Should "IQ" Be a Dirty Word?

The problem, I think, is that normally when one sees IQ and race spoken of together, it is to denigrate a race(s) based on IQ scores.

Of course, IQ is not a strong measurement of intelligence (something which tends to be vaguely defined, at best). A person can get a different score on IQ tests for a variety of reasons: mood, physical health, education levels, etc. IQ tests are really more a measurement of certain abilities. There's also the "Flynn effect," which another poster provided a link for in another thread: basically, IQs have been rising (in the US and other nations) at a rate which seems too fast to be accounted for simply by genetic changes.

Just what IQ tests actually measure, how accurate they are with whatever it is they actually measure, and even just what constitutes intelligence are all subjects still only somewhat understood or very much open to debate. Trying to draw conclusions about race from testing which has such issues is problematic, at best.
One thing we can be sure of is that IQ tests only test the depth of your assimilation into the culture conducting the tests.
Then why do asians score so high on western created IQ tests? Sorry, but black people are dumb because they dont value education and hard work. Your culture is your problem.
Let's say your right. I'm black. I
have a tiny negro brain. My IQ is lower than a snakes belly. You are smarter than me (on average)

Happy now ?

Now what ?

Because I have said many these guys who are always running around trying to prove how stupid blk ppl are never talk about what should b done.
What you don't do is allow rapid immigration to fill the lower job skill slots you need to pay your bills. Forcing you to compete with immigrants who will work for pennies on the dollar shall not be good for your, or my, welfare.

btw in my case I'm bi-polar. i'm smart but I have a hot temper that gets me into trouble. Now that I'm medicated I'm sluggish and fall asleep easily and still gets me into trouble at work. So I'm forced to take the same jobs you take except I'm physically unable to do labor. i type 85 wpm but nobody cares anymore. I'll ace any test they give me but without college paper they won't give me anything but scutt work.
The problem, I think, is that normally when one sees IQ and race spoken of together, it is to denigrate a race(s) based on IQ scores.

Of course, IQ is not a strong measurement of intelligence (something which tends to be vaguely defined, at best). A person can get a different score on IQ tests for a variety of reasons: mood, physical health, education levels, etc. IQ tests are really more a measurement of certain abilities. There's also the "Flynn effect," which another poster provided a link for in another thread: basically, IQs have been rising (in the US and other nations) at a rate which seems too fast to be accounted for simply by genetic changes.

Just what IQ tests actually measure, how accurate they are with whatever it is they actually measure, and even just what constitutes intelligence are all subjects still only somewhat understood or very much open to debate. Trying to draw conclusions about race from testing which has such issues is problematic, at best.
One thing we can be sure of is that IQ tests only test the depth of your assimilation into the culture conducting the tests.
Then why do asians score so high on western created IQ tests? Sorry, but black people are dumb because they dont value education and hard work. Your culture is your problem.
Let's say your right. I'm black. I
have a tiny negro brain. My IQ is lower than a snakes belly. You are smarter than me (on average)

Happy now ?

Now what ?

Because I have said many these guys who are always running around trying to prove how stupid blk ppl are never talk about what should b done.
What you don't do is allow rapid immigration to fill the lower job skill slots you need to pay your bills. Forcing you to compete with immigrants who will work for pennies on the dollar shall not be good for your, or my, welfare.
Why are conservative white people afraid of competition? I thought you guys were supposed to be smart? What happened to steel sharpens steel? :rolleyes:
The problem, I think, is that normally when one sees IQ and race spoken of together, it is to denigrate a race(s) based on IQ scores.

Of course, IQ is not a strong measurement of intelligence (something which tends to be vaguely defined, at best). A person can get a different score on IQ tests for a variety of reasons: mood, physical health, education levels, etc. IQ tests are really more a measurement of certain abilities. There's also the "Flynn effect," which another poster provided a link for in another thread: basically, IQs have been rising (in the US and other nations) at a rate which seems too fast to be accounted for simply by genetic changes.

Just what IQ tests actually measure, how accurate they are with whatever it is they actually measure, and even just what constitutes intelligence are all subjects still only somewhat understood or very much open to debate. Trying to draw conclusions about race from testing which has such issues is problematic, at best.
One thing we can be sure of is that IQ tests only test the depth of your assimilation into the culture conducting the tests.
Then why do asians score so high on western created IQ tests? Sorry, but black people are dumb because they dont value education and hard work. Your culture is your problem.
Let's say your right. I'm black. I
have a tiny negro brain. My IQ is lower than a snakes belly. You are smarter than me (on average)

Happy now ?

Now what ?

Because I have said many these guys who are always running around trying to prove how stupid blk ppl are never talk about what should b done.
What you don't do is allow rapid immigration to fill the lower job skill slots you need to pay your bills. Forcing you to compete with immigrants who will work for pennies on the dollar shall not be good for your, or my, welfare.
Why are conservative white people afraid of competition? I thought you guys were supposed to be smart? What happened to steel sharpens steel? :rolleyes:
Says the guy who LOVES affirmative action! :laugh:
No fake pride. I love being black.
What exactly are you prideful of?
Personally I love how fucking tremendous Black people are even in the face of oppression. Whites have tried their best to rid the earth of Blacks yet they cant because they depend on Blacks for everything. Hell if it wasnt for Black people europe would look like Braveheart still.
One thing we can be sure of is that IQ tests only test the depth of your assimilation into the culture conducting the tests.
Then why do asians score so high on western created IQ tests? Sorry, but black people are dumb because they dont value education and hard work. Your culture is your problem.
Let's say your right. I'm black. I
have a tiny negro brain. My IQ is lower than a snakes belly. You are smarter than me (on average)

Happy now ?

Now what ?

Because I have said many these guys who are always running around trying to prove how stupid blk ppl are never talk about what should b done.
What you don't do is allow rapid immigration to fill the lower job skill slots you need to pay your bills. Forcing you to compete with immigrants who will work for pennies on the dollar shall not be good for your, or my, welfare.
Why are conservative white people afraid of competition? I thought you guys were supposed to be smart? What happened to steel sharpens steel? :rolleyes:
Says the guy who LOVES affirmative action! :laugh:
Which affirmative action? The one that benefited whites for centuries or the latest one that benefited white females? :rolleyes:
One thing we can be sure of is that IQ tests only test the depth of your assimilation into the culture conducting the tests.
Then why do asians score so high on western created IQ tests? Sorry, but black people are dumb because they dont value education and hard work. Your culture is your problem.
Let's say your right. I'm black. I
have a tiny negro brain. My IQ is lower than a snakes belly. You are smarter than me (on average)

Happy now ?

Now what ?

Because I have said many these guys who are always running around trying to prove how stupid blk ppl are never talk about what should b done.
Its isnt your brain, dummy. Black culture is the root of every single problem you have. Stop embracing self destructive shit and maybe one day youll actually have real pride, as opposed to fake black pride.
No fake pride. I love being black.

But what is black culture ?
The culture of black americans, of course.
and what is that ?
No fake pride. I love being black.
What exactly are you prideful of?
I can remember a programme a few years ago wete they asked whites and blacks. What they like about being white and black.

For blacks ? It was always the fact that
we built this countru and the pride of coming from people who have persevered through great injutice and came out the other side

For whites ? If they said anything it was always that like not being seen as less competent by employers, not being hassled and shot by police.

So for whites what they think of themselves is based who they ain't. To b white just means you blk.
No fake pride. I love being black.
What exactly are you prideful of?
I can remember a programme a few years ago wete they asked whites and blacks. What they like about being white and black.

For blacks ? It was always the fact that
we built this countru and the pride of coming from people who have persevered through great injutice and came out the other side

For whites ? If they said anything it was always that like not being seen as less competent by employers, not being hassled and shot by police.

So for whites what they think of themselves is based who they ain't. To b white just means you blk.
What was the purpose of the program?
I believe IQ can be a useful measure of a person's intelligence, but its far from perfect. I would suspect that someone that has difficulty scoring above 85 on most of today's commonly used IQ tests would not fair well in a calculus class.

Perhaps instead of using just one number for IQ, their should be several numbers for measuring various aspects of intelligence.

Pshaw........ that's just crazy talk. Except they a psychological evaluation completed by a psychologist. Not by some administrator of a testing company in the education system.
That's the reason that I asked if the testing in the op could be used in a court. No. So, the concept of tying any race with IQ is nonsensical at best. What would you need? A psychological evaluation conducted by a psychologist.

There is actually a fantastic theory where teachers have lesson plans that teach to the top, middle and lower students.

And then there is application......

Can't do any of that when you have to teach to a test.
I believe IQ can be a useful measure of a person's intelligence, but its far from perfect. I would suspect that someone that has difficulty scoring above 85 on most of today's commonly used IQ tests would not fair well in a calculus class.

Perhaps instead of using just one number for IQ, their should be several numbers for measuring various aspects of intelligence.

Pshaw........ that's just crazy talk. Except they a psychological evaluation completed by a psychologist. Not by some administrator of a testing company in the education system.
That's the reason that I asked if the testing in the op could be used in a court. No. So, the concept of tying any race with IQ is nonsensical at best. What would you need? A psychological evaluation conducted by a psychologist.

There is actually a fantastic theory where teachers have lesson plans that teach to the top, middle and lower students.

And then there is application......

Can't do any of that when you have to teach to a test.
I believe IQ can be a useful measure of a person's intelligence, but its far from perfect. I would suspect that someone that has difficulty scoring above 85 on most of today's commonly used IQ tests would not fair well in a calculus class.

Perhaps instead of using just one number for IQ, their should be several numbers for measuring various aspects of intelligence.

Pshaw........ that's just crazy talk. Except they a psychological evaluation completed by a psychologist. Not by some administrator of a testing company in the education system.
That's the reason that I asked if the testing in the op could be used in a court. No. So, the concept of tying any race with IQ is nonsensical at best. What would you need? A psychological evaluation conducted by a psychologist.

There is actually a fantastic theory where teachers have lesson plans that teach to the top, middle and lower students.

And then there is application......

Can't do any of that when you have to teach to a test.

I should have just quoted here:
Perhaps instead of using just one number for IQ, their should be several numbers for measuring various aspects of intelligence.

There is. That's how you get a Full Scale IQ. You can only obtain that number via a psychological evaluation conducted by a psychologist.

In no way, shape or form can IQ be measured legitimately anywhere in the manner referenced in the op to arrive at the conclusions he did.

I had asked earlier (just not directed towards you specifically) about the type of testing referred to in the op.
No fake pride. I love being black.
What exactly are you prideful of?
I can remember a programme a few years ago wete they asked whites and blacks. What they like about being white and black.

For blacks ? It was always the fact that
we built this countru and the pride of coming from people who have persevered through great injutice and came out the other side

For whites ? If they said anything it was always that like not being seen as less competent by employers, not being hassled and shot by police.

So for whites what they think of themselves is based who they ain't. To b white just means you blk.
Black people didnt build this country. What are you talking about? They were unskilled laborers working in fields, and there were very few of them in comparison to the overall population. The reality is, any impact they had was very minor. Quit trying to steal the history of white people; it isnt yours.

Let me guess, you bought into Mooches "slaves built the white house" silliness. What the fuck would slaves know about building elaborate mansions? They didnt build anything. They just did unskilled manual labor, while Scotts erected the actual building.

"Stonemason Collen Williamson trained enslaved people on the spot at the government's quarry at Aquia, Virginia. Enslaved people quarried and cut the rough stone that was later dressed and laid by Scottish masons to erect the walls of the President's House."

Q&A: Did slaves build the White House?

Do you not have anything real to be prideful of, or do you just have meaningless phrases like "we built this country"?
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If you can type this, then maybe you can be an inventor, an industrial giant, a tech giant, a business whizz and more.
About half the world’s 7 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.

Buying a computer or being an inventor or business whizz to them would be like you trying to buy a Bugatti Veyron. Access to knowledge and education on this planet is very limited.

It might seem widely available because you were born in the USA so that’s all you know but if you were born in rural Burma or rural Angola you’d find your options for learning and bettering yourself to be extremely limited.

There is virtually no social mobility in many countries. You're either born into wealth through luck or you are born into the majority of impoverished people and will remain stuck there for life.

The thing is, the west was once the same way. Ignorance prevailed for the unwashed masses, wealth and knowledge were extremely concentrated and there was no social mobility. Even as late as the 1800s, life in America wasn’t much different than it would be in many places Latin America today.

People got little or no education because their parents needed to put the kids to work. There were no social services so people had large families as their security. There was a corrupt upper class (The Gilded Age) that exploited the unwashed poor. A much greater percentage of the population depended on subsistence farming.

Educational embetterment was extremely limited if not non-existent for anyone but the elite. The west came out of this period before others and you will eventually see it in the poorer parts of the world at some point.
Our culture has spent tens of trillions of dollars to uplift people. It is not without trying.
Whites have spent trillions trying on maintaing the system of white supremacy more like
Greatness can come from the basement or garage or small apartment room.
Donald Trump inherited a couple hundred million dollars worth of assets from his daddy. Mark Zuckerberg attended two of the most expensive and prestigious schools in the USA (Harvard, Phillips Exeter Academy). His success was due to his parents bank account and a bit a luck but had little to do with his intelligence and hard work.

That's how it works. Sure as you say "Greatness can come from the basement or garage or small apartment room" because that happens in spite of the system, not because of it.

Everyone from Bill Gates to Warren Buffett needed a substantial amount of money to start up their companies.

Take the average drug dealer born in the ghetto.The same type of person that has the personality and skills to run a criminal entrepreneurship can easily run a legal one, but many will never have the opportunity that will allow them to earn the credentials necessary to do so.
Progressive socialist including African American politicians are involved in maintaining that system as you spout. Greatness comes from talent and can not be stopped but maybe harder. And there are endless amounts of people who have created wealth with very little. When people screw up, they make if more difficult for themselves. No one likes to be reprimanded for it. However, there are people who screw with others. And it is all encompassing. I would tell you decades ago that I would feel bad for any tragedies across out nation. From the Atlantic to the Pacific. There are areas I lived and people I met who I could not care less if they were vaporized. So you are embittered. You are not the only one. And it is not just one race that faces oppression. People that have power always manipulate others. One example...You think that issues with police are just yours? Believe me, harassment and accusations crosses all lines depending on the corruption of police departments. I understand if attitudes can form. Watching BLM make police departments their biatches was incredible. I am not anti police. But anti sadism. Anti ineptitude. Anti incompetence. Anti power hungry az zes. Screwing with people who do nothing wrong or destroying people who insult their egos has caused where we are at today. But Obama was not on your side. Obama is a maximum globalist. And he was trying to get the movement to federalize the police departments in our nation. Many great departments with fair officers. Unfortunately there are corrupted ones. And when federalized the disease would expand. The United States is to be blended into the North American Union. Canada has a federal police and Mexico has the federales. The North American Union is one of multiple globalist confederations. And we are a rich nation that must lose a percentage of wealth and lose our independence. People will realize a much higher impoverishment when completed.
In today's academic climate, anyone using the words "IQ" and "race" in the same sentence is presumed to be a racist.

But what if we removed the "race" element completely? What if we examined how kids are doing in comparison with their relative IQ's, ignoring race altogether?

What if "failing" schools are not failing because of the race of the majority of students, but because of the average IQ of the students? Looking at it that way, the focus would be to identify the students in those schools with the greatest potential, and see that they have the opportunity to succeed according the their abilities. As for the remainkng students, the curriculum could be tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, without fretting about whether their average test scores fall below state-wide averages. Who cares?

Take race out of the discussion. Stop reporting scores by race; there is nothing to be gained by it.
IQ shouldnt be a dirty word. IQ should be ranked right up there with unicorns since no one is smart enough to devise a test that accurately measures how intelligent someone is. Intelligence is the ability to learn. Since there is no way to quantify the ability of something you dont understand its just a buzz word or a dog whistle.

The strongest correlation between academic success and financial success in life is I.Q. Not race, not gender, not any environmental factors. It is I..Q. I repeat race is not a factor. In other words, if you are an intelligent black man (I.Q. 115 or above) your odds of being academically and financially successful are a virtual certainty, and are statistically no different than whites.

You can debate all day long about what I.Q. tests measure. The fact is, it does not matter. I.Q. tests are highly predictive of life success or a lack thereof. That cannot be argued.
In today's academic climate, anyone using the words "IQ" and "race" in the same sentence is presumed to be a racist.

But what if we removed the "race" element completely? What if we examined how kids are doing in comparison with their relative IQ's, ignoring race altogether?

What if "failing" schools are not failing because of the race of the majority of students, but because of the average IQ of the students? Looking at it that way, the focus would be to identify the students in those schools with the greatest potential, and see that they have the opportunity to succeed according the their abilities. As for the remainkng students, the curriculum could be tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, without fretting about whether their average test scores fall below state-wide averages. Who cares?

Take race out of the discussion. Stop reporting scores by race; there is nothing to be gained by it.
IQ shouldnt be a dirty word. IQ should be ranked right up there with unicorns since no one is smart enough to devise a test that accurately measures how intelligent someone is. Intelligence is the ability to learn. Since there is no way to quantify the ability of something you dont understand its just a buzz word or a dog whistle.

The strongest correlation between academic success and financial success in life is I.Q. Not race, not gender, not any environmental factors. It is I..Q. I repeat race is not a factor. In other words, if you are an intelligent black man (I.Q. 115 or above) your odds of being academically and financially successful are a virtual certainty, and are statistically no different than whites.

You can debate all day long about what I.Q. tests measure. The fact is, it does not matter. I.Q. tests are highly predictive of life success or a lack thereof. That cannot be argued.
I'm not debating. I am informing. You cant measure anyones IQ. You have no clue what you are looking for. You have no way to measure all the variables or combinations of thought required to come to a conclusion. Its like claiming a person can travel to edge of the milky way galaxy. The technology simply doesnt exist to keep a human alive and it doesnt exist to measure a persons intelligence..
No fake pride. I love being black.
What exactly are you prideful of?
I can remember a programme a few years ago wete they asked whites and blacks. What they like about being white and black.

For blacks ? It was always the fact that
we built this countru and the pride of coming from people who have persevered through great injutice and came out the other side

For whites ? If they said anything it was always that like not being seen as less competent by employers, not being hassled and shot by police.

So for whites what they think of themselves is based who they ain't. To b white just means you blk.
Black people didnt build this country. What are you talking about? They were unskilled laborers working in fields, and there were very few of them in comparison to the overall population. The reality is, any impact they had was very minor. Quit trying to steal the history of white people; it isnt yours.

Let me guess, you bought into Mooches "slaves built the white house" silliness. What the fuck would slaves know about building elaborate mansions? They didnt build anything. They just did unskilled manual labor, while Scotts erected the actual building.

"Stonemason Collen Williamson trained enslaved people on the spot at the government's quarry at Aquia, Virginia. Enslaved people quarried and cut the rough stone that was later dressed and laid by Scottish masons to erect the walls of the President's House."

Q&A: Did slaves build the White House?

Do you not have anything real to be prideful of, or do you just have meaningless phrases like "we built this country"?
Like most caucasoids you never seem to know what you are talking about. The enslaved were first brought over here because they were known for their ability to grow cash crops white people couldnt figure out how to grow and also their Blacksmithing skills. Its idiots like you that have caused other races to view whites as nothing more than bumbling, uneducated, idiots with a loaded gun. :rolleyes:
In today's academic climate, anyone using the words "IQ" and "race" in the same sentence is presumed to be a racist.

But what if we removed the "race" element completely? What if we examined how kids are doing in comparison with their relative IQ's, ignoring race altogether?

What if "failing" schools are not failing because of the race of the majority of students, but because of the average IQ of the students? Looking at it that way, the focus would be to identify the students in those schools with the greatest potential, and see that they have the opportunity to succeed according the their abilities. As for the remainkng students, the curriculum could be tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, without fretting about whether their average test scores fall below state-wide averages. Who cares?

Take race out of the discussion. Stop reporting scores by race; there is nothing to be gained by it.
IQ shouldnt be a dirty word. IQ should be ranked right up there with unicorns since no one is smart enough to devise a test that accurately measures how intelligent someone is. Intelligence is the ability to learn. Since there is no way to quantify the ability of something you dont understand its just a buzz word or a dog whistle.

The strongest correlation between academic success and financial success in life is I.Q. Not race, not gender, not any environmental factors. It is I..Q. I repeat race is not a factor. In other words, if you are an intelligent black man (I.Q. 115 or above) your odds of being academically and financially successful are a virtual certainty, and are statistically no different than whites.

You can debate all day long about what I.Q. tests measure. The fact is, it does not matter. I.Q. tests are highly predictive of life success or a lack thereof. That cannot be argued.

I've read some research that cognitive control is a better predictor of financial success than IQ. For example: What Predicts Success? It's Not Your IQ - Daniel Goleman

There is certainly research indicating that IQ is a predictor of academic and financial success among groups of people. Of course, whether that is what qualifies as success in life is yet another debatable question.

I have no idea how well IQ can predict academic or financial success compared to other potential characteristics.
In today's academic climate, anyone using the words "IQ" and "race" in the same sentence is presumed to be a racist.

But what if we removed the "race" element completely? What if we examined how kids are doing in comparison with their relative IQ's, ignoring race altogether?

What if "failing" schools are not failing because of the race of the majority of students, but because of the average IQ of the students? Looking at it that way, the focus would be to identify the students in those schools with the greatest potential, and see that they have the opportunity to succeed according the their abilities. As for the remainkng students, the curriculum could be tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, without fretting about whether their average test scores fall below state-wide averages. Who cares?

Take race out of the discussion. Stop reporting scores by race; there is nothing to be gained by it.
IQ shouldnt be a dirty word. IQ should be ranked right up there with unicorns since no one is smart enough to devise a test that accurately measures how intelligent someone is. Intelligence is the ability to learn. Since there is no way to quantify the ability of something you dont understand its just a buzz word or a dog whistle.

The strongest correlation between academic success and financial success in life is I.Q. Not race, not gender, not any environmental factors. It is I..Q. I repeat race is not a factor. In other words, if you are an intelligent black man (I.Q. 115 or above) your odds of being academically and financially successful are a virtual certainty, and are statistically no different than whites.

You can debate all day long about what I.Q. tests measure. The fact is, it does not matter. I.Q. tests are highly predictive of life success or a lack thereof. That cannot be argued.
Nope youre wrong again idiot. Your IQ doesnt even make the top 8 predictors. The number 1 predictor is the ability to delay gratification. :rolleyes:

You wouldnt know that because you probably have never spoken to someone that was successful that wanted to help you.

8 Traits That Are Scientifically Proven To Predict Future Success
In today's academic climate, anyone using the words "IQ" and "race" in the same sentence is presumed to be a racist.

But what if we removed the "race" element completely? What if we examined how kids are doing in comparison with their relative IQ's, ignoring race altogether?

What if "failing" schools are not failing because of the race of the majority of students, but because of the average IQ of the students? Looking at it that way, the focus would be to identify the students in those schools with the greatest potential, and see that they have the opportunity to succeed according the their abilities. As for the remainkng students, the curriculum could be tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, without fretting about whether their average test scores fall below state-wide averages. Who cares?

Take race out of the discussion. Stop reporting scores by race; there is nothing to be gained by it.
IQ shouldnt be a dirty word. IQ should be ranked right up there with unicorns since no one is smart enough to devise a test that accurately measures how intelligent someone is. Intelligence is the ability to learn. Since there is no way to quantify the ability of something you dont understand its just a buzz word or a dog whistle.

The strongest correlation between academic success and financial success in life is I.Q. Not race, not gender, not any environmental factors. It is I..Q. I repeat race is not a factor. In other words, if you are an intelligent black man (I.Q. 115 or above) your odds of being academically and financially successful are a virtual certainty, and are statistically no different than whites.

You can debate all day long about what I.Q. tests measure. The fact is, it does not matter. I.Q. tests are highly predictive of life success or a lack thereof. That cannot be argued.
Nope youre wrong again idiot. Your IQ doesnt even make the top 8 predictors. The number 1 predictor is the ability to delay gratification. :rolleyes:

You wouldnt know that because you probably have never spoken to someone that was successful that wanted to help you.

8 Traits That Are Scientifically Proven To Predict Future Success

That's a terrible article. One of the traits, childhood adversity, is not a predictor of success. If anything, it may be the opposite. The entry even points out that success after childhood adversity is "a silver lining for some outliers." Why list a trait that doesn't predict success in an article claiming to show traits that are scientifically proven to predict success? :lol:

Also, the article never claims those are the "top" 8 predictors of success. It gives no indication at all of any sort of rankings, neither within the 8 traits nor in comparison to other possible traits.

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