Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?

Yeah, isn't that a hoot?

He really thinks he's the king. What a surprise it must be for him and the rest of The Royal Family.

I know that Mueller is smart enough to NOT fall for fake tidbits by Trump (a-la Dan Rather's GWB national Guard letter)......trump already tried that with his "leaking: of his selected 2005 tax returns.

Thanks for posting the link is info wars cuz I really don't want to accidentally click a link leading to that freaky cesspool.

I did watch some of him. Just amazing that people actually believe his garbage.

And trump loves him. That says it all.

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I'm including on this thread the letter that appointed Muller as special counsel and the scope of Mueller directives stated in that letter.....mindful that Rosenstein IS a Trump appointee.....
Yes, Trump's finances are fair game, as are the finances of the entire Trump campaign network. Their financial ties to Putin are germane to the investigation of collusion with Russian meddling.

I think they should investigate his underwear choices as well!!! He buys Russian underwear you know!!!
Nothing would please me more than Trump going into his 4 year old hissy fit and shout, "I will fire anyone who investigates me....Special Counsel, Media, Courts....any and every body....."

I'd LOVE it ......
I'm including on this thread the letter that appointed Muller as special counsel and the scope of Mueller directives stated in that letter.....mindful that Rosenstein IS a Trump appointee.....

Not according to the authority given to him by the letter. The investigation is into any campaign activities related to coordination with the Russians, anything outside the campaign is beyond the scope of his authority.

Thats completely untrue. Read the entire scope of Mueller authority. He is able to investigate anything that comes along.

I did, this is the authority given him:

(b) The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump;

and (ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation;

and (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

(c) If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.

28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a) allows for prosecution of very specific matters related to the investigation. Primarily attempts to deceive or obstruct the investigators. Other than that there is no underlying crime, unless a conspiracy to enable Russia's cyber campaign against the DNC can be demonstrated. To my knowledge no one in authority has alleged that happened, in fact they've said the opposite.

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.
(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.

So the investigation is limited to the campaign and people associated with it in connection with coordination with the Russian government.
I'm including on this thread the letter that appointed Muller as special counsel and the scope of Mueller directives stated in that letter.....mindful that Rosenstein IS a Trump appointee.....

Not according to the authority given to him by the letter. The investigation is into any campaign activities related to coordination with the Russians, anything outside the campaign is beyond the scope of his authority.

Thats completely untrue. Read the entire scope of Mueller authority. He is able to investigate anything that comes along.

I did, this is the authority given him:

(b) The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump;

and (ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation;

and (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

(c) If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.

28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a) allows for prosecution of very specific matters related to the investigation. Primarily attempts to deceive or obstruct the investigators. Other than that there is no underlying crime, unless a conspiracy to enable Russia's cyber campaign against the DNC can be demonstrated. To my knowledge no one in authority has alleged that happened, in fact they've said the opposite.

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.
(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.

So the investigation is limited to the campaign and people associated with it in connection with coordination with the Russian government.
and (ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation;
and (ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation;

True....But OkTX has reading comprehension issues after he failed his last GED test.....So, please, a little latitude here.....LOL
Here's what a Trump ass-kisser (Lou Dobbs) stated:

“I personally believe it’s time for President Trump to get rid of [Deputy AG Rod] Rosenstein, and get rid of [special investigator Robert] Mueller, clear out the Obama leftovers in the Department of Justice, and appoint officials to investigate the real corruption and toxic collusion in the D.C. swamp,” declared Dobbs during his monologue.

What could possibly go wrong..............LOL
Here's what a Trump ass-kisser (Lou Dobbs) stated:

“I personally believe it’s time for President Trump to get rid of [Deputy AG Rod] Rosenstein, and get rid of [special investigator Robert] Mueller, clear out the Obama leftovers in the Department of Justice, and appoint officials to investigate the real corruption and toxic collusion in the D.C. swamp,” declared Dobbs during his monologue.

What could possibly go wrong..............LOL

Here are a couple of tidbits regarding the insanity of Lou Dobbs

Fox's Lou Dobbs is outraged FBI nominee refuses to take a loyalty oath to Trump
Dobbs: "Where the hell do these people find any anything in the law that says [the FBI] is an independent agency?"

Loopy Lou Dobbs Wants Gorsuch Gone for Not Loving Trump Enough ...


Not according to the authority given to him by the letter. The investigation is into any campaign activities related to coordination with the Russians, anything outside the campaign is beyond the scope of his authority.

.....and we know that Trump's financial records are "outside the campaign activities related to coordination with the Russians" because.......................???

Oh, yeah, sorry........The illustrious legal scholar Sean Hannity told you so.......My bad

What did you not understand in the letter?

(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump;

Individuals associated with the campaign, NOT TRUMP. Comey publicly said Trump WAS NOT a target. So if Mullers investigation is limited to the investigation Comey announced, Trumps financial history is off limits.

Reading is fundamental.

Nothing would please me more than Trump going into his 4 year old hissy fit and shout, "I will fire anyone who investigates me....Special Counsel, Media, Courts....any and every body....."

I'd LOVE it ......
We'll see how you love it when Trump exposes these shills and their ridiculous accusations. Clearly Americans don't believe these accusations against President Trump. Good to know that 94% of the country is behind our President and believe him!
Poll: Only 6% Of Americans Believe Russia Hoax
Individuals associated with the campaign, NOT TRUMP.

So, in your half brain you would EXCLUDE Trump as being associated with his own campaign????

take a trip to some Texan outhouse, you'll feel better.....
I've got a better question. Why hasn't there been a special investigation into the Clinton Foundation Money Laundering Scheme which has never had a single audit and has been protected by the very agencies / people who should have called for an investigation! What I see is a diversion being led by the very people who have a history of protecting criminals while accusing the innocent!

It isn't as if there isn't a money trail to follow. The last known words from Seth Rich was .....follow the money! Considering that Haiti publicly outed Clinton Foundation as robbing the poorest of their poor of over 1 billion dollars in money donations allocated to them, I'd say it is high time we get to the bottom of this. Why are we allowing these people to falsely accuse the very man who is capable of exposing the real corruption and putting them all on trial!
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with Trump? Hopefully the trump foundation will also be investigated.
Everything. The wrong person is being investigated. It should be Hillary Clinton and her husband. This is nothing more than a diversion to keep the spotlight off the real criminals. The same ones that President Trump said he would go after once elected. The American people are not stupid. We see what is going on here.
How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians
"Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown | Zero Hedge
So what hasn't Trump gone after the Clintons ? He has had 6 months to do something, anything. Is it possible that he is lying to you once again?
Have you read the latest news?
EXCLUSIVE: Convicted Clinton Indonesian Financier Returns To The US
James Riady’s relationships with the Clintons go back to when Bill was governor of Arkansas. Riady reportedly pledged $1 million to Clinton when he launched his 1992 presidential campaign. More than $250,000 in illegal campaign donations were run through Riady’s LippoBank, based in California, according to the Justice Department.

In return, the Justice Department said Riady and his father Mochtar Riady gained inside access throughout the Clinton administration. James Riady visited the Clinton White House on 14 different occasions

The Justice Department said in return for the campaign donations, the Riady’s gained “access, meetings and time with politicians, elected officials and other high-level government officials.”

Despite Riady’s guilty plea, the Indonesian billionaire remains quite open about how his payments to the Clintons have produced tangible benefits for him and his family’s company.

In 2009, for instance, when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, Riady re-entered the United States for the first time by getting a waiver from the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta. Asked why he was able to re-enter the United States, Riady told the Washington Post in 2010 he was able enter the United States because of $20,000 he paid to the Clinton Foundation.

Two years later, with Hillary still at the State Department, Lippo China made its bid for a 28 percent stake in CS Mining.
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I've got a better question. Why hasn't there been a special investigation into the Clinton Foundation Money Laundering Scheme which has never had a single audit and has been protected by the very agencies / people who should have called for an investigation! What I see is a diversion being led by the very people who have a history of protecting criminals while accusing the innocent!

It isn't as if there isn't a money trail to follow. The last known words from Seth Rich was .....follow the money! Considering that Haiti publicly outed Clinton Foundation as robbing the poorest of their poor of over 1 billion dollars in money donations allocated to them, I'd say it is high time we get to the bottom of this. Why are we allowing these people to falsely accuse the very man who is capable of exposing the real corruption and putting them all on trial!
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with Trump? Hopefully the trump foundation will also be investigated.
Everything. The wrong person is being investigated. It should be Hillary Clinton and her husband. This is nothing more than a diversion to keep the spotlight off the real criminals. The same ones that President Trump said he would go after once elected. The American people are not stupid. We see what is going on here.
How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians
"Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown | Zero Hedge
So what hasn't Trump gone after the Clintons ? He has had 6 months to do something, anything. Is it possible that he is lying to you once again?
Have you read the latest news?
EXCLUSIVE: Convicted Clinton Indonesian Financier Returns To The US
So what?
Nothing would please me more than Trump going into his 4 year old hissy fit and shout, "I will fire anyone who investigates me....Special Counsel, Media, Courts....any and every body....."

I'd LOVE it ......
We'll see how you love it when Trump exposes these shills and their ridiculous accusations. Clearly Americans don't believe these accusations against President Trump. Good to know that 94% of the country is behind our President and believe him!
Poll: Only 6% Of Americans Believe Russia Hoax

Poll: Almost half of Americans believe Russia meddled in election

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