Should homosexuals procreate?

I bet they come in his food for a laugh...he probably has aids:D

A man walks into the doctors, he has all of the tests, the Doctor says "you have a new disease and you are going to die because there is no known cure, we will call it aids and the only way to contract this is to have sex with a monkey".The man said to the Doctor "Is there no other way I could have contracted this awful disease?". "Well", said the Doctor, "I suppose if you had been hunting and had killed the monkey and while skinning the monkey blood had gotten into an open wound on your body......" "YES" said the aids infected straight man, "Thats exactly what happened".

I like that ... cute ... and so true, which is why I don't worry about the idiots most of the time. Because of their lack of wisdom and their arrogance to think they are immune, they leave themselves open to infection ... thus why their infected numbers are increasing.
Thank God there is no homosexuality here in this quiet little time, so there's zero chance on having contact with sodomites here in the country side in Mississippi.

Really? So where are you going on such a frequent basis that they're blatantly throwing it in your face, to the point where you have to rant about it 24/7 on HERE?
As a supervisor I am part of the interveiw and hiring process.

No homos have ever made it past the intial stages in the prehire inteveiws.

Seems like they were either under qualified or over qualified. :eusa_angel:

Hahahahahahahahahhahaha..............Fuck off and die you lying ****.:lol:
As a supervisor I am part of the interveiw and hiring process.

No homos have ever made it past the intial stages in the prehire inteveiws.

Seems like they were either under qualified or over qualified. :eusa_angel:

Again, you probably hired more than you think. Most gay men are indistinguishable from the rest, and lesbians have both butch and lipstick types (masculine and feminine) so you wouldn't notice a lot of them either. Have fun worrying about which ones might be gay without you knowing it.
Really? So where are you going on such a frequent basis that they're blatantly throwing it in your face, to the point where you have to rant about it 24/7 on HERE?

The Bass was born in Florida and frequently travels there to see family and conduct church business and homosexuality is just rampant there, especially on the beaches, no one can go on the beach without walking up on sodomites having sex and the police do nothing about it for fear of being labelled homophobic.
As a supervisor I am part of the interveiw and hiring process.

No homos have ever made it past the intial stages in the prehire inteveiws.

Seems like they were either under qualified or over qualified. :eusa_angel:

Thank you for answering my questions.

If you were to interview for a new job, would you ask if gays worked there? Would you decline the job offer if they did?
The Bass was born in Florida and frequently travels there to see family and conduct church business and homosexuality is just rampant there, especially on the beaches, no one can go on the beach without walking up on sodomites having sex and the police do nothing about it for fear of being labelled homophobic.

Conduct church business, huh.. Sounds like an excuse for a trip to Florida, to me.. Cause it's obvious nobody's forcing you to go to the beach...or, are you next going to tell me your church business is on the beach, because that's where the church IS?
It delights me that you respond to me Mister Bigotted Troll, it means I win.

If I Troll a Troll and burn his stretched arse...I love it:lol:

A troll trying to troll someone whom he/she thinks is a troll is the true troll you dumb troll, so listen troll, stop denying your trolling and embrace your inner troll, you dumb troll, now got that troll?
Again, you probably hired more than you think. Most gay men are indistinguishable from the rest, and lesbians have both butch and lipstick types (masculine and feminine) so you wouldn't notice a lot of them either. Have fun worrying about which ones might be gay without you knowing it.
Even if they aren't obviously a queer.

When they list spouces name or number of children, provides a clue.

Also, when hobbies are listed. There is another clue.

If there is any doubt. Their resume goes into the circular file.

We run a "Homo Free" company. :eusa_clap:
Conduct church business, huh.. Sounds like an excuse for a trip to Florida, to me.. Cause it's obvious nobody's forcing you to go to the beach...or, are you next going to tell me your church business is on the beach, because that's where the church IS?

Can't you read? The Bass said visiting family and Church business, we fellowship with a church out there every 3 months. When visiting the family we all go to the beach every now and then, only to get revolted away by what we see. Its a sad and disgusting shame.
A troll trying to troll someone whom he/she thinks is a troll is the true troll you dumb troll, so listen troll, stop denying your trolling and embrace your inner troll, you dumb troll, now got that troll?

Did I deny it?:lol: I had to tell you about it you thick bastard:badgrin:

I win again.:D

TMI Alert!

Good that you acknowledge that *YOU* are a troll, the Bass isn't a troll.

I identified what we were to each other, the fact is that you cannot distinquish, therefore you are an idiot among Trolls.

I must say that you have stooped to a new low with that posting of a Downs officially sicken me, you ****.

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