Should race-baiting demagogues share blame for two murdered NYPD cops?

I was reading another site and I forgot all about this

Remember HOW they blamed Palin for Giffords being shot?

I do believe Sharpton has a big hand in all this and he's now got blood on them

I don't think Obama or Holder has helped anything in the way they've been conducting themselves.

And the mayor DeBlasio should resign his police force has lost all confidence in him
Obviously the one most responsible, is the guy who pulled the trigger and shot the cops.

And when people simply report the truth and that upsets somebody, that's not the reporters' fault.

But when people like Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews etc. go around telling long-debunked lies ("Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when he was shot", "Cops killed Eric Garner because they hated blacks") and their lies inflame some whacko to the point where he murders two cops in cold blood, shouldn't those lying race-baiters share some responsibility for the murdered cops?

How long will we tolerate people telling flagrant lies to whip up their hatred and resentment?

Yes. Obama and Sharpton should be brought before a Grand Jury for inciting illegal activity.
lol. You don't know?

At any rate, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
I want to see if you know. I think thats why you avoided answering the question. Can you state why thats contradictory?
If I explain it to you, will you answer my question?

[] Yes
[] No
Sure if you give me a real answer. If you continue to avoid it then I will just ignore you.
OK. :)

You attribute my success for overcoming the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws on the fact that I am foreign, that I don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do. That's your position on why I am successful. OK, got it.
In the same breath you, who are not foreign, also overcame the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws, even though you do have the history in the US that Black Americans do.

Yet you also know from our conversation from last night that my people actually cast off the chains of slavery, while yours stood on the sideline and were obedient slaves until the white man freed you.

And there is the contradiction. :)

Now, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
You sound confused. I attribute your success to the fact you didnt go through what the typical Black American growing up in the hood goes through from birth. You further my case when you point out your ancestors successfully gained their freedom while Black Americans didnt. You neglect to mention that this was because you had the numbers and a different type of slavery. Your family ties were reestablished you governed yourselves and did not have to deal without suffering a thousand indignities a day at the hands of the white media, police etc. You suffered no failed Reconstruction, no racial cleansings where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. You came here fully functional. You had no baggage to deal with. Why wouldn't you do better than people with baggage? If anything you should be doing better than any Black American that grew up in the hood. As it is you haven't done anything extra ordinary since you did not overcame the obstacles faced by Black Americans from birth that grew up here. You had hope from the moment you got here since where you came from was not as great financially or you would have never left. So no its not a contradiction. I just number among that minority that make it out of the hood each generation because I was fortunate enough to have a combination of good luck, good mentors and great parents that instilled in me the virtue of never quitting.

The policy of using the police to control Blacks is very successful. It incarcerates many Black youth and condems them to low paying jobs, inability to vote or simply functions as a criminal university. I guess you did not spend much time on the video I posted.
lol. I see. Our families were kept intact, you say? Perhaps you should read up on the African slave trade. Families were definitely NOT kept intact.

A "different kind of slavery?" You mean the kind where we weren't really slaves? The only difference is that we fought the slave masters, and you didn't.

I was raised poorer than any American, black or otherwise, will ever be. Try a dirt floored bamboo hut with a thatch roof and 14 of us sleeping head to toe on the floor and get back to me.

You neither had to deal with a failed Reconstruction, nor racial "cleansings," where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. Unless you're 106 years old.

You make excuses for others' success, and blame it on everything BUT your own failure, while at the same time bragging that you, yourself, are successful. So it CAN'T be for all the reasons you named, or any other black American could do the same. Unless you're blaming their lack of success on not having any good luck, good mentors, or great parents. No other good mentors or great parents available in your culture?

Still, it's a contradiction, buddy. :)
I dont expect the government to ever admit to using the police in lieu of Jim Crow to control Blacks.
Well there's your problem.
For what its worth.

I just find it strange that a foreign black girl can overcome the massive efforts of the entire US government to oppress her, and be successful beyond her wildest dreams.


Why would it be a fluke? You are foreign. You dont have the history in the US that Black Americans do. It would only be a fluke if you were the only Black person to achieve success. From your comments last night I am more successful monetarily wise than you are and I grew up here.

* H.R. Haldeman entry: Monday, April 28, 1969. President emphasized that you have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this, while not appearing to ."

Nixon's problem was Johnson's 200 Year Solution.
I wonder if the Police Unions are going to vote so quickly for Democrats in the future??
I want to see if you know. I think thats why you avoided answering the question. Can you state why thats contradictory?
If I explain it to you, will you answer my question?

[] Yes
[] No
Sure if you give me a real answer. If you continue to avoid it then I will just ignore you.
OK. :)

You attribute my success for overcoming the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws on the fact that I am foreign, that I don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do. That's your position on why I am successful. OK, got it.
In the same breath you, who are not foreign, also overcame the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws, even though you do have the history in the US that Black Americans do.

Yet you also know from our conversation from last night that my people actually cast off the chains of slavery, while yours stood on the sideline and were obedient slaves until the white man freed you.

And there is the contradiction. :)

Now, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
You sound confused. I attribute your success to the fact you didnt go through what the typical Black American growing up in the hood goes through from birth. You further my case when you point out your ancestors successfully gained their freedom while Black Americans didnt. You neglect to mention that this was because you had the numbers and a different type of slavery. Your family ties were reestablished you governed yourselves and did not have to deal without suffering a thousand indignities a day at the hands of the white media, police etc. You suffered no failed Reconstruction, no racial cleansings where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. You came here fully functional. You had no baggage to deal with. Why wouldn't you do better than people with baggage? If anything you should be doing better than any Black American that grew up in the hood. As it is you haven't done anything extra ordinary since you did not overcame the obstacles faced by Black Americans from birth that grew up here. You had hope from the moment you got here since where you came from was not as great financially or you would have never left. So no its not a contradiction. I just number among that minority that make it out of the hood each generation because I was fortunate enough to have a combination of good luck, good mentors and great parents that instilled in me the virtue of never quitting.

The policy of using the police to control Blacks is very successful. It incarcerates many Black youth and condems them to low paying jobs, inability to vote or simply functions as a criminal university. I guess you did not spend much time on the video I posted.
lol. I see. Our families were kept intact, you say? Perhaps you should read up on the African slave trade. Families were definitely NOT kept intact.

A "different kind of slavery?" You mean the kind where we weren't really slaves? The only difference is that we fought the slave masters, and you didn't.

I was raised poorer than any American, black or otherwise, will ever be. Try a dirt floored bamboo hut with a thatch roof and 14 of us sleeping head to toe on the floor and get back to me.

You neither had to deal with a failed Reconstruction, nor racial "cleansings," where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. Unless you're 106 years old.

You make excuses for others' success, and blame it on everything BUT your own failure, while at the same time bragging that you, yourself, are successful. So it CAN'T be for all the reasons you named, or any other black American could do the same. Unless you're blaming their lack of success on not having any good luck, good mentors, or great parents. No other good mentors or great parents available in your culture?

Still, it's a contradiction, buddy. :)
Cry me a river. You life didn't suck becauae of your color. As for poor? Please i know poor. More rhen most and i am damn sure whwn we were living on the street it wasn't because of my color
I want to see if you know. I think thats why you avoided answering the question. Can you state why thats contradictory?
If I explain it to you, will you answer my question?

[] Yes
[] No
Sure if you give me a real answer. If you continue to avoid it then I will just ignore you.
OK. :)

You attribute my success for overcoming the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws on the fact that I am foreign, that I don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do. That's your position on why I am successful. OK, got it.
In the same breath you, who are not foreign, also overcame the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws, even though you do have the history in the US that Black Americans do.

Yet you also know from our conversation from last night that my people actually cast off the chains of slavery, while yours stood on the sideline and were obedient slaves until the white man freed you.

And there is the contradiction. :)

Now, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
You sound confused. I attribute your success to the fact you didnt go through what the typical Black American growing up in the hood goes through from birth. You further my case when you point out your ancestors successfully gained their freedom while Black Americans didnt. You neglect to mention that this was because you had the numbers and a different type of slavery. Your family ties were reestablished you governed yourselves and did not have to deal without suffering a thousand indignities a day at the hands of the white media, police etc. You suffered no failed Reconstruction, no racial cleansings where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. You came here fully functional. You had no baggage to deal with. Why wouldn't you do better than people with baggage? If anything you should be doing better than any Black American that grew up in the hood. As it is you haven't done anything extra ordinary since you did not overcame the obstacles faced by Black Americans from birth that grew up here. You had hope from the moment you got here since where you came from was not as great financially or you would have never left. So no its not a contradiction. I just number among that minority that make it out of the hood each generation because I was fortunate enough to have a combination of good luck, good mentors and great parents that instilled in me the virtue of never quitting.

The policy of using the police to control Blacks is very successful. It incarcerates many Black youth and condems them to low paying jobs, inability to vote or simply functions as a criminal university. I guess you did not spend much time on the video I posted.
lol. I see. Our families were kept intact, you say? Perhaps you should read up on the African slave trade. Families were definitely NOT kept intact.

A "different kind of slavery?" You mean the kind where we weren't really slaves? The only difference is that we fought the slave masters, and you didn't.

I was raised poorer than any American, black or otherwise, will ever be. Try a dirt floored bamboo hut with a thatch roof and 14 of us sleeping head to toe on the floor and get back to me.

You neither had to deal with a failed Reconstruction, nor racial "cleansings," where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. Unless you're 106 years old.

You make excuses for others' success, and blame it on everything BUT your own failure, while at the same time bragging that you, yourself, are successful. So it CAN'T be for all the reasons you named, or any other black American could do the same. Unless you're blaming their lack of success on not having any good luck, good mentors, or great parents. No other good mentors or great parents available in your culture?

Still, it's a contradiction, buddy. :)
I didnt say your familes were kept intact. I said you were able to reestablish or more accurately create new ones unhindered by whites. South American Blacks were allowed to retain their customs unlike US Blacks. Perhaps you should read up on that. I know you were raised poor. I already pointed that out. Poor financially is not the same as poor in foundation. My parents were raised just as poor but they had land and good work habits that they passed on to me.

Yes my ancestors did have to deal with failed reconstruction, racial cleanings, and most recently Jim Crow all which taught Blacks to not trust whites. This they passed on up to my generation. I didnt make any excuses for anyones success. I just told you as a person that studies success why you may have been successful if you are to be believed. I wasnt bragging about my success I was telling you that you bragging about yours is amusing as I seem to have bested you financially. I also attributed the bulk of my success to factors other than myself which is something you failed to do. Your disagreement that the factors are not true is not really relevant. I know them to be true since I grew up in it. Yes all Black Americans can do the same. The trick is in getting them to realize that.
If I explain it to you, will you answer my question?

[] Yes
[] No
Sure if you give me a real answer. If you continue to avoid it then I will just ignore you.
OK. :)

You attribute my success for overcoming the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws on the fact that I am foreign, that I don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do. That's your position on why I am successful. OK, got it.
In the same breath you, who are not foreign, also overcame the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws, even though you do have the history in the US that Black Americans do.

Yet you also know from our conversation from last night that my people actually cast off the chains of slavery, while yours stood on the sideline and were obedient slaves until the white man freed you.

And there is the contradiction. :)

Now, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
You sound confused. I attribute your success to the fact you didnt go through what the typical Black American growing up in the hood goes through from birth. You further my case when you point out your ancestors successfully gained their freedom while Black Americans didnt. You neglect to mention that this was because you had the numbers and a different type of slavery. Your family ties were reestablished you governed yourselves and did not have to deal without suffering a thousand indignities a day at the hands of the white media, police etc. You suffered no failed Reconstruction, no racial cleansings where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. You came here fully functional. You had no baggage to deal with. Why wouldn't you do better than people with baggage? If anything you should be doing better than any Black American that grew up in the hood. As it is you haven't done anything extra ordinary since you did not overcame the obstacles faced by Black Americans from birth that grew up here. You had hope from the moment you got here since where you came from was not as great financially or you would have never left. So no its not a contradiction. I just number among that minority that make it out of the hood each generation because I was fortunate enough to have a combination of good luck, good mentors and great parents that instilled in me the virtue of never quitting.

The policy of using the police to control Blacks is very successful. It incarcerates many Black youth and condems them to low paying jobs, inability to vote or simply functions as a criminal university. I guess you did not spend much time on the video I posted.
lol. I see. Our families were kept intact, you say? Perhaps you should read up on the African slave trade. Families were definitely NOT kept intact.

A "different kind of slavery?" You mean the kind where we weren't really slaves? The only difference is that we fought the slave masters, and you didn't.

I was raised poorer than any American, black or otherwise, will ever be. Try a dirt floored bamboo hut with a thatch roof and 14 of us sleeping head to toe on the floor and get back to me.

You neither had to deal with a failed Reconstruction, nor racial "cleansings," where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. Unless you're 106 years old.

You make excuses for others' success, and blame it on everything BUT your own failure, while at the same time bragging that you, yourself, are successful. So it CAN'T be for all the reasons you named, or any other black American could do the same. Unless you're blaming their lack of success on not having any good luck, good mentors, or great parents. No other good mentors or great parents available in your culture?

Still, it's a contradiction, buddy. :)
Cry me a river. You life didn't suck becauae of your color. As for poor? Please i know poor. More rhen most and i am damn sure whwn we were living on the street it wasn't because of my color
You were raised all your childhood in the street? Did you shit over a mangrove swamp and wipe your ass with coconut husk? Did you go hungry all the time? Did you not have electricity or running water, forget about hot water? We didn't even know there was such a thing.

But I'm hardly whining about it. It's just the way it was and we didn't know any better. We had a very happy childhood.
If I explain it to you, will you answer my question?

[] Yes
[] No
Sure if you give me a real answer. If you continue to avoid it then I will just ignore you.
OK. :)

You attribute my success for overcoming the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws on the fact that I am foreign, that I don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do. That's your position on why I am successful. OK, got it.
In the same breath you, who are not foreign, also overcame the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws, even though you do have the history in the US that Black Americans do.

Yet you also know from our conversation from last night that my people actually cast off the chains of slavery, while yours stood on the sideline and were obedient slaves until the white man freed you.

And there is the contradiction. :)

Now, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
You sound confused. I attribute your success to the fact you didnt go through what the typical Black American growing up in the hood goes through from birth. You further my case when you point out your ancestors successfully gained their freedom while Black Americans didnt. You neglect to mention that this was because you had the numbers and a different type of slavery. Your family ties were reestablished you governed yourselves and did not have to deal without suffering a thousand indignities a day at the hands of the white media, police etc. You suffered no failed Reconstruction, no racial cleansings where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. You came here fully functional. You had no baggage to deal with. Why wouldn't you do better than people with baggage? If anything you should be doing better than any Black American that grew up in the hood. As it is you haven't done anything extra ordinary since you did not overcame the obstacles faced by Black Americans from birth that grew up here. You had hope from the moment you got here since where you came from was not as great financially or you would have never left. So no its not a contradiction. I just number among that minority that make it out of the hood each generation because I was fortunate enough to have a combination of good luck, good mentors and great parents that instilled in me the virtue of never quitting.

The policy of using the police to control Blacks is very successful. It incarcerates many Black youth and condems them to low paying jobs, inability to vote or simply functions as a criminal university. I guess you did not spend much time on the video I posted.
lol. I see. Our families were kept intact, you say? Perhaps you should read up on the African slave trade. Families were definitely NOT kept intact.

A "different kind of slavery?" You mean the kind where we weren't really slaves? The only difference is that we fought the slave masters, and you didn't.

I was raised poorer than any American, black or otherwise, will ever be. Try a dirt floored bamboo hut with a thatch roof and 14 of us sleeping head to toe on the floor and get back to me.

You neither had to deal with a failed Reconstruction, nor racial "cleansings," where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. Unless you're 106 years old.

You make excuses for others' success, and blame it on everything BUT your own failure, while at the same time bragging that you, yourself, are successful. So it CAN'T be for all the reasons you named, or any other black American could do the same. Unless you're blaming their lack of success on not having any good luck, good mentors, or great parents. No other good mentors or great parents available in your culture?

Still, it's a contradiction, buddy. :)
I didnt say your familes were kept intact. I said you were able to reestablish or more accurately create new ones unhindered by whites. South American Blacks were allowed to retain their customs unlike US Blacks. Perhaps you should read up on that. I know you were raised poor. I already pointed that out. Poor financially is not the same as poor in foundation. My parents were raised just as poor but they had land and good work habits that they passed on to me.

Yes my ancestors did have to deal with failed reconstruction, racial cleanings, and most recently Jim Crow all which taught Blacks to not trust whites. This they passed on up to my generation. I didnt make any excuses for anyones success. I just told you as a person that studies success why you may have been successful if you are to be believed. I wasnt bragging about my success I was telling you that you bragging about yours is amusing as I seem to have bested you financially. I also attributed the bulk of my success to factors other than myself which is something you failed to do. Your disagreement that the factors are not true is not really relevant. I know them to be true since I grew up in it. Yes all Black Americans can do the same. The trick is in getting them to realize that.
Yes, we were able to re-establish ourselves, because we fought. We weren't and aren't South Americans. Perhaps you should read up on your geography.

So now you're attributing your success to a good foundation, work habits, and parents. Lack of those very things is what is holding your culture back, and not that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws. Certainly isn't very successful, is it?
You would think that after the riots and the crowds marching around chanting "kill the cops" and two officers being murdered that the President of the US would be showing some leadership to calm thing down and show support for the police.

But nope that ain't gonna happen. Instead the nitwit is playing golf today and swimming on the beach because that is the kind of guy he is.

Just think if you were one of these idiots that voted for him. What the hell were they thinking?
Guess it sucks to be as ill informed as you...
Sure if you give me a real answer. If you continue to avoid it then I will just ignore you.
OK. :)

You attribute my success for overcoming the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws on the fact that I am foreign, that I don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do. That's your position on why I am successful. OK, got it.
In the same breath you, who are not foreign, also overcame the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws, even though you do have the history in the US that Black Americans do.

Yet you also know from our conversation from last night that my people actually cast off the chains of slavery, while yours stood on the sideline and were obedient slaves until the white man freed you.

And there is the contradiction. :)

Now, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
You sound confused. I attribute your success to the fact you didnt go through what the typical Black American growing up in the hood goes through from birth. You further my case when you point out your ancestors successfully gained their freedom while Black Americans didnt. You neglect to mention that this was because you had the numbers and a different type of slavery. Your family ties were reestablished you governed yourselves and did not have to deal without suffering a thousand indignities a day at the hands of the white media, police etc. You suffered no failed Reconstruction, no racial cleansings where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. You came here fully functional. You had no baggage to deal with. Why wouldn't you do better than people with baggage? If anything you should be doing better than any Black American that grew up in the hood. As it is you haven't done anything extra ordinary since you did not overcame the obstacles faced by Black Americans from birth that grew up here. You had hope from the moment you got here since where you came from was not as great financially or you would have never left. So no its not a contradiction. I just number among that minority that make it out of the hood each generation because I was fortunate enough to have a combination of good luck, good mentors and great parents that instilled in me the virtue of never quitting.

The policy of using the police to control Blacks is very successful. It incarcerates many Black youth and condems them to low paying jobs, inability to vote or simply functions as a criminal university. I guess you did not spend much time on the video I posted.
lol. I see. Our families were kept intact, you say? Perhaps you should read up on the African slave trade. Families were definitely NOT kept intact.

A "different kind of slavery?" You mean the kind where we weren't really slaves? The only difference is that we fought the slave masters, and you didn't.

I was raised poorer than any American, black or otherwise, will ever be. Try a dirt floored bamboo hut with a thatch roof and 14 of us sleeping head to toe on the floor and get back to me.

You neither had to deal with a failed Reconstruction, nor racial "cleansings," where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. Unless you're 106 years old.

You make excuses for others' success, and blame it on everything BUT your own failure, while at the same time bragging that you, yourself, are successful. So it CAN'T be for all the reasons you named, or any other black American could do the same. Unless you're blaming their lack of success on not having any good luck, good mentors, or great parents. No other good mentors or great parents available in your culture?

Still, it's a contradiction, buddy. :)
Cry me a river. You life didn't suck becauae of your color. As for poor? Please i know poor. More rhen most and i am damn sure whwn we were living on the street it wasn't because of my color
You were raised all your childhood in the street? Did you shit over a mangrove swamp and wipe your ass with coconut husk? Did you go hungry all the time? Did you not have electricity or running water, forget about hot water? We didn't even know there was such a thing.

But I'm hardly whining about it. It's just the way it was and we didn't know any better. We had a very happy childhood.

Your extreme poverty but happy childhood are factors in your success. If you had known that your conditions were caused by people that hated you due to your skin color you may have been a crack ho here in the states.
I wonder if the Police Unions are going to vote so quickly for Democrats in the future??

The Democrats will offer them another paid day off in the year or a few more cents an hour and they will forget all about this.
OK. :)

You attribute my success for overcoming the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws on the fact that I am foreign, that I don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do. That's your position on why I am successful. OK, got it.
In the same breath you, who are not foreign, also overcame the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws, even though you do have the history in the US that Black Americans do.

Yet you also know from our conversation from last night that my people actually cast off the chains of slavery, while yours stood on the sideline and were obedient slaves until the white man freed you.

And there is the contradiction. :)

Now, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
You sound confused. I attribute your success to the fact you didnt go through what the typical Black American growing up in the hood goes through from birth. You further my case when you point out your ancestors successfully gained their freedom while Black Americans didnt. You neglect to mention that this was because you had the numbers and a different type of slavery. Your family ties were reestablished you governed yourselves and did not have to deal without suffering a thousand indignities a day at the hands of the white media, police etc. You suffered no failed Reconstruction, no racial cleansings where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. You came here fully functional. You had no baggage to deal with. Why wouldn't you do better than people with baggage? If anything you should be doing better than any Black American that grew up in the hood. As it is you haven't done anything extra ordinary since you did not overcame the obstacles faced by Black Americans from birth that grew up here. You had hope from the moment you got here since where you came from was not as great financially or you would have never left. So no its not a contradiction. I just number among that minority that make it out of the hood each generation because I was fortunate enough to have a combination of good luck, good mentors and great parents that instilled in me the virtue of never quitting.

The policy of using the police to control Blacks is very successful. It incarcerates many Black youth and condems them to low paying jobs, inability to vote or simply functions as a criminal university. I guess you did not spend much time on the video I posted.
lol. I see. Our families were kept intact, you say? Perhaps you should read up on the African slave trade. Families were definitely NOT kept intact.

A "different kind of slavery?" You mean the kind where we weren't really slaves? The only difference is that we fought the slave masters, and you didn't.

I was raised poorer than any American, black or otherwise, will ever be. Try a dirt floored bamboo hut with a thatch roof and 14 of us sleeping head to toe on the floor and get back to me.

You neither had to deal with a failed Reconstruction, nor racial "cleansings," where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. Unless you're 106 years old.

You make excuses for others' success, and blame it on everything BUT your own failure, while at the same time bragging that you, yourself, are successful. So it CAN'T be for all the reasons you named, or any other black American could do the same. Unless you're blaming their lack of success on not having any good luck, good mentors, or great parents. No other good mentors or great parents available in your culture?

Still, it's a contradiction, buddy. :)
Cry me a river. You life didn't suck becauae of your color. As for poor? Please i know poor. More rhen most and i am damn sure whwn we were living on the street it wasn't because of my color
You were raised all your childhood in the street? Did you shit over a mangrove swamp and wipe your ass with coconut husk? Did you go hungry all the time? Did you not have electricity or running water, forget about hot water? We didn't even know there was such a thing.

But I'm hardly whining about it. It's just the way it was and we didn't know any better. We had a very happy childhood.

Your extreme poverty but happy childhood are factors in your success. If you had known that your conditions were caused by people that hated you due to your skin color you may have been a crack ho here in the states.
And you wouldn't have the aids in your butt from backing up to glory holes.

But I can't attribute my success to being a crack ho, very few of whom are successful in life. I would give all the credit to my very white husband. :)
Should race-baiting demagogues share the blame?


It's one of the reasons why I'm voting Republican in 2016 after voting Democrat in 2008 and 2012.
You would think that after the riots and the crowds marching around chanting "kill the cops" and two officers being murdered that the President of the US would be showing some leadership to calm thing down and show support for the police.

But nope that ain't gonna happen. Instead the nitwit is playing golf today and swimming on the beach because that is the kind of guy he is.

Just think if you were one of these idiots that voted for him. What the hell were they thinking?
Guess it sucks to be as ill informed as you...

Of all people being ill informed, it's you, Porch monkey!
Sure if you give me a real answer. If you continue to avoid it then I will just ignore you.
OK. :)

You attribute my success for overcoming the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws on the fact that I am foreign, that I don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do. That's your position on why I am successful. OK, got it.
In the same breath you, who are not foreign, also overcame the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws, even though you do have the history in the US that Black Americans do.

Yet you also know from our conversation from last night that my people actually cast off the chains of slavery, while yours stood on the sideline and were obedient slaves until the white man freed you.

And there is the contradiction. :)

Now, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
You sound confused. I attribute your success to the fact you didnt go through what the typical Black American growing up in the hood goes through from birth. You further my case when you point out your ancestors successfully gained their freedom while Black Americans didnt. You neglect to mention that this was because you had the numbers and a different type of slavery. Your family ties were reestablished you governed yourselves and did not have to deal without suffering a thousand indignities a day at the hands of the white media, police etc. You suffered no failed Reconstruction, no racial cleansings where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. You came here fully functional. You had no baggage to deal with. Why wouldn't you do better than people with baggage? If anything you should be doing better than any Black American that grew up in the hood. As it is you haven't done anything extra ordinary since you did not overcame the obstacles faced by Black Americans from birth that grew up here. You had hope from the moment you got here since where you came from was not as great financially or you would have never left. So no its not a contradiction. I just number among that minority that make it out of the hood each generation because I was fortunate enough to have a combination of good luck, good mentors and great parents that instilled in me the virtue of never quitting.

The policy of using the police to control Blacks is very successful. It incarcerates many Black youth and condems them to low paying jobs, inability to vote or simply functions as a criminal university. I guess you did not spend much time on the video I posted.
lol. I see. Our families were kept intact, you say? Perhaps you should read up on the African slave trade. Families were definitely NOT kept intact.

A "different kind of slavery?" You mean the kind where we weren't really slaves? The only difference is that we fought the slave masters, and you didn't.

I was raised poorer than any American, black or otherwise, will ever be. Try a dirt floored bamboo hut with a thatch roof and 14 of us sleeping head to toe on the floor and get back to me.

You neither had to deal with a failed Reconstruction, nor racial "cleansings," where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. Unless you're 106 years old.

You make excuses for others' success, and blame it on everything BUT your own failure, while at the same time bragging that you, yourself, are successful. So it CAN'T be for all the reasons you named, or any other black American could do the same. Unless you're blaming their lack of success on not having any good luck, good mentors, or great parents. No other good mentors or great parents available in your culture?

Still, it's a contradiction, buddy. :)
I didnt say your familes were kept intact. I said you were able to reestablish or more accurately create new ones unhindered by whites. South American Blacks were allowed to retain their customs unlike US Blacks. Perhaps you should read up on that. I know you were raised poor. I already pointed that out. Poor financially is not the same as poor in foundation. My parents were raised just as poor but they had land and good work habits that they passed on to me.

Yes my ancestors did have to deal with failed reconstruction, racial cleanings, and most recently Jim Crow all which taught Blacks to not trust whites. This they passed on up to my generation. I didnt make any excuses for anyones success. I just told you as a person that studies success why you may have been successful if you are to be believed. I wasnt bragging about my success I was telling you that you bragging about yours is amusing as I seem to have bested you financially. I also attributed the bulk of my success to factors other than myself which is something you failed to do. Your disagreement that the factors are not true is not really relevant. I know them to be true since I grew up in it. Yes all Black Americans can do the same. The trick is in getting them to realize that.
Yes, we were able to re-establish ourselves, because we fought. We weren't and aren't South Americans. Perhaps you should read up on your geography.

So now you're attributing your success to a good foundation, work habits, and parents. Lack of those very things is what is holding your culture back, and not that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws. Certainly isn't very successful, is it?
My bad. I consider Central America as part of South america. No you got lucky due to politics. Maybe you should read up on what happened. You are lucky the British did not exterminate you.

I never wavered from that assessment. Of course I am a result of a good foundation. Yes the governments use of racist polices holds Blacks back specifically because it creates distrust in anything whites do or say as well as putting Blacks behind the eight ball. Like I said its very successful. You seem to have a hard time keeping up.

The Last Rebels of the Caribbean Garifuna Fighting for Their Lives in Honduras
OK. :)

You attribute my success for overcoming the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws on the fact that I am foreign, that I don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do. That's your position on why I am successful. OK, got it.
In the same breath you, who are not foreign, also overcame the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws, even though you do have the history in the US that Black Americans do.

Yet you also know from our conversation from last night that my people actually cast off the chains of slavery, while yours stood on the sideline and were obedient slaves until the white man freed you.

And there is the contradiction. :)

Now, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
You sound confused. I attribute your success to the fact you didnt go through what the typical Black American growing up in the hood goes through from birth. You further my case when you point out your ancestors successfully gained their freedom while Black Americans didnt. You neglect to mention that this was because you had the numbers and a different type of slavery. Your family ties were reestablished you governed yourselves and did not have to deal without suffering a thousand indignities a day at the hands of the white media, police etc. You suffered no failed Reconstruction, no racial cleansings where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. You came here fully functional. You had no baggage to deal with. Why wouldn't you do better than people with baggage? If anything you should be doing better than any Black American that grew up in the hood. As it is you haven't done anything extra ordinary since you did not overcame the obstacles faced by Black Americans from birth that grew up here. You had hope from the moment you got here since where you came from was not as great financially or you would have never left. So no its not a contradiction. I just number among that minority that make it out of the hood each generation because I was fortunate enough to have a combination of good luck, good mentors and great parents that instilled in me the virtue of never quitting.

The policy of using the police to control Blacks is very successful. It incarcerates many Black youth and condems them to low paying jobs, inability to vote or simply functions as a criminal university. I guess you did not spend much time on the video I posted.
lol. I see. Our families were kept intact, you say? Perhaps you should read up on the African slave trade. Families were definitely NOT kept intact.

A "different kind of slavery?" You mean the kind where we weren't really slaves? The only difference is that we fought the slave masters, and you didn't.

I was raised poorer than any American, black or otherwise, will ever be. Try a dirt floored bamboo hut with a thatch roof and 14 of us sleeping head to toe on the floor and get back to me.

You neither had to deal with a failed Reconstruction, nor racial "cleansings," where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. Unless you're 106 years old.

You make excuses for others' success, and blame it on everything BUT your own failure, while at the same time bragging that you, yourself, are successful. So it CAN'T be for all the reasons you named, or any other black American could do the same. Unless you're blaming their lack of success on not having any good luck, good mentors, or great parents. No other good mentors or great parents available in your culture?

Still, it's a contradiction, buddy. :)
I didnt say your familes were kept intact. I said you were able to reestablish or more accurately create new ones unhindered by whites. South American Blacks were allowed to retain their customs unlike US Blacks. Perhaps you should read up on that. I know you were raised poor. I already pointed that out. Poor financially is not the same as poor in foundation. My parents were raised just as poor but they had land and good work habits that they passed on to me.

Yes my ancestors did have to deal with failed reconstruction, racial cleanings, and most recently Jim Crow all which taught Blacks to not trust whites. This they passed on up to my generation. I didnt make any excuses for anyones success. I just told you as a person that studies success why you may have been successful if you are to be believed. I wasnt bragging about my success I was telling you that you bragging about yours is amusing as I seem to have bested you financially. I also attributed the bulk of my success to factors other than myself which is something you failed to do. Your disagreement that the factors are not true is not really relevant. I know them to be true since I grew up in it. Yes all Black Americans can do the same. The trick is in getting them to realize that.
Yes, we were able to re-establish ourselves, because we fought. We weren't and aren't South Americans. Perhaps you should read up on your geography.

So now you're attributing your success to a good foundation, work habits, and parents. Lack of those very things is what is holding your culture back, and not that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws. Certainly isn't very successful, is it?
My bad. I consider Central America as part of South america. No you got lucky due to politics. Maybe you should read up on what happened.

I never wavered from that assessment. Of course I am a result of a good foundation. Yes the governments use of racist polices holds Blacks back specifically because it creates distrust in anything whites do or say as well as putting Blacks behind the eight ball. Like I said its very successful. You seem to have a hard time keeping up.
Sure wasn't very successful with you. Or me.

Those sad black Americans just don't have the same foundation, work ethic, or parenting you did. Or me. :)
I keep hearing that if someone yells FIRE in a crowded theater (when there is no fire), and people are injured or killed in the resulting stampede for the exits, that guy is partly to blame for those tragedies. And he can be PROSECUTED for causing the panic resulting in injuries or deaths.

Why should it be any different for Sharpton, Matthews etc.?

Legally responsible or not, anyone who decided we should abandon the rule of law in favor of the rule of mobs is abso-frigging-lutely MORALLY responsible for the assassinations of these two officers.

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