Should people without kids pay more in Taxes?

We can't just stop at procreation. Eating is also necessary to the survival of the species. I'm doing my part by cramming McDoubles down my top hatch. I should get some sort of tax incentive for feeding my face.

As far as I can tell, you personally eating is not necessary to the survival of the species. Feel free to stop whenever you like. Feeding those too young to feed themselves, so that they can grow up to become the next generation is necessary. Stealing a little bit less money from those who carry the very considerable expense of doing so - to the benefit of all - shouldn't be enough to send even the pathologically selfish like you into hysterics like this.
I do contribute

You pay taxes like everyone else? Great. And how are you contributing to the perpetuation of society/the country/the Unum?

You realize that breeding like animals is not the only way that people contribute to a social group, don't you?

Sorry to spoil your attempt at demeaning most of humanity, but we are not talking about "breeding like animals." We are talking about breeding like human beings.
We can't just stop at procreation. Eating is also necessary to the survival of the species. I'm doing my part by cramming McDoubles down my top hatch. I should get some sort of tax incentive for feeding my face.

As far as I can tell, you personally eating is not necessary to the survival of the species. Feel free to stop whenever you like. Feeding those too young to feed themselves, so that they can grow up to become the next generation is necessary. Stealing a little bit less money from those who carry the very considerable expense of doing so - to the benefit of all - shouldn't be enough to send even the pathologically selfish like you into hysterics like this.

I think you're missing the point if you think this is an issue of selfishness. This is about keeping government in its place. It's about government doing what it was created for, and otherwise leaving people to live their lives as they wish.

It's the disagreement on the purpose of government that is really at the heart of most political debates these days. In light of that, I wonder if you'd clarify - what do you see as the purpose of government?
Why should a person with no kids have to pay more in taxes than a person who chooses to have kids?

Why should a person with no kids but who enjoys the absolutely essential benefit of producing more productive citizens pay less than a person who chooses to have kids and who takes on that vital responsibility from which all of society benefits?

The person with no kids shouldn't have to pay less taxes. He simply shouldn't have to pay more taxes.


He didn't request that the other guy have kids. .

Yet if 'other guys' don't, it's game over no matter how loudly you and the rest of the arrested development gang stomp your feet and cry "me, me me!" "mine, mine, mine!"
We can't just stop at procreation. Eating is also necessary to the survival of the species. I'm doing my part by cramming McDoubles down my top hatch. I should get some sort of tax incentive for feeding my face.

As far as I can tell, you personally eating is not necessary to the survival of the species. Feel free to stop whenever you like. Feeding those too young to feed themselves, so that they can grow up to become the next generation is necessary. Stealing a little bit less money from those who carry the very considerable expense of doing so - to the benefit of all - shouldn't be enough to send even the pathologically selfish like you into hysterics like this.

I think you're missing the point if you think this is an issue of selfishness. This is about keeping government in its place.

And its place is - at a minimum - to steal a little less from those already paying much more to the benefit of all.
As far as I can tell, you personally eating is not necessary to the survival of the species. Feel free to stop whenever you like. Feeding those too young to feed themselves, so that they can grow up to become the next generation is necessary. Stealing a little bit less money from those who carry the very considerable expense of doing so - to the benefit of all - shouldn't be enough to send even the pathologically selfish like you into hysterics like this.

I think you're missing the point if you think this is an issue of selfishness. This is about keeping government in its place.

And its place is - at a minimum - to steal a little less from those already paying much more to the benefit of all.

If there's stealing going on, the government's job is to put a stop to it. Not run around after the fact trying to make up for it.
Why should a person with no kids but who enjoys the absolutely essential benefit of producing more productive citizens pay less than a person who chooses to have kids and who takes on that vital responsibility from which all of society benefits?

The person with no kids shouldn't have to pay less taxes. He simply shouldn't have to pay more taxes.


He didn't request that the other guy have kids. .

Yet if 'other guys' don't, it's game over no matter how loudly you and the rest of the arrested development gang stomp your feet and cry "me, me me!" "mine, mine, mine!"

You sound just like one of those libturds you claim to despise so much. Speaking of "me, me, me," why should "we, we, we" pay the bills for your XXXXXXXXXX?
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As far as I can tell, you personally eating is not necessary to the survival of the species. Feel free to stop whenever you like. Feeding those too young to feed themselves, so that they can grow up to become the next generation is necessary. Stealing a little bit less money from those who carry the very considerable expense of doing so - to the benefit of all - shouldn't be enough to send even the pathologically selfish like you into hysterics like this.

I think you're missing the point if you think this is an issue of selfishness. This is about keeping government in its place.

And its place is - at a minimum - to steal a little less from those already paying much more to the benefit of all.

I love the way you try to paint your decision to have kids as an act of altruism. I'll bet that's what you were thinking when you were shagging the wife: "I'm doing this for the benefit of the community!"

You are a joke.
Why should a person with no kids but who enjoys the absolutely essential benefit of producing more productive citizens pay less than a person who chooses to have kids and who takes on that vital responsibility from which all of society benefits?

The person with no kids shouldn't have to pay less taxes. He simply shouldn't have to pay more taxes.


He didn't request that the other guy have kids. .

Yet if 'other guys' don't, it's game over no matter how loudly you and the rest of the arrested development gang stomp your feet and cry "me, me me!" "mine, mine, mine!"

If the loss of a tax break is going to make people decide not to have kids, then then this country is doomed. However, I doubt most people are as shallow and prehensile as you.
You pay taxes like everyone else? Great. And how are you contributing to the perpetuation of society/the country/the Unum?

You realize that breeding like animals is not the only way that people contribute to a social group, don't you?

Sorry to spoil your attempt at demeaning most of humanity, but we are not talking about "breeding like animals." We are talking about breeding like human beings.

You mean being paid to breed is how humans do it?
Why should a person with no kids have to pay more in taxes than a person who chooses to have kids?

Why should a person with no kids but who enjoys the absolutely essential benefit of producing more productive citizens pay less than a person who chooses to have kids and who takes on that vital responsibility from which all of society benefits?

The person with no kids shouldn't have to pay less taxes. He simply shouldn't have to pay more taxes.

I never said he should pay less all I ever said was there should be no tax deduction for procreating.
The person with no kids shouldn't have to pay less taxes. He simply shouldn't have to pay more taxes.


He didn't request that the other guy have kids. .

Yet if 'other guys' don't, it's game over no matter how loudly you and the rest of the arrested development gang stomp your feet and cry "me, me me!" "mine, mine, mine!"

If the loss of a tax break is going to make people decide not to have kids, then then this country is doomed. However, I doubt most people are as shallow and prehensile as you.

It's been my experience that most people can't even come up with a reason why they chose to have kids they just blindly follow the get married have kids herd of sheep whereas most people I know who choose not to have kids can give a list of reasons why they decided as such
I think you're missing the point if you think this is an issue of selfishness. This is about keeping government in its place.

And its place is - at a minimum - to steal a little less from those already paying much more to the benefit of all.

If there's stealing going on, the government's job is to put a stop to it. Not run around after the fact trying to make up for it.

The government is the one doing it. Do you think there should be no taxes whatsoever, for any reason?
Speaking of "me, me, me," why should "we, we, we" pay the bills for your brats?

It is a false, dishonest question. And you, like that other asshole, will learn to speak respectfully of other people's families or not at all. Get it through your thick skull, asshole.
Speaking of "me, me, me," why should "we, we, we" pay the bills for your brats?

It is a false, dishonest question. And you, like that other asshole, will learn to speak respectfully of other people's families or not at all. Get it through your thick skull, asshole.

Tell me how insecure are you that an anonymous post on a message board gets your panties in such a wad?

It must be tough to be such a pussy.
I think you're missing the point if you think this is an issue of selfishness. This is about keeping government in its place.

And its place is - at a minimum - to steal a little less from those already paying much more to the benefit of all.

I love the way you try to paint your decision to have kids as an act of altruism.

Irrelevant. All your personal insults directed at my family aside, it is essential to the perpetuation of society in any case.

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