Should Ginsburg Retire?


I figure the left will try to keep her on the court even if she dies. Maybe they can freeze her after she croaks and just make sure Trump can't fill the slot.

Some people on Twitter have offered to give her a day off of their life to keep her alive. If 10,000 people give this they can keep her alive for another 25 years. Essentially a Health transfer. (instead of wealth transfer)
Socialists should be able to figure it out.

Here's possibly, find a Vampire that likes extremely tired blood.
She had a lobe of her lung removed two weeks ago. That isn't enough of a "reason" to be home recuperating?
She'd quit today if Trump was out of office.

I figure the left will try to keep her on the court even if she dies. Maybe they can freeze her after she croaks and just make sure Trump can't fill the slot.

Some people on Twitter have offered to give her a day off of their life to keep her alive. If 10,000 people give this they can keep her alive for another 25 years. Essentially a Health transfer. (instead of wealth transfer)
Socialists should be able to figure it out.

Here's possibly, find a Vampire that likes extremely tired blood.
They'll probably hull her body out like a goard. Attache strings to her and use her like a puppet.

I figure the left will try to keep her on the court even if she dies. Maybe they can freeze her after she croaks and just make sure Trump can't fill the slot.

Some people on Twitter have offered to give her a day off of their life to keep her alive. If 10,000 people give this they can keep her alive for another 25 years. Essentially a Health transfer. (instead of wealth transfer)
Socialists should be able to figure it out.

Here's possibly, find a Vampire that likes extremely tired blood.
Justice Rehnquist soldiered on with terminal cancer for nine months.
Looks like she's going to go out with her boots on, good for her...
What a disgrace! We live off of people who conquered a continent. And we condemn them while all of the comforts we greedily accept. Then people like you call everyone haters while you use those comforts for your easy life. This thing is a virus that would sell out her own. Americans deserve better then this political crap. Good for her. Ph uk U! You are destroying everything in a once civil nation that got her to the supreme court as she destroys that for future people. She is the person in a concentration camp that picks out and hugs her fellow Jews before they are shot and killed as examples. And we lift her up as a champion. We see that every day on TV in all backgrounds by sell outs for their guarantee of a good life.
You should see the trailers for the Ruth Bader Ginsberg movie.
It's enough to make anyone gag.

I figure the left will try to keep her on the court even if she dies. Maybe they can freeze her after she croaks and just make sure Trump can't fill the slot.

Some people on Twitter have offered to give her a day off of their life to keep her alive. If 10,000 people give this they can keep her alive for another 25 years. Essentially a Health transfer. (instead of wealth transfer)
Socialists should be able to figure it out.

Here's possibly, find a Vampire that likes extremely tired blood.
Justice Rehnquist soldiered on with terminal cancer for nine months.
At least he could stay awake.
Looks like she's going to go out with her boots on, good for her...
What a disgrace! We live off of people who conquered a continent. And we condemn them while all of the comforts we greedily accept. Then people like you call everyone haters while you use those comforts for your easy life. This thing is a virus that would sell out her own. Americans deserve better then this political crap. Good for her. Ph uk U! You are destroying everything in a once civil nation that got her to the supreme court as she destroys that for future people. She is the person in a concentration camp that picks out and hugs her fellow Jews before they are shot and killed as examples. And we lift her up as a champion. We see that every day on TV in all backgrounds by sell outs for their guarantee of a good life.
You should see the trailers for the Ruth Bader Ginsberg movie.
It's enough to make anyone gag.
Wait until they come out with "I WannaKillMyBabyToo" staring Darth Vader Ginsburg.

I figure the left will try to keep her on the court even if she dies. Maybe they can freeze her after she croaks and just make sure Trump can't fill the slot.

Some people on Twitter have offered to give her a day off of their life to keep her alive. If 10,000 people give this they can keep her alive for another 25 years. Essentially a Health transfer. (instead of wealth transfer)
Socialists should be able to figure it out.

Here's possibly, find a Vampire that likes extremely tired blood.
She had a lobe of her lung removed two weeks ago. That isn't enough of a "reason" to be home recuperating?

That is an excellent reason to retire and enjoy what little time she has left, it amazes me how these zealots put party ideology above their own lives. Is her hatred so strong that she is willing to give up some time on earth? Liberalism is truly a mental disease. It removes common sense from the human brain.

I figure the left will try to keep her on the court even if she dies. Maybe they can freeze her after she croaks and just make sure Trump can't fill the slot.

Some people on Twitter have offered to give her a day off of their life to keep her alive. If 10,000 people give this they can keep her alive for another 25 years. Essentially a Health transfer. (instead of wealth transfer)
Socialists should be able to figure it out.

Here's a possibly, find a Vampire that likes extremely tired blood.
When she croaks they will just bury her in the backyard and keep working remotely under her name.
Her family members should convince her to retire so that she can spend her remaining time among loved ones.

Expecting her to go back to the SCOTUS is rather Weekend at Bernie's-esque.

Weekend at Ruthie's.jpg
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She's an Animatron that has been dead for years. They could put a parrot in her place just repeating "I hate the U.S. Constitution" over, and over.

I figure the left will try to keep her on the court even if she dies. Maybe they can freeze her after she croaks and just make sure Trump can't fill the slot.

Some people on Twitter have offered to give her a day off of their life to keep her alive. If 10,000 people give this they can keep her alive for another 25 years. Essentially a Health transfer. (instead of wealth transfer)
Socialists should be able to figure it out.

Here's a possibly, find a Vampire that likes extremely tired blood.
------------------------------------------ aw haw funny . Looks like she is going to do a 'juan mcstain ' eh ??
Her family member should convince her to retire so that she can spend her remaining time among loved ones.

Expecting her to go back to the SCOTUS is rather Weekend at Bernie's-esque.
Exactly. The democrat leaders tried to talk her into retiring during Dumbo's second term. Now they're going to have to drag her rotting corpse around and convince us that she's still alive.
She's tough as nails.

What a woman.

sacrificing her own health in order to protect the continual murder of minority babies is hardly a sign of being tough, more a sign of being perverted. Maybe she is a secret advocate of Margaret Sanger (founder of planned parenthood) who considered blacks to be human weeds that must be exterminated.

I figure the left will try to keep her on the court even if she dies. Maybe they can freeze her after she croaks and just make sure Trump can't fill the slot.

Some people on Twitter have offered to give her a day off of their life to keep her alive. If 10,000 people give this they can keep her alive for another 25 years. Essentially a Health transfer. (instead of wealth transfer)
Socialists should be able to figure it out.

Here's possibly, find a Vampire that likes extremely tired blood.
She had a lobe of her lung removed two weeks ago. That isn't enough of a "reason" to be home recuperating?
------------------------------- sounds like she is incapacitated and can't do her job . I hope that she stays in bed for a long time and is judged as incapacitated OldLady .
If you think the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing was a circus, you haven't seen anything if she retires or croaks during Trump's term. It will be out and out war. Blood in the streets wouldn't surprise me.

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