Should race-baiting demagogues share blame for two murdered NYPD cops?

As usual, the haters who make this accusation can never actually name any "conservatives" they are pretending did this.

Calling Obama a tyrant, a Stalinist, a Marxist, the Devil,

those are demonizations.

True, but he is not called that because he is a black man.

Thank you for never failing to be irrelevant.

Can't stand the truth, huh!

You should have stuck with admitting that Obama is constantly demonized.

George Bush who has not criticized Obama a single time, yet Obama and the rest of you obamabots have demonized Bush for the last six years.
They complain about Fox and Rush primarily because they have more influence than they do. At least, that is how I perceive it.


They have what you call "influence" because they have a very large share of the market. Many many people like to listen/watch them.

If the other networks were less extreme Left Wing then maybe they would have a larger audience and more influence.
I dont expect the government to ever admit to using the police in lieu of Jim Crow to control Blacks.
Well there's your problem.
For what its worth.

I just find it strange that a foreign black girl can overcome the massive efforts of the entire US government to oppress her, and be successful beyond her wildest dreams.


Why would it be a fluke? You are foreign. You dont have the history in the US that Black Americans do. It would only be a fluke if you were the only Black person to achieve success. From your comments last night I am more successful monetarily wise than you are and I grew up here.

* H.R. Haldeman entry: Monday, April 28, 1969. President emphasized that you have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this, while not appearing to."
I dont expect the government to ever admit to using the police in lieu of Jim Crow to control Blacks.
Well there's your problem.
For what its worth.

I just find it strange that a foreign black girl can overcome the massive efforts of the entire US government to oppress her, and be successful beyond her wildest dreams.


Why would it be a fluke? You are foreign. You dont have the history in the US that Black Americans do. It would only be a fluke if you were the only Black person to achieve success. From your comments last night I am more successful monetarily wise than you are and I grew up here.

You contradict yourself. I am able to be successful because I'm foreign and don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do, and in the same breath you insist that you are more successful than I am.

Do you even think about what you write?
I dont expect the government to ever admit to using the police in lieu of Jim Crow to control Blacks.
Well there's your problem.
For what its worth.

I just find it strange that a foreign black girl can overcome the massive efforts of the entire US government to oppress her, and be successful beyond her wildest dreams.


Why would it be a fluke? You are foreign. You dont have the history in the US that Black Americans do. It would only be a fluke if you were the only Black person to achieve success. From your comments last night I am more successful monetarily wise than you are and I grew up here.

You contradict yourself. I am able to be successful because I'm foreign and don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do, and in the same breath you insist that you are more successful than I am.

Do you even think about what you write?

What makes you think thats contradictory?
Calling Obama a tyrant, a Stalinist, a Marxist, the Devil,

those are demonizations.

True, but he is not called that because he is a black man.

Thank you for never failing to be irrelevant.

Can't stand the truth, huh!

You should have stuck with admitting that Obama is constantly demonized.

George Bush who has not criticized Obama a single time, yet Obama and the rest of you obamabots have demonized Bush for the last six years.
Bush Derangement Syndrome is a terminal disease.
The media plays a big part in this matter, the way they pay so much attention to cop haters an play up the racial issues. They fanned the flames in this mess, they need to use common sense when reporting. Stop the editorializing and just report FACTS! Cops lives matter too!
I dont expect the government to ever admit to using the police in lieu of Jim Crow to control Blacks.
Well there's your problem.
For what its worth.

I just find it strange that a foreign black girl can overcome the massive efforts of the entire US government to oppress her, and be successful beyond her wildest dreams.


Why would it be a fluke? You are foreign. You dont have the history in the US that Black Americans do. It would only be a fluke if you were the only Black person to achieve success. From your comments last night I am more successful monetarily wise than you are and I grew up here.

* H.R. Haldeman entry: Monday, April 28, 1969. President emphasized that you have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this, while not appearing to."

Funny how many blacks in this country, who do have that history of oppression, are very successful in life, having not bought into being a Leftist "victim" and maintaining a victim mentality. They're proof positive of how full of shit you are.
Well there's your problem.
For what its worth.

I just find it strange that a foreign black girl can overcome the massive efforts of the entire US government to oppress her, and be successful beyond her wildest dreams.


Why would it be a fluke? You are foreign. You dont have the history in the US that Black Americans do. It would only be a fluke if you were the only Black person to achieve success. From your comments last night I am more successful monetarily wise than you are and I grew up here.

You contradict yourself. I am able to be successful because I'm foreign and don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do, and in the same breath you insist that you are more successful than I am.

Do you even think about what you write?

What makes you think thats contradictory?

lol. You don't know?

At any rate, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
The media plays a big part in this matter, the way they pay so much attention to cop haters an play up the racial issues. They fanned the flames in this mess, they need to use common sense when reporting. Stop the editorializing and just report FACTS! Cops lives matter too!

I actually like it when they editorialize sometimes. The local Fox affiliate in New York, in reporting this incident, repeatedly referred to the gunman as an evil coward....that was in her official reporting.
You disagree?

To be clear, on what do you disagree, and why?

The reason I ask is because I don't want to misunderstand what you have to say.
I was a Police Officer for 15 years, prior to that 5 years as an Air Force Aeromedical Tech, prior to that a Combat Marine for 4 years.

Before any of those experiences, I was Black and treated as such by police officers as a threat, criminal or basically in the wrong city.
Even as a Police Officer I was routinely stopped in certain cities and treated very disrespectfully until I identified myself.

When I was 11 years old, the most respectable couple in my neighborhood was a retired man and wife in their 60's.

I was coming home from my jobat the corner store and a white police officer stopped me and asked me what I had stolen "out of that store." When I told him that I didn't steal, he got out of the car grabbed me by the neck and started to search me.

Mrs. Howell came on her porch and asked what was the matter, the other police officer pulled a gun and told her to get her black ass back in the house before he shot her and her dog. The dog was a miniature poodle named Dino.

My point is that, I live with a foot in both camps and for those that deny that there are very racist police officers is factually incorrect.
Further, I don't believe that anyone on this forum can cite where I or anyone has said that all police officers are racist. I see that as a deflection by certain people as an attempt to minimize the experiences of many minorities in this country.

Sharton and the mayor have never advocated that Police Officers be attacked, killed, harassed. They have said that the recurrung narrative of unarmed Black men killed at the hands of White police officers needs to be more thoroughly examined and the dynamics of police/minority contact.

Being an Police Officer is a difficult job and all Police Officers should not be police officers, they carry too much prejudice.
By the same token, being a minority subject to police stops and field investigations is difficult, especially if you know you have done no wrong.

Now there's the conservative narrative and frankly a lie, that sharpton called for Police Officers to be killed. I would never support that sentiment yet it seems some white/conservatives are more than happy to accept that blatant lie.

Seems that they need it in order to justify their prejudice.
The protestors were called looters, when a very small percentage of them were actually looting.
That was never a point news worthy because it would shed the protestors as more than "liberal" malcontents instead of people who genuinely see the problem in today's police/minority contact.

Mark, what you describe is awful... And as a white guy, Former Recon-Marine... I'm embarrassed for all of us that people would behave that way. It's inexcusable.

That said... Sharpton is a race hustling reprobate... who is every bit the embarrassment for the species that the white reprobates you describe, represent... this along with Jackson, Holder and the Peasantpimp of the Union States.

I feel terrible that the black culture has allowed these idiots to represent you. I live about as far south in the US as one can get and I don't know ANYONE who mistreats anyone because of the color of their skin... and that is ANYONE, speaking of those I know and associate with on a regular basis of EVERY COLOR.

We all feel bad that any of that crap ever went down... and I know you know that.

So... fuck the race hustlers and let's just get back to being people of various colors who laugh at the race hustlers like we did before the Brown-Clown was elected and took the place of the pasty-white clown who was 'The First Black Peasantpimp of the Union States.'

I for one am looking forward to seeing Ben Carson take the seat of the President of the United States. A brilliant man, who lives upon and through sound reasoning, set in strong unwavering principle... and who represents all Americans and from time to times lends a token nod to the Left, as credit for being present.

Then we can all sit back and enjoy the hell out of watching the Left LOOSE THEIR COLLECTIVE MINDS!

And on Friday Nights we'll take a drink every time one of 'em posts: 'Uncle Tom" or other such racial epithets upon an honorable man, doing a tough job well, who just happens to reflect a dark caramel hue... .

Hey, Ben is never going to make it.
I posted in another forum that I teach my children to treat individuals according to their actions and not their color, an idiot on the board told me that was naive.
It's difficult because we live in a climate where controversies over this and that are rampant.

We can agree to disagree about Sharpton and the Mayor of NY, I'm fine with that.
I can still agree with you and disagree with you on various issues because neither of us take the stand that every person of any group will think the same way.

One poster called my earlier post a rant, which simply goes back to what asclepias was saying. Some whites will fervently seek to state that the Black experience is a lie simply because they as a White person hasn't experienced it.

Those are the people that unfortunately scream the loudest today.

Man, you may be right about Dr. Carson. But I am not going to count him out. The man stood up, DIRECTLY NEXT TO the Peasantpimp of the Union States and explained in certain terms why obama and his entire ideology is a fraud.

That tells me that the man has enormous reserves of courage. And that tells me that the man live on an inalterable faith... and that tells me that, THAT MAN... speaks as God tells him to speak and THAT tells me that he is where God wants him to be and you can't beat that.

I don't discount that blacks have experienced extreme prejudice... and I don't discount that they're often prejudged, on the basis of the cruel behavior that was set upon them by other blacks.

It's a long strong of abuses... and has swung both ways. And we can either continue to perpetrate the pain or call a truce... .

The simple fact is that we, as white folks, have no means to tell Sharpton and the other race-hustling clowns to shut up. Only you folks can do that. And there is no downside to you doing so.

I can assure you, we don't want no trouble. But in so assuring I need to convey to you, how easily shit could slide ugly and there won't be a dam'd thing we will be able to do to stop it, once it gets rollin'. And when it cranks off, reason is out the door and there will be NO WINNERS coming out of that shit.

As I can assure you, if you spoke to a majority of Black people from all socio-economic levels and asked them if they wanted a race war, they would either look at you like you were stupid.

If that war did happen, the people that would be on the receiving end of my rounds are the people White or Black trying to bring it into my home.

I don't miss much.

I expect that if you polled the Germans and the Japanese, the Koreans, the North and South Vietnamese, the Iraqis, Afghanis and the US Citizens... across the socio-economic spectrum, at the relevant times just prior to their going to war, that you'd have found that few if any of them wanted a war.

And I expect that if you could go back in time and show them what their being passive about NOT GOING TO WAR... produced for them, they'd be a hell of lot more pro-active in avoiding it.

I expect that the people of Dresden or Tokyo would have been very antiwhateveritwasthatburnedthemtotheground, IF they had HAD any sense of what being burned to the ground was and how likely that they would soon, be so burned.

Like you, I'm not too concerned with the house... its the loss of the peace that bothers me and knowing what that looks like, I'm more interested in being truthful about the dangers to that peace, by the idiots fanning the flames of war. And the pretense that those who are, are not and how, historically, ignoring those douchebags has resulted in war.

Whitey, isn't the aggressor here... and it's the aggressors that start wars, brother. Best get a handle on it... .
For what its worth.

I just find it strange that a foreign black girl can overcome the massive efforts of the entire US government to oppress her, and be successful beyond her wildest dreams.


Why would it be a fluke? You are foreign. You dont have the history in the US that Black Americans do. It would only be a fluke if you were the only Black person to achieve success. From your comments last night I am more successful monetarily wise than you are and I grew up here.

You contradict yourself. I am able to be successful because I'm foreign and don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do, and in the same breath you insist that you are more successful than I am.

Do you even think about what you write?

What makes you think thats contradictory?

lol. You don't know?

At any rate, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?

I want to see if you know. I think thats why you avoided answering the question. Can you state why thats contradictory?
I just find it strange that a foreign black girl can overcome the massive efforts of the entire US government to oppress her, and be successful beyond her wildest dreams.

Why would it be a fluke? You are foreign. You dont have the history in the US that Black Americans do. It would only be a fluke if you were the only Black person to achieve success. From your comments last night I am more successful monetarily wise than you are and I grew up here.
You contradict yourself. I am able to be successful because I'm foreign and don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do, and in the same breath you insist that you are more successful than I am.

Do you even think about what you write?
What makes you think thats contradictory?
lol. You don't know?

At any rate, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
I want to see if you know. I think thats why you avoided answering the question. Can you state why thats contradictory?
If I explain it to you, will you answer my question?

[] Yes
[] No
Why would it be a fluke? You are foreign. You dont have the history in the US that Black Americans do. It would only be a fluke if you were the only Black person to achieve success. From your comments last night I am more successful monetarily wise than you are and I grew up here.
You contradict yourself. I am able to be successful because I'm foreign and don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do, and in the same breath you insist that you are more successful than I am.

Do you even think about what you write?
What makes you think thats contradictory?
lol. You don't know?

At any rate, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
I want to see if you know. I think thats why you avoided answering the question. Can you state why thats contradictory?
If I explain it to you, will you answer my question?

[] Yes
[] No
Sure if you give me a real answer. If you continue to avoid it then I will just ignore you.


I guess she didnt know why that was contradictory after all.
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You contradict yourself. I am able to be successful because I'm foreign and don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do, and in the same breath you insist that you are more successful than I am.

Do you even think about what you write?
What makes you think thats contradictory?
lol. You don't know?

At any rate, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
I want to see if you know. I think thats why you avoided answering the question. Can you state why thats contradictory?
If I explain it to you, will you answer my question?

[] Yes
[] No
Sure if you give me a real answer. If you continue to avoid it then I will just ignore you.
OK. :)

You attribute my success for overcoming the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws on the fact that I am foreign, that I don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do. That's your position on why I am successful. OK, got it.
In the same breath you, who are not foreign, also overcame the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws, even though you do have the history in the US that Black Americans do.

Yet you also know from our conversation from last night that my people actually cast off the chains of slavery, while yours stood on the sideline and were obedient slaves until the white man freed you.

And there is the contradiction. :)

Now, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
It looks like that not only is ole Ismaaiyl Brinsley a murderer but also a Muslim. Who would have thunk it? Didn't the Black Muslims declare a racist war recently?

What is also interesting is that Obama attended a racist hate church for 20 years where his "spiritual advisor" praised Louis Farakhan from the pulpit.
What makes you think thats contradictory?
lol. You don't know?

At any rate, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
I want to see if you know. I think thats why you avoided answering the question. Can you state why thats contradictory?
If I explain it to you, will you answer my question?

[] Yes
[] No
Sure if you give me a real answer. If you continue to avoid it then I will just ignore you.
OK. :)

You attribute my success for overcoming the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws on the fact that I am foreign, that I don't have the history in the US that Black Americans do. That's your position on why I am successful. OK, got it.
In the same breath you, who are not foreign, also overcame the massive oppression the white government uses to enforce Jim Crow laws, even though you do have the history in the US that Black Americans do.

Yet you also know from our conversation from last night that my people actually cast off the chains of slavery, while yours stood on the sideline and were obedient slaves until the white man freed you.

And there is the contradiction. :)

Now, that racist white government that uses the police to enforce Jim Crow laws certainly isn't very successful, is it?
You sound confused. I attribute your success to the fact you didnt go through what the typical Black American growing up in the hood goes through from birth. You further my case when you point out your ancestors successfully gained their freedom while Black Americans didnt. You neglect to mention that this was because you had the numbers and a different type of slavery. Your family ties were reestablished, you governed yourselves and did not have to deal with suffering a thousand indignities a day at the hands of the white media, police etc. You suffered no failed Reconstruction, no racial cleansings where you lost land at the hands of whites and no real Jim Crow. You came here fully functional. You had no baggage to deal with. Why wouldn't you do better than people with baggage? If anything you should be doing better than any Black American that grew up in the hood. As it is you haven't done anything extra ordinary since you did not overcame the obstacles faced by Black Americans from birth that grew up here. You had hope from the moment you got here since where you came from was not as great financially or you would have never left. So no its not a contradiction. I just number among that minority that make it out of the hood each generation because I was fortunate enough to have a combination of good luck, good mentors and great parents that instilled in me the virtue of never quitting.

The policy of using the police to control Blacks is very successful. It incarcerates many Black youth and condems them to low paying jobs, inability to vote or simply functions as a criminal university. I guess you did not spend much time on the video I posted.
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You would think that after the riots and the crowds marching around chanting "kill the cops" and two officers being murdered that the President of the US would be showing some leadership to calm thing down and show support for the police.

But nope that ain't gonna happen. Instead the nitwit is playing golf today and swimming on the beach because that is the kind of guy he is.

Just think if you were one of these idiots that voted for him. What the hell were they thinking?

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