Should the poor be required to pay taxes to the IRS?

Try as you might it is mathematically impossible to make the poor pay for their own government assistance. Isn't that the ultimate aim of a more regressive tax code?

No. The aim is to drive home the point that people should not be getting anything for nothing and that the Government doesn't hand out anything for free.
If we were PAYING for the welfare we give out, it would be one thing.

Funny how the cost of the War on Poverty is virtually identical to the national debt.
They use all those things and fund them heavily through state income taxes, excise taxes, sin taxes, fuel taxes and fees. It seems the redder the state the more this burden is placed on working people. You people who bitch about progressive federal taxes never even acknowledge the regressive state and local tax burden.

What a load of horseshit.
Texas has some of the lowest taxes in the country. Try again.

Are you familiar with personal property taxes in Texas?

Such as taxes on your home? Or like some states that tax you on the value of your vehicle?
We have both here in Georgia
GA is almost as tax-crazed as NC.
We pay taxes on EVERYTHING here in Georgia.
Do the poor use the fire department, police, streets, roads, bridges, highways, and interstates? Do the poor use libraries, schools, food stamps, and other government assistance programs? Do the poor every visit state parks, museums, and other public places? Are the poor protected by our soldiers?
They use all those things and fund them heavily through state income taxes, excise taxes, sin taxes, fuel taxes and fees. It seems the redder the state the more this burden is placed on working people. You people who bitch about progressive federal taxes never even acknowledge the regressive state and local tax burden.

What a load of horseshit.
Texas has some of the lowest taxes in the country. Try again.

Are you familiar with personal property taxes in Texas?

Such as taxes on your home? Or like some states that tax you on the value of your vehicle?
We have both here in Georgia

Yeah..they have the car value tax in Missouri and my uncle bitched about it constantly.
While there's still plenty of opportunities in America,immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth.
Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work.
Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience.

So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor.

"...immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth." [Emphasis Added] ~~HereWeGoAgain - Post #153~~

Were some of your ancestors immigrants, or are they all First People?

"Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Still could be if they put down their gadgets and got off their collective lazy butts and challenged the status quo, the dire result you "address" could be altered! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples!

"Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Gosh, American youth ran up against strong competition and couldn't cut it maybe; quitters! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples, again!

"So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor. [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

So you go from "character building jobs" and "valuable job experience" being stolen by immigrants from lazy, pampered American kids who were taught by their parental units to be ENTITLED by birthright and be handed everything on a platter SIMPLY because they're the spawn of WASPS! And the whole problem is the guv'ment seeking a vote advantage and cheap labor for their corporate benefactors? Do I have that about right HWGA?

There is no one in this Nation that pays zero in taxes to our government, State and Federal.....

there are State gvt gas taxes, ciggie taxes, alcohol taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and state fees for everything

there are Federal income taxes, and social security taxes, and medicare taxes and ciggie taxes, and gasoline taxes etc etc....

EVERYONE has a stake in the tax game...every single person, even the poorest.
A 15% tax is for our military, roads and the freedoms they get. When they have skin in the game, they might start paying attention to issues that are before Congress that affect our tax rates.
Remove all party reference from all ballots, and the many poor would not be able to vote themselves into the till.
Back to the OP...............the 1st dollar made by anyone goes to the feds. The second dollar goes to the state. Nobody can get more back than they put in. Then, everyone has skin in the game.

All food should have no type of tax, period. The government has a tax o everything you know! Does everyone know that they actually have tax on toilet paper?

If the fed wants to give poor people more money, they should have to legislate it through programs, and NOT bastardize the tax code. By using the tax code, it allows to many cheats to happen.

And I have a question for PaintmyHouse. Your example of those 2 people buying beer? What the hell was the poor person buying beer for in the 1st place? Shouldn't he instead be buying food?
Junk food should be taxed heavily.

Why junk food?
Back to the OP...............the 1st dollar made by anyone goes to the feds. The second dollar goes to the state. Nobody can get more back than they put in. Then, everyone has skin in the game.

All food should have no type of tax, period. The government has a tax o everything you know! Does everyone know that they actually have tax on toilet paper?

If the fed wants to give poor people more money, they should have to legislate it through programs, and NOT bastardize the tax code. By using the tax code, it allows to many cheats to happen.

And I have a question for PaintmyHouse. Your example of those 2 people buying beer? What the hell was the poor person buying beer for in the 1st place? Shouldn't he instead be buying food?
Junk food should be taxed heavily.
Okay, Michelle. Leave us alone.
Back to the OP...............the 1st dollar made by anyone goes to the feds. The second dollar goes to the state. Nobody can get more back than they put in. Then, everyone has skin in the game.

All food should have no type of tax, period. The government has a tax o everything you know! Does everyone know that they actually have tax on toilet paper?

If the fed wants to give poor people more money, they should have to legislate it through programs, and NOT bastardize the tax code. By using the tax code, it allows to many cheats to happen.

And I have a question for PaintmyHouse. Your example of those 2 people buying beer? What the hell was the poor person buying beer for in the 1st place? Shouldn't he instead be buying food?
Junk food should be taxed heavily.

Why junk food?
Because junk food causes medical problems.
There is no one in this Nation that pays zero in taxes to our government, State and Federal.....

there are State gvt gas taxes, ciggie taxes, alcohol taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and state fees for everything

there are Federal income taxes, and social security taxes, and medicare taxes and ciggie taxes, and gasoline taxes etc etc....

EVERYONE has a stake in the tax game...every single person, even the poorest.
A 15% tax is for our military, roads and the freedoms they get. When they have skin in the game, they might start paying attention to issues that are before Congress that affect our tax rates.
Remove all party reference from all ballots, and the many poor would not be able to vote themselves into the till.
Removing party affiliation is interesting. That might curb people from voting party line...
While there's still plenty of opportunities in America,immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth.
Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work.
Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience.

So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor.

"...immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth." [Emphasis Added] ~~HereWeGoAgain - Post #153~~

Were some of your ancestors immigrants, or are they all First People?

"Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Still could be if they put down their gadgets and got off their collective lazy butts and challenged the status quo, the dire result you "address" could be altered! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples!

"Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Gosh, American youth ran up against strong competition and couldn't cut it maybe; quitters! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples, again!

"So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor. [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

So you go from "character building jobs" and "valuable job experience" being stolen by immigrants from lazy, pampered American kids who were taught by their parental units to be ENTITLED by birthright and be handed everything on a platter SIMPLY because they're the spawn of WASPS! And the whole problem is the guv'ment seeking a vote advantage and cheap labor for their corporate benefactors? Do I have that about right HWGA?


So you expect our children to compete with adult illegals and immigrants for jobs?
What about the elderly who used to work fast food to supplement their retirement?
Fuck them to huh?
You're a real piece of shit.
They use all those things and fund them heavily through state income taxes, excise taxes, sin taxes, fuel taxes and fees. It seems the redder the state the more this burden is placed on working people. You people who bitch about progressive federal taxes never even acknowledge the regressive state and local tax burden.

What a load of horseshit.
Texas has some of the lowest taxes in the country. Try again.

Are you familiar with personal property taxes in Texas?

Such as taxes on your home? Or like some states that tax you on the value of your vehicle?
We have both here in Georgia

Yeah..they have the car value tax in Missouri and my uncle bitched about it constantly.
We have it here in Georgia also.

That doesn't say shit about the actual tax rates.
And how is it that the poor pay more in taxes when there's no income tax?
Your link is bullshit.
Sorry for posting something that requires reading, the Dr. Seuss version is sadly not available. Those rankings are fully explained in exhaustive detail if you had bothered to read further.

Your partisan shit has nothing to do with tax rates.
I live in Texas and I know damn well our tax rates are far lower than most.
And you still havent explained how a state with no income tax makes the poor pay a higher share.
I can help there. Two guys stop for beer. They both buy the same two dollar can. One guy makes $10 a day, and the other $100. If the tax on the beer was 25%, meaning 50 cents, what percentage of their income did each pay in taxes on said beer?
Why should a guy making $10 a day think he can afford beer?

There is the problem right there.

Bet that guy has tattoos too.
If anybody needs a beer, it's the guy making ten bucks a day.

And, you have to make the math easy, for people who still refuse to do the math since that fucks them up.
Back to the OP...............the 1st dollar made by anyone goes to the feds. The second dollar goes to the state. Nobody can get more back than they put in. Then, everyone has skin in the game.

All food should have no type of tax, period. The government has a tax o everything you know! Does everyone know that they actually have tax on toilet paper?

If the fed wants to give poor people more money, they should have to legislate it through programs, and NOT bastardize the tax code. By using the tax code, it allows to many cheats to happen.

And I have a question for PaintmyHouse. Your example of those 2 people buying beer? What the hell was the poor person buying beer for in the 1st place? Shouldn't he instead be buying food?
Junk food should be taxed heavily.
Okay, Michelle. Leave us alone.

Regarding Michelle and her ideas about eating right, even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then.
Back to the OP...............the 1st dollar made by anyone goes to the feds. The second dollar goes to the state. Nobody can get more back than they put in. Then, everyone has skin in the game.

All food should have no type of tax, period. The government has a tax o everything you know! Does everyone know that they actually have tax on toilet paper?

If the fed wants to give poor people more money, they should have to legislate it through programs, and NOT bastardize the tax code. By using the tax code, it allows to many cheats to happen.

And I have a question for PaintmyHouse. Your example of those 2 people buying beer? What the hell was the poor person buying beer for in the 1st place? Shouldn't he instead be buying food?
Junk food should be taxed heavily.

Why junk food?
Because junk food causes medical problems.
And so does driving without care. We should force people who have had driving accidents to walk from no on. Okay, Roadrunner?
That doesn't say shit about the actual tax rates.
And how is it that the poor pay more in taxes when there's no income tax?
Your link is bullshit.
Sorry for posting something that requires reading, the Dr. Seuss version is sadly not available. Those rankings are fully explained in exhaustive detail if you had bothered to read further.

Your partisan shit has nothing to do with tax rates.
I live in Texas and I know damn well our tax rates are far lower than most.
And you still havent explained how a state with no income tax makes the poor pay a higher share.
I can help there. Two guys stop for beer. They both buy the same two dollar can. One guy makes $10 a day, and the other $100. If the tax on the beer was 25%, meaning 50 cents, what percentage of their income did each pay in taxes on said beer?
Why should a guy making $10 a day think he can afford beer?

There is the problem right there.

Bet that guy has tattoos too.
If anybody needs a beer, it's the guy making ten bucks a day.

And, you have to make the math easy, for people who still refuse to do the math since that fucks them up.

Thats why they make Buckhorn...
Here, let me give these libs an example of WHY their ideas are ridiculous. I have a nice lot at a Yogi Bear campground where I keep my wonderful 5th wheel through the summer so we can visit it and enjoy, before taking it to Florida for the winter.

Within 5 mls of Yogi, there is this young kid who is 14 years old that comes and cuts the lots grass for campers, depending on the size of the lot, 10 to 15 bucks a week. He has 93 lots, lol. He had to hire 2 more kids to help him, purchased 2 more mowers, and already fired 1 kid for poor performance.

Now Occupied, are you trying to tell me a 14 year old kid is smarter than you, lolol! (say it isn't so, heheheheheh) Talked the kids mother a month ago, he makes almost 1200 bucks a week, and he pays his 2 workers MORE than minimum wage. How? Because when he is done with cutting grass, he goes to his 2nd job, which is cutting grass for elder people in his subdivision.

Want to work? There is always a way, and if you are good at it, you can make a fortune! Kid is saving for his OWN college education, and wants to buy a vet. I doubt he will make it, but I won't bet against him.
One success story is not the whole story, I know a lot of people who have worked hard all their life and still have it rough, there is simply not enough opportunity out there for everyone to be prosperous, not even close, that is a failure of the system, not some personal failing in anyone in particular.

Utter Bull. There is endless opportunities out there for those that wish to try them. There is no such thing as limited opportunity in the United States. That's why we have all those people trying to sneak into this great country.
Opportunity is a finite quantity based on the number of jobs, chores, services, sexual favors, bags of drugs, etc. that is in demand. This talk of limitless opportunity is fantasy, especially in such a cash-strapped, dog-eat-dog country as this.

Not at all. I deal with foreigners who opened up their own stores; came here with nothing, some in the middle of our recession, and worked night and day to get what they have today.

I wish I had a five dollar bill for every time I seen a "HELP WANTED" sign in front of a business. I could retire. Yet we have less Americans working today than we have in the last 35 years.

Sure there is opportunity because anybody can be what they want in this country. Check out the real estate market, the stock market, the commodities market. People making money like they've never seen before. Stay single and don't have kids or take on any other expense that will stop you from your financial goals in life.

The problem in this country is that everybody depends on other people to create their happiness. If I can't make it on 40 hours a week, well screw it, I'm not working another hour more.

This is the attitude that needs to be changed in this country. Quit letting the liberals tell you that you have to be born a certain race, be from a certain family, be from a certain neighborhood to make it here. It's all a lie.
While there's still plenty of opportunities in America,immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth.
Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work.
Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience.

So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor.

"...immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth." [Emphasis Added] ~~HereWeGoAgain - Post #153~~

Were some of your ancestors immigrants, or are they all First People?

"Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Still could be if they put down their gadgets and got off their collective lazy butts and challenged the status quo, the dire result you "address" could be altered! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples!

"Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Gosh, American youth ran up against strong competition and couldn't cut it maybe; quitters! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples, again!

"So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor. [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

So you go from "character building jobs" and "valuable job experience" being stolen by immigrants from lazy, pampered American kids who were taught by their parental units to be ENTITLED by birthright and be handed everything on a platter SIMPLY because they're the spawn of WASPS! And the whole problem is the guv'ment seeking a vote advantage and cheap labor for their corporate benefactors? Do I have that about right HWGA?


So you expect our children to compete with adult illegals and immigrants for jobs?
What about the elderly who used to work fast food to supplement their retirement?
Fuck them to huh?
You're a real piece of shit.

Now your throwing undocumented immigrants into the mix? Hey, talk to your State legislators and ask them why they have not passed a form of e-verify in your State along with stiff fines and prison time for employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers . It's because the big employers don't want to pay higher wages, and your legislature is in their pockets for campaign contrbutions!

Where is your proof of this new displacement. I don't see any you have posted. You claim it and it's magically a truism? And would you have kids skip school to hold a steady job rather than get educated? I'm sure you're really concerned about the elderly, too, with all that great concern for their welfare.

You're all hat and no cattle, Tex!
While there's still plenty of opportunities in America,immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth.
Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work.
Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience.

So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor.

"...immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth." [Emphasis Added] ~~HereWeGoAgain - Post #153~~

Were some of your ancestors immigrants, or are they all First People?

"Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Still could be if they put down their gadgets and got off their collective lazy butts and challenged the status quo, the dire result you "address" could be altered! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples!

"Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Gosh, American youth ran up against strong competition and couldn't cut it maybe; quitters! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples, again!

"So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor. [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

So you go from "character building jobs" and "valuable job experience" being stolen by immigrants from lazy, pampered American kids who were taught by their parental units to be ENTITLED by birthright and be handed everything on a platter SIMPLY because they're the spawn of WASPS! And the whole problem is the guv'ment seeking a vote advantage and cheap labor for their corporate benefactors? Do I have that about right HWGA?


So you expect our children to compete with adult illegals and immigrants for jobs?
What about the elderly who used to work fast food to supplement their retirement?
Fuck them to huh?
You're a real piece of shit.

Now your throwing undocumented immigrants into the mix? Hey, talk to your State legislators and ask them why they have not passed a form of e-verify in your State along with stiff fines and prison time for employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers . It's because the big employers don't want to pay higher wages, and your legislature is in their pockets for campaign contrbutions!

Where is your proof of this new displacement. I don't see any you have posted. You claim it and it's magically a truism? And would you have kids skip school to hold a steady job rather than get educated? I'm sure you're really concerned about the elderly, too, with all that great concern for their welfare.

You're all hat and no cattle, Tex!

Are you for or against amnesty and illegals in general?
And whens the last time you saw a kid mowing grass? Take a look at the protesters out in front of the shit shacks demanding 15 bucks an hour..immigrants.
You are so ill informed it's impossible to converse with you.
Back to the OP...............the 1st dollar made by anyone goes to the feds. The second dollar goes to the state. Nobody can get more back than they put in. Then, everyone has skin in the game.

All food should have no type of tax, period. The government has a tax o everything you know! Does everyone know that they actually have tax on toilet paper?

If the fed wants to give poor people more money, they should have to legislate it through programs, and NOT bastardize the tax code. By using the tax code, it allows to many cheats to happen.

And I have a question for PaintmyHouse. Your example of those 2 people buying beer? What the hell was the poor person buying beer for in the 1st place? Shouldn't he instead be buying food?
Junk food should be taxed heavily.

Why junk food?
Because junk food causes medical problems.

So do drugs, alcohol, dangerous sports activities, candy and TV dinners. Do we tax them all?

Taxation was intended to help the country run, not to control people. If we are going to use taxation to control people, then we might as well surrender our Constitution right now, because we all have things we would like to control about other people..
While there's still plenty of opportunities in America,immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth.
Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work.
Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience.

So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor.

"...immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth." [Emphasis Added] ~~HereWeGoAgain - Post #153~~

Were some of your ancestors immigrants, or are they all First People?

"Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Still could be if they put down their gadgets and got off their collective lazy butts and challenged the status quo, the dire result you "address" could be altered! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples!

"Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Gosh, American youth ran up against strong competition and couldn't cut it maybe; quitters! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples, again!

"So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor. [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

So you go from "character building jobs" and "valuable job experience" being stolen by immigrants from lazy, pampered American kids who were taught by their parental units to be ENTITLED by birthright and be handed everything on a platter SIMPLY because they're the spawn of WASPS! And the whole problem is the guv'ment seeking a vote advantage and cheap labor for their corporate benefactors? Do I have that about right HWGA?


So you expect our children to compete with adult illegals and immigrants for jobs?
What about the elderly who used to work fast food to supplement their retirement?
Fuck them to huh?
You're a real piece of shit.

Now your throwing undocumented immigrants into the mix? Hey, talk to your State legislators and ask them why they have not passed a form of e-verify in your State along with stiff fines and prison time for employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers . It's because the big employers don't want to pay higher wages, and your legislature is in their pockets for campaign contrbutions!

Where is your proof of this new displacement. I don't see any you have posted. You claim it and it's magically a truism? And would you have kids skip school to hold a steady job rather than get educated? I'm sure you're really concerned about the elderly, too, with all that great concern for their welfare.

You're all hat and no cattle, Tex!

Are you for or against amnesty and illegals in general?
And whens the last time you saw a kid mowing grass? Take a look at the protesters out in front of the shit shacks demanding 15 bucks an hour..immigrants.
You are so ill informed it's impossible to converse with you.

Amnesty vis-à-vis undocumented immigrants is another issue...stay the fuck on topic if you can concentrate that long. Naturally, I'm against illegal immigration, but once they are here, it's up to us and guv'ment to discourage them and others by removing their incentives to come here and the others who would be inclined to also. Simple thing to do but the pols don't want to upset the one they are beholden to get their corrupt panties in a bunch.

Hmmmm...the last time I saw a kid mowing was back about 7 years ago when the lad that I had do my mowing on my Wash. farm was atop my John Deere pulling my haybine around one of my fallow pastures at second cutting! He did the raking and bailing too! Now I'm down in AZ and around Phoenix the yards are mostly desert scape. Anyway, a WASP teen would never want to work in 100 deg + temps very damn long. They're soft whiners for the most part!

Actually, I'm considered to be very well informed among my peers and others of my acquaintance. You see, I only wear ball caps now and I've sold all our cattle and our farm, being retired now.

Have you been able to get out of that gas station job yet? An education would help, ya know! Take care, Tex!

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