Should the poor be required to pay taxes to the IRS?

Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?

Everyone who works pays Federal taxes, no exceptions even for the poor.

But interesting how you attack the poor demanding that they pay their "fair share" while ignoring the wealthy who are paying far less than their "fair share".
What the rich pay is well documented. This thread isn'tabout the rich.
And yes the rest of us pay if we're working BUT as noted in the op MANY of us actually get it all back & sometimes more than we pay in.
How exactly is that "fair"?

Your problem is not with the poor but the fact that their employers don't pay them enough to not qualify for the EITC.

Why should those corporations be enjoying taxpayer subsidized workers?
Your problem is not with the poor but the fact that their employers don't pay them enough to not qualify for the EITC.

Why should those corporations be enjoying taxpayer subsidized workers?
Wrong thread fucktard. Take your fair wage nonsense to the appropriate nonsensical fair wage thread. This thread is about basic taxation

Where in your OP did you specifically exclude the amount that is subject to taxation?

And why exclude pragmatic solutions to the question posed in your OP unless you are not serious about actually finding solutions. In which case this thread is nothing but flame bait against the poor and doesn't belong in this forum.
In the title. Can you read?

Nothing in the title refers to the amount subject to taxation.
It refers to the poor & taxes. Period. Take your wage agenda to the appropriate thread or create one of your own. This thread is about the tax system.

Derp along now
Apparently threadjacking is now all the rage.
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?

Everyone who works pays Federal taxes, no exceptions even for the poor.

But interesting how you attack the poor demanding that they pay their "fair share" while ignoring the wealthy who are paying far less than their "fair share".
It has been proven time and time again that the wealthy pay more than their fair share.
The idea of fairness is subjective and therefore not provable. Of course the rich think they pay too much and if you only listen to them you would think they are incredibly oppressed by their tax bill.
The flat earnings and the rising expenses of the working poor is very topical to the discussion of how much they should be taxed.

Sorry, being a failure in life is not an acceptable reason to expect to be exempt from taxes.
Lack of opportunity is not a personal failing, it is the failure of an economic system.

This is still the Land of Opportunity or people would not be dying to get here, literally dying trying to get here.
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?
EVERYONE should pay taxes, every single U.S. citizen, no exceptions. But, everyone should pay at the same tax rate. If the tax rate is 15% of income, then everyone should pay 15%.
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Do the poor use the fire department, police, streets, roads, bridges, highways, and interstates? Do the poor use libraries, schools, food stamps, and other government assistance programs? Do the poor every visit state parks, museums, and other public places? Are the poor protected by our soldiers?
They use all those things and fund them heavily through state income taxes, excise taxes, sin taxes, fuel taxes and fees. It seems the redder the state the more this burden is placed on working people. You people who bitch about progressive federal taxes never even acknowledge the regressive state and local tax burden.

What a load of horseshit.
Texas has some of the lowest taxes in the country. Try again.

Are you familiar with personal property taxes in Texas?
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Yeah went into that at length and posted a link with Herewegoagain and he rejected the whole thing as "liberal math" whatever the fuck that means. He seems to think that the percentage of income that goes to state taxes is a meaningless figure.

We dont have a state income tax.
Texas has excise taxes, property taxes, sin taxes, licensing fees, etc. in abundance, that shit counts.
Well, so do I! I pay my share. Heck with the federal government. I don't want my taxes going to planned parenthood and a host of other things I disagree with. That's shit I don't want. Why should I pay above the excise tax. property taxes, sin taxes and licensing fees? If they don't have to pay above that, why should I?
If you make enough to pay a lot of federal taxes then you are doing awesome and you would not trade places with them.
Lack of opportunity is not a personal failing, it is the failure of an economic system.

There's plenty of opportunity. It just requires you to go get ut rather than having it gift wrapped and dropped in your lap. It is not the job of this Government to better the lives of those unwilling to do anything to help themselves.
Are you some kind of cloistered monk? You sound like you have no idea what life is like at street level.

Maybe if you stopped living on the street
Lack of opportunity is not a personal failing, it is the failure of an economic system.

There's plenty of opportunity. It just requires you to go get ut rather than having it gift wrapped and dropped in your lap. It is not the job of this Government to better the lives of those unwilling to do anything to help themselves.
Are you some kind of cloistered monk? You sound like you have no idea what life is like at street level.

Life must be so hard for you....
I'm doing fine, but unlike you I realize just how quickly one can fall to rock bottom in this country though no fault of their own and how hard it is to climb back. If you think it's simply a matter of applying yourself then you have never had to live through it.

I've been poor so the sympathy ploy wont fly with me.
Poverty in this country is very fluid.

People escape poverty, and people fall into poverty through bad life choices.
EVERYONE should pay taxes, every single U.S. citizen, no exceptions. But, everyone should pay at the same tax rate. If the tax rate is 15% of income, then everyone should pay 15%.
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Yeah went into that at length and posted a link with Herewegoagain and he rejected the whole thing as "liberal math" whatever the fuck that means. He seems to think that the percentage of income that goes to state taxes is a meaningless figure.

We dont have a state income tax.
Texas has excise taxes, property taxes, sin taxes, licensing fees, etc. in abundance, that shit counts.

And how do those effect the poor?
Other than the sin tax which they shouldnt have to worry about being poor and all.
And if they're on welfare it's tax money to begin with.
The flat earnings and the rising expenses of the working poor is very topical to the discussion of how much they should be taxed.

Sorry, being a failure in life is not an acceptable reason to expect to be exempt from taxes.
Lack of opportunity is not a personal failing, it is the failure of an economic system.

This is still the Land of Opportunity or people would not be dying to get here, literally dying trying to get here.
People are literally dying to get to Greece as we speak. When I hear prosperous Americans crying like babies about taxes it about makes me sick.
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Yeah went into that at length and posted a link with Herewegoagain and he rejected the whole thing as "liberal math" whatever the fuck that means. He seems to think that the percentage of income that goes to state taxes is a meaningless figure.

We dont have a state income tax.
Texas has excise taxes, property taxes, sin taxes, licensing fees, etc. in abundance, that shit counts.

And how do those effect the poor?
Other than the sin tax which they shouldnt have to worry about being poor and all.
And if they're on welfare it's tax money to begin with.
Can you rephrase that in the form of a comprehensible question?
Lets see income tax,no tax on vehicle value and a 8% sales tax.
A pack of smokes is around five bucks verses ten bucks in yankee land.
You're going to have to provide some proof of your claim.
Here you go, the whole thing is very interesting.

Who Pays 5th Edition The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy ITEP

That doesn't say shit about the actual tax rates.
And how is it that the poor pay more in taxes when there's no income tax?
Your link is bullshit.
Sorry for posting something that requires reading, the Dr. Seuss version is sadly not available. Those rankings are fully explained in exhaustive detail if you had bothered to read further.

Your partisan shit has nothing to do with tax rates.
I live in Texas and I know damn well our tax rates are far lower than most.
And you still havent explained how a state with no income tax makes the poor pay a higher share.
I can help there. Two guys stop for beer. They both buy the same two dollar can. One guy makes $10 a day, and the other $100. If the tax on the beer was 25%, meaning 50 cents, what percentage of their income did each pay in taxes on said beer?
Why should a guy making $10 a day think he can afford beer?

There is the problem right there.

Bet that guy has tattoos too.
Should the poor be required to pay taxes to the IRS?

To pay an income tax one first needs an income. In a progressive income tax system such as ours, you also need a certain level of income.

Why? Why shouldn't EVERY member of society be paying their share; especially those who get the most out of the system?
The people who got the most out of the system are those who became very wealthy so they should naturally pay more.

And they already do.
Even if it's a flat tax,10% of a million is a bigger number than 10% of fifty thousand.
Seems fair to me.
10% of $20,000 is bigger that any of it if you are the one making $20,000. Once taxation starts cutting into what it costs to live in the crappiest apartment, eat the cheapest food, drive the oldest car, and keep the lights on is when taxation hurts the worst.

One of the first things DumBama did after invading the White House was to place a large sin tax on cigarettes which primarily effects poor people. Now the warning signs are out there with Obama's attack on coal operated power plants that will increase the cost of our energy due to close downs and huge environmental investments those plants must make. All this while illegal workers march through the country taking jobs away from Americans and lowering the pay scale for the rest of us with Obama's blessing.

Why is it nobody cares about the poor when liberal polices that will hurt them financially are put in place?
Besides make them more dependent on government, what has Obama done for the poor?

Has median household income gone up, or down, under Obama?

Have the rich gotten richer, under Wall Street's clean, articulate Negro, or have they "shared the wealth"?
EVERYONE should pay taxes, every single U.S. citizen, no exceptions. But, everyone should pay at the same tax rate. If the tax rate is 15% of income, then everyone should pay 15%.
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Do the poor use the fire department, police, streets, roads, bridges, highways, and interstates? Do the poor use libraries, schools, food stamps, and other government assistance programs? Do the poor every visit state parks, museums, and other public places? Are the poor protected by our soldiers?
They use all those things and fund them heavily through state income taxes, excise taxes, sin taxes, fuel taxes and fees. It seems the redder the state the more this burden is placed on working people. You people who bitch about progressive federal taxes never even acknowledge the regressive state and local tax burden.

What a load of horseshit.
Texas has some of the lowest taxes in the country. Try again.

Are you familiar with personal property taxes in Texas?

Such as taxes on your home? Or like some states that tax you on the value of your vehicle?
How many threads like this are there.

Don't they all pretty much sound the same ?

And does anyone ever change their mind ?
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Do the poor use the fire department, police, streets, roads, bridges, highways, and interstates? Do the poor use libraries, schools, food stamps, and other government assistance programs? Do the poor every visit state parks, museums, and other public places? Are the poor protected by our soldiers?
They use all those things and fund them heavily through state income taxes, excise taxes, sin taxes, fuel taxes and fees. It seems the redder the state the more this burden is placed on working people. You people who bitch about progressive federal taxes never even acknowledge the regressive state and local tax burden.

What a load of horseshit.
Texas has some of the lowest taxes in the country. Try again.

Are you familiar with personal property taxes in Texas?

Such as taxes on your home? Or like some states that tax you on the value of your vehicle?
We have both here in Georgia
Yeah went into that at length and posted a link with Herewegoagain and he rejected the whole thing as "liberal math" whatever the fuck that means. He seems to think that the percentage of income that goes to state taxes is a meaningless figure.

We dont have a state income tax.
Texas has excise taxes, property taxes, sin taxes, licensing fees, etc. in abundance, that shit counts.
Well, so do I! I pay my share. Heck with the federal government. I don't want my taxes going to planned parenthood and a host of other things I disagree with. That's shit I don't want. Why should I pay above the excise tax. property taxes, sin taxes and licensing fees? If they don't have to pay above that, why should I?
If you make enough to pay a lot of federal taxes then you are doing awesome and you would not trade places with them.
Fifteen % is not a lot. They can afford $15 a month to stay in the greatest country,
Do the poor use the fire department, police, streets, roads, bridges, highways, and interstates? Do the poor use libraries, schools, food stamps, and other government assistance programs? Do the poor every visit state parks, museums, and other public places? Are the poor protected by our soldiers?
They use all those things and fund them heavily through state income taxes, excise taxes, sin taxes, fuel taxes and fees. It seems the redder the state the more this burden is placed on working people. You people who bitch about progressive federal taxes never even acknowledge the regressive state and local tax burden.

What a load of horseshit.
Texas has some of the lowest taxes in the country. Try again.

Are you familiar with personal property taxes in Texas?

Such as taxes on your home? Or like some states that tax you on the value of your vehicle?
We have both here in Georgia
GA is almost as tax-crazed as NC.
Yeah went into that at length and posted a link with Herewegoagain and he rejected the whole thing as "liberal math" whatever the fuck that means. He seems to think that the percentage of income that goes to state taxes is a meaningless figure.

We dont have a state income tax.
Texas has excise taxes, property taxes, sin taxes, licensing fees, etc. in abundance, that shit counts.

And how do those effect the poor?
Other than the sin tax which they shouldnt have to worry about being poor and all.
And if they're on welfare it's tax money to begin with.
Can you rephrase that in the form of a comprehensible question?

Apparently you have reading comprehension problems.
Back to the OP...............the 1st dollar made by anyone goes to the feds. The second dollar goes to the state. Nobody can get more back than they put in. Then, everyone has skin in the game.

All food should have no type of tax, period. The government has a tax o everything you know! Does everyone know that they actually have tax on toilet paper?

If the fed wants to give poor people more money, they should have to legislate it through programs, and NOT bastardize the tax code. By using the tax code, it allows to many cheats to happen.

And I have a question for PaintmyHouse. Your example of those 2 people buying beer? What the hell was the poor person buying beer for in the 1st place? Shouldn't he instead be buying food?
Junk food should be taxed heavily.

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