Should Donald Trump drop out?

Should trump drop out?

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The question is: is Trump really that stupid or is all an act?
We don't think he's stupid, but he is a non-stop showman and cunningly rides the 24 hour news cycle mostly by using tweets.
How can he be cunning if he's on track to lose not only the Presidency, and throw the SC to the dems for a generation, as well as the Senate if not the House?

It's too late to dump the guy (unless you have dioxin) but the gop sticking to endorsing this guy is very possibly going to have voters in Senate and House races already saying there's no way that can vote for Trump, and then on election day be called to cast votes for gopers who endorse(d) him.

The common wisdom was the gop candidates couldn't afford to piss off the Trumpbots and still hold onto their seats, when others were telling them "you can't tie yourself to this guy or you'll get flushed with him."
The question is: is Trump really that stupid or is all an act?
We don't think he's stupid, but he is a non-stop showman and cunningly rides the 24 hour news cycle mostly by using tweets.
How can he be cunning if he's on track to lose not only the Presidency, and throw the SC to the dems for a generation, as well as the Senate if not the House?

It's too late to dump the guy (unless you have dioxin) but the gop sticking to endorsing this guy is very possibly going to have voters in Senate and House races already saying there's no way that can vote for Trump, and then on election day be called to cast votes for gopers who endorse(d) him.

The common wisdom was the gop candidates couldn't afford to piss off the Trumpbots and still hold onto their seats, when others were telling them "you can't tie yourself to this guy or you'll get flushed with him."
-- political panic really is settling in at the gut level of the GOP.
The liberal press is no longer neutral and haven't been. #repealFOTP
Where is it written that the press, liberal or conservative, must be neutral? Conservatives tried to muzzle the press in 1800 and it didn't work, and in fact was part of the reason that first conservative party died.
The GOP had their chance to dump Trump at the convention. They own him now and every consequence that comes with him.

The insinuation is a scam, a ploy by special interests to deceive Trump supporters into staying home .and not to vote.

The liberal press is no longer neutral and haven't been. #repealFOTP
Where is it written that the press, liberal or conservative, must be neutral? Conservatives tried to muzzle the press in 1800 and it didn't work, and in fact was part of the reason that first conservative party died.
The MSM has to be neutral in terms of they have to honestly report what they see. Obviously individuals have their own opinions. But when Trumpbots (and sometimes dems) say the media is biased remember 2000. Gore got horrible treatment. His internet misstep was repeated continuously even though in substance he told the truth ... but it personified the character of the guy. He was/is an insufferable arrogant blowhard. W didn't answer a direct question without Hughes of Rove at his elbow for the final 30 days....all the while while Gore was his own worst enemy.

In 2004, Kerry got hammered with the MSM carrying swiftboating and flip flop ... but there was really something unsettling about his arrogance in being the protestor who threw FAKE medals over the WH fence and then coming out all but in uniform prepared to lead us in battle.
The question is: is Trump really that stupid or is all an act?
We don't think he's stupid, but he is a non-stop showman and cunningly rides the 24 hour news cycle mostly by using tweets.
How can he be cunning if he's on track to lose not only the Presidency, and throw the SC to the dems for a generation, as well as the Senate if not the House?

It's too late to dump the guy (unless you have dioxin) but the gop sticking to endorsing this guy is very possibly going to have voters in Senate and House races already saying there's no way that can vote for Trump, and then on election day be called to cast votes for gopers who endorse(d) him.

The common wisdom was the gop candidates couldn't afford to piss off the Trumpbots and still hold onto their seats, when others were telling them "you can't tie yourself to this guy or you'll get flushed with him."
-- political panic really is settling in at the gut level of the GOP.

Yep. I think we were always pretty well prepared for losing the WH, Senate and SC. With the House under control, there's really no legislation Hillary can get through. In fact the awful truth is that with the Freedom Caucus, we can't even get our OWN legislation passed. LOL

Losing the SC is mostly hyperbole. Neither Citizens United nor Heller will be overturned. No federal gun laws will pass. Local gun laws in dem areas may be affirmed, but .... our intransigence in places like Sandy Hook made us NO friends. There is really very little affirm action happening out there. We'll lose some voter registration like cases, and there will be biz regulation, but ... it could be worse - Trump might win!
Well considering the "assassination" remark is a flat out lie, fuck the NY Daily and anyone who believes that stupid lie.


Trump stated that some people in the NRA might do something. WTF does that mean to you?

The point is the wagons have to circle on Trump's mouth on a daily basis. Trump needs a full-time physco-babble interpreter standing at his side.


Really someone needs to build a wall in Trump's mouth.


No it wouldn't be good for the country if Trump dropped out. The only way to finally get rid of the Reich wing--who have hijacked the party of Lincoln & Reagan & turned it into the Trump party, is to let them go down in flames with their candidate. Sure the Republican party loses and it loses big--but that's the only way it comes back to the way they used to be. It's the only way to bring back sanity to the party. It's got to be an enormous, conspiracy proof--bomb proof ass kicking of Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton MUST win in a Landslide victory, in order to save the party of Lincoln and Reagan.

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The GOP had their chance to dump Trump at the convention. They own him now and every consequence that comes with him.
They just weren't prepared to tar and feather him and run him out of town on a rail....:badgrin:
They miscalculated that he would neutralize any witch hunt they tried to launch on Hillary by being 10 times "whatever" that they were trying to pin on her. I wouldn't write off so quickly that there's nothing "they" can do about it. Trump's kids may want good business contacts still intact before their out-of-control dad slashes them all to ribbons before he loses this Fall.
This is an actual Trump sentence--

"Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it's true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that's why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it's four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven't figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it's gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."
This is a good example of a Trump monologue, almost a chain of consciousnesses that rambles from nuclear to his uncle, his past, to Trump as conservative, as liberal, being one of the smartest people in the world, back to nuclear, prisoners, women are smart, Iranians, Persian negotiators.....

Imagine a Trump State of Union Message.
Imagine CIC Trump's latest tweet to be foreign policy. DJT did say he wanted to be "unpredictable".
If a leader is not clear in his/her thoughts or beliefs and can not communicate them to others, others will become confused and the leader will become unpredictable. Subordinates become confused and the goals become murky. Although Trump has praised unpredictability in negotiations, for a world leader it can be disastrous.

No, Trump should stay in the race until the bitter end.

I've been rooting for Trump to be the GOP candidate for about a year. Now that he is, let them reap what they sow.

No it wouldn't be good for the country if Trump dropped out. The only way to finally get rid of the Reich wing--who have hijacked the party of Lincoln & Reagan & turned it into the Trump party, is to let them go down in flames with their candidate. Sure the Republican party loses and it loses big--but that's the only way it comes back to the way they used to be. It's the only way to bring back sanity to the party. It's got to be an enormous, conspiracy proof--bomb proof ass kicking of Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton MUST win in a Landslide victory, in order to save the party of Lincoln and Reagan.


Rather than Trump just dropping out, I would like to see a resounding defeat in all 50 states. This would send a strong message to other charismatic demigods, that this country demands that it's leaders have a proven commitment to public service and both knowledge and experience to serve this nation in one of the most difficult and demanding of jobs.

This also sends a clear message to the Republican leadership that the party must become more inclusive.

No it wouldn't be good for the country if Trump dropped out. The only way to finally get rid of the Reich wing--who have hijacked the party of Lincoln & Reagan & turned it into the Trump party, is to let them go down in flames with their candidate. Sure the Republican party loses and it loses big--but that's the only way it comes back to the way they used to be. It's the only way to bring back sanity to the party. It's got to be an enormous, conspiracy proof--bomb proof ass kicking of Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton MUST win in a Landslide victory, in order to save the party of Lincoln and Reagan.


Rather than Trump just dropping out, I would like to see a resounding defeat in all 50 states. This would send a strong message to other charismatic demigods, that this country demands that it's leaders have a proven commitment to public service and both knowledge and experience to serve this nation in one of the most difficult and demanding of jobs.

This also sends a clear message to the Republican leadership that the party must become more inclusive.

The 'message to the Republican Leadership' in relation to Trump is essentially irrelevant. They didn't want this guy, they fought him tooth and nail.

The problem the GOP faces isn't its leadership. But instead, its constituency. They chose Trump. The sickness that plagues the GOP starts with its voters. And those chickens are going to roost like a motherfucker for about a generation.
The liberal press is no longer neutral and haven't been. #repealFOTP
Where is it written that the press, liberal or conservative, must be neutral? Conservatives tried to muzzle the press in 1800 and it didn't work, and in fact was part of the reason that first conservative party died.
I don't understand how the mainstream media can be truly neural in dealing with Trump. The audience expects not just facts but analysis of the news. When you try to analyze Trump's assertions you run into so much evidence out there to quarrel with the assertions that he makes. When someone claims the earth is really flat, how do you take a neutral stand on this issue.
Drop out? Why? he is running against a women that made 10 million dollars last year 30 million the year before that is running a criminal enterprise out of OUR state dept. Hey! by the way.....have any of you LIBTARDS heard that Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz has left the country and is complaining that Hillary won't return her calls? What is up with that? LIBTARDS
Drop out? Why? he is running against a women that made 10 million dollars last year 30 million the year before that is running a criminal enterprise out of OUR state dept. Hey! by the way.....have any of you LIBTARDS heard that Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz has left the country and is complaining that Hillary won't return her calls? What is up with that? LIBTARDS
And how much did Trump make last year and how did he make it. You don't know and it's not likely you ever will.
Drop out? Why? he is running against a women that made 10 million dollars last year 30 million the year before that is running a criminal enterprise out of OUR state dept. Hey! by the way.....have any of you LIBTARDS heard that Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz has left the country and is complaining that Hillary won't return her calls? What is up with that? LIBTARDS
And how much did Trump make last year and how did he make it. You don't know and it's not likely you ever will.

What's far more telling and far more indicative of the enormous challenges the GOP faces in the that he and his ilk don't care. Even when Trump himself insists a candidate should release his tax returns by April of the election year, they won't ask questions, they won't think.

They are the true sickness of the GOP. Trump is merely a symptom of their psychosis.

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