Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?

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Mattie sure is an angry little man...

Everyone has a right to say stupid shit in America. This nation is dieing in front of my eyes.

And he can't spell or write a sentence that makes sense.

Screw you

Seriously, you people want to crap all over the constitution. If you don't defend the constitution our rights are gone.

uh-oh .. The rw hacks are laying into each other.

Just for the record, Matthew, I agree with you that American's have the right to say stupid shit. You're the every day proof of that. But, its weird to see you agreeing with Secty Kerry. Please be careful cuz, next thin ya know, you could actually be making sense.
Everyone has a right to say stupid shit in America. This nation is dieing in front of my eyes.

You are being overly dramatic. AS Ice T said; "Freedom of speech, just watch watch you say.". The gov't is not coming down on Paula Deen, private entities and individuals are, THAT'S THEIR RIGHT TO DO IT and express their freedom to associate or disassociate themselves with her.

Here's a song for you:
[ame=]Body Count (Ice T) - Freedom Of Speech.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
I agree she shouldn't have apologized. But her cooking is good. All the others on that network cook just as unhealthy as she does. Emeril Lagesse looks like a pig, and his food is just as fat laden as hers. It's all about flavor. For them all.

GAWD, how I do love the mental masturbation from the rigid right.

Emeril isn't attractive so his fat is bad.

Hell, if you're into obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease, her cooking is downright excellent. And, she throws a little hate and racism in for extra flavor.

How about you go have a pizza for dinner.

Preferably from Papa John's.


Damn can't you people on the left think about anything but sexual fantasies and masturbation.

The fantasies on this thread seem to come with heavy breathing.

If you find any word of my post sexually suggestive, you should be concerned for yourself.

But, hey, whatever floats your boat, dunks your donut or rings your bell.
Because I said you were angry? That's a wee bit of a stretch, don't you think?

Shouldn't people be angry when our constitution isn't being followed?

Dude. I said you were angry. You called me a fascist. I'm not sure where the Constitution comes into play in that exchange.

I thought you wanted to silence me. :eusa_eh: If you're for the first amendment I take it back.
If we were all held liable for things that we said 20-30 years ago, none of us would have jobs. This is the height of the stupidity of politcal correctness.

Geez, people, its just a WORD. How are you damaged when someone says that word?

Should every black who has ever said "honky" or "whitey" be fired?

this is asinine.

Honky and whitey were not used to degrade and dehuminize and entire race of people. Those words were not uttered by a race of people who could kill whites just for looking at them.

Please dont confuse "whitey" or "honky" with the word ******. By the way, who the hell says whitey or honky now days anyway?

You not being offended by the word ****** is interesting. Its almost cute because you are almost telling blacks to stop being offended. lol

I am black and yes, I am offended by that word. It annoys me when rappers or black kids in general use it, but its not racial. If you dont understand that, I cant help you.

When whites say it, YES IT IS RACIST.

This woman saying this 30 years ago....who gives a fuck. The more I learn about all this and about the Slavery wedding etc the more I am starting to get it though.

If you accept it when some people use the word and condemn it when others do simply because of the color of their skin, then you are a racist and a bigot.
Squeeze, BHO is your enemy because he is black. Too many of you infect our far right wing. The mainstream hates you far worse than Obama. Go away.

oh fuck off.

Obama has made condescending comments about white people.I have no power or bully pulpit to call him an enemy.

He made the statements. He needs to take ownership

Yet you kind give him the free black pass.

Double standards much asswipe?

PS why not say something to Deanie?

You are a fake

So he was being condescending towards his mother and grandparents in Hawaii...?


How "typical".
oy. I am beginning to feel really bad for Paula.

Paula Deen May Also Go To Pot On QVC |

Looks like QVC is jumping on the Witch Hunt Bandwagon.

If you're white you don't have any rights. End of story...

Blacks can beat and kill whites every day for just walking down the street, but you better NEVER utter a "INSULT" toward them. This is what this countries becoming...

We all must accept the fact that some people are going to insult, but we must never accept violence. Guess what the media attacks.
Oh, she is gone from television and you can expect the NAACP and the New Black Panthers to be picketing her businesses also.

She's toast.
oy. I am beginning to feel really bad for Paula.

Paula Deen May Also Go To Pot On QVC |

Looks like QVC is jumping on the Witch Hunt Bandwagon.

If you're white you don't have any rights. End of story...

Blacks can beat and kill whites every day for just walking down the street, but you better NEVER utter a "INSULT" toward them. This is what this countries becoming...

We all must accept the fact that some people are going to insult, but we must never accept violence. Guess what the media attacks.

Oh bullshit.

I thought you wanted to silence me. :eusa_eh: If you're for the first amendment I take it back.

You really need to read the First Amendment.

Since I'm sure you won't, I'll just tell you here - You have NO First Amendment rights on this board or any other message board.

If you DO happen to stumble on the First Amendment and if you DO happen to actually read it, pay reeel close attention to the very first word -- "Congress".

Then, look around. Do you see the US Congress here?


oy. I am beginning to feel really bad for Paula.

Paula Deen May Also Go To Pot On QVC |

Looks like QVC is jumping on the Witch Hunt Bandwagon.

If you're white you don't have any rights. End of story...

Blacks can beat and kill whites every day for just walking down the street, but you better NEVER utter a "INSULT" toward them. This is what this countries becoming...

We all must accept the fact that some people are going to insult, but we must never accept violence. Guess what the media attacks.

You are one whining racist , as well as a liar.
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Paula brought it on herself with her stupid apologys. Plus her choices of food are disgusting. Honey...y'all. She should just drown herself in a pot of grits.

I agree she shouldn't have apologized. But her cooking is good. All the others on that network cook just as unhealthy as she does. Emeril Lagesse looks like a pig, and his food is just as fat laden as hers. It's all about flavor. For them all.

GAWD, how I do love the mental masturbation from the rigid right.

Emeril isn't attractive so his fat is bad.

Hell, if you're into obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease, her cooking is downright excellent. And, she throws a little hate and racism in for extra flavor.

How about you go have a pizza for dinner.

Preferably from Papa John's.

Dudley im sure you eat stuff like she cooks once in a while.....and dont tell me you dont.....
CaféAuLait;7419281 said:
Bill Maher Talks Paula Deen Controversy With 'Real Time' Panel, Defends Deen... Sort Of (VIDEO)

While it seems universally agreed that Paula Deen's admission of using racist language and, uh, party-planning is terrible, Bill Maher took a moment on "Real Time" to ask his panel an unpopular question: do people really need to "go away" for using that word?
The one black person on the panel said that yes, she does need to go away.

Today, a R (can't think of her name, Amy something, black woman) said that yes, she needs to go away.

My question is, was it really 40 years ago? I've read some news stories saying that she is just as racist now as she was then. Including the deplorable idea she had of having black waiters pretend to be slaves while they waited tables at her relative's wedding.

I didn't like her diabetic, coronary artery by-pass specials she called food so I haven't paid all that much attention to her until this.

Toxic food, toxic mouth but I don't think this will ruin her. In fact, racists are rushing out to buy her fatty food/cookbooks even as we speak.

I don't know if Deen is a racist or not, given she campaigned for Obama in 2008 and is a registered democrat, I wonder if things have not been exaggerated, quite a bit. On top of that there are charges she would openly view porn so employees would be exposed to such as well.

Celebrities' Political Affiliations Pictures - Paula Deen (Democrat) -

She also kicks puppies, drowns kittens, and eats aborted fetuses.

She's hated because she's a white female southerner that doesn't fit anybody's mold
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