Should the poor be required to pay taxes to the IRS?

Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?
EVERYONE should pay taxes, every single U.S. citizen, no exceptions. But, everyone should pay at the same tax rate. If the tax rate is 15% of income, then everyone should pay 15%.
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Afford? Who said anything about that?
Everyone should have at least some tax burden. Skin in the game.....
I also think the money collected by those living off the public dole should be taxable as income.
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?

3 levels of income tax.

15%, 30%, 45%.

The first $35,000 for each person should be tax exempt. The original income tax was meant to be on people making over 100k. No one making under 35k should pay any income tax.
Everyone who works pays Federal taxes, no exceptions even for the poor.

That is false. Ever hear of the Earned Income Tax Credit? Millions of people get back more in their refund, sometimes substantially more, than they paid into the system every year.

That doesn't mean that they haven't paid Federal taxes. You need to be working and have taxable income in order to be eligible for the EITC.

And can you please provide a :link: for these "Millions of people get back more in their refund, sometimes substantially more, than they paid into the system every year."?


Not everyone pays federal taxes and taxable income is not necessary to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). I once worked for the IRS and I will explain how this happens with a simple example.

In 2014, a woman who filed as Head Of Household (HOH) with 3 children was entitled to a standard deduction of $9,100. Plus she was also entitled to a $3,950 exemption for herself and for each of her children for a total exemption of $15,800. Her standard deduction plus her exemptions totaled $24,900. Her taxable income was determined by subtracting this total from her Adjusted Gross Income (AGI); therefore, if her AGI was $24,900 or less she owed no taxes. All taxes withheld by her employer were refunded to her when she filed her return.

But there's more: Based upon her earnings of $24,900, she was also entitled to an EITC of $4,648. The EIC is a refundable credit which means this amount was added to her refund check.

As you can see, some people do not pay taxes. Plus taxable income is not necessary to receive the EITC. The EITC is not based upon taxable income but rather total EARNED income (some types of income, such as investment income, are not counted).

(NOTE: The IRS offers another refundable credit, the Additional Child Tax Credit but I'll save explaining that one for another time.)

Below are links to the 2014 Form 1040 and the 2014 EIC tables
Everyone who works pays Federal taxes, no exceptions even for the poor.

That is false. Ever hear of the Earned Income Tax Credit? Millions of people get back more in their refund, sometimes substantially more, than they paid into the system every year.

That doesn't mean that they haven't paid Federal taxes. You need to be working and have taxable income in order to be eligible for the EITC.

And can you please provide a :link: for these "Millions of people get back more in their refund, sometimes substantially more, than they paid into the system every year."?


Not everyone pays federal taxes and taxable income is not necessary to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). I once worked for the IRS and I will explain how this happens with a simple example.

In 2014, a woman who filed as Head Of Household (HOH) with 3 children was entitled to a standard deduction of $9,100. Plus she was also entitled to a $3,950 exemption for herself and for each of her children for a total exemption of $15,800. Her standard deduction plus her exemptions totaled $24,900. Her taxable income was determined by subtracting this total from her Adjusted Gross Income (AGI); therefore, if her AGI was $24,900 or less she owed no taxes. All taxes withheld by her employer were refunded to her when she filed her return.

But there's more: Based upon her earnings of $24,900, she was also entitled to an EITC of $4,648. The EIC is a refundable credit which means this amount was added to her refund check.

As you can see, some people do not pay taxes. Plus taxable income is not necessary to receive the EITC. The EITC is not based upon taxable income but rather total EARNED income (some types of income, such as investment income, are not counted).

(NOTE: The IRS offers another refundable credit, the Additional Child Tax Credit but I'll save explaining that one for another time.)

Below are links to the 2014 Form 1040 and the 2014 EIC tables

^^^^^ thank-you!
it's hilarious; many just come on here and spew talking points they were spoon-fed, most of the ones doing that are left-wingers. the worse part is they spew the talking points in defense of the poor people they pander to, and they often dont even know what they are talking about.
Back to the OP...............the 1st dollar made by anyone goes to the feds. The second dollar goes to the state. Nobody can get more back than they put in. Then, everyone has skin in the game.

All food should have no type of tax, period. The government has a tax o everything you know! Does everyone know that they actually have tax on toilet paper?

If the fed wants to give poor people more money, they should have to legislate it through programs, and NOT bastardize the tax code. By using the tax code, it allows to many cheats to happen.

And I have a question for PaintmyHouse. Your example of those 2 people buying beer? What the hell was the poor person buying beer for in the 1st place? Shouldn't he instead be buying food?
Junk food should be taxed heavily.

Why junk food?
Because junk food causes medical problems.
so does eating to much red beef considered "junk food"?.....
Letter to James Madison from Thomas Jefferson about the concentration of wealth in France and the suggested solutions to prevent this from happening in America:

The property of this country is absolutely concentered in a very few hands, having revenues of from half a million of guineas a year downwards.

I asked myself what could be the reason that so many should be permitted to beg who are willing to work, in a country where there is a very considerable proportion of uncultivated lands?

I am conscious that an equal division of property is impracticable. But the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind.

And now to the point of this topic:

Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise.

Whenever there is in any country, uncultivated lands and unemployed poor, it is clear that the laws of property have been so far extended as to violate natural right.
While there's still plenty of opportunities in America,immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth.
Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work.
Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience.

So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor.

"...immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth." [Emphasis Added] ~~HereWeGoAgain - Post #153~~

Were some of your ancestors immigrants, or are they all First People?

"Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Still could be if they put down their gadgets and got off their collective lazy butts and challenged the status quo, the dire result you "address" could be altered! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples!

"Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Gosh, American youth ran up against strong competition and couldn't cut it maybe; quitters! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples, again!

"So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor. [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

So you go from "character building jobs" and "valuable job experience" being stolen by immigrants from lazy, pampered American kids who were taught by their parental units to be ENTITLED by birthright and be handed everything on a platter SIMPLY because they're the spawn of WASPS! And the whole problem is the guv'ment seeking a vote advantage and cheap labor for their corporate benefactors? Do I have that about right HWGA?


So you expect our children to compete with adult illegals and immigrants for jobs?
What about the elderly who used to work fast food to supplement their retirement?
Fuck them to huh?
You're a real piece of shit.

Now your throwing undocumented immigrants into the mix? Hey, talk to your State legislators and ask them why they have not passed a form of e-verify in your State along with stiff fines and prison time for employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers . It's because the big employers don't want to pay higher wages, and your legislature is in their pockets for campaign contrbutions!

Where is your proof of this new displacement. I don't see any you have posted. You claim it and it's magically a truism? And would you have kids skip school to hold a steady job rather than get educated? I'm sure you're really concerned about the elderly, too, with all that great concern for their welfare.

You're all hat and no cattle, Tex!

Are you for or against amnesty and illegals in general?
And whens the last time you saw a kid mowing grass? Take a look at the protesters out in front of the shit shacks demanding 15 bucks an hour..immigrants.
You are so ill informed it's impossible to converse with you.

Amnesty vis-à-vis undocumented immigrants is another issue...stay the fuck on topic if you can concentrate that long. Naturally, I'm against illegal immigration, but once they are here, it's up to us and guv'ment to discourage them and others by removing their incentives to come here and the others who would be inclined to also. Simple thing to do but the pols don't want to upset the one they are beholden to get their corrupt panties in a bunch.

Hmmmm...the last time I saw a kid mowing was back about 7 years ago when the lad that I had do my mowing on my Wash. farm was atop my John Deere pulling my haybine around one of my fallow pastures at second cutting! He did the raking and bailing too! Now I'm down in AZ and around Phoenix the yards are mostly desert scape. Anyway, a WASP teen would never want to work in 100 deg + temps very damn long. They're soft whiners for the most part!

Actually, I'm considered to be very well informed among my peers and others of my acquaintance. You see, I only wear ball caps now and I've sold all our cattle and our farm, being retired now.

Have you been able to get out of that gas station job yet? An education would help, ya know! Take care, Tex!

I retired at 46 four years ago.
Theres nothing a farmer can teach me,trust me on that.
I retired at 46 four years ago.
Theres nothing a farmer can teach me,trust me on that.

Boy, you just can't stay on topic can you. you never responded to a damn thing, just vomited more garbage.

BTW, The farm was a sideline, a place to commune with my thoughts doing a lot of mindless labor. I was an EE and retired from Intel in 2004. Wanna compare patents or the length of our Richards, putz!?

Again, all hat and no cattle, Tex!
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?

Everyone who works pays Federal taxes, no exceptions even for the poor.

But interesting how you attack the poor demanding that they pay their "fair share" while ignoring the wealthy who are paying far less than their "fair share".
It has been proven time and time again that the wealthy pay more than their fair share.

If the wealthy were paying their fair share there would be no deficit and no national debt so obviously it hasn't been proven.
Everyone who works pays Federal taxes, no exceptions even for the poor.

That is false. Ever hear of the Earned Income Tax Credit? Millions of people get back more in their refund, sometimes substantially more, than they paid into the system every year.

That doesn't mean that they haven't paid Federal taxes. You need to be working and have taxable income in order to be eligible for the EITC.

And can you please provide a :link: for these "Millions of people get back more in their refund, sometimes substantially more, than they paid into the system every year."?


Not everyone pays federal taxes and taxable income is not necessary to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). I once worked for the IRS and I will explain how this happens with a simple example.

In 2014, a woman who filed as Head Of Household (HOH) with 3 children was entitled to a standard deduction of $9,100. Plus she was also entitled to a $3,950 exemption for herself and for each of her children for a total exemption of $15,800. Her standard deduction plus her exemptions totaled $24,900. Her taxable income was determined by subtracting this total from her Adjusted Gross Income (AGI); therefore, if her AGI was $24,900 or less she owed no taxes. All taxes withheld by her employer were refunded to her when she filed her return.

But there's more: Based upon her earnings of $24,900, she was also entitled to an EITC of $4,648. The EIC is a refundable credit which means this amount was added to her refund check.

As you can see, some people do not pay taxes. Plus taxable income is not necessary to receive the EITC. The EITC is not based upon taxable income but rather total EARNED income (some types of income, such as investment income, are not counted).

(NOTE: The IRS offers another refundable credit, the Additional Child Tax Credit but I'll save explaining that one for another time.)

Below are links to the 2014 Form 1040 and the 2014 EIC tables

Getting a refund means that she paid Federal taxes because they were deducted from her paycheck and sent to the IRS.
"...immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth." [Emphasis Added] ~~HereWeGoAgain - Post #153~~

Were some of your ancestors immigrants, or are they all First People?

"Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Still could be if they put down their gadgets and got off their collective lazy butts and challenged the status quo, the dire result you "address" could be altered! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples!

"Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience." [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

Gosh, American youth ran up against strong competition and couldn't cut it maybe; quitters! Maybe the issue is faulty parenting and/or deficient parental examples, again!

"So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor. [Emphasis Added] ~Ibid~

So you go from "character building jobs" and "valuable job experience" being stolen by immigrants from lazy, pampered American kids who were taught by their parental units to be ENTITLED by birthright and be handed everything on a platter SIMPLY because they're the spawn of WASPS! And the whole problem is the guv'ment seeking a vote advantage and cheap labor for their corporate benefactors? Do I have that about right HWGA?


So you expect our children to compete with adult illegals and immigrants for jobs?
What about the elderly who used to work fast food to supplement their retirement?
Fuck them to huh?
You're a real piece of shit.

Now your throwing undocumented immigrants into the mix? Hey, talk to your State legislators and ask them why they have not passed a form of e-verify in your State along with stiff fines and prison time for employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers . It's because the big employers don't want to pay higher wages, and your legislature is in their pockets for campaign contrbutions!

Where is your proof of this new displacement. I don't see any you have posted. You claim it and it's magically a truism? And would you have kids skip school to hold a steady job rather than get educated? I'm sure you're really concerned about the elderly, too, with all that great concern for their welfare.

You're all hat and no cattle, Tex!

Are you for or against amnesty and illegals in general?
And whens the last time you saw a kid mowing grass? Take a look at the protesters out in front of the shit shacks demanding 15 bucks an hour..immigrants.
You are so ill informed it's impossible to converse with you.

Amnesty vis-à-vis undocumented immigrants is another issue...stay the fuck on topic if you can concentrate that long. Naturally, I'm against illegal immigration, but once they are here, it's up to us and guv'ment to discourage them and others by removing their incentives to come here and the others who would be inclined to also. Simple thing to do but the pols don't want to upset the one they are beholden to get their corrupt panties in a bunch.

Hmmmm...the last time I saw a kid mowing was back about 7 years ago when the lad that I had do my mowing on my Wash. farm was atop my John Deere pulling my haybine around one of my fallow pastures at second cutting! He did the raking and bailing too! Now I'm down in AZ and around Phoenix the yards are mostly desert scape. Anyway, a WASP teen would never want to work in 100 deg + temps very damn long. They're soft whiners for the most part!

Actually, I'm considered to be very well informed among my peers and others of my acquaintance. You see, I only wear ball caps now and I've sold all our cattle and our farm, being retired now.

Have you been able to get out of that gas station job yet? An education would help, ya know! Take care, Tex!

I retired at 46 four years ago.
Theres nothing a farmer can teach me,trust me on that.

That means HWGA is on disability. lol
How many threads like this are there.

Don't they all pretty much sound the same ?

And does anyone ever change their mind ?
You're right. No minds are ever changerd. So question, knowing that, why exactly are you here?


It was an honest question.

I generally don't participate in these kinds of threads.

Although things get slow in some of the other forums.
While there's still plenty of opportunities in America,immigrants have stolen the character building jobs from my youth.
Mowing grass used to be a school kids summer job just like fast food work.
Now those positions are held by immigrants and our kids are left out in the cold when it comes to getting valuable job experience.

So in essence we have a government throwing away our childrens future for votes and cheap labor.
That's hilarious. There are a lot of white American teens in my area and NONE of them have ever knocked on my door to ask if they can cut my grass.

They are spoiled and too busy texting each other.

Don't be blaming Mexicans for the laziness of the modern American teenager, dick.
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?

Everyone who works pays Federal taxes, no exceptions even for the poor.

But interesting how you attack the poor demanding that they pay their "fair share" while ignoring the wealthy who are paying far less than their "fair share".
It has been proven time and time again that the wealthy pay more than their fair share.

If the wealthy were paying their fair share there would be no deficit and no national debt so obviously it hasn't been proven.
Moron alert

How about we don't spend what we don't have?
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?

Everyone who works pays Federal taxes, no exceptions even for the poor.

But interesting how you attack the poor demanding that they pay their "fair share" while ignoring the wealthy who are paying far less than their "fair share".
It has been proven time and time again that the wealthy pay more than their fair share.

If the wealthy were paying their fair share there would be no deficit and no national debt so obviously it hasn't been proven.
Moron alert

How about we don't spend what we don't have?

Why do you want America to become a 3rd world nation?
One of the biggest scams perpetrated by the Democratic party is that they are for the poor. Yes the poor are thrown some crumbs at the federal level MEANWHILE at the state and local level DEM's have their vampire fangs firmly sunk into the poor. The Feds have some sneaky slam the poor taxes as well.

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