Should the control of public schools be returned to the states?

But they do. It started out with no strings attached, once they were hooked, that didn't last long.

True, but they don't have to take it, and it is also possible to go back to the original intent as well, with the hands off policy and let the districts decide curriculum.

What makes you think they don't decide curriculum already? If they do not, the state does!

never heard of 'common core', eh? It's merely the latest set of curriculum content requirements, like "No Child Left Behind", and several more subtle experiments.

Pardon me, but your incredible ignorance of the topic is showing!

Common core is a set of standards. It does not show you how to teach a damn thing. It tells you what a student needs to know, for example "A student should be able to calculate compound interest". It does not tell you how to teach it.

No Child Left Behind is not a curriculum either. Who told you this incredible bullshit story? I guarantee it was not a teacher.

Do you know who designed the curriculum for my high school mathematics classes? I did!
Common core is more than just standards. In math you must use blocks to add and subtract. You must teach how to do common core.

Wrong. I taught Common Core math and social studies for every year it was in use by my state. You are simply parroting the lies about the standards, and confusing it with curriculums adapted to align with those standards. There was never any requirement to purchase these pre-package curriculums at the school district level and those who did quickly abandoned them. My state had Common Core but I taught in 4 different school districts that used those standards, but designed their own curriculum.

Now, who are you going to believe? Someone who has no experience with Common Core standards or someone wojo actually taught sing them in the classroom
But they do. It started out with no strings attached, once they were hooked, that didn't last long.

True, but they don't have to take it, and it is also possible to go back to the original intent as well, with the hands off policy and let the districts decide curriculum.

What makes you think they don't decide curriculum already? If they do not, the state does!

never heard of 'common core', eh? It's merely the latest set of curriculum content requirements, like "No Child Left Behind", and several more subtle experiments.

Pardon me, but your incredible ignorance of the topic is showing!

Common core is a set of standards. It does not show you how to teach a damn thing. It tells you what a student needs to know, for example "A student should be able to calculate compound interest". It does not tell you how to teach it.

No Child Left Behind is not a curriculum either. Who told you this incredible bullshit story? I guarantee it was not a teacher.

Do you know who designed the curriculum for my high school mathematics classes? I did!

yes, it was obvious from the beginning you don't know what 'curriculum' means, and utterly clueless as to Federal requirements for its contents and programs. No surprise you're a teacher who doesn't know it, either.

No, you have no clue what a curriculum means. I was a teacher for 21 years and school administrator for almost two years in the states of Florida, Kentucky and for the Department of Defense. You can sit there at your computer and tell me that I am wrong all day long, but I'll put my 21 years experience and Master's in Educational Leadership up against any internet eductor wannabe.
As most should know but maybe they do not...Public Schools are under control of the Federal Government.

How did that come about? Most probably do not remember the days when most kids lived closed enough to their public school they could walk or bike there.

All that changed when the government became obsessed with forcing integration on everyone. We all know how that has big one stupdenouos failure to the tune of billions and billions of dollars....and there is no end in sight....the the Feds keep puring money into that failed concept trying to make it work. If they had spent all that money on creating quality schools for blacks as well as for whites....we would have one fantastic school system.

Does anyone know just how one program alone involved with that costs us billions of dollars....bussing......huge,huge, hugely expensive and all it has done is to transfer ghetto problems to the suburbs.

No one knows the problems of the public schools like the local officials...but what is happening of course is that bureaucrats in Washington far removed .....are creating the policies for our public schools.

Depite all the evidence that Washington is the huge problem in so many areas....some want to give more and more control to the Feds. Why is that?
Hell no they shouldn't be under control of the state. Here in Kansas we'd have nothing but Catholic schools, would never have heard of evolution, nobody would be vaccinated, and christian Sharia would Be in full effect.
But they do. It started out with no strings attached, once they were hooked, that didn't last long.

True, but they don't have to take it, and it is also possible to go back to the original intent as well, with the hands off policy and let the districts decide curriculum.

What makes you think they don't decide curriculum already? If they do not, the state does!

never heard of 'common core', eh? It's merely the latest set of curriculum content requirements, like "No Child Left Behind", and several more subtle experiments.

Pardon me, but your incredible ignorance of the topic is showing!

Common core is a set of standards. It does not show you how to teach a damn thing. It tells you what a student needs to know, for example "A student should be able to calculate compound interest". It does not tell you how to teach it.

No Child Left Behind is not a curriculum either. Who told you this incredible bullshit story? I guarantee it was not a teacher.

Do you know who designed the curriculum for my high school mathematics classes? I did!

I think the fellow you replied to is more knowledgeable than you.

First of all 'No child left behind was an epic failure. Which reminds me of a old size does not fit all. Remember how it was touted by the moronic George Bush?

Not only does Common Core regulate what will be taught, it dictates that students be tested and tracked by the federal government. The national centralization of curriculum decisions is one of the primary problems with Common Core. It is not only public schools that should be concerned with Common Core problems.

They named their handiwork the Common Core State Standards to hide the fact that it was driven by policymakers in Washington D.C., who have thus far shoved it into every state except Alaska, Minnesota, Nebraska, Texas, and Virginia.

Though here in Florida our New Governor has scrapped it.

Common core was rammed through with insufficient public dialogue or feedback from experienced educators, no research, no pilot or experimental programs — no evidence at all that a floor-length list created by unnamed people attempting to standardize what’s taught is a good idea.

It’s a bad idea. Ignore the fact that specific Common Core State Standards will open up enough cans of worms to keep subject-matter specialists arguing among themselves forever. Consider instead the merit of Standards from a general perspective:

One: Standards shouldn’t be attached to school subjects, but to the qualities of mind it’s hoped the study of school subjects promotes. Subjects are mere tools, just as scalpels, acetylene torches, and transits are tools. Surgeons, welders, surveyors — and teachers — should be held accountable for the quality of what they produce, not how they produce it.

Not even to mention it smacks of Fascism or Marxism.....the communist idealists in Moscow thought they could standardize Russia, the people, the economy etc.....not undertanding just how stupid they were and just how incredibly ignorant they were of Russia and its people and what would work and what would not.

One size does not fit all. Beware of any grouop or person who thinks they can decide what is best for everyone........and above all beware of everything that comes down from the bureaucrats in Washington.

Schools should not be a place where the Federalis can indoctrinate children in regards to anything....they have no business meddling in our schools. Keep them and their crazy ideas up there in the ivory towers of Washington. Let the various states and local communities run the schools like back in the day.

And.....of course back then a lot of our rural schools were just one big room.....but they turned out people who could read, write and do arithmetic.

Not saying we should return to one room schoolhouses....but we need to inject some common sense into how we are going to educate children in this world today.

What do you get when corporate interests combine with governmental force to take over education? Nationalized educational and economic fascism. Thankfully, more legislators are starting to wake up to the situation.

Common Core is Educational Fascism | Utahns Against Common Core

12 Reasons Common Core Falls Short | Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.

But they do. It started out with no strings attached, once they were hooked, that didn't last long.

True, but they don't have to take it, and it is also possible to go back to the original intent as well, with the hands off policy and let the districts decide curriculum.

What makes you think they don't decide curriculum already? If they do not, the state does!

never heard of 'common core', eh? It's merely the latest set of curriculum content requirements, like "No Child Left Behind", and several more subtle experiments.

Pardon me, but your incredible ignorance of the topic is showing!

Common core is a set of standards. It does not show you how to teach a damn thing. It tells you what a student needs to know, for example "A student should be able to calculate compound interest". It does not tell you how to teach it.

No Child Left Behind is not a curriculum either. Who told you this incredible bullshit story? I guarantee it was not a teacher.

Do you know who designed the curriculum for my high school mathematics classes? I did!

BTW, your post is as completely screwed up as your understanding of the topic.

You linked to various education bashing websites obviously written by political hacks with no real experience in education.

I can quote the actual standard regarding compound interest I mentioned above. Can you prove I am wrong?

Didn't think so, because you are an educator wannabe, who thinks their shot does not stink on a topic where you are completely clueless.
As most should know but maybe they do not...Public Schools are under control of the Federal Government.

How did that come about? Most probably do not remember the days when most kids lived closed enough to their public school they could walk or bike there.

All that changed when the government became obsessed with forcing integration on everyone. We all know how that has big one stupdenouos failure to the tune of billions and billions of dollars....and there is no end in sight....the the Feds keep puring money into that failed concept trying to make it work. If they had spent all that money on creating quality schools for blacks as well as for whites....we would have one fantastic school system.

Does anyone know just how one program alone involved with that costs us billions of dollars....bussing......huge,huge, hugely expensive and all it has done is to transfer ghetto problems to the suburbs.

No one knows the problems of the public schools like the local officials...but what is happening of course is that bureaucrats in Washington far removed .....are creating the policies for our public schools.

Depite all the evidence that Washington is the huge problem in so many areas....some want to give more and more control to the Feds. Why is that?
Hell no they shouldn't be under control of the state. Here in Kansas we'd have nothing but Catholic schools, would never have heard of evolution, nobody would be vaccinated, and christian Sharia would Be in full effect.

And they wouldn't be teaching 1st graders how to use condoms or about homosexuality, either.
Public schools should be under the control of the local community they serve.
As most should know but maybe they do not...Public Schools are under control of the Federal Government.

How did that come about? Most probably do not remember the days when most kids lived closed enough to their public school they could walk or bike there.

All that changed when the government became obsessed with forcing integration on everyone. We all know how that has big one stupdenouos failure to the tune of billions and billions of dollars....and there is no end in sight....the the Feds keep puring money into that failed concept trying to make it work. If they had spent all that money on creating quality schools for blacks as well as for whites....we would have one fantastic school system.

Does anyone know just how one program alone involved with that costs us billions of dollars....bussing......huge,huge, hugely expensive and all it has done is to transfer ghetto problems to the suburbs.

No one knows the problems of the public schools like the local officials...but what is happening of course is that bureaucrats in Washington far removed .....are creating the policies for our public schools.

Depite all the evidence that Washington is the huge problem in so many areas....some want to give more and more control to the Feds. Why is that?
Hell no they shouldn't be under control of the state. Here in Kansas we'd have nothing but Catholic schools, would never have heard of evolution, nobody would be vaccinated, and christian Sharia would Be in full effect.

And they wouldn't be teaching 1st graders how to use condoms or about homosexuality, either.

Go to your local schools and see if that is happening. I think you will be pleasantly surprised that in about 99% of school districts, that is NOT happening, but a few districts who do have gotten exposure by the media and everyone thinks it is nationwide.
Wrong. I taught Common Core math and social studies.

Now, who are you going to believe? Someone who has no experience with Common Core standards or someone wojo actually taught sing them in the classroom
I taught common core math and social studies as well. 3 different grade levels. You made an assumption and made a wrong headed opinion of me. Now who will everyone believe, you who assume much while demonstrating you know nothing, or me?

Common core is terrible socialist revisionist garbage.

Common core math has built nothing in the USA or world. No bridges, no building, nothing.

Yea, I can see you are teacher, what did you mean here?

"someone wojo actually taught sing them in the "

You sang them? Wojo?
As most should know but maybe they do not...Public Schools are under control of the Federal Government.

How did that come about? Most probably do not remember the days when most kids lived closed enough to their public school they could walk or bike there.

All that changed when the government became obsessed with forcing integration on everyone. We all know how that has big one stupdenouos failure to the tune of billions and billions of dollars....and there is no end in sight....the the Feds keep puring money into that failed concept trying to make it work. If they had spent all that money on creating quality schools for blacks as well as for whites....we would have one fantastic school system.

Does anyone know just how one program alone involved with that costs us billions of dollars....bussing......huge,huge, hugely expensive and all it has done is to transfer ghetto problems to the suburbs.

No one knows the problems of the public schools like the local officials...but what is happening of course is that bureaucrats in Washington far removed .....are creating the policies for our public schools.

Depite all the evidence that Washington is the huge problem in so many areas....some want to give more and more control to the Feds. Why is that?
Hell no they shouldn't be under control of the state. Here in Kansas we'd have nothing but Catholic schools, would never have heard of evolution, nobody would be vaccinated, and christian Sharia would Be in full effect.

And they wouldn't be teaching 1st graders how to use condoms or about homosexuality, either.
They aren't.
WTF are you talking about?

You're obviously an educational hack whose parents dribbled their little head like a basketball. My opinion is dead on. You are a lying sack of shit and your post is nonsense.

My post is nonsense cause you can point to what bridge built with common core math?
True, but they don't have to take it, and it is also possible to go back to the original intent as well, with the hands off policy and let the districts decide curriculum.

What makes you think they don't decide curriculum already? If they do not, the state does!

never heard of 'common core', eh? It's merely the latest set of curriculum content requirements, like "No Child Left Behind", and several more subtle experiments.

Pardon me, but your incredible ignorance of the topic is showing!

Common core is a set of standards. It does not show you how to teach a damn thing. It tells you what a student needs to know, for example "A student should be able to calculate compound interest". It does not tell you how to teach it.

No Child Left Behind is not a curriculum either. Who told you this incredible bullshit story? I guarantee it was not a teacher.

Do you know who designed the curriculum for my high school mathematics classes? I did!

yes, it was obvious from the beginning you don't know what 'curriculum' means, and utterly clueless as to Federal requirements for its contents and programs. No surprise you're a teacher who doesn't know it, either.

No, you have no clue what a curriculum means. I was a teacher for 21 years and school administrator for almost two years in the states of Florida, Kentucky and for the Department of Defense. You can sit there at your computer and tell me that I am wrong all day long, but I'll put my 21 years experience and Master's in Educational Leadership up against any internet eductor wannabe.
True, but they don't have to take it, and it is also possible to go back to the original intent as well, with the hands off policy and let the districts decide curriculum.

What makes you think they don't decide curriculum already? If they do not, the state does!

never heard of 'common core', eh? It's merely the latest set of curriculum content requirements, like "No Child Left Behind", and several more subtle experiments.

Pardon me, but your incredible ignorance of the topic is showing!

Common core is a set of standards. It does not show you how to teach a damn thing. It tells you what a student needs to know, for example "A student should be able to calculate compound interest". It does not tell you how to teach it.

No Child Left Behind is not a curriculum either. Who told you this incredible bullshit story? I guarantee it was not a teacher.

Do you know who designed the curriculum for my high school mathematics classes? I did!
Common core is more than just standards. In math you must use blocks to add and subtract. You must teach how to do common core.

Wrong. I taught Common Core math and social studies for every year it was in use by my state. You are simply parroting the lies about the standards, and confusing it with curriculums adapted to align with those standards. There was never any requirement to purchase these pre-package curriculums at the school district level and those who did quickly abandoned them. My state had Common Core but I taught in 4 different school districts that used those standards, but designed their own curriculum.

Now, who are you going to believe? Someone who has no experience with Common Core standards or someone wojo actually taught sing them in the classroom

And then you compound your clueless rants with contradictory dissonant rubbish, as if repeating stupid confused spin will salvage your idiotic claims or something.
Public schools should be under the control of the local community they serve.

And they still are; the pols like bigger buildings and more stuff, so they latch on to the free money; so do the teachers and admins.
WTF are you talking about?

You're obviously an educational hack whose parents dribbled their little head like a basketball. My opinion is dead on. You are a lying sack of shit and your post is nonsense.

My post is nonsense cause you can point to what bridge built with common core math?

First, there is no such thing as Common Core math. Second, For someone who claims to have been a teacher, you don't know very much. Lastly, had I been your principal, I would have fired you for that comment alone, because it was so incredibly stupid!.
Last edited:
What makes you think they don't decide curriculum already? If they do not, the state does!

never heard of 'common core', eh? It's merely the latest set of curriculum content requirements, like "No Child Left Behind", and several more subtle experiments.

Pardon me, but your incredible ignorance of the topic is showing!

Common core is a set of standards. It does not show you how to teach a damn thing. It tells you what a student needs to know, for example "A student should be able to calculate compound interest". It does not tell you how to teach it.

No Child Left Behind is not a curriculum either. Who told you this incredible bullshit story? I guarantee it was not a teacher.

Do you know who designed the curriculum for my high school mathematics classes? I did!

yes, it was obvious from the beginning you don't know what 'curriculum' means, and utterly clueless as to Federal requirements for its contents and programs. No surprise you're a teacher who doesn't know it, either.

No, you have no clue what a curriculum means. I was a teacher for 21 years and school administrator for almost two years in the states of Florida, Kentucky and for the Department of Defense. You can sit there at your computer and tell me that I am wrong all day long, but I'll put my 21 years experience and Master's in Educational Leadership up against any internet eductor wannabe.
What makes you think they don't decide curriculum already? If they do not, the state does!

never heard of 'common core', eh? It's merely the latest set of curriculum content requirements, like "No Child Left Behind", and several more subtle experiments.

Pardon me, but your incredible ignorance of the topic is showing!

Common core is a set of standards. It does not show you how to teach a damn thing. It tells you what a student needs to know, for example "A student should be able to calculate compound interest". It does not tell you how to teach it.

No Child Left Behind is not a curriculum either. Who told you this incredible bullshit story? I guarantee it was not a teacher.

Do you know who designed the curriculum for my high school mathematics classes? I did!
Common core is more than just standards. In math you must use blocks to add and subtract. You must teach how to do common core.

Wrong. I taught Common Core math and social studies for every year it was in use by my state. You are simply parroting the lies about the standards, and confusing it with curriculums adapted to align with those standards. There was never any requirement to purchase these pre-package curriculums at the school district level and those who did quickly abandoned them. My state had Common Core but I taught in 4 different school districts that used those standards, but designed their own curriculum.

Now, who are you going to believe? Someone who has no experience with Common Core standards or someone wojo actually taught sing them in the classroom

And then you compound your clueless rants with contradictory dissonant rubbish, as if repeating stupid confused spin will salvage your idiotic claims or something.

Contradictory dissonant rubbish. Apparently you don't know the definition of the word redundant.

Tell me where I ma wrong, if you can.

All you have is lies you parrot from people's own education level is less than your own.

We actually had a school board candidate here who refused to answer questions about their own education until it was discovered that he was a high school dropout! Is that the case with you? If not, tell me where I am wrong in your own words and stop parroting the education wannabees!
WTF are you talking about?

You're obviously an educational hack whose parents dribbled their little head like a basketball. My opinion is dead on. You are a lying sack of shit and your post is nonsense.

My post is nonsense cause you can point to what bridge built with common core math?

First, there is no such thing as Common Core math. Second, For someone who claims to have been a teacher, you don't know very much. Lastly, had I been your principal, I would have fired you for that comment alone, because it was so incredibly stupid!.
Yes, there is common core math. You would have me fired? Bullshit, if you were actually a teacher as you claim then you would know I have tenure and the union which makes me untouchable. You are a very srupid angry woman/man. Tory? That is a sissy name, righr?
never heard of 'common core', eh? It's merely the latest set of curriculum content requirements, like "No Child Left Behind", and several more subtle experiments.

Pardon me, but your incredible ignorance of the topic is showing!

Common core is a set of standards. It does not show you how to teach a damn thing. It tells you what a student needs to know, for example "A student should be able to calculate compound interest". It does not tell you how to teach it.

No Child Left Behind is not a curriculum either. Who told you this incredible bullshit story? I guarantee it was not a teacher.

Do you know who designed the curriculum for my high school mathematics classes? I did!

yes, it was obvious from the beginning you don't know what 'curriculum' means, and utterly clueless as to Federal requirements for its contents and programs. No surprise you're a teacher who doesn't know it, either.

No, you have no clue what a curriculum means. I was a teacher for 21 years and school administrator for almost two years in the states of Florida, Kentucky and for the Department of Defense. You can sit there at your computer and tell me that I am wrong all day long, but I'll put my 21 years experience and Master's in Educational Leadership up against any internet eductor wannabe.
never heard of 'common core', eh? It's merely the latest set of curriculum content requirements, like "No Child Left Behind", and several more subtle experiments.

Pardon me, but your incredible ignorance of the topic is showing!

Common core is a set of standards. It does not show you how to teach a damn thing. It tells you what a student needs to know, for example "A student should be able to calculate compound interest". It does not tell you how to teach it.

No Child Left Behind is not a curriculum either. Who told you this incredible bullshit story? I guarantee it was not a teacher.

Do you know who designed the curriculum for my high school mathematics classes? I did!
Common core is more than just standards. In math you must use blocks to add and subtract. You must teach how to do common core.

Wrong. I taught Common Core math and social studies for every year it was in use by my state. You are simply parroting the lies about the standards, and confusing it with curriculums adapted to align with those standards. There was never any requirement to purchase these pre-package curriculums at the school district level and those who did quickly abandoned them. My state had Common Core but I taught in 4 different school districts that used those standards, but designed their own curriculum.

Now, who are you going to believe? Someone who has no experience with Common Core standards or someone wojo actually taught sing them in the classroom

And then you compound your clueless rants with contradictory dissonant rubbish, as if repeating stupid confused spin will salvage your idiotic claims or something.

Contradictory dissonant rubbish. Apparently you don't know the definition of the word redundant.

Tell me where I ma wrong, if you can.

All you have is lies you parrot from people's own education level is less than your own.

We actually had a school board candidate here who refused to answer questions about their own education until it was discovered that he was a high school dropout! Is that the case with you? If not, tell me where I am wrong in your own words and stop parroting the education wannabees!

Keep eating your Prozac and telling yourself you're 'getting over',, while the rest of us just keep laughing at your dimwitted attempts at trying to spin your way of that big hole you dug for yourself. Just wait for the kid next door to drop a water hose in the hole so you can float out, because you obviously can't climb out by yourself.
WTF are you talking about?

You're obviously an educational hack whose parents dribbled their little head like a basketball. My opinion is dead on. You are a lying sack of shit and your post is nonsense.

My post is nonsense cause you can point to what bridge built with common core math?

First, there is no such thing as Common Core math. Second, For someone who claims to have been a teacher, you don't know very much. Lastly, had I been your principal, I would have fired you for that comment alone, because it was so incredibly stupid!.
Yes, there is common core math. You would have me fired? Bullshit, if you were actually a teacher as you claim then you would know I have tenure and the union which makes me untouchable. You are a very srupid angry woman/man. Tory? That is a sissy name, righr?

I don't know what "srupid", nor "righr" means.

There is no such thing as Common Core math. Common Core is a set of standards. You have just been outed as a liar and a very poor one at that. You also need to know how to read profiles.

Tenure doesn't protect the incompetent, and in your case that would be a piece of cake to prove! I fired teachers with tenure and saw many others get fired. You are simply a dumbass who thinks they can put one over on the dullards of the education process.

Why is it you persist in this litany of lies?

I provided an example in a previous post of a Common Core standard that I used in my Algebra classes.

Why haven't you disproven what I stated?

The simple answer is you can't, and you painted yourself into a corner with your arrogance and ignorance.

Come on and show me where I am wrong! I dare you!
Pardon me, but your incredible ignorance of the topic is showing!

Common core is a set of standards. It does not show you how to teach a damn thing. It tells you what a student needs to know, for example "A student should be able to calculate compound interest". It does not tell you how to teach it.

No Child Left Behind is not a curriculum either. Who told you this incredible bullshit story? I guarantee it was not a teacher.

Do you know who designed the curriculum for my high school mathematics classes? I did!

yes, it was obvious from the beginning you don't know what 'curriculum' means, and utterly clueless as to Federal requirements for its contents and programs. No surprise you're a teacher who doesn't know it, either.

No, you have no clue what a curriculum means. I was a teacher for 21 years and school administrator for almost two years in the states of Florida, Kentucky and for the Department of Defense. You can sit there at your computer and tell me that I am wrong all day long, but I'll put my 21 years experience and Master's in Educational Leadership up against any internet eductor wannabe.
Pardon me, but your incredible ignorance of the topic is showing!

Common core is a set of standards. It does not show you how to teach a damn thing. It tells you what a student needs to know, for example "A student should be able to calculate compound interest". It does not tell you how to teach it.

No Child Left Behind is not a curriculum either. Who told you this incredible bullshit story? I guarantee it was not a teacher.

Do you know who designed the curriculum for my high school mathematics classes? I did!
Common core is more than just standards. In math you must use blocks to add and subtract. You must teach how to do common core.

Wrong. I taught Common Core math and social studies for every year it was in use by my state. You are simply parroting the lies about the standards, and confusing it with curriculums adapted to align with those standards. There was never any requirement to purchase these pre-package curriculums at the school district level and those who did quickly abandoned them. My state had Common Core but I taught in 4 different school districts that used those standards, but designed their own curriculum.

Now, who are you going to believe? Someone who has no experience with Common Core standards or someone wojo actually taught sing them in the classroom

And then you compound your clueless rants with contradictory dissonant rubbish, as if repeating stupid confused spin will salvage your idiotic claims or something.

Contradictory dissonant rubbish. Apparently you don't know the definition of the word redundant.

Tell me where I ma wrong, if you can.

All you have is lies you parrot from people's own education level is less than your own.

We actually had a school board candidate here who refused to answer questions about their own education until it was discovered that he was a high school dropout! Is that the case with you? If not, tell me where I am wrong in your own words and stop parroting the education wannabees!

Keep eating your Prozac and telling yourself you're 'getting over',, while the rest of us just keep laughing at your dimwitted attempts at trying to spin your way of that big hole you dug for yourself. Just wait for the kid next door to drop a water hose in the hole so you can float out, because you obviously can't climb out by yourself.

Personal insults and no ability to refute what I said. Classic dumbass!

Come on! Get into the fight, or does tenure protect you from that also?
Wrong. I taught Common Core math and social studies for every year it was in use by my state. You are simply parroting the lies about the standards, and confusing it with curriculums adapted to align with those standards.
You said there was no such thing as common core math when I said I taught it, now you claim you taught common core math?
Wrong. I taught Common Core math and social studies for every year it was in use by my state. You are simply parroting the lies about the standards, and confusing it with curriculums adapted to align with those standards.
You said there was no such thing as common core math when I said I taught it, now you claim you taught common core math?

Common Core math is a standard. You were talking about using math standards to build a bridge, dumbass! Standards tell you what to teach, not how to teach it!

Most engineers would use computers to do the calculations for a bridge, unless they were building one across the septic tank leakage in your yard!

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