Should Donald Trump drop out?

Should trump drop out?

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GOP Must Dump Trump: By Joe Scarborough

Source: Washington Post
The Muslim ban, the David Duke denial, the “Mexican” judge flap, the draft dodger denigrating John McCain’s military service, the son of privilege attacking an immigrant Gold Star mother and the constant revisionism and lying about past political positions taken are but a few of the lowlights that have punctuated Donald Trump’s chaotic chase for the presidency.

Any one of these offenses would have disqualified any other candidate for president. But the Republican nominee remained competitive against a historically weak Democratic nominee on the promise of bringing radical change and dramatic disruption to Washington.

That appears to be changing. Post-convention polls show Trump falling behind by double digits both nationally and in must-win swing states like Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Virginia.

And the political ride will only get rockier for Trump in the coming days after he suggested that one way to keep a conservative Supreme Court after Hillary Clinton got elected would be to assassinate her or federal judges. Trump and his supporters have been scrambling wildly all day to explain away the inexplicable, but they can stop wasting their time. The GOP nominee was clearly suggesting that some of the “Second Amendment people” among his supporters could kill his Democratic opponent were she to be elected.

Read more: The GOP must dump Trump

If I were Joe, I'd be keeping a bit of a lower profile and not attack Trump or his followers. Because, you know, the dead intern in his office scandal could come up again and again and again. :)
When Hillary is forced out, who should Kaine take as running mate?
How about Biden/Kaine?
and if Trump should then decide to pull out:

Why would Biden get the top spot? The whole point of a VP is that they would step in when Hillary is not able to perform
We would guess that VP Biden would have the national name recognition with greater qualifications for the presidency; of course we were only speculatively responding to your assertion "when Hillary is forced out".
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When Hillary is forced out, who should Kaine take as running mate

When Hillary is President, what comforting lie will you tell yourself?

It's no lie that Dems need massive voter fraud to win
The Choice 2016
A key election choice now appears to be between two candidates who will attempt to prove to the voters just who has led the most lawfully abiding life over the past 30 or 40 years, and try to expose the one who has not been four square in that department.

AUGUST 12, 2016
The Real Scandal of Hillary Clinton’s E-Mails

Republicans’ insistence that the probes will reveal illegal activity has reduced the chances that this episode will bring about real reform.
Benjamin Wallace-Wells, Latest Stories - The New Yorker
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When Hillary is forced out, who should Kaine take as running mate?
How about Biden/Kaine?
and if Trump should then decide to pull out:

Why would Biden get the top spot? The whole point of a VP is that they would step in when Hillary is not able to perform
We would guess that VP Biden would have the national name recognition with greater qualifications for the presidency; of course we were only speculatively responding to your assertion "when Hillary is forced out".
Neither Hillary nor Trump is going to be forced out. The public is fast becoming immune to the claims of the two candidates. We have been hearing so many ridiculous unsupported claims, voters are becoming tired of all the nonsense.
When Hillary is forced out, who should Kaine take as running mate
Hillary won't be forced out. She's going to die while campaigning. She's taking a break now. Her doctors have probably cautioned against pushing herself too hard.

Since the media has no working relationship with the truth, why don't they just announce that Trump dropped out? The entire media would agree. The democrats would agree, then then can declare the campaign over because Trump forfeited the election.
When Hillary is forced out, who should Kaine take as running mate

When Hillary is President, what comforting lie will you tell yourself?

It's no lie that Dems need massive voter fraud to win
The Choice 2016
A key election choice now appears to be between two candidates who will attempt to prove to the voters just who has led the most lawfully abiding life over the past 30 or 40 years, and try to expose the one who has not been four square in that department.

AUGUST 12, 2016
The Real Scandal of Hillary Clinton’s E-Mails

Republicans’ insistence that the probes will reveal illegal activity has reduced the chances that this episode will bring about real reform.
Benjamin Wallace-Wells, Latest Stories - The New Yorker
I seriously doubt that voters are going to be asking themselves who is the most law abiding and I doubt seriously that either candidate is going to offer any proof that they are the most law a bidding.

Both candidates will continue to run negative campaigns. Hillary will continue to pull further ahead because Trump's actions during the campaign is all Hillary needs to win. The further she pulls ahead, the most desperate and crazy Trump claims become which only helps Hillary.
When Hillary is forced out, who should Kaine take as running mate

When Hillary is President, what comforting lie will you tell yourself?

It's no lie that Dems need massive voter fraud to win

Clinton is leading in Pennsylvania by 11 points and nationally by almost 7 points. You've got it backwards.

The only way Trump can win is massive voter fraud. And its not happening.

And you know that this is a FACT HOW?

And Trump supporters should stay home and not vote because.......?
Clinton is leading in Pennsylvania by 11 points and nationally by almost 7 points. You've got it backwards.

The only way Trump can win is massive voter fraud. And its not happening.

Who says this election is so terrible? For instance, it has made Skylar and me agree for

No it wouldn't be good for the country if Trump dropped out. The only way to finally get rid of the Reich wing--who have hijacked the party of Lincoln & Reagan & turned it into the Trump party, is to let them go down in flames with their candidate. Sure the Republican party loses and it loses big--but that's the only way it comes back to the way they used to be. It's the only way to bring back sanity to the party. It's got to be an enormous, conspiracy proof--bomb proof ass kicking of Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton MUST win in a Landslide victory, in order to save the party of Lincoln and Reagan.


Rather than Trump just dropping out, I would like to see a resounding defeat in all 50 states. This would send a strong message to other charismatic demigods, that this country demands that it's leaders have a proven commitment to public service and both knowledge and experience to serve this nation in one of the most difficult and demanding of jobs.

This also sends a clear message to the Republican leadership that the party must become more inclusive.

Totally agree, in fact talk among Republicans is just that. Within the ranks they feel it's better to let Trump go down in flames, than to have tried to stop him at the convention or support another 3rd party. They want to clean up these Reich wing nut cases that have been costing Republicans elections once and for all, and the theory is this will wipe them out also. A 3rd party candidate would have given them a reason to say that was why Trump lost--and they would be back again in 2020 to do it all over again. They would nominate another candidate that didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House, they would be demanding walls, more oppressive language toward women, more immigration bashing, gays and whomever else wasn't as white as they are etc. etc. etc.

So hopefully Donald Trump takes them out along with Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Ann Colter, Sara Palin, Michael Savage, and all the others that have promoted or supported this Chimpanzee nominee.

Clinton is leading in Pennsylvania by 11 points and nationally by almost 7 points. You've got it backwards.

The only way Trump can win is massive voter fraud. And its not happening.

Who says this election is so terrible? For instance, it has made Skylar and me agree for

Smiling.....the law of averages is a wonderful thing, Sil!
When Hillary is forced out, who should Kaine take as running mate

When Hillary is President, what comforting lie will you tell yourself?

It's no lie that Dems need massive voter fraud to win

Clinton is leading in Pennsylvania by 11 points and nationally by almost 7 points. You've got it backwards.

The only way Trump can win is massive voter fraud. And its not happening.

And you know that this is a FACT HOW?

And Trump supporters should stay home and not vote because.......?

I've read the article. It presents a conspiracy. No evidence to back its claims, no verification of any of anything.

You've swallowed another steaming load of batshit yet again. And you didn't even think to question what mind numbing 'American Thinker' pablum was pumped down your gullet, did you?
Ok, I'll bite...
Why would Trump drop out?
He's the only thing standing between the craggady old lady and disaster.
The question should obviously read:
Should the bus stop rat bag old hag power-hungry incompetent lying piece of shit socialist windbag drop out?
Thread is obvious trolling.

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