Should "IQ" Be a Dirty Word?

Black people are dumber because they don't value an education as much as other ethnic groups do. Just look at the schools in Africa.
Black people didnt build this country. What are you talking about? They were unskilled laborers working in fields, and there were very few of them in comparison to the overall population. The reality is, any impact they had was very minor. Quit trying to steal the history of white people; it isnt yours.

Let me guess, you bought into Mooches "slaves built the white house" silliness. What the fuck would slaves know about building elaborate mansions? They didnt build anything. They just did unskilled manual labor, while Scotts erected the actual building.

"Stonemason Collen Williamson trained enslaved people on the spot at the government's quarry at Aquia, Virginia. Enslaved people quarried and cut the rough stone that was later dressed and laid by Scottish masons to erect the walls of the President's House."

Q&A: Did slaves build the White House?

Do you not have anything real to be prideful of, or do you just have meaningless phrases like "we built this country"?
Black people built the whole country. The whole USA.

Plus black people were the fathers of Science, the fathers of Maths of Physics, The fathers of Khem, the fathers of civiliziation.

I don't say this to give myself an ego boost like the way whites do with their history. I say this as an honest student of history
The best part is i know you dont even believe that shit. Apparently you have nothing to be proud of. :laugh:
In any identifiable group, despite the average I.Q. we might establish, there will be individuals who score as highly as any other group. Individuals cannot be judged by outward appearance of skin color, for example.
Yet many people take it as a personal attack if his group is the one that is assessed to have a lower average IQ than the other groups. Grant it, that is partly because sometimes that information has been used to disparage that group. Thus, it has become taboo to even consider that different racial groups may have different average IQs. As such, I am likely to receive scorn and be labeled as a racist for making this post.

I'll just say this. If whites had such great intelligence, you damn sure can't tell with many of the decisions they have made.
You mean decisions like inventing the computer and internet youre using right now? Shut up dummy. Our history of brilliance is irrefutable. Get a better culture and youll be able to join in the fun too.
In any identifiable group, despite the average I.Q. we might establish, there will be individuals who score as highly as any other group. Individuals cannot be judged by outward appearance of skin color, for example.
Yet many people take it as a personal attack if his group is the one that is assessed to have a lower average IQ than the other groups. Grant it, that is partly because sometimes that information has been used to disparage that group. Thus, it has become taboo to even consider that different racial groups may have different average IQs. As such, I am likely to receive scorn and be labeled as a racist for making this post.

I'll just say this. If whites had such great intelligence, you damn sure can't tell with many of the decisions they have made.
You mean decisions like inventing the computer and internet youre using right now? Shut up dummy. Our history of brilliance is irrefutable. Get a better culture and youll be able to join in the fun too.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Like I said whites are incapable of original thought so they needed help from Black people in inventing the computer too. Not to mention that binary math was first used in Africa. So that pretty much covers everything with IT. :rolleyes:

Mark Dean (computer scientist) - Wikipedia
In today's academic climate, anyone using the words "IQ" and "race" in the same sentence is presumed to be a racist.

But what if we removed the "race" element completely? What if we examined how kids are doing in comparison with their relative IQ's, ignoring race altogether?

What if "failing" schools are not failing because of the race of the majority of students, but because of the average IQ of the students? Looking at it that way, the focus would be to identify the students in those schools with the greatest potential, and see that they have the opportunity to succeed according the their abilities. As for the remainkng students, the curriculum could be tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, without fretting about whether their average test scores fall below state-wide averages. Who cares?

Take race out of the discussion. Stop reporting scores by race; there is nothing to be gained by it.
Have you noticed how many Republicans talk about what’s going on in academic institutions even though they feel college is bad for America and have never actually attend college themselves?
Someone who can answer this question may be considered to have a high IQ


But someone who can figure out why a car keeps stalling is not considered high IQ
I’ve never been accused of having a high IQ. But if I had to guess, I would guess six.
Because number six is made of different parts of the puzzle. And it’s the only one that is.
In any identifiable group, despite the average I.Q. we might establish, there will be individuals who score as highly as any other group. Individuals cannot be judged by outward appearance of skin color, for example.
Yet many people take it as a personal attack if his group is the one that is assessed to have a lower average IQ than the other groups. Grant it, that is partly because sometimes that information has been used to disparage that group. Thus, it has become taboo to even consider that different racial groups may have different average IQs. As such, I am likely to receive scorn and be labeled as a racist for making this post.

I'll just say this. If whites had such great intelligence, you damn sure can't tell with many of the decisions they have made.
You mean decisions like inventing the computer and internet youre using right now? Shut up dummy. Our history of brilliance is irrefutable. Get a better culture and youll be able to join in the fun too.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Like I said whites are incapable of original thought so they needed help from Black people in inventing the computer too. Not to mention that binary math was first used in Africa. So that pretty much covers everything with IT. :rolleyes:

Mark Dean (computer scientist) - Wikipedia
Computers were around many years before him you fucking moron! :laugh:
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Like I said whites are incapable of original thought so they needed help from Black people in inventing the computer too. Not to mention that binary math was first used in Africa. So that pretty much covers everything with IT. :rolleyes:

Mark Dean (computer scientist) - Wikipedia

Seems to me that you believe Blacks are more intelligent than Whites since you say that Whites are incapable of original thought and you imply that Blacks are capable of original thought.

Sometimes I wonder if you really believe this shit that you post on USMB or perhaps you are attempting to mirror the racism demonstrated by some whites to mess with them.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Like I said whites are incapable of original thought so they needed help from Black people in inventing the computer too. Not to mention that binary math was first used in Africa. So that pretty much covers everything with IT. :rolleyes:

Mark Dean (computer scientist) - Wikipedia

Seems to me that you believe Blacks are more intelligent than Whites since you say that Whites are incapable of original thought and you imply that Blacks are capable of original thought.

Sometimes I wonder if you really believe this shit that you post on USMB or perhaps you are attempting to mirror the racism demonstrated by some whites to mess with them.
Trust me, he believes it. He believes all kinds of retarded shit. That dumbass thought blacks invented computers for fuck sake. :laugh:
In today's academic climate, anyone using the words "IQ" and "race" in the same sentence is presumed to be a racist.

But what if we removed the "race" element completely? What if we examined how kids are doing in comparison with their relative IQ's, ignoring race altogether?

What if "failing" schools are not failing because of the race of the majority of students, but because of the average IQ of the students? Looking at it that way, the focus would be to identify the students in those schools with the greatest potential, and see that they have the opportunity to succeed according the their abilities. As for the remainkng students, the curriculum could be tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, without fretting about whether their average test scores fall below state-wide averages. Who cares?

Take race out of the discussion. Stop reporting scores by race; there is nothing to be gained by it.
The “IQ” testing approach is somewhat outdated. Yes, it still has some value, but it does not measure overall “intelligence”, in my opinion, especially emotional “intelligence”.
Someone who can answer this question may be considered to have a high IQ


But someone who can figure out why a car keeps stalling is not considered high IQ
I’ve never been accused of having a high IQ. But if I had to guess, I would guess six.
Because number six is made of different parts of the puzzle. And it’s the only one that is.
Anyone who does not get the correct answer is anti-semitic. (joke
In today's academic climate, anyone using the words "IQ" and "race" in the same sentence is presumed to be a racist.

But what if we removed the "race" element completely? What if we examined how kids are doing in comparison with their relative IQ's, ignoring race altogether?

What if "failing" schools are not failing because of the race of the majority of students, but because of the average IQ of the students? Looking at it that way, the focus would be to identify the students in those schools with the greatest potential, and see that they have the opportunity to succeed according the their abilities. As for the remainkng students, the curriculum could be tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, without fretting about whether their average test scores fall below state-wide averages. Who cares?

Take race out of the discussion. Stop reporting scores by race; there is nothing to be gained by it.
Certainly, schools could and should be flexible, especially now with computers and "a.i." (for want of a more accurate noun). Certainly, grouping should be based upon the most common capacities.
Certainly, forbidding reporting on things is repressive.
Yet many people take it as a personal attack if his group is the one that is assessed to have a lower average IQ than the other groups. Grant it, that is partly because sometimes that information has been used to disparage that group. Thus, it has become taboo to even consider that different racial groups may have different average IQs. As such, I am likely to receive scorn and be labeled as a racist for making this post.
Well its the very definition of being a racist if you actually believe that. Thats probably why you have been labeled a racist. When you ignore what scientist say and still try to push that belief then you are actively engaging in being a racist. I dont say that to make you feel a certain way. Just making sure we say it like it is.
Believe what?
"...that different racial groups may have different average IQs."
Does the same apply to other attributes. Am I a racist if I believe that different racial groups may have different heights? Or must I believe that Asians are on average just as tall as Blacks and Whites to not be a racist.
Only the ones you cant possibly measure and or try to imply that there is a racial superiority or inferiority due to those differences. For example with height. Blacks possess the tallest and the shortest heights depending on the region they are from.
I can believe that there may be a difference in average IQs without making a case for racial superiority or inferiority.

Using individuals as an example, I may know Sam to have rocket scientist intelligence while Tom would have difficulty solving a simple algebra problem. On the other hand, Tom may be a person of integrity, while Sam will rob a person blind if he gets a chance.

Does having a higher intelligence alone necessary make a person a superior person? How about ability to relate to people and show empathy? How about being hard working rather than lazy? How about having integrity?

Having high intelligence does not equate to being a superior human being.
Trust me, he believes it. He believes all kinds of retarded shit. That dumbass thought blacks invented computers for fuck sake. :laugh:
The old white inventions argument. The argument always goes that white people are better than everyone else because of all their wonderful inventions.

White people have invented some wonderful things.

Happy now ?

It does not pain me to say this because I'm an honest student of history

But at the same time 99.999999% of white people have invented nothing.

White supremacist kill me with the white invemtions arguments because most whites have been little more than peasants for the bulk of recorded history.

If you look at the Medieval times in European history, many innovators were given a hard time, Galileo for example.
It was when they began to notice the benefits of these inventions that they began to appreciate the innovators. They were no longer seen as being in league with the devil or being witches.

So called western contributions are not because white people are so much smarter than everyone else but because progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before.

The more science you know the more science you can discover.The more inventions you have at hand. The more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.

If you want to take in all of human history that is the 100 thousand years modern man has been on the planet, not just the last 300 years where Northern white Europeans have got their act together, then the Egyptians are by far the most inventive.

They invented stuff like, oh, civilization. They have been on top for 40% of human history, more than twice as long as whites. A good fraction of what we think of as “Greek” is Egyptian. Egypt is African. In the past it was much blacker than it is now.

So if "white inventions" was because white people are born with more brains, then white people would have been on top all throughout history – not just a fifth of it.

Black people were the original inventors of the disciplines that helped bring the world into the technological age.

Mathematics, physics, astronomy, building in stone and bricks, metallurgy and all the root subjects that were necessary to push the world into today's modern age, were begun by in Egypt, Nubia-Kush, Mesopotamia, Sabea and Black Naga India.

People of European origins have borrowed ancient technologies and ancient inventions, such as rocketry, computer technology, aerodynamics and others but the basic mathematical formulas and ancient prototypes were invented by Africans.

For example, the Africans invented the binary system which is still used in the Yoruba oracle and was copied by German scientists and applied to computer programming. Many ancient formulas in trigonometry, calculus and physics as well as chemistry (Khem mysteries) came from the scientific discoveries of Blacks in Egypt and Nubia-Kush.

You forget that you live at only one point in history, that other points in history were different. 700 years ago the Chinese could have ran around bragging how smart they were. After all whites would be nowhere without four Chinese inventions:

1) Gunpowder
2) The compass
3) Paper
4) The printing press.

Their rise to world power was built on these.

If our fates were written in our genes, then little in the world would change. Anglos would have been on top not only since the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 but for most of history. Instead for most of history they were backwards.

No one in his right mind in 1500 would have thought that some day English would become a world language, a respected language of learning, science and business. If you said that in 1500 people would have thought you had too much to drink.
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Trust me, he believes it. He believes all kinds of retarded shit. That dumbass thought blacks invented computers for fuck sake. :laugh:
The old white inventions argument. The argument always goes that white people are better than everyone else because of all their wonderful inventions.

White people have invented some wonderful things.

Happy now ?

It does not pain me to say this because I'm an honest student of history

But at the same time 99.999999% of white people have invented nothing.

White supremacist kill me with the white invemtions arguments because most whites have been little more than peasants for the bulk of recorded history.

If you look at the Medieval times in European history, many innovators were given a hard time, Galileo for example.
It was when they began to notice the benefits of these inventions that they began to appreciate the innovators. They were no longer seen as being in league with the devil or being witches.

So called western contributions are not because white people are so much smarter than everyone else but because progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before.

The more science you know the more science you can discover.The more inventions you have at hand. The more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.

If you want to take in all of human history that is the 100 thousand years modern man has been on the planet, not just the last 300 years where Northern white Europeans have got their act together, then the Egyptians are by far the most inventive.

They invented stuff like, oh, civilization. They have been on top for 40% of human history, more than twice as long as whites. A good fraction of what we think of as “Greek” is Egyptian. Egypt is African. In the past it was much blacker than it is now.

So if "white inventions" was because white people are born with more brains, then white people would have been on top all throughout history – not just a fifth of it.

Black people were the original inventors of the disciplines that helped bring the world into the technological age.

Mathematics, physics, astronomy, building in stone and bricks, metallurgy and all the root subjects that were necessary to push the world into today's modern age, were begun by in Egypt, Nubia-Kush, Mesopotamia, Sabea and Black Naga India.

People of European origins have borrowed ancient technologies and ancient inventions, such as rocketry, computer technology, aerodynamics and others but the basic mathematical formulas and ancient prototypes were invented by Africans.

For example, the Africans invented the binary system which is still used in the Yoruba oracle and was copied by German scientists and applied to computer programming. Many ancient formulas in trigonometry, calculus and physics as well as chemistry (Khem mysteries) came from the scientific discoveries of Blacks in Egypt and Nubia-Kush.

You forget that you live at only one point in history, that other points in history were different. 700 years ago the Chinese could have ran around bragging how smart they were. After all whites would be nowhere without four Chinese inventions:

1) Gunpowder
2) The compass
3) Paper
4) The printing press.

Their rise to world power was built on these.

If our fates were written in our genes, then little in the world would change. Anglos would have been on top not only since the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 but for most of history. Instead for most of history they were backwards.

No one in his right mind in 1500 would have thought that some day English would become a world language, a respected language of learning, science and business. If you said that in 1500 people would have thought you had too much to drink.
Youre barking up the wrong tree. I do not believe in racial superiority. White people arent inherently better than anyone else when they are born. What makes us superior is our culture. What makes black people inferior is their culture.
Youre barking up the wrong tree. I do not believe in racial superiority. White people arent inherently better than anyone else when they are born. What makes us superior is our culture. What makes black people inferior is their culture.
OK. So you claim that white people are superior because of their culture

So what is white culture and what is black culture ?
Youre barking up the wrong tree. I do not believe in racial superiority. White people arent inherently better than anyone else when they are born. What makes us superior is our culture. What makes black people inferior is their culture.
OK. So you claim that white people are superior because of their culture

So what is white culture and what is black culture ?
In a nutshell, white kids are generally raised better, with both parents around (neither of whom are on welfare) and because of this our neighborhoods are better. We also value education far more than black people. As a result, we outperform you in every single category you could possibly list.

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