise of saying "NO" to promoting homosexual lifetyles. Jude 1 of the New Testament (Jesus' redaction, not the Old Testament) prohibits doing that under promise of eternal damnation for failing.

Selling a product or service isn't 'promoting' the customer. Its promoting the good or service. The very premise of your argument is invalid.
If ever you actually want to stop feeling like you're in conflict with others, it's entirely in Christians' hands to end it. Just let other people live their fucking lives.
That goes for you too bro. Stop forcing other people to participate in your cult.

No one is being forced to participate in anything.

Other than to follow the law.

If Citizen's of Pennsylvania don't like the law- then they can change it.
Or if the business people feel like their rights are being violated- then just like gay couples who want to be able to legally marry each other- they can file a lawsuit to overturn the law.

But the law treats all business owners the same- no special treatment just because they are Christians.

And that's what some Christians are lamenting over. That they aren't being treated specially. That they are being treated like everyone else. Beagle has lamented about the prized position of Christianity over all other faiths in our nation's past. And describes the lack of the same today as an 'attack'.

Its not. Its called equality. Get used to it.
So you are in favor of people being able to refuse to serve black people on religious grounds? Say, at a lunch counter?

Racial discrimination is prohibited. Lifestyle discrimination is not when it comes to marriage. Read the Constitution. What one IS may not be treated as inferior. What one DOES may. So unless your church of LGBT has tax-exempt status and places of woship like gay bars and pride parades, you're stuck having to abide by local regulations.

A person may be gay. The Bible does not say in Jude 1 "treat the individual gay harshly". In fact, Jude 1 says to take them in with compassion "making a difference". What Jude 1 prohibits is christians participating in promoting a homosexual culture into the fabric of normal society. Assiting so-called "gay marriages" is that direct prohibited thing.

Ergo, you cannot force christians to promote gay marriage in any way, shape or form. The gay lifestyle (not the individual) is forbidden to christians to promote. From the NEW Testament. Under threat of eternal damnation no less. This isn't some petty "hail Mary/count your rosary beads" crime. It gets you directly to the Big House Down Under for "Life".
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(1) Marriage equality does not overturn Windsor: anyone who says so is a liar.

Silo knows this. He simply refuses to acknowledge the 'Constitutional Guarantees' part of the ruling, despite it being the only issue germane to gay marriage ban challenges.

No one is challenging such bans on the grounds that the States lack the authority to define marriage. They are challenging the bans on the grounds that such bans violate constitutional guarantees. Every single federal ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans has done so on the basis of the violation of constitutional guarantees.

Which makes Silo's refusal to acknowledge or discuss such guarantees all the more obvious and conspicuous.

(2) No church is going to have to perform weddings it does not want to perform: anyone who says so is a liar.

It seems remarkably unlikely. With no evidence pointing toward move in that direction. PA laws apply only to businesses. Churches aren't businesses. PA laws explicitly exempt churches. There's no significant public support to change these laws. There's no significant judicial support to change these laws. There are no credible proposals to change these laws.

The fear of churches being forced to accommodate gay weddings is backed by nothing but fear. Its an argument that begins and ends with pure emotion.
So you are in favor of people being able to refuse to serve black people on religious grounds? Say, at a lunch counter?

Here's a fun fact for you. Jim Crow ... laws ... were government. Didn't know that, did you?

Government has no legitimate power either to force nor deny it's citizens from engaging in business transactions.
If ever you actually want to stop feeling like you're in conflict with others, it's entirely in Christians' hands to end it. Just let other people live their fucking lives.
That goes for you too bro. Stop forcing other people to participate in your cult.

No one is being forced to participate in anything.

Other than to follow the law.

If Citizen's of Pennsylvania don't like the law- then they can change it.
Or if the business people feel like their rights are being violated- then just like gay couples who want to be able to legally marry each other- they can file a lawsuit to overturn the law.

But the law treats all business owners the same- no special treatment just because they are Christians.

And that's what some Christians are lamenting over. That they aren't being treated specially. That they are being treated like everyone else. Beagle has lamented about the prized position of Christianity over all other faiths in our nation's past. And describes the lack of the same today as an 'attack'.

Its not. Its called equality. Get used to it.

Bull, you are full of shit. I'm not even a Christian and clearly the left is not treating them the same. Back this up with links. I'm calling you out on your crap.
So you are in favor of people being able to refuse to serve black people on religious grounds? Say, at a lunch counter?

Racial discrimination is prohibited. Lifestyle discrimination is not when it comes to marriage. Read the Constitution. What one IS may not be treated as inferior. What one DOES may. So unless your church of LGBT has tax-exempt status and places of woship like gay bars and pride parades, you're stuck having to abide by local regulations.

A person may be gay. The Bible does not say in Jude 1 "treat the individual gay harshly". In fact, Jude 1 says to take them in with compassion "making a difference". What Jude 1 prohibits is christians participating in promoting a homosexual culture into the fabric of normal society. Assiting so-called "gay marriages" is that direct prohibited thing.

Ergo, you cannot force christians to promote gay marriage in any way, shape or form. The gay lifestyle (not the individual) is forbidden to christians to promote. From the NEW Testament. Under threat of eternal damnation no less. This isn't some petty "hail Mary/count your rosary beads" crime. It gets you directly to the Big House Down Under for "Life".

Mr. Bessinger, the restauranteur in that link, had some strong religious arguments of his own on why he shouldn't have to serve black people at his BBQ joint. He was overruled, not because there was a stronger theological argument, but because he legally could not discriminate against people. The justification for his discrimination is totally irrelevant.
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...No one is challenging such bans on the grounds that the States lack the authority to define marriage. They are challenging the bans on the grounds that such bans violate constitutional guarantees. Every single federal ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans has done so on the basis of the violation of constitutional guarantees...

Yet none of them count because procedurally, lower courts may not overturn previous SCOTUS Findings, even in anticipation of different findings, unless SCOTUS does so itself. Windsor 2013 said states get to choose on gay marriage. It said so dozens of times. It even concluded within its own Opinion that gay marraige was only legal " in some states". In case there was any ambiguity how they were coming down on the side of states'-powers..

Oh well. If you read Sutton's decision, he discusses how the other lower courts are in violation of federal law. 6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb s Up to States Choice on Gay Marriage Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Racial discrimination is prohibited. Lifestyle discrimination is not when it comes to marriage. Read the Constitution. What one IS may not be treated as inferior. What one DOES may.

Read the 14th amendment. Specifically the due process and equal protect clauses. The States do not have the authority to violate constitutional guarantees of federal citizens. And all State marriage laws are subject to those constitutional guarantees:

Subject to certain constitutional guarantees, see, e.g., Loving v. Virginia, 388 U. S. 1, “regulation of domestic relations” is “an area that has long been regarded as a virtually exclusive province of the States,” Sosna v. Iowa, 419 U. S. 393.

Windsor V. US

Which you know. But which you refuse to acknowledge or discuss. Just because you ignore the constitutional guarantees that all marriage laws are subject to doesn't mean that they suddenly aren't. And marriage is recognized as a constitutional right.

A person may be gay. The Bible does not say in Jude 1 "treat the individual gay harshly". In fact, Jude 1 says to take them in with compassion "making a difference". What Jude 1 prohibits is christians participating in promoting a homosexual culture into the fabric of normal society. Assiting so-called "gay marriages" is that direct prohibited thing.

Jude 1 makes no mention of gay marriages. Nor prohibits the selling of cake. You're reimagining the Bible just like you're reimagining the law. And neither form the foundation of a valid argument.

Ergo, you cannot force christians to promote gay marriage in any way, shape or form.

Selling cake isn't promoting a customer. Its promoting cake. Ergo, the very premise of your argument is invalid and irrelevant.
So you are in favor of people being able to refuse to serve black people on religious grounds? Say, at a lunch counter?

Here's a fun fact for you. Jim Crow ... laws ... were government. Didn't know that, did you?

Government has no legitimate power either to force nor deny it's citizens from engaging in business transactions.

Here's a fun fact for you. Pointing to an example where government did its job poorly and then saying "well guess government doesn't have the right to do anything" is just not a constructive argument.
...No one is challenging such bans on the grounds that the States lack the authority to define marriage. They are challenging the bans on the grounds that such bans violate constitutional guarantees. Every single federal ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans has done so on the basis of the violation of constitutional guarantees...

Yet none of them count because procedurally, lower courts may not overturn previous SCOTUS Findings, even in anticipation of different findings, unless SCOTUS does so itself.

There is no previous SCOTUS ruling that found that gay marriage bans are constitutional. While there is the Windsor ruling that found that gay marriage bans cause immediate legal harm to both the same sex couple being denied marriage and to their children.

And a USSC ruling (Romer V. Evans) that have found that a law that strips protections from gays must have a valid reason and a compelling state interest. Neither of which has ever been found in gay marriage bans.

As gay marriage in 36 of 50 states demonstrate, the lower court rulings most definitely count. With the USSC preserving every single one of those rulings overturning gay marriage bans, without exception.

You can ignore this. You can't make us ignore this.

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