Should Jury Duty Be Mandatory??

Should Jury Duty Be Mandatory?

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Aug 10, 2008
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I received a jury duty summons in the mail yesterday. :doubt: While I am all for ''doing our duty'', I started wondering, should jury duty be mandatory? Should we be threatened with jail time and a fine?

Discuss please...
Just wear a shirt to the selection hearing with the word "GUILTY!!!" on the front.

you'll be fine. :D
I actually do think it should be. Part of the whole "civic duty" thing and all.
Just wear a shirt to the selection hearing with the word "GUILTY!!!" on the front.

you'll be fine. :D

Why do you feel it should be mandatory? Do you really think we should go to jail or be fined?

I have served before. I hated it to be honest. It is so disorganized, and a PITA!
I think only Social Security recipients should be on juries

:lol: They are usually the only ones that are exempt....if at least age 65.
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I received a jury duty summons in the mail yesterday. :doubt: While I am all for ''doing our duty'', I started wondering, should jury duty be mandatory? Should we be threatened with jail time and a fine?

Discuss please...

done jury duty 2 timesin the past 15 years ( Lousy domestic violence cases etc)

wil make some excuse to opt out if I get called again
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I received a jury duty summons in the mail yesterday. :doubt: While I am all for ''doing our duty'', I started wondering, should jury duty be mandatory? Should we be threatened with jail time and a fine?

Discuss please...

done jury duty 2 timesin the past 15 years ( Lousy domestic violence cases etc)

wil make some excuse to opt out if I get called again

What excuses are accepted?

This will be like my 5th round. They must like my name.
Unfortunately, it has to be. Nobody would serve for the joke "pay" they give you. Who would give up a day's pay and drive to the courthouse for $15.00 unless the fines were higher for not serving.
Jury duty isn't too bad. Maybe this varies from state to state, but I think you'll get paid for any work you miss. It's a rewarding feeling when it's all done, because it's like a selfless act... but I guarantee there'll be at least one asshole on the jury.

It shouldn't be mandatory, but maybe some positive reinforcement would be a good thing, like $X off in your taxes for that year.
Just wear a shirt to the selection hearing with the word "GUILTY!!!" on the front.

you'll be fine. :D

Why do you feel it should be mandatory? Do you really think we should go to jail or be fined?

I have served before. I hated it to be honest. It is so disorganized, and a PITA!

I believe in the "civic duty" aspect of it, but you're right, they should do away with the whole jail/fine thing and find a better incentive.
I voted ''other''. I am not sure how I feel about it being mandatory...
MY mindset is: if someone is in court/trouble with the law - there usually is a reason.
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Poll to follow..

I received a jury duty summons in the mail yesterday. :doubt: While I am all for ''doing our duty'', I started wondering, should jury duty be mandatory? Should we be threatened with jail time and a fine?

Discuss please...

Kat our whole jury pool was threatened with contempt of court if we didn't sit up and pay attention. He said flat out if he saw anyone dozing off they were getting slapped with contempt of court :eek:

Do not let them question you in open court! Do you really want criminals knowing where you live and what you do for a living? If they want to question you, ask to be taken in to chambers. Its funny watching the whole show pack up and move :lol: Yes i am VERY bad!
One of my standard answers to 'can you be fair and impartial': Seat me and take your chances.

Mandatory, yes. Fined or jailed no.
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Just because you're summoned for jury duty doesn't mean you'll even make the courtroom selection process at all. With a valid reason you can ask to be exempted. If you're found to have some sort of bias, you're out. Age, gender, job, etc. can also get you out. I wouldn't worry about it. If you lose time from work, your employer still has to pay you for the time you lost.

It is a civic duty. Usually you're in the candidate pool because you have no criminal record. You may never be called or be called only once. It's not like you'll be called for duty for every case that comes down the pike.
So do you want to serve or get out of it kat?

As I said, this will be my 5th round. Yes, I want out of this one. To begin with, I may not even be in town. It is for Nov 29th. Monday after Thanksgiving...
Next timeI get called for jury duty -will tell them to take a hike.

2 times in 15 years and I never got close to being seated on a jury

Boring cases anyway

I was hoping for a murder case like out of 12 Angry Men.

(incredible there was not a single woman on the jury in that movie)
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