Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?

As it relates to the alleged Russian meddling in the election, I don't have a problem with it. What I have a problem with are now Mueller's team leaking all over the place.

I thought Mueller was all high and mighty and he'd never ever do that. Hell's bells he can't or won't contain the leaks.

This is bullshit and I really hope the leakers ALL of them get to wear orange real quick.

You were jumping up and when foreign entity invaded Our democracy.
Why are you complaining now?
I'm including on this thread the letter that appointed Muller as special counsel and the scope of Mueller directives stated in that letter.....mindful that Rosenstein IS a Trump appointee.....


YES YES YES. Let's see what is he hiding.
No. Trump says it is off limits and his 5th amendment rights should be observed.
So if the IRS audits me I can just say "no" and they have to respect my 5th amendment rights? Who knew!?

Give it a try. But be warned, the IRS will be hauling your ass down to the U.S. Tax Court. You may want to check into the results of those who thought their constitutional rights had much weight in that venue.
Mueller isn't the IRS, douche bag.
I've got a better question. Why hasn't there been a special investigation into the Clinton Foundation Money Laundering Scheme which has never had a single audit and has been protected by the very agencies / people who should have called for an investigation! What I see is a diversion being led by the very people who have a history of protecting criminals while accusing the innocent!

It isn't as if there isn't a money trail to follow. The last known words from Seth Rich was .....follow the money! Considering that Haiti publicly outed Clinton Foundation as robbing the poorest of their poor of over 1 billion dollars in money donations allocated to them, I'd say it is high time we get to the bottom of this. Why are we allowing these people to falsely accuse the very man who is capable of exposing the real corruption and putting them all on trial!

Here. Try this stick for a while. I think it might work better than your bare hands when it comes to beating that dead horse.
If the remit is for Russian connections, then finances are part of the remit. Any connections revealed by the original remit becomes fruit of the lawful search.

Once the tax returns are revealed as they will be, the hammer falls on Trump.

Six months ago, the Trump supporter said there was no useful information in Trumps taxes. Trump is holding his taxes confidential for a reason.
If the remit is for Russian connections, then finances are part of the remit. Any connections revealed by the original remit becomes fruit of the lawful search.

Once the tax returns are revealed as they will be, the hammer falls on Trump.

Six months ago, the Trump supporter said there was no useful information in Trumps taxes. Trump is holding his taxes confidential for a reason.
I'm including on this thread the letter that appointed Muller as special counsel and the scope of Mueller directives stated in that letter.....mindful that Rosenstein IS a Trump appointee.....
I think they should follow the money, if it involves Russians... or they were lead to the possible criminal activity from investigating if there was any connection to the Russian government....

I do not think Mueller has authority to just say ''let me look at all his tax returns to see if he flubbed up one year or another filing them'' which imo, is just a fishing expedition...

but if Mueller has a lead in the Russian investigation that indicates President Trump's tax returns could show a financial connection to the Russian Influence, or could show Trump or family or Campaign Team person was 'compromised' and susceptible to blackmail, or in a position of committing Quid Pro Quo with the Russian officials or Oligarchs connected to the Kremlin then,

yes, Mueller's investigators should pursue it.
It's actually the 4th that protects him and every other person in this country.

Of course, the government tramples all over that Amendment and most of the rest of the Bill of Rights.

What about the 4th protects a person from somebody with subpoena power?
Of course not. He was appointed to investigate Russian influence. Not finding anything, he is exceeding the scope of his investigation looking for anything at all.

Sounds like (ii) might cover that.
(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and
(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
I do not think Mueller has authority to just say ''let me look at all his tax returns to see if he flubbed up one year or another filing them'' which imo, is just a fishing expedition...

Whether it's a national security investigation, or a criminal investigation, one of the first things they look at is the persons finances. Which is why people with financial problems are denied a securty clearance.

Money is how the bad guys convince americans to do bad things.
It's actually the 4th that protects him and every other person in this country.

Of course, the government tramples all over that Amendment and most of the rest of the Bill of Rights.

What about the 4th protects a person from somebody with subpoena power?
radical right does not understand how warrants work. That is all.
Sure we do. Apparently you don't understand the concept of "probable cause." Fishing expeditions and witch hunts don't fit the definition.
It's actually the 4th that protects him and every other person in this country.

Of course, the government tramples all over that Amendment and most of the rest of the Bill of Rights.

What about the 4th protects a person from somebody with subpoena power?
What part of "probable cause" don't you understand?

I'm sure there are some esoteric parts that I don't know, but I don't think anyone was considering investigating without plenty of probable cause.
I do not think Mueller has authority to just say ''let me look at all his tax returns to see if he flubbed up one year or another filing them'' which imo, is just a fishing expedition...

Whether it's a national security investigation, or a criminal investigation, one of the first things they look at is the persons finances. Which is why people with financial problems are denied a securty clearance.

Money is how the bad guys convince americans to do bad things.
Wrong again. They don't look at finances unless there's a reason to look at finances.
bripat is very unschooled in these matters, obviously. If he hangs around, he may learn if he is capable of thoughtful cogitation.
It's actually the 4th that protects him and every other person in this country.

Of course, the government tramples all over that Amendment and most of the rest of the Bill of Rights.

What about the 4th protects a person from somebody with subpoena power?
radical right does not understand how warrants work. That is all.
Sure we do. Apparently you don't understand the concept of "probable cause." Fishing expeditions and witch hunts don't fit the definition.
What about the 4th protects a person from somebody with subpoena power?
radical right does not understand how warrants work. That is all.

Amendment 4
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and
no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or
affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized.

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