Should homosexuals procreate?

Sunni Man, how would you deal with a member of your family confessing homosexual desires but asking for help? How would you react if that person didn't want help?
Funny that the Bass gets flak for that pic when he's been getting personally attacked this whole thread and now these idiots wanna turn it around and blame it on the Bass? LOL!

Not only the pic, but stealing someone elses bandwidth (stealing isn't very Christian, is it?), and not checking the site you're stealing from.. Most of it's dope related.. Tsktsk.
Funny that the Bass gets flak for that pic when he's been getting personally attacked this whole thread and now these idiots wanna turn it around and blame it on the Bass? LOL!

You had the audacity to slap the face of the god of political correctness! :lol:
Not only the pic, but stealing someone elses bandwidth (stealing isn't very Christian, is it?), and not checking the site you're stealing from.. Most of it's dope related.. Tsktsk.

You're the queen of strawman and ad hominems and you're vying with KittenKoder and roomy for the top retard of the forum award. is it hard to stay on topic?
You're the queen of strawman and ad hominems and you're vying with KittenKoder and roomy for the top retard of the forum award. is it hard to stay on topic?

Why don't you just answer my posts so we can move on, rather than skirting and intentionally trying to stay off topic by prolonging the rest of the issues?
I will take you word for it that the child has D S

I personally feel that Mr. Bass went too far in posting that picture.

People with handicaps shouldn't be made fun of.

The pic was posted because of the commentary on it because manifold was retarded for that post he made against the Bass, now all these idiots wanna get PC on the Bass but they wasn't too PC about calling the Bass a latent sodomite, hypocrites!
Disclaimer: I'm asking this purely from a philosophical standpoint. If we had a philosophy forum I would've put it there. I would prefer to keep religion and law out of this discussion, so both of those forums are out.

It is a given that homosexuality has been observed in the animal kingdom and most reasonable people accept that by and large homosexuals, both human and animal, are born that way. That is to say their attraction to their own sex is neither a choice, nor is it a product of their environment. I've also heard many people, most recently KittyKoder, suggest that it's a natural mechanism for keeping populations in check. Personally, I think this is a very reasonable hypothesis. And that's what led me to ask the philosophical question, should homosexuals procreate? If it truly is nature's population control mechanism, then isn't that just another way of nature saying this is the end of the line for this genetic combination? Of course we know that existing technology enables us to circumvent nature's intent in this case, but just because we can, does that make it a good idea?

I would like to state for the record that I am a homosexual dad. I am raising my nephew for my sister. He calls me dad (not father) because I am his dad figure (his parent). I feel that I can add something to this but first lets separate the pop culture term gay from the literal term homosexual. Gay is not homosexual and homosexual is not gay. Gay is a stereotype and with it comes all of the catches and pit falls of being stereotyped and of being a stereotype. Think of gay provide marches and parades. Think of Disney and its gay days. Think of every pop culture cliché in reference to the rather heavy word gay and that is what gay is. It is weighted down with rainbows, makeup, glitter, extreme expressionism and other such things. And now the word homosexual. This word is removed from the gay subculture in that it is a description of ones sexual orientation so to speak (type) and it is not a title for a sub culture. One could argue that without homosexual there could be no gay as the word homosexual is the foundation on which the word gay is built. That would be a good pop culture argument but I would reply saying that homosexual is its own thing and that gay rests beside it and not on top of it. Homosexual is an academic word and gay is a pop culture word. I am not gay. I am a homosexual. Gay, lesbian and so on are titles used to classify people in the modern world of pop culture. The words should not be used as weights to hold down the true definition of the word homosexual.

And now on to the answer. Yes, I believe that it is ok for homosexuals to reproduce. I also believe that it is ok for homosexuals to adopt and or to simply raise children for others or a child for another. The same goes for gay’s, dwarfs, straights, punk rockers, hippies, Christians and so on. If a child has a stable and rather loving home then I see no problem with a child being raised by someone or by people that love him or her or them. However I do take issue with people who try to force their lifestyle onto a child. In this case the easy and most obvious target would be gay’s. I am always to annoyed to see a baby or a toddler at a gay pride parade all dolled up in rainbows and glitter and waiving the rainbow flag. Sure rainbows are pretty and children love them mostly but the gay’s hijacked the rainbow and turned it into a political thing. And so when that child or those children are there waiving those flags and sporting those gay political icons they are being forced to participate in their parents lifestyle. On the extreme other side of things here we have the evangelical Christian protesters who do the same thing only with their political symbols. That to me is just plain ignorant. In the process of raising my son I am instilling into him some good values. I am teaching him to love and respect others. I am teaching him to ask bold questions and to accept an educational reply when one is delivered. I am teaching him to be ever evolving and to admit when he is wrong but to stand tall when he is correct. I am basically teaching him to have his own thoughts and ideas while being open to being corrected when necessary. I am also teach9ing him about global cultures and world history. He is not being raised in a gay home or a politically centrist home. I am a homosexual who is politically in the center and I am also an atheist. In the area of belief he is a Christian by choice and I read to him from his children’s bible. When raising a child it is not our duty to make them into mini versions of ourselves. That is arrogant and selfish.

As for the genetics of this subject I have to say that if a homosexual wants to reproduce they should be able to. I too believe that homosexuality is natures take on population control. But, in natures design there is room for procreation here unless nature has made that homosexual sterile. Heterosexuals can be sterile too and many are.

I am jumping to a new thought here but it is a thin extension of the above written. One day humanity will set off to explore the stars. Supplies will have to be maintained and population control will be a must. What questions will be being asked then? Will homosexuality be such an odd thing when procreation controlled to the point of being a science? Sex would then be simply for pleasure and release and not necessarily for procreation. What happens when you remove the element of reproduction from the picture? I’ll tell you what happens. We move on to more important issues.
I would like to state for the record that I am a homosexual dad. I am raising my nephew for my sister. He calls me dad (not father) because I am his dad figure (his parent). I feel that I can add something to this but first lets separate the pop culture term gay from the literal term homosexual. Gay is not homosexual and homosexual is not gay. Gay is a stereotype and with it comes all of the catches and pit falls of being stereotyped and of being a stereotype. Think of gay provide marches and parades. Think of Disney and its gay days. Think of every pop culture cliché in reference to the rather heavy word gay and that is what gay is. It is weighted down with rainbows, makeup, glitter, extreme expressionism and other such things. And now the word homosexual. This word is removed from the gay subculture in that it is a description of ones sexual orientation so to speak (type) and it is not a title for a sub culture. One could argue that without homosexual there could be no gay as the word homosexual is the foundation on which the word gay is built. That would be a good pop culture argument but I would reply saying that homosexual is its own thing and that gay rests beside it and not on top of it. Homosexual is an academic word and gay is a pop culture word. I am not gay. I am a homosexual. Gay, lesbian and so on are titles used to classify people in the modern world of pop culture. The words should not be used as weights to hold down the true definition of the word homosexual.

And now on to the answer. Yes, I believe that it is ok for homosexuals to reproduce. I also believe that it is ok for homosexuals to adopt and or to simply raise children for others or a child for another. The same goes for gay’s, dwarfs, straights, punk rockers, hippies, Christians and so on. If a child has a stable and rather loving home then I see no problem with a child being raised by someone or by people that love him or her or them. However I do take issue with people who try to force their lifestyle onto a child. In this case the easy and most obvious target would be gay’s. I am always to annoyed to see a baby or a toddler at a gay pride parade all dolled up in rainbows and glitter and waiving the rainbow flag. Sure rainbows are pretty and children love them mostly but the gay’s hijacked the rainbow and turned it into a political thing. And so when that child or those children are there waiving those flags and sporting those gay political icons they are being forced to participate in their parents lifestyle. On the extreme other side of things here we have the evangelical Christian protesters who do the same thing only with their political symbols. That to me is just plain ignorant. In the process of raising my son I am instilling into him some good values. I am teaching him to love and respect others. I am teaching him to ask bold questions and to accept an educational reply when one is delivered. I am teaching him to be ever evolving and to admit when he is wrong but to stand tall when he is correct. I am basically teaching him to have his own thoughts and ideas while being open to being corrected when necessary. I am also teach9ing him about global cultures and world history. He is not being raised in a gay home or a politically centrist home. I am a homosexual who is politically in the center and I am also an atheist. In the area of belief he is a Christian by choice and I read to him from his children’s bible. When raising a child it is not our duty to make them into mini versions of ourselves. That is arrogant and selfish.

As for the genetics of this subject I have to say that if a homosexual wants to reproduce they should be able to. I too believe that homosexuality is natures take on population control. But, in natures design there is room for procreation here unless nature has made that homosexual sterile. Heterosexuals can be sterile too and many are.

I am jumping to a new thought here but it is a thin extension of the above written. One day humanity will set off to explore the stars. Supplies will have to be maintained and population control will be a must. What questions will be being asked then? Will homosexuality be such an odd thing when procreation controlled to the point of being a science? Sex would then be simply for pleasure and release and not necessarily for procreation. What happens when you remove the element of reproduction from the picture? I’ll tell you what happens. We move on to more important issues.

This is beautiful, well written, and should be read by everyone.

Thank you.
The Homosexual is to be exterminated.Thats what the AIDS virus was all about. But the
damned thing backfired on them.They are still working on other hybird viruses at this time.
I would like to state for the record that I am a homosexual dad. I am raising my nephew for my sister. He calls me dad (not father) because I am his dad figure (his parent). I feel that I can add something to this but first lets separate the pop culture term gay from the literal term homosexual. Gay is not homosexual and homosexual is not gay. Gay is a stereotype and with it comes all of the catches and pit falls of being stereotyped and of being a stereotype. Think of gay provide marches and parades. Think of Disney and its gay days. Think of every pop culture cliché in reference to the rather heavy word gay and that is what gay is. It is weighted down with rainbows, makeup, glitter, extreme expressionism and other such things. And now the word homosexual. This word is removed from the gay subculture in that it is a description of ones sexual orientation so to speak (type) and it is not a title for a sub culture. One could argue that without homosexual there could be no gay as the word homosexual is the foundation on which the word gay is built. That would be a good pop culture argument but I would reply saying that homosexual is its own thing and that gay rests beside it and not on top of it. Homosexual is an academic word and gay is a pop culture word. I am not gay. I am a homosexual. Gay, lesbian and so on are titles used to classify people in the modern world of pop culture. The words should not be used as weights to hold down the true definition of the word homosexual.

And now on to the answer. Yes, I believe that it is ok for homosexuals to reproduce. I also believe that it is ok for homosexuals to adopt and or to simply raise children for others or a child for another. The same goes for gay’s, dwarfs, straights, punk rockers, hippies, Christians and so on. If a child has a stable and rather loving home then I see no problem with a child being raised by someone or by people that love him or her or them. However I do take issue with people who try to force their lifestyle onto a child. In this case the easy and most obvious target would be gay’s. I am always to annoyed to see a baby or a toddler at a gay pride parade all dolled up in rainbows and glitter and waiving the rainbow flag. Sure rainbows are pretty and children love them mostly but the gay’s hijacked the rainbow and turned it into a political thing. And so when that child or those children are there waiving those flags and sporting those gay political icons they are being forced to participate in their parents lifestyle. On the extreme other side of things here we have the evangelical Christian protesters who do the same thing only with their political symbols. That to me is just plain ignorant. In the process of raising my son I am instilling into him some good values. I am teaching him to love and respect others. I am teaching him to ask bold questions and to accept an educational reply when one is delivered. I am teaching him to be ever evolving and to admit when he is wrong but to stand tall when he is correct. I am basically teaching him to have his own thoughts and ideas while being open to being corrected when necessary. I am also teach9ing him about global cultures and world history. He is not being raised in a gay home or a politically centrist home. I am a homosexual who is politically in the center and I am also an atheist. In the area of belief he is a Christian by choice and I read to him from his children’s bible. When raising a child it is not our duty to make them into mini versions of ourselves. That is arrogant and selfish.

As for the genetics of this subject I have to say that if a homosexual wants to reproduce they should be able to. I too believe that homosexuality is natures take on population control. But, in natures design there is room for procreation here unless nature has made that homosexual sterile. Heterosexuals can be sterile too and many are.

I am jumping to a new thought here but it is a thin extension of the above written. One day humanity will set off to explore the stars. Supplies will have to be maintained and population control will be a must. What questions will be being asked then? Will homosexuality be such an odd thing when procreation controlled to the point of being a science? Sex would then be simply for pleasure and release and not necessarily for procreation. What happens when you remove the element of reproduction from the picture? I’ll tell you what happens. We move on to more important issues.

Thank you for a beautiful post.

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