Should Obama Go To The Border?


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama's going to be in Texas. Shouldn't he visit the boarder?

Obama Heading To Texas For Fundraisers But Won’t Visit Border


Despite the ongoing law enforcement and humanitarian crisis, President Barack Obama apparently won’t be heading to the southwest border when he visits Texas next week.

Obama is traveling to the Lone Star state to raise campaign cash at three events for fellow Democrats running for office.

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, many of them accompanied or unaccompanied minors and young adults, have flooded into the border region from Central America and have stretched Border Patrol resources to the breaking point. Texas Gov. Rick Perry has invited the president to tour the border with him, but has received no response.

According to White House press secretary Josh Earnest, no first-hand visit is on the agenda. “There is no plan to visit the border while [Obama] in Texas. This president is obviously very attuned to what’s happening at the border. The president is getting regular updates on the situation.”

Earnest added that “there are a whole range of senior officials in this administration over the course of the last three or four weeks who have spent a lot of time in the southwest border… The president has a very good sense of what’s happening on the border. He’s getting regular updates from his officials who have traveled to that region.”

The president’s approval rating for his handling of immigrations issues has taken a hit according to a recent poll.

As The Inquisitr previously reported, Border Patrol agent Hector Garza from the Laredo, Texas, sector claimed in a CNN interview that the federal government is “aiding and abetting and facilitating” human trafficking

Read more at Obama Heading To Texas For Fundraisers But Won?t Visit Border
He is delivering tens of thousands of future votes to the Democratic Party---illegal immigrants who will be paid for with money borrowed from our children.

He has to go to the fund raisers so that he can be appropriately paid by the Democratic Party.

It really is a transparent administration. All but the willingly blind can plainly see the corruption.
I suppose he could stage something down there somewhere.... if only Rick Parry wasn't the governor:nono:
Absolutely he should go to the border, the one between Syria and Iraq. But by all means stay the hell out of Texas.
Obama's going to be in Texas. Shouldn't he visit the boarder?

Obama Heading To Texas For Fundraisers But Won’t Visit Border


Despite the ongoing law enforcement and humanitarian crisis, President Barack Obama apparently won’t be heading to the southwest border when he visits Texas next week.

Obama is traveling to the Lone Star state to raise campaign cash at three events for fellow Democrats running for office.

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, many of them accompanied or unaccompanied minors and young adults, have flooded into the border region from Central America and have stretched Border Patrol resources to the breaking point. Texas Gov. Rick Perry has invited the president to tour the border with him, but has received no response.

According to White House press secretary Josh Earnest, no first-hand visit is on the agenda. “There is no plan to visit the border while [Obama] in Texas. This president is obviously very attuned to what’s happening at the border. The president is getting regular updates on the situation.”

Earnest added that “there are a whole range of senior officials in this administration over the course of the last three or four weeks who have spent a lot of time in the southwest border… The president has a very good sense of what’s happening on the border. He’s getting regular updates from his officials who have traveled to that region.”

The president’s approval rating for his handling of immigrations issues has taken a hit according to a recent poll.

As The Inquisitr previously reported, Border Patrol agent Hector Garza from the Laredo, Texas, sector claimed in a CNN interview that the federal government is “aiding and abetting and facilitating” human trafficking

Read more at Obama Heading To Texas For Fundraisers But Won?t Visit Border

What? What part of the border?
Not at this point. Any action that would look like he is exercising capable governance is counter productive to the narrative of incompetence.
to do what exactly? give some speech that you blow off anyways? Too look around so you can judge him looking around? Visit some people so you can cry about it being a photo op?
Fuck off.
to do what exactly? give some speech that you blow off anyways? Too look around so you can judge him looking around? Visit some people so you can cry about it being a photo op?
Fuck off.

Try keeping it coherent ....Nutjob:cuckoo:
Yes, he should go to the border, and hopefully he will not be able to turn around before he enters Mexico and end up in a prison cell, like Tahmooressi. If he takes Biden with him, John Boehner could refuse to do anything to get them out. Poetic justice.
Well considering he's heading this mega voter drive to now not only include Mexico but now half of South America you'd think Obama would at least show up to be like a "Presidential Welcome Wagon" with gifts, Democrat registration cards, free Obamacare passes and foodstamps.

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