Should people without kids pay more in Taxes?

Speaking of "me, me, me," why should "we, we, we" pay the bills for your brats?

It is a false, dishonest question. And you, like that other asshole, will learn to speak respectfully of other people's families or not at all. Get it through your thick skull, asshole.

Tell me how insecure are you that an anonymous post on a message board gets your panties in such a wad?

You don't need to worry about that, you just need to do as you're told.
And its place is - at a minimum - to steal a little less from those already paying much more to the benefit of all.

I love the way you try to paint your decision to have kids as an act of altruism.

Irrelevant. All your personal insults directed at my family aside, it is essential to the perpetuation of society in any case.

Yeah just what every kid wants to hear.

Mommy and daddy had you because you were necessary to perpetuate society.
You realize that breeding like animals is not the only way that people contribute to a social group, don't you?

Sorry to spoil your attempt at demeaning most of humanity, but we are not talking about "breeding like animals." We are talking about breeding like human beings.

You mean being paid to breed is how humans do it?

Do you and your straw man share a cigarette after he's done fucking you up the ass, Johnny Reb?
It is a false, dishonest question. And you, like that other asshole, will learn to speak respectfully of other people's families or not at all. Get it through your thick skull, asshole.

Tell me how insecure are you that an anonymous post on a message board gets your panties in such a wad?

You don't need to worry about that, you just need to do as you're told.

You see I really don't care what you think and since I don't know who you are and have no personal stake in you whatsoever nothing you post here can offend me because I'm not an insecure pussy.

And btw IMO ALL kids are brats not just yours so you see it's nothing personal.
Sorry to spoil your attempt at demeaning most of humanity, but we are not talking about "breeding like animals." We are talking about breeding like human beings.

You mean being paid to breed is how humans do it?

Do you and your straw man share a cigarette after he's done fucking you up the ass, Johnny Reb?

How is his version a straw man, but yours - the notion that our species will die off without government support of child-rearing - not?
Irrelevant. All your personal insults directed at my family aside, it is essential to the perpetuation of society in any case.

Yeah just what every kid wants to hear.

Also irrelevant. It is essential to the perpetuation of society in any case.

Yes Junior we had you because the government needs tax payers.

Maybe hearing that your whole life has twisted you into the trembling insecure mass of jelly that you are today.
And btw IMO ALL kids are brats not just yours so you see it's nothing personal.

And in my opinion most people are assholes, but if I direct that comment at your family specifically I am stepping over a line a decent person wouldn't. So don't.
You mean being paid to breed is how humans do it?

Do you and your straw man share a cigarette after he's done fucking you up the ass, Johnny Reb?

How is his version a straw man, but yours - the notion that our species will die off without government support of child-rearing - not?

You just introduced another straw man, since I never said that. Do you know what the term "straw man" means?
Yeah just what every kid wants to hear.

Also irrelevant. It is essential to the perpetuation of society in any case.

Yes Junior we had you because the government needs tax payers.

Maybe hearing that your whole life has twisted you into the trembling insecure mass of jelly that you are today.

There's another straw man, since I never said that I ever heard that. And of course I didn't hear or say that. You boys are getting desperate...
Why should a person with no kids have to pay more in taxes than a person who chooses to have kids?

Why should a person with no kids but who enjoys the absolutely essential benefit of producing more productive citizens pay less than a person who chooses to have kids and who takes on that vital responsibility from which all of society benefits?

The person with no kids shouldn't have to pay less taxes. He simply shouldn't have to pay more taxes.


He didn't request that the other guy have kids. The fact that the government put together a retirement system that works like a pyramid scheme and requires and ever-expanding base doesn't obligate me to support the creation of that base.

Neither does the fact that old people need extra care.

On top of all of this, people were shitting out kids long before anybody was offering them money to do it. You're not a martyr for fucking with no condom, and, like I told Pop, if you had told me you wanted me to pay you to do it, I'd have told you not to bother. At any rate, people don't need incentive to bust nuts or raise kids. THese are both things that humans take to naturally. The incentives for those are a biologically standard option.

The thought occurs to me, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but for all these breeders' wunderkinder to continue the ponzi scheme that is SS and provide for all the elderly who precede them, they would have to have jobs with incomes, would they not?
Ame®icano;8950690 said:
For those of you who support tax breaks for having kids, would you likewise support fining people who refused? We could call it a 'generational shared responsibility payment'.

They're already fined by paying higher taxes and thats what we're discussing here.

So, you're one of those liberals who cries that "they're giving our money to the rich!" whenever lower taxes are proposed?

So, are you stupid or something? Why don't you just read what I already wrote and maybe you'll realize what exactly does your big head compensate for.
And its place is - at a minimum - to steal a little less from those already paying much more to the benefit of all.

I love the way you try to paint your decision to have kids as an act of altruism. I'll bet that's what you were thinking when you were shagging the wife: "I'm doing this for the benefit of the community!"

You are a joke.

Who are we to judge? ......

Hey asshole, this is the part where you watch your fucking mouth.
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Would you say that sort of sums up your political ideology?

No I wouldn't. Thanks for asking.

Then what does?

It's not a bumper-sticker, sorry. Unlike SO MANY HERE, I have actually studied politics thoroughly and carefully. I am a conservative but I am a practical, responsible, moral citizen as well. I have little patience for childish dimwits, racists, those with no loyalty to their country (or, as is often the case, anything else) , or idiots who think they can 'discuss' politics when they have no fucking clue what they are talking about. Beyond that, you'll just have to sort it out on a case by case basis.
No I wouldn't. Thanks for asking.

Then what does?

It's not a bumper-sticker, sorry. Unlike SO MANY HERE, I have actually studied politics thoroughly and carefully. I am a conservative but I am a practical, responsible, moral citizen as well. I have little patience for childish dimwits, racists, those with no loyalty to their country (or, as is often the case, anything else) , or idiots who think they can 'discuss' politics when they have no fucking clue what they are talking about. Beyond that, you'll just have to sort it out on a case by case basis.

You've studied politics 'thoroughly and carefully' and not come away with any thoughts on the purpose of government???

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