Should "IQ" Be a Dirty Word?

In today's academic climate, anyone using the words "IQ" and "race" in the same sentence is presumed to be a racist.

But what if we removed the "race" element completely? What if we examined how kids are doing in comparison with their relative IQ's, ignoring race altogether?

What if "failing" schools are not failing because of the race of the majority of students, but because of the average IQ of the students? Looking at it that way, the focus would be to identify the students in those schools with the greatest potential, and see that they have the opportunity to succeed according the their abilities. As for the remainkng students, the curriculum could be tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, without fretting about whether their average test scores fall below state-wide averages. Who cares?

Take race out of the discussion. Stop reporting scores by race; there is nothing to be gained by it.
IQ shouldnt be a dirty word. IQ should be ranked right up there with unicorns since no one is smart enough to devise a test that accurately measures how intelligent someone is. Intelligence is the ability to learn. Since there is no way to quantify the ability of something you dont understand its just a buzz word or a dog whistle.

The strongest correlation between academic success and financial success in life is I.Q. Not race, not gender, not any environmental factors. It is I..Q. I repeat race is not a factor. In other words, if you are an intelligent black man (I.Q. 115 or above) your odds of being academically and financially successful are a virtual certainty, and are statistically no different than whites.

You can debate all day long about what I.Q. tests measure. The fact is, it does not matter. I.Q. tests are highly predictive of life success or a lack thereof. That cannot be argued.
Nope youre wrong again idiot. Your IQ doesnt even make the top 8 predictors. The number 1 predictor is the ability to delay gratification. :rolleyes:

You wouldnt know that because you probably have never spoken to someone that was successful that wanted to help you.

8 Traits That Are Scientifically Proven To Predict Future Success

That's a terrible article. One of the traits, childhood adversity, is not a predictor of success. If anything, it may be the opposite. The entry even points out that success after childhood adversity is "a silver lining for some outliers." Why list a trait that doesn't predict success in an article claiming to show traits that are scientifically proven to predict success? :lol:

Also, the article never claims those are the "top" 8 predictors of success. It gives no indication at all of any sort of rankings, neither within the 8 traits nor in comparison to other possible traits.
Youre actually right. I didnt even read the rest of the traits or look for a ranking. I already knew the ability to delay gratification was #1 and just grabbed the first article. Here is a better one.

Science proves that this boring quality is the best predictor of future success
No fake pride. I love being black.
What exactly are you prideful of?
Personally I love how fucking tremendous Black people are even in the face of oppression. Whites have tried their best to rid the earth of Blacks yet they cant because they depend on Blacks for everything. Hell if it wasnt for Black people europe would look like Braveheart still.

Hahaha, Braveheart happened after the Moors had invaded Spain & those Scots involved in Braveheart invented a bunch of inventions, that turned around society.
No fake pride. I love being black.
What exactly are you prideful of?
Personally I love how fucking tremendous Black people are even in the face of oppression. Whites have tried their best to rid the earth of Blacks yet they cant because they depend on Blacks for everything. Hell if it wasnt for Black people europe would look like Braveheart still.

Hahaha, Braveheart happened after the Moors had invaded Spain & those Scots involved in Braveheart invented a bunch of inventions, that turned around society.
Not sure what that had to do with my point? The Spain and Scotland are two different places.
In today's academic climate, anyone using the words "IQ" and "race" in the same sentence is presumed to be a racist.
Thomas Jefferson in 1787: Black have less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control
Whites in 2018 : Blacks have less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control.

White people have been running around trying to prove that black people are stupid for a very long time. Stop acting like this ia new and edgy.
But what if we removed the "race" element completely? What if we examined how kids are doing in comparison with their relative IQ's, ignoring race altogether?
IWhat if "failing" schools are not failing because of the race of the majority of students, but because of the average IQ of the students?
If you look college completion rates for white groups. They range from the lowest from Irish-Americans (at around 21%) with college degrees up to (around 51%) of Russian Americans with college degrees. In between that you’ve got Swedes, English, Scottish, Germans.

Why is it that people who claim that race is some biologically hard-wired and success is related to IQ which is related to biology and race then if that’s true then you'd have to conclude that based on the rank ordering of Europeans that :
  1. Russian-Americans are the most intelligent and biologically superior
  2. Followed by Scots
  3. Followed by English
  4. Followed by Swedes
  5. Followed by Poles
  6. Followed by Germans
  7. Followed by the Irish
So the Irish who would be the bottom-feeders of the European community. No ?

If there's enough genetic difference for white people to have different hair color, eye color and different average height, then why not intelligence?

But why don't you ever want to split up the white totals ?

Or don’t you want to theorize on which group of white people are the least intelligent ? Because t
hat’s only used for talking about black people. Right ?

You make foolish observations such as there is one gigantic “White Race” and also believe there is one huge “Black Race” Of course, even the most cursory googling on the subject of African genetic diversity will show you that African peoples have extremely diverse and divergent genetic makeups.

But to you black people are all be guided by the same “dumb gene” or the same “violence gene” or “fast running gene

It doesn’t matter if black have a variety of different features, different average heights, have reached different levels of civilization, and self-identify as different people.

NO! Blacks are all ONE race, not two, or five, or twenty Black races.

Because in order for your mumbo jumbo to work, it requires a genetically homogenous race of Blacks who all share roughly the same DNA.

I would have more respect for you if you just dropped the pseudo-scientific charade and said,

We don’t like anybody who doesn’t look like us

At least that would be true.
Looking at it that way, the focus would be to identify the students in those schools with the greatest potential, and see that they have the opportunity to succeed according the their abilities.
So in that case if IQ is so important and so trustworthy why don't you drive your arguments to it's logical conclusion ? That is why not give all the top positions to those with the highest IQ? Why have elections? Why have job interviews or resumes? Why not have birth licences or sterilization based on IQ?

Until you guys start talking like that and demanding that everything be based on IQ then you don't believe a word your saying because deep down you know that no human being can be baked down to a number.

That's not a good source, here's a better one for IQ, with actual tests, rather than stupid estimates.

Asian Americans

In the 1970's the Polish American IQ was 109, German Americans 105, Irish Americans 105, and Italian Americans 100.

We're not sure, about many others.

But, according to this the average "White IQ was 104.7"

Lower than 3 out of 4 of the groups listed.

Presumably, actually Anglos, Scots & Ulster Irish Protestants down South, have lower IQ's.

In fact, we know such, the IQ of Whites down South is a few points lower than those in the North.
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In today's academic climate, anyone using the words "IQ" and "race" in the same sentence is presumed to be a racist.

But what if we removed the "race" element completely? What if we examined how kids are doing in comparison with their relative IQ's, ignoring race altogether?

What if "failing" schools are not failing because of the race of the majority of students, but because of the average IQ of the students? Looking at it that way, the focus would be to identify the students in those schools with the greatest potential, and see that they have the opportunity to succeed according the their abilities. As for the remainkng students, the curriculum could be tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, without fretting about whether their average test scores fall below state-wide averages. Who cares?

Take race out of the discussion. Stop reporting scores by race; there is nothing to be gained by it.
I think it applies to more than race but the socioeconomic status of your parents. Many students in poor areas perform poorly on IQ tests regardless of race.

So, oppressed & impoverished Communist countries like 1970's, China, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia scored between 12 - 15 point higher IQ's than African Americans in the 1990's, because somehow they were wealthier, oh really???????????
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Many of these IQ threads are used as a way to people are dumb

They will point to IQ scores in Africa and giggle

But the tests measure what it takes to succeed in our society. It doesn’t measure the intelligence factors that are critical in their societies.

Hmm, defending Blacks with factually low IQ, but sees nothing wrong with cracking dumb Polak jokes, even though Poland produced people like Copernicus, Marie Curie Sklodowska, Chopin, Adam Mickiewicz, and Jozef Conrad.
How about Africa??????
Many of these IQ threads are used as a way to people are dumb

They will point to IQ scores in Africa and giggle

But the tests measure what it takes to succeed in our society. It doesn’t measure the intelligence factors that are critical in their societies.

Hmm, defending Blacks with factually low IQ, but sees nothing wrong with cracking dumb Polak jokes, even though Poland produced people like Copernicus, Marie Curie Sklodowska, Chopin, Adam Mickiewicz, and Jozef Conrad.
How about Africa??????
Emperor Bokassa, Idi Amin, IM2 and Asslips.
The 'difference' between 100 and 105 is unimportant. More than that, the point is not that the difference between 85 and 135 separates 'bad' from 'good'. I.Q. is like any other attribute. Long, powerful legs propel one faster than short, less muscled ones. That is a fact. Running, however, is not everything. Highly intelligent people are able to take on complex tasks with success, but not all tasks are that complex. There are many satisfying occupations that do not involve quantum physics knowledge. Problems come in when the wrong people are in the wrong place and fail, disappointing themselves and others. With proper evaluation and understanding, human potential can be maximized, to the benefit of all.
In any identifiable group, despite the average I.Q. we might establish, there will be individuals who score as highly as any other group. Individuals cannot be judged by outward appearance of skin color, for example.
Black people didnt build this country. What are you talking about? They were unskilled laborers working in fields, and there were very few of them in comparison to the overall population. The reality is, any impact they had was very minor. Quit trying to steal the history of white people; it isnt yours.

Let me guess, you bought into Mooches "slaves built the white house" silliness. What the fuck would slaves know about building elaborate mansions? They didnt build anything. They just did unskilled manual labor, while Scotts erected the actual building.

"Stonemason Collen Williamson trained enslaved people on the spot at the government's quarry at Aquia, Virginia. Enslaved people quarried and cut the rough stone that was later dressed and laid by Scottish masons to erect the walls of the President's House."

Q&A: Did slaves build the White House?

Do you not have anything real to be prideful of, or do you just have meaningless phrases like "we built this country"?
Black people built the whole country. The whole USA.

Plus black people were the fathers of Science, the fathers of Maths of Physics, The fathers of Khem, the fathers of civiliziation.

I don't say this to give myself an ego boost like the way whites do with their history. I say this as an honest student of history
In any identifiable group, despite the average I.Q. we might establish, there will be individuals who score as highly as any other group. Individuals cannot be judged by outward appearance of skin color, for example.
Yet many people take it as a personal attack if his group is the one that is assessed to have a lower average IQ than the other groups. Grant it, that is partly because sometimes that information has been used to disparage that group. Thus, it has become taboo to even consider that different racial groups may have different average IQs. As such, I am likely to receive scorn and be labeled as a racist for making this post.
In any identifiable group, despite the average I.Q. we might establish, there will be individuals who score as highly as any other group. Individuals cannot be judged by outward appearance of skin color, for example.
Yet many people take it as a personal attack if his group is the one that is assessed to have a lower average IQ than the other groups. Grant it, that is partly because sometimes that information has been used to disparage that group. Thus, it has become taboo to even consider that different racial groups may have different average IQs. As such, I am likely to receive scorn and be labeled as a racist for making this post.

I'll just say this. If whites had such great intelligence, you damn sure can't tell with many of the decisions they have made.
In any identifiable group, despite the average I.Q. we might establish, there will be individuals who score as highly as any other group. Individuals cannot be judged by outward appearance of skin color, for example.
Yet many people take it as a personal attack if his group is the one that is assessed to have a lower average IQ than the other groups. Grant it, that is partly because sometimes that information has been used to disparage that group. Thus, it has become taboo to even consider that different racial groups may have different average IQs. As such, I am likely to receive scorn and be labeled as a racist for making this post.

I'll just say this. If whites had such great intelligence, you damn sure can't tell with many of the decisions they have made.
There is certainly no basis to say the "whites" (to loosely use an inaccurate term) have anything particular to be 'proud' of when examining history in comparison with any other major group. Everyone has made major contributions, to the worst as to the best of human examples.
In any identifiable group, despite the average I.Q. we might establish, there will be individuals who score as highly as any other group. Individuals cannot be judged by outward appearance of skin color, for example.
Yet many people take it as a personal attack if his group is the one that is assessed to have a lower average IQ than the other groups. Grant it, that is partly because sometimes that information has been used to disparage that group. Thus, it has become taboo to even consider that different racial groups may have different average IQs. As such, I am likely to receive scorn and be labeled as a racist for making this post.

I'll just say this. If whites had such great intelligence, you damn sure can't tell with many of the decisions they have made.
There is certainly no basis to say the "whites" (to loosely use an inaccurate term) have anything particular to be 'proud' of when examining history in comparison with any other major group. Everyone has made major contributions, to the worst as to the best of human examples.
I'd have to disagree. Whites have only made advances on already existing knowledge and they didnt even do that by themselves. Every single thing whites have "invented" were either stolen from another culture and lied about or had people of other cultures making major contributions. Its pretty evident that whites as a race simply make up shit and agree its the truth so they can feel better. That becomes more apparent each and everyday.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ another butt-hurt black who doesn't want to go back to Africa.
In any identifiable group, despite the average I.Q. we might establish, there will be individuals who score as highly as any other group. Individuals cannot be judged by outward appearance of skin color, for example.
Yet many people take it as a personal attack if his group is the one that is assessed to have a lower average IQ than the other groups. Grant it, that is partly because sometimes that information has been used to disparage that group. Thus, it has become taboo to even consider that different racial groups may have different average IQs. As such, I am likely to receive scorn and be labeled as a racist for making this post.
Well its the very definition of being a racist if you actually believe that. Thats probably why you have been labeled a racist. When you ignore what scientist say and still try to push that belief then you are actively engaging in being a racist. I dont say that to make you feel a certain way. Just making sure we say it like it is.
In any identifiable group, despite the average I.Q. we might establish, there will be individuals who score as highly as any other group. Individuals cannot be judged by outward appearance of skin color, for example.
Yet many people take it as a personal attack if his group is the one that is assessed to have a lower average IQ than the other groups. Grant it, that is partly because sometimes that information has been used to disparage that group. Thus, it has become taboo to even consider that different racial groups may have different average IQs. As such, I am likely to receive scorn and be labeled as a racist for making this post.
Well its the very definition of being a racist if you actually believe that. Thats probably why you have been labeled a racist. When you ignore what scientist say and still try to push that belief then you are actively engaging in being a racist. I dont say that to make you feel a certain way. Just making sure we say it like it is.
Believe what?
In any identifiable group, despite the average I.Q. we might establish, there will be individuals who score as highly as any other group. Individuals cannot be judged by outward appearance of skin color, for example.
Yet many people take it as a personal attack if his group is the one that is assessed to have a lower average IQ than the other groups. Grant it, that is partly because sometimes that information has been used to disparage that group. Thus, it has become taboo to even consider that different racial groups may have different average IQs. As such, I am likely to receive scorn and be labeled as a racist for making this post.
Well its the very definition of being a racist if you actually believe that. Thats probably why you have been labeled a racist. When you ignore what scientist say and still try to push that belief then you are actively engaging in being a racist. I dont say that to make you feel a certain way. Just making sure we say it like it is.
Believe what?
"...that different racial groups may have different average IQs."
In any identifiable group, despite the average I.Q. we might establish, there will be individuals who score as highly as any other group. Individuals cannot be judged by outward appearance of skin color, for example.
Yet many people take it as a personal attack if his group is the one that is assessed to have a lower average IQ than the other groups. Grant it, that is partly because sometimes that information has been used to disparage that group. Thus, it has become taboo to even consider that different racial groups may have different average IQs. As such, I am likely to receive scorn and be labeled as a racist for making this post.
Well its the very definition of being a racist if you actually believe that. Thats probably why you have been labeled a racist. When you ignore what scientist say and still try to push that belief then you are actively engaging in being a racist. I dont say that to make you feel a certain way. Just making sure we say it like it is.
Believe what?
"...that different racial groups may have different average IQs."
Does the same apply to other attributes. Am I a racist if I believe that different racial groups may have different heights? Or must I believe that Asians are on average just as tall as Blacks and Whites to not be a racist.
In any identifiable group, despite the average I.Q. we might establish, there will be individuals who score as highly as any other group. Individuals cannot be judged by outward appearance of skin color, for example.
Yet many people take it as a personal attack if his group is the one that is assessed to have a lower average IQ than the other groups. Grant it, that is partly because sometimes that information has been used to disparage that group. Thus, it has become taboo to even consider that different racial groups may have different average IQs. As such, I am likely to receive scorn and be labeled as a racist for making this post.
Well its the very definition of being a racist if you actually believe that. Thats probably why you have been labeled a racist. When you ignore what scientist say and still try to push that belief then you are actively engaging in being a racist. I dont say that to make you feel a certain way. Just making sure we say it like it is.
Believe what?
"...that different racial groups may have different average IQs."
Does the same apply to other attributes. Am I a racist if I believe that different racial groups may have different heights? Or must I believe that Asians are on average just as tall as Blacks and Whites to not be a racist.
Only the ones you cant possibly measure and or try to imply that there is a racial superiority or inferiority due to those differences. For example with height. Blacks possess the tallest and the shortest heights depending on the region they are from.
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The enslaved were first brought over here because they were known for their ability to grow cash crops white people couldnt figure out how to grow and also their Blacksmithing skills.
Oh really, then why didnt they have slaves doing that work instead of low skilled manual labor? I can show you elaborate armor made by European smiths, meanwhile Africans couldnt blacksmith for shit, and they sure as fuck didnt know anything about picking cotton. Youre a fool and your fake history is amusing. :laugh:

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