Should the poor be required to pay taxes to the IRS?

Here, let me give these libs an example of WHY their ideas are ridiculous. I have a nice lot at a Yogi Bear campground where I keep my wonderful 5th wheel through the summer so we can visit it and enjoy, before taking it to Florida for the winter.

Within 5 mls of Yogi, there is this young kid who is 14 years old that comes and cuts the lots grass for campers, depending on the size of the lot, 10 to 15 bucks a week. He has 93 lots, lol. He had to hire 2 more kids to help him, purchased 2 more mowers, and already fired 1 kid for poor performance.

Now Occupied, are you trying to tell me a 14 year old kid is smarter than you, lolol! (say it isn't so, heheheheheh) Talked the kids mother a month ago, he makes almost 1200 bucks a week, and he pays his 2 workers MORE than minimum wage. How? Because when he is done with cutting grass, he goes to his 2nd job, which is cutting grass for elder people in his subdivision.

Want to work? There is always a way, and if you are good at it, you can make a fortune! Kid is saving for his OWN college education, and wants to buy a vet. I doubt he will make it, but I won't bet against him.
One success story is not the whole story, I know a lot of people who have worked hard all their life and still have it rough, there is simply not enough opportunity out there for everyone to be prosperous, not even close, that is a failure of the system, not some personal failing in anyone in particular.

Utter Bull. There is endless opportunities out there for those that wish to try them. There is no such thing as limited opportunity in the United States. That's why we have all those people trying to sneak into this great country.
Opportunity is a finite quantity based on the number of jobs, chores, services, sexual favors, bags of drugs, etc. that is in demand. This talk of limitless opportunity is fantasy, especially in such a cash-strapped, dog-eat-dog country as this.

Then why is everyone trying to come here, and once here, fight to stay, lol! They die crossing deserts to get here, why? And then in your fantasy world, you fight to let them stay here and take YOUR JOB!

See, what a lot of people are saying is correct.............your own idiotic decisions in who you support are creating the circumstances you bitch, whine, and complain about.
People come here because their countries suck, that doesn't mean we have unlimited opportunity. No one ever got rich doing the shit jobs they supposedly take but the people who welcomed them here to undercut Americans damned sure did.
Texas has the third most regressive tax structure in America.

Lets see income tax,no tax on vehicle value and a 8% sales tax.
A pack of smokes is around five bucks verses ten bucks in yankee land.
You're going to have to provide some proof of your claim.
Here you go, the whole thing is very interesting.

Who Pays 5th Edition The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy ITEP

That doesn't say shit about the actual tax rates.
And how is it that the poor pay more in taxes when there's no income tax?
Your link is bullshit.
Sorry for posting something that requires reading, the Dr. Seuss version is sadly not available. Those rankings are fully explained in exhaustive detail if you had bothered to read further.

Your partisan shit has nothing to do with tax rates.
I live in Texas and I know damn well our tax rates are far lower than most.
And you still havent explained how a state with no income tax makes the poor pay a higher share.
it is well known and well documented that those in the lower quintile pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than the highest quintile do in taxes if the State relies on a Sales tax with state income tax or even more regressive if solely a sales tax.

those in middle and lower income levels pay a higher percentage of their total income, in taxes....because they spend near all that they make to survive and or buy their goodies, while those in the highest income levels do not have to spend all that they earn to get by....they have extra money that never gets spent on things that the sales tax would apply, it gets invested in long term financial vehicles that are tax free until you cash them in, like Stocks
Lets see income tax,no tax on vehicle value and a 8% sales tax.
A pack of smokes is around five bucks verses ten bucks in yankee land.
You're going to have to provide some proof of your claim.
Here you go, the whole thing is very interesting.

Who Pays 5th Edition The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy ITEP

That doesn't say shit about the actual tax rates.
And how is it that the poor pay more in taxes when there's no income tax?
Your link is bullshit.
Sorry for posting something that requires reading, the Dr. Seuss version is sadly not available. Those rankings are fully explained in exhaustive detail if you had bothered to read further.

Your partisan shit has nothing to do with tax rates.
I live in Texas and I know damn well our tax rates are far lower than most.
And you still havent explained how a state with no income tax makes the poor pay a higher share.
it is well known and well documented that those on the lower quintile pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than the highest quintile do in taxes if the State relies on a Sales tax with state income tax or even more regressive if solely a sales tax.

those in middle and lower income levels pay a higher percentage of their total income, in taxes....because they spend near all that they make to survive and or buy their goodies, while those in the highest income levels do not have to spend all that they earn to get by....they have extra money that never gets spent on things that the sales tax would apply, it gets invested in long term financial vehicles that are tax free until you cash them in, like Stocks

And I've made it abundantly clear I dont care.
They still pay less and get money back every year and pay nowhere close to what I pay every year.
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?
EVERYONE should pay taxes, every single U.S. citizen, no exceptions. But, everyone should pay at the same tax rate. If the tax rate is 15% of income, then everyone should pay 15%.
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?
EVERYONE should pay taxes, every single U.S. citizen, no exceptions. But, everyone should pay at the same tax rate. If the tax rate is 15% of income, then everyone should pay 15%.
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Do the poor use the fire department, police, streets, roads, bridges, highways, and interstates? Do the poor use libraries, schools, food stamps, and other government assistance programs? Do the poor every visit state parks, museums, and other public places? Are the poor protected by our soldiers?
They use all those things and fund them heavily through state income taxes, excise taxes, sin taxes, fuel taxes and fees. It seems the redder the state the more this burden is placed on working people. You people who bitch about progressive federal taxes never even acknowledge the regressive state and local tax burden.
So do I. I don't think I need to pay taxes either, then.
There is no one in this Nation that pays zero in taxes to our government, State and Federal.....

there are State gvt gas taxes, ciggie taxes, alcohol taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and state fees for everything

there are Federal income taxes, and social security taxes, and medicare taxes and ciggie taxes, and gasoline taxes etc etc....

EVERYONE has a stake in the tax game...every single person, even the poorest.
You know if the poor paid into the system they may demand a better accounting of our tax dollars which would benefit everyone.
Here, let me give these libs an example of WHY their ideas are ridiculous. I have a nice lot at a Yogi Bear campground where I keep my wonderful 5th wheel through the summer so we can visit it and enjoy, before taking it to Florida for the winter.

Within 5 mls of Yogi, there is this young kid who is 14 years old that comes and cuts the lots grass for campers, depending on the size of the lot, 10 to 15 bucks a week. He has 93 lots, lol. He had to hire 2 more kids to help him, purchased 2 more mowers, and already fired 1 kid for poor performance.

Now Occupied, are you trying to tell me a 14 year old kid is smarter than you, lolol! (say it isn't so, heheheheheh) Talked the kids mother a month ago, he makes almost 1200 bucks a week, and he pays his 2 workers MORE than minimum wage. How? Because when he is done with cutting grass, he goes to his 2nd job, which is cutting grass for elder people in his subdivision.

Want to work? There is always a way, and if you are good at it, you can make a fortune! Kid is saving for his OWN college education, and wants to buy a vet. I doubt he will make it, but I won't bet against him.
One success story is not the whole story, I know a lot of people who have worked hard all their life and still have it rough, there is simply not enough opportunity out there for everyone to be prosperous, not even close, that is a failure of the system, not some personal failing in anyone in particular.

Utter Bull. There is endless opportunities out there for those that wish to try them. There is no such thing as limited opportunity in the United States. That's why we have all those people trying to sneak into this great country.
Opportunity is a finite quantity based on the number of jobs, chores, services, sexual favors, bags of drugs, etc. that is in demand. This talk of limitless opportunity is fantasy, especially in such a cash-strapped, dog-eat-dog country as this.

Then why is everyone trying to come here, and once here, fight to stay, lol! They die crossing deserts to get here, why? And then in your fantasy world, you fight to let them stay here and take YOUR JOB!

See, what a lot of people are saying is correct.............your own idiotic decisions in who you support are creating the circumstances you bitch, whine, and complain about.
People come here because their countries suck, that doesn't mean we have unlimited opportunity. No one ever got rich doing the shit jobs they supposedly take but the people who welcomed them here to undercut Americans damned sure did.
They didn't come to get rich, they came for the freedoms. If they want to get rich in the Land of Opportunity, they had better get educated and find a job.
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?
EVERYONE should pay taxes, every single U.S. citizen, no exceptions. But, everyone should pay at the same tax rate. If the tax rate is 15% of income, then everyone should pay 15%.
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Yeah went into that at length and posted a link with Herewegoagain and he rejected the whole thing as "liberal math" whatever the fuck that means. He seems to think that the percentage of income that goes to state taxes is a meaningless figure.
There is no one in this Nation that pays zero in taxes to our government, State and Federal.....

there are State gvt gas taxes, ciggie taxes, alcohol taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and state fees for everything

there are Federal income taxes, and social security taxes, and medicare taxes and ciggie taxes, and gasoline taxes etc etc....

EVERYONE has a stake in the tax game...every single person, even the poorest.

That would depend on their welfare status.
And the main culprit for these stupid taxes is democrats.
There is no one in this Nation that pays zero in taxes to our government, State and Federal.....

there are State gvt gas taxes, ciggie taxes, alcohol taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and state fees for everything

there are Federal income taxes, and social security taxes, and medicare taxes and ciggie taxes, and gasoline taxes etc etc....

EVERYONE has a stake in the tax game...every single person, even the poorest.
A 15% tax is for our military, roads and the freedoms they get. When they have skin in the game, they might start paying attention to issues that are before Congress that affect our tax rates.
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?
EVERYONE should pay taxes, every single U.S. citizen, no exceptions. But, everyone should pay at the same tax rate. If the tax rate is 15% of income, then everyone should pay 15%.
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Yeah went into that at length and posted a link with Herewegoagain and he rejected the whole thing as "liberal math" whatever the fuck that means. He seems to think that the percentage of income that goes to state taxes is a meaningless figure.

We dont have a state income tax.
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?
EVERYONE should pay taxes, every single U.S. citizen, no exceptions. But, everyone should pay at the same tax rate. If the tax rate is 15% of income, then everyone should pay 15%.
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Yeah went into that at length and posted a link with Herewegoagain and he rejected the whole thing as "liberal math" whatever the fuck that means. He seems to think that the percentage of income that goes to state taxes is a meaningless figure.

We dont have a state income tax.
Neither do I.
Didn't anybody notice that "poor" are just as liable for their share of taxes as anybody else? The dirty little secret is that if a "poor" person won a new car in a raffle, he couldn't keep it because the IRS demands an up front payment on so-called "capital gains". The poor guy would have to sell it before he got the chance to enjoy the new car smell. The other dirty little secret is that capital gains taxes ain't just for the rich. If the owner of a rural family homestead dies the family members are out in the cold even though the farm was in the family for a hundred years simply because they can't afford to pay the up front "death tax" aka capital gains that the federal government demands.
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?
EVERYONE should pay taxes, every single U.S. citizen, no exceptions. But, everyone should pay at the same tax rate. If the tax rate is 15% of income, then everyone should pay 15%.
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Yeah went into that at length and posted a link with Herewegoagain and he rejected the whole thing as "liberal math" whatever the fuck that means. He seems to think that the percentage of income that goes to state taxes is a meaningless figure.

We dont have a state income tax.
Texas has excise taxes, property taxes, sin taxes, licensing fees, etc. in abundance, that shit counts.
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?
EVERYONE should pay taxes, every single U.S. citizen, no exceptions. But, everyone should pay at the same tax rate. If the tax rate is 15% of income, then everyone should pay 15%.
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming.

Of course they could afford it, especially if they are working, as you noted. Even if it's just $10 a month they're contributing something. Maybe they'll just have to get one less pack of cigs that month.
Funny how many "poor" tattoos.
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?

Everyone who works pays Federal taxes, no exceptions even for the poor.

But interesting how you attack the poor demanding that they pay their "fair share" while ignoring the wealthy who are paying far less than their "fair share".
It has been proven time and time again that the wealthy pay more than their fair share.
EVERYONE should pay taxes, every single U.S. citizen, no exceptions. But, everyone should pay at the same tax rate. If the tax rate is 15% of income, then everyone should pay 15%.
If you think the working poor could afford that you are dreaming. States are already squeezing them for all they are worth.
Yeah went into that at length and posted a link with Herewegoagain and he rejected the whole thing as "liberal math" whatever the fuck that means. He seems to think that the percentage of income that goes to state taxes is a meaningless figure.

We dont have a state income tax.
Texas has excise taxes, property taxes, sin taxes, licensing fees, etc. in abundance, that shit counts.
Well, so do I! I pay my share. Heck with the federal government. I don't want my taxes going to planned parenthood and a host of other things I disagree with. That's shit I don't want. Why should I pay above the excise tax. property taxes, sin taxes and licensing fees? If they don't have to pay above that, why should I?

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