Should "IQ" Be a Dirty Word?

In a nutshell, white kids are generally raised better, with both parents around (neither of whom are on welfare) and because of this our neighborhoods are better.
What do you mean by "white people are raised better" ?

What do you mean by "white neighborhoods are better" ?
We also value education far more than black people.
What do you mean by "whites value education" They go to school more ? They study harder ? Be more to the point and not so vague.
As a result, we outperform you in every single category you could possibly list.

P.S I'm logging out of my computer. So won't be able to reply till later
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Youre barking up the wrong tree. I do not believe in racial superiority. White people arent inherently better than anyone else when they are born. What makes us superior is our culture. What makes black people inferior is their culture.
OK. So you claim that white people are superior because of their culture

So what is white culture and what is black culture ?
In a nutshell, white kids are generally raised better, with both parents around (neither of whom are on welfare) and because of this our neighborhoods are better. We also value education far more than black people. As a result, we outperform you in every single category you could possibly list.
So where in the hell do you find these so called "both parents around" people? I also would beg to differ on the better neighborhoods for whites. As a privileged class whites do not always do better than black people or mexican.
In a nutshell, white kids are generally raised better, with both parents around (neither of whom are on welfare) and because of this our neighborhoods are better.
What do you mean by "white people are raised better" ?

What do you mean by "white neighborhoods are better" ?
We also value education far more than black people.
What do you mean by "whites value education" They go to school more ? They study harder ? Be more to the point and not so vague.
As a result, we outperform you in every single category you could possibly list.
You already know the answers to those questions. EVERYONE knows the answer to those questions. Quit wasting our time with nonsense.
Youre barking up the wrong tree. I do not believe in racial superiority. White people arent inherently better than anyone else when they are born. What makes us superior is our culture. What makes black people inferior is their culture.
OK. So you claim that white people are superior because of their culture

So what is white culture and what is black culture ?
In a nutshell, white kids are generally raised better, with both parents around (neither of whom are on welfare) and because of this our neighborhoods are better. We also value education far more than black people. As a result, we outperform you in every single category you could possibly list.
So where in the hell do you find these so called "both parents around" people? I also would beg to differ on the better neighborhoods for whites. As a privileged class whites do not always do better than black people or mexican.
Nothing is "always" one way or the other. Do you have any point to make other than semantics?
Youre barking up the wrong tree. I do not believe in racial superiority. White people arent inherently better than anyone else when they are born. What makes us superior is our culture. What makes black people inferior is their culture.
OK. So you claim that white people are superior because of their culture

So what is white culture and what is black culture ?
In a nutshell, white kids are generally raised better, with both parents around (neither of whom are on welfare) and because of this our neighborhoods are better. We also value education far more than black people. As a result, we outperform you in every single category you could possibly list.
So where in the hell do you find these so called "both parents around" people? .....


What do you mean?
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..... We also value education far more than black people. ......

Stupid generalizations like this are why so many discussions go nowhere.
Since there are very few absolutes in life, almost everything has to be a generalization.

No, it doesn't.
Yes it does.

Your inability to use logic is a personal failing, not a universal truth.
You havent presented one ounce of logic. Youre just saying words without any substance at all. You have no argument.
Youre barking up the wrong tree. I do not believe in racial superiority. White people arent inherently better than anyone else when they are born. What makes us superior is our culture. What makes black people inferior is their culture.
OK. So you claim that white people are superior because of their culture

So what is white culture and what is black culture ?
In a nutshell, white kids are generally raised better, with both parents around (neither of whom are on welfare) and because of this our neighborhoods are better. We also value education far more than black people. As a result, we outperform you in every single category you could possibly list.
So where in the hell do you find these so called "both parents around" people? I also would beg to differ on the better neighborhoods for whites. As a privileged class whites do not always do better than black people or mexican.
Yeah look at Trump. His father gave him over $400 million. He went bankrupt six times.
The best thing he was able to do was convince millions of uneducated white people to vote for him.
Youre barking up the wrong tree. I do not believe in racial superiority. White people arent inherently better than anyone else when they are born. What makes us superior is our culture. What makes black people inferior is their culture.
OK. So you claim that white people are superior because of their culture

So what is white culture and what is black culture ?
In a nutshell, white kids are generally raised better, with both parents around (neither of whom are on welfare) and because of this our neighborhoods are better. We also value education far more than black people. As a result, we outperform you in every single category you could possibly list.
So where in the hell do you find these so called "both parents around" people? I also would beg to differ on the better neighborhoods for whites. As a privileged class whites do not always do better than black people or mexican.
Yeah look at Trump. His father gave him over $400 million. He went bankrupt six times.
The best thing he was able to do was convince millions of uneducated white people to vote for him.
Damn, youre dumb. It was 14 million, moron, and i challenge anyone to take 14 mil and turn it into billions. Trust me, youll fail. Very few people can do what Trump did.

Fact Check: How much help did Trump’s father give his son?
Stupid generalizations like this are why so many discussions go nowhere.
Since there are very few absolutes in life, almost everything has to be a generalization.

No, it doesn't.
Yes it does.

Your inability to use logic is a personal failing, not a universal truth.
You havent presented one ounce of logic. Youre just saying words without any substance at all. You have no argument.

I knew it would go right over your head.
Since there are very few absolutes in life, almost everything has to be a generalization.

No, it doesn't.
Yes it does.

Your inability to use logic is a personal failing, not a universal truth.
You havent presented one ounce of logic. Youre just saying words without any substance at all. You have no argument.

I knew it would go right over your head.
As usual, you have no argument. Let me know if you come up with something.

Your inability to use logic is a personal failing, not a universal truth.
You havent presented one ounce of logic. Youre just saying words without any substance at all. You have no argument.

I knew it would go right over your head.
As usual, you have no argument. Let me know if you come up with something.

Stupid generalizations like yours are why so many discussions go nowhere.
In today's academic climate, anyone using the words "IQ" and "race" in the same sentence is presumed to be a racist.

But what if we removed the "race" element completely? What if we examined how kids are doing in comparison with their relative IQ's, ignoring race altogether?

What if "failing" schools are not failing because of the race of the majority of students, but because of the average IQ of the students? Looking at it that way, the focus would be to identify the students in those schools with the greatest potential, and see that they have the opportunity to succeed according the their abilities. As for the remainkng students, the curriculum could be tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, without fretting about whether their average test scores fall below state-wide averages. Who cares?

Take race out of the discussion. Stop reporting scores by race; there is nothing to be gained by it.
IQ shouldnt be a dirty word. IQ should be ranked right up there with unicorns since no one is smart enough to devise a test that accurately measures how intelligent someone is. Intelligence is the ability to learn. Since there is no way to quantify the ability of something you dont understand its just a buzz word or a dog whistle.

The strongest correlation between academic success and financial success in life is I.Q. Not race, not gender, not any environmental factors. It is I..Q. I repeat race is not a factor. In other words, if you are an intelligent black man (I.Q. 115 or above) your odds of being academically and financially successful are a virtual certainty, and are statistically no different than whites.

You can debate all day long about what I.Q. tests measure. The fact is, it does not matter. I.Q. tests are highly predictive of life success or a lack thereof. That cannot be argued.
I'm not debating. I am informing. You cant measure anyones IQ. You have no clue what you are looking for. You have no way to measure all the variables or combinations of thought required to come to a conclusion. Its like claiming a person can travel to edge of the milky way galaxy. The technology simply doesnt exist to keep a human alive and it doesnt exist to measure a persons intelligence..

Whatever. As I said it does not matter. I.Q. tests are the most predictive variable in determining academic and financial success. That is regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity. That point cannot be argued.
In today's academic climate, anyone using the words "IQ" and "race" in the same sentence is presumed to be a racist.

But what if we removed the "race" element completely? What if we examined how kids are doing in comparison with their relative IQ's, ignoring race altogether?

What if "failing" schools are not failing because of the race of the majority of students, but because of the average IQ of the students? Looking at it that way, the focus would be to identify the students in those schools with the greatest potential, and see that they have the opportunity to succeed according the their abilities. As for the remainkng students, the curriculum could be tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, without fretting about whether their average test scores fall below state-wide averages. Who cares?

Take race out of the discussion. Stop reporting scores by race; there is nothing to be gained by it.
IQ shouldnt be a dirty word. IQ should be ranked right up there with unicorns since no one is smart enough to devise a test that accurately measures how intelligent someone is. Intelligence is the ability to learn. Since there is no way to quantify the ability of something you dont understand its just a buzz word or a dog whistle.

The strongest correlation between academic success and financial success in life is I.Q. Not race, not gender, not any environmental factors. It is I..Q. I repeat race is not a factor. In other words, if you are an intelligent black man (I.Q. 115 or above) your odds of being academically and financially successful are a virtual certainty, and are statistically no different than whites.

You can debate all day long about what I.Q. tests measure. The fact is, it does not matter. I.Q. tests are highly predictive of life success or a lack thereof. That cannot be argued.

I've read some research that cognitive control is a better predictor of financial success than IQ. For example: What Predicts Success? It's Not Your IQ - Daniel Goleman

There is certainly research indicating that IQ is a predictor of academic and financial success among groups of people. Of course, whether that is what qualifies as success in life is yet another debatable question.

I have no idea how well IQ can predict academic or financial success compared to other potential characteristics.

The correlations between I.Q. and academic and financial success are over 90%. Anything over 80% in psychology is considered excellent.

If you have an I.Q. of 115 or above you have a better than 90% chance of obtaining a 4 year college degree. An I.Q. of 84 (the 16th percentile) your odds are less than 3%. And again there is no statistical difference between race, gender, or ethnicity. All that matters is your intelligence or lack thereof.

Introducing race into the I.Q. discussion accomplishes nothing and simply clouds the picture.

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