Should homosexuals procreate?


As someone who works with special needs kids, I find this post offensive, insensitive and mean.

As someone who works with special needs kids, I find this post offensive, insensitive and mean.


My sister worked with tards for several years. She said the people that couldn't have a sense of humor about it never lasted longer than 6 months to a year.
Well, that's still up for debate. Just because YOU declare it, doesn't make it so...

Unfortunately for you and the rest of the nuts from the peanut gallery this thread isn't about whether the Bass is a troll, but its funny that trolls would try to call the Bass a troll.
My sister worked with tards for several years. She said the people that couldn't have a sense of humor about it never lasted longer than 6 months to a year.

Honey, I have a sense of humor. I've been teaching special needs kids in the inner-city for 12 years now. If I didn't laugh I'd cry, trust me. I love those kids.

I can still find what the BASS did offensive, I'm not asking you to. Laugh away dude!
As someone who works with special needs kids, I find this post offensive, insensitive and mean.


this wasn't intended to demean disabled children, disabled children and bonafide retards like manifold, Shattered, and KittenKoder are two different entities.
Disclaimer: I'm asking this purely from a philosophical standpoint. If we had a philosophy forum I would've put it there. I would prefer to keep religion and law out of this discussion, so both of those forums are out.

It is a given that homosexuality has been observed in the animal kingdom and most reasonable people accept that by and large homosexuals, both human and animal, are born that way. That is to say their attraction to their own sex is neither a choice, nor is it a product of their environment. I've also heard many people, most recently KittyKoder, suggest that it's a natural mechanism for keeping populations in check. Personally, I think this is a very reasonable hypothesis. And that's what led me to ask the philosophical question, should homosexuals procreate? If it truly is nature's population control mechanism, then isn't that just another way of nature saying this is the end of the line for this genetic combination? Of course we know that existing technology enables us to circumvent nature's intent in this case, but just because we can, does that make it a good idea?

Whether faggery is a function of genetics or just the result of an early experience which imprinted sexual conduct to be directed at those of the same gender... (the result of an early childhood molestation) the fact is that homosexuality is nature's way of encouraging the stricken individual to NOT procreate.

With regard to attempts to circumvent nature's direction; it's an effort in futility... you can resist nature, but you can't beat her... in the long run, if she's marked you for termination... you're going down.
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That's a pretty classy pic you posted, Bass.. Is that from your very own photobucket account? If not, you picked an even classier account to "borrow" from.
Honey, I have a sense of humor. I've been teaching special needs kids in the inner-city for 12 years now. If I didn't laugh I'd cry, trust me. I love those kids.

I can still find what the BASS did offensive, I'm not asking you to. Laugh away dude!
Is the child in the picture really a special needs child?

If so, how do you know?
Funny that the Bass gets flak for that pic when he's been getting personally attacked this whole thread and now these idiots wanna turn it around and blame it on the Bass? LOL!

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