Should the Redskins change their name?

and in my opinion....they should ALL pound sand. I am sick of the politically correct shit...and everyone being offended.

said the privileged white guy

If they were named the Whiteskins and had George Washington on the logo do you think Caucasians would protest?

Me thinks not!

We'd be proud of it ;) See these people are only angry as this is the only way they can take a pop shot at us.
I'm part Oneida and my mom was a tribal member.

How about calling them the 'One-legged Arapahoes', especially since their quarterback can't run anymore.
No I would point out most of the people I see pushing for a name change are white see Bob Costas not American Indians.

Be pretty funny if the Redskins just barred Costas from the property on gameday. He shows up, gets a trespass warning, and the cops throw him into the street.
Yes, they should change their name. Why? Because if it is good for the goose (religions, 10 commandments, spiritual words like In God We Trust, etc etc etc) so nobody is "offended" (i.e. muslims wanting things their way, just for example), it is good for the gander as well. We have to show the same politically correct removing of potentially offensive terms for ALL.

and in my opinion....they should ALL pound sand. I am sick of the politically correct shit...and everyone being offended.

Which was my point, but I probably didn't word it right. :smiliehug:
In other words...if the name offends native americans...change the name because you can be damn sure that if something offends Muslims...we are gonna never hear the end of whatever it is that is making them so indignant.
Just because someone can say something doesn't mean they can force anyone to listen to them or force anyone to take them seriously. Let someone blather on and on about how offended they are, but expect me to care, to listen, or to think they are relevant in the least.

If someone really thinks the Redskins needs to be renamed, then buy the team and rename it.
I predict Daniel Snyder will cave to pressure within the next five years.

Sniveling whiney Liberals will manage to get their way after increasing threats of boycotts, and claims of racism.
Well being I am a "White Italian" I am very offended over Burger Kings choice of words ,,,"The Whopper". Italians find the name WOP very offensive! Maybe Burger King needs to consider changing the name of the Whopper to something more docle, like "The Dumb Polark Burger".
I think the real question is if Snyder is pressured, by the NFL, to change the name then who is going to reimburse Snyder? Snyder didn't pay the money he paid just for the sake of having a team, he paid the mondo amount he did because of the Redskin name and logo. Without that brand the merchandising income and resale value of the team will change.
The only people offended by the name are people like this

The team should call themselves whatever they want.

We beat the heathens fair and square, if they had subjugated the white man then fine they can have teams called The White Devils.

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