Should Donald Trump get credit for killing al Baghdadi?

Should Donald Trump get credit for killing al Baghdadi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 64.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • Fuck Obama

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • Fuck Donald

    Votes: 7 11.3%

  • Total voters
Please explain your answer.

I don't know enough about this specific case.

However, in general I'm not in favor of giving the president credit for things the president had nothing to do with.
The raid that got Osama Bin Laden for example, was a decade of work, often without the president even knowing that work was being done.
The stupid Moon Bats sure gave that worthless asshole Obama credit for killing Bin Laden even thought he had absolutely nothing of substance to do with it.

The unconscious irony of your post is .....well typical of a Trumpette.

Did you actually read your own link??

“In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: ‘All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,’ he wrote. ‘Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him — his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values,’ ” Bloomberg reported.

Although Mr. Penn never suggested bringing up Mr. Obama’s birth certificate as a strategy to exploit this weakness, he did suggest Mrs. Clinton include a line in every speech saying that she was “born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century.
A) Note first of all that doesn't show that Hillary Clinton started the Birther movement- as your Orange Messiah and King of the Birthers claimed
No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.
B) Secondly, I don't know why you Trumpettes are so desparete to believe that Hillary just completely conned Trump into becoming a Birther.....
C) Thirdly- here is the best record of the history of Birther idiocy
The Secret Origins of Birtherism | Bullspotting

And you're a dumbfuck.

A) you're posting an opinion piece

B) the headline is not supported by the content

It cites Mark Penn...

Although Mr. Penn never suggested bringing up Mr. Obama’s birth certificate as a strategy to exploit this weakness, he did suggest Mrs. Clinton include a line in every speech saying that she was “born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century.”​

Being born in America was not the birther claim. The birther claim was that Obama was ineligible to be president because he wasn't born in America.
A flawless operation. Trump approved the operation.
Yeah, Trump gets some credit, but the military gets 99% of the credit.
Trump will eventually be known as the best president this country has ever had. :)

It is embarrassing to read these post of worship for another human being. I truly pity you.
Be proud of your president for once

I can't be proud of one of the worst Presidents we have ever elected.

I will give him credit for taking out this terrorist.

Of course your Orange Messiah not only wants that credit- he really, really, really needs for everyone to know it was more important than taking out Osama Bin Ladin.
Not really, it's not like any other president wouldn't have given the same order.

I say that realizing the same is true for President Obama.

Then there the fact that this guy has been killed a couple of times before and it's never stuck so who knows if he's really gone or not. Could be a look alike, could be a body double, or maybe he used to be named Kenny McCormick before he got his current job.

KenyanBastard never would have given this order. Not a chance.,
Please explain your answer.
The left fell over itself in giving The Obama credit for killing bin Laden; as such, there's no sound way to argue Trump does not deserve equal credit.

I agree- and the right fell over itself insisting that Obama deserved no credit for killing Bin Laden.

I would be curious if all of those posting here that Trump does deserve credit- also gave credit to Obama for Osama Bin Ladin.

I can say that I have given both the same credit.

How many here can say the same thing?
Not really, it's not like any other president wouldn't have given the same order.

I say that realizing the same is true for President Obama.

Then there the fact that this guy has been killed a couple of times before and it's never stuck so who knows if he's really gone or not. Could be a look alike, could be a body double, or maybe he used to be named Kenny McCormick before he got his current job.

KenyanBastard never would have given this order. Not a chance.,

Poor little devoted to your Orange Messiah and hating the black President.
Not really, it's not like any other president wouldn't have given the same order.

I say that realizing the same is true for President Obama.

Then there the fact that this guy has been killed a couple of times before and it's never stuck so who knows if he's really gone or not. Could be a look alike, could be a body double, or maybe he used to be named Kenny McCormick before he got his current job.

KenyanBastard never would have given this order. Not a chance.,
Yeah, never.


Did you actually read your own link??

“In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: ‘All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,’ he wrote. ‘Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him — his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values,’ ” Bloomberg reported.

Although Mr. Penn never suggested bringing up Mr. Obama’s birth certificate as a strategy to exploit this weakness, he did suggest Mrs. Clinton include a line in every speech saying that she was “born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century.

Birthers never check their sources. Its one of their characteristics....

Not really, it's not like any other president wouldn't have given the same order.

I say that realizing the same is true for President Obama.

Then there the fact that this guy has been killed a couple of times before and it's never stuck so who knows if he's really gone or not. Could be a look alike, could be a body double, or maybe he used to be named Kenny McCormick before he got his current job.

KenyanBastard never would have given this order. Not a chance.,
Yeah, never.


You do realize that bin-Laden and al-Baghdadi were different people, right stupid?
Please explain your answer.
/----/ Rush said it best. It's a classic Trump head fake. And you libtards can't keep up with him - can't figure him out.
RUSH: You know, Trump did not tell any Democrats — and you know what’s fascinating, folks? If I may add. There are four reporters — and I don’t remember all their names. Maggie Haberman is one from the New York Times, and there’s another one at the New York Times, Schmidt, maybe. There’s a couple from the Washington Post. And these four reporters are the primary reporters of leaks.

And so they have accrued great reputations as having inside knowledge right inside the Trump administration. They’ve got sources in the Oval Office. And not a one of those four reporters had any advance knowledge of the military attack on Baghdadi, and this thing had been in the planning stages for weeks and, in fact, you want to hear something brilliant? Not brilliant from me. You get me being brilliant every day. No, a brilliant strategy here.

The announcement of withdrawing troops from Syria was part of the strategy to set ’em all up! And it worked! Look at all the people that fell in line. Every predictable Never Trumper Republican, every RINO Republican and every Democrat and the entirety of the media fell for it hook, line, and sinker. The Never Trumpers especially, they just couldn’t contain themselves, writing about how Trump was turning over Syria to ISIS. By pulling the troops out, he was veritably handing Syria to ISIS. He was the epitome of incompetence. He was the epitome of a joke.

And Trump could have said, “I tried to. I tried to give Pelosi the truth of what’s going on in Syria, but she threw this hissy fit and stormed out and went out to the microphones and claimed that America needs to pray for me because I’m losing my mind. I had a meeting with ’em. I had ’em in the White House. I was gonna brief ’em.”

You know what I wish Trump would have said? “I didn’t think I had to tell the Democrats what was going on. I thought the whistleblower would.” Would that not have been great? He didn’t say that, but that would have been piece de resistance.
Trump’s Brilliant Syria Strategy Fooled Everyone
But not fewer times than shitstain obama said he was born in Kenya.

Got even a single direct quote of Obama stating anything like that?
Letter: Obama’s words may have created birther movement – Chico Enterprise-Record
Hillary created the birther movement......

Wrong again.
except she did.
It wasn't exactly Hillary. The birther story was the brainchild of Hillary's friend Sidney Blumenthal. Shitstain obama was said to be so furious that he banned Blumenthal from the white house.
Not really, it's not like any other president wouldn't have given the same order.

I say that realizing the same is true for President Obama.

Then there the fact that this guy has been killed a couple of times before and it's never stuck so who knows if he's really gone or not. Could be a look alike, could be a body double, or maybe he used to be named Kenny McCormick before he got his current job.

KenyanBastard never would have given this order. Not a chance.,
Yeah, never.


You do realize that bin-Laden and al-Baghdadi were different people, right stupid?

You do realize that both Trump and Obama each gave the order to take each of them out- right stupid?
It wasn't exactly Hillary. The birther story was the brainchild of Hillary's friend Sidney Blumenthal. Shitstain obama was said to be so furious that he banned Blumenthal from the white house.

Well that is a novel new Birther invention.

So you think that Sidney Blumenthal is the one that conned Trump into becoming the King of Birthers?
It wasn't exactly Hillary. The birther story was the brainchild of Hillary's friend Sidney Blumenthal. Shitstain obama was said to be so furious that he banned Blumenthal from the white house.
well if we learned nothing from trump it is that anything related to a candidate is the candidate that did it. so, for what's it worth.
It wasn't exactly Hillary. The birther story was the brainchild of Hillary's friend Sidney Blumenthal. Shitstain obama was said to be so furious that he banned Blumenthal from the white house.

Well that is a novel new Birther invention.

So you think that Sidney Blumenthal is the one that conned Trump into becoming the King of Birthers?
Politics is pretty funny, huh?
On one side you have the Birther Movement
On the other side you have the Russia, Russia, Russia/Obstruction of Justice/Ukraine

Political gamesmanship
Not really, it's not like any other president wouldn't have given the same order.

I say that realizing the same is true for President Obama.

Then there the fact that this guy has been killed a couple of times before and it's never stuck so who knows if he's really gone or not. Could be a look alike, could be a body double, or maybe he used to be named Kenny McCormick before he got his current job.

KenyanBastard never would have given this order. Not a chance.,
Yeah, never.


You do realize that bin-Laden and al-Baghdadi were different people, right stupid?

You do realize that both Trump and Obama each gave the order to take each of them out- right stupid?

KenyanBastard only agreed to take out bin-Laden because he had to. Bin-Laden was very high profile and widely known to the public. It made him look good for the election. Kenyan-Bastard would have swept al-Baghdadi under the rug and forgotten about him because he was little known to the public. His death would not have had much of an effect on the KenyanBastard's re-election. Not only that, the KenyanBastard did not support the necessary military and intelligence infrastructure in Syria that would have been necessary. So it simply would not have been possible at that time.

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