Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?

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You people will never silence me you fascist bastards. I'll spit in your face!

The day you let these fascist silence you is the day your rights are gone!

NO it doesn't BITCH!!!!! MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS A RIGHT. Do you understand that???? Good, fuck you!

The subject we should be focused on is the high crime and fatherless rate within certain communities. They're the ones that have to feel sorry.

This gives ME A RIGHT TO SAY
-If you're a man you need to stay with your families
-Rape and Murder is wrong!

-Dean had a right to say stupid things!!!!

God bless the first First Amendment!

This gives ME A RIGHT TO SAY
-If you're a man you need to stay with your families
-Rape and Murder is wrong!

-Dean had a right to say stupid things!!!!

God bless the first First Amendment!

in 90% of Deans posts he says stupid things.....the biggest one is how ALL Republicans hate everything.....
I would have to see it to believe it. I simply don't believe people were eating in a restaurant in Savannah with porn playing in the kitchen. It would have been audible.

When I was doing intake for a hospital, I used to get a call EVERY Sunday morning from some jerk who was using our service as an outlet for his sexual fantasies. I could give you a list. One day he called pretending to be an 11 year old boy whose mother was having sex in another room with a woman. He would turn the volume up and then he would turn it down. You could hear the music. It was nothing but a porn film. I rolled his call out to the police station and that was the LAST time he EVER called.

In the suit, Lisa Jackson claims that she was the victim of repeated sexual harassment on the part of Deen’s brother, Bubba Hiers, who co-owns Uncle Bubba’s Seafood and Oyster House in Savannah, Ga. with Deen.

Jackson claims that Hiers constantly looked at pornography on the restaurant’s computer, and repeatedly made inappropriate sexist and racist comments.

Read more: Paula Deen denies sexual harassment charges | The Daily Caller

Damn Bubba!!!!

The full complaint is on another thread. It is so far fetched, I just can't believe it. The dumb butts don't realize she holds the final card. All she has to do is to shut her restaurants down and they don't have jobs. I wish she would. No doubt, someone will give them 40 acres and a mule. NOT
Paula dean, Rdean and me all have a right to say hateful things. Agree?

Now, I see why you have over 13,000 posts and less than 1000 reps.

You don't believe in the first amendment of our constitution. Go live in cuba. Bitch:evil:

Matthew said:
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Eat shit in take a flying fuck up a tree fascist


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Sure thing, steamy!
Everyone has a right to say stupid shit in America. This nation is dieing in front of my eyes.
Paula brought it on herself with her stupid apologys. Plus her choices of food are disgusting. Honey...y'all. She should just drown herself in a pot of grits.

I agree she shouldn't have apologized. But her cooking is good. All the others on that network cook just as unhealthy as she does. Emeril Lagesse looks like a pig, and his food is just as fat laden as hers. It's all about flavor. For them all.

GAWD, how I do love the mental masturbation from the rigid right.

Emeril isn't attractive so his fat is bad.

Hell, if you're into obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease, her cooking is downright excellent. And, she throws a little hate and racism in for extra flavor.

How about you go have a pizza for dinner.

Preferably from Papa John's.
Mattie sure is an angry little man...

Everyone has a right to say stupid shit in America. This nation is dieing in front of my eyes.

And he can't spell or write a sentence that makes sense.

Screw you

Seriously, you people want to crap all over the constitution. If you don't defend the constitution our rights are gone.

Man, you have more sexual fantasies than a eunuch.

NO it doesn't BITCH!!!!! MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS A RIGHT. Do you understand that???? Good, fuck you!

The subject we should be focused on is the high crime and fatherless rate within certain communities. They're the ones that have to feel sorry.

Mad dog, mad dog. Whatcha gonna do~!
Paula brought it on herself with her stupid apologys. Plus her choices of food are disgusting. Honey...y'all. She should just drown herself in a pot of grits.

I agree she shouldn't have apologized. But her cooking is good. All the others on that network cook just as unhealthy as she does. Emeril Lagesse looks like a pig, and his food is just as fat laden as hers. It's all about flavor. For them all.

GAWD, how I do love the mental masturbation from the rigid right.

Emeril isn't attractive so his fat is bad.

Hell, if you're into obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease, her cooking is downright excellent. And, she throws a little hate and racism in for extra flavor.

How about you go have a pizza for dinner.

Preferably from Papa John's.


Damn can't you people on the left think about anything but sexual fantasies and masturbation.

The fantasies on this thread seem to come with heavy breathing.
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