Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth

Is it true that increasing taxes on the wealthy will always cause a reduction in economic growth? If we tax the wealthy at, say, 50 percent, and the reward from a new, innovative product is only $50 million instead of $100 million, would that reduce effort? Would you work any less for “only” $50 million?

There is likely a margin at which such a reduction in the reward for effort matters, a promise of $80,000 per year is a lot different from a promise of $40,000, but this can be overcome through progressive taxation. Taxes on the wealthiest households, even taxes that are quite large, are unlikely to have much of an effect, if any, on innovative activity.

Some types of taxes on the wealthy may even enhance economic growth. There is mounting evidence, for example, that too much inequality reduces growth, so taxes that are used to promote equality can also promote growth. In addition, economic growth can be increased through a large estate tax on the wealthiest households.

Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth

"Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth"


Now that's funny!
The truth hurts.
Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality : A Global Perspective

I don't have a problem with 'inequality'. Quite frankly, people who refuse to work hard, should be poor.

Moreover, the prior link was full of mindless drivel and nonsense. That's why at the top of the page it said "Opinion", not "Fact".
Ridiculous, you're insulting billions of people worldwide, your narrow worldview is disgusting, your making the assumption that material wealth is the only measure of hard work. What a sick thing to think. And it's wrong, considering I know people who work 3 jobs to barely make ends meet.
your narrow worldview is disgusting, your making the assumption that
The first "your" was correct. The second "your" should of been "you're". When it comes to worldview, at one time everyone was jealous of US because being a FREE country, we could reach for the sky and most of US achieved it(there were always a few, who sat back and bitched because they were too lazy to work) but many got complacent and were re-educated into thinking that communism was good. Now we are dealing with it with a sad sack president who has no clue to run a country, except into the ground. So here we are, many rich people fleeing America for greener pasture. Problem is when we go into WWIII, no place will be safe.
People are still jealous of America, this is a great country win opportunity, although some people want this great country to go back to the time before FDR.. LOL. You're trying to imply Obama is a communist? Great. WW3? Yeah, republicans would love that, considering they want Iran to keep its plutonium and it's enriched uranium.
Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth

Is it true that increasing taxes on the wealthy will always cause a reduction in economic growth? If we tax the wealthy at, say, 50 percent, and the reward from a new, innovative product is only $50 million instead of $100 million, would that reduce effort? Would you work any less for “only” $50 million?

There is likely a margin at which such a reduction in the reward for effort matters, a promise of $80,000 per year is a lot different from a promise of $40,000, but this can be overcome through progressive taxation. Taxes on the wealthiest households, even taxes that are quite large, are unlikely to have much of an effect, if any, on innovative activity.

Some types of taxes on the wealthy may even enhance economic growth. There is mounting evidence, for example, that too much inequality reduces growth, so taxes that are used to promote equality can also promote growth. In addition, economic growth can be increased through a large estate tax on the wealthiest households.

Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth

"Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth"


Now that's funny!
The truth hurts.
Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality : A Global Perspective

I don't have a problem with 'inequality'. Quite frankly, people who refuse to work hard, should be poor.

Moreover, the prior link was full of mindless drivel and nonsense. That's why at the top of the page it said "Opinion", not "Fact".
Ridiculous, you're insulting billions of people worldwide, your narrow worldview is disgusting, your making the assumption that material wealth is the only measure of hard work. What a sick thing to think. And it's wrong, considering I know people who work 3 jobs to barely make ends meet.
Why with HOPE AND CHANGE, the FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION, the REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, someone would have to work 3 jobs to make ends meet, after 6 3/4 years of the messiah, who promised to lower the oceans and heal the planet? Because those dumb enough to believe that, were just as dumb as the people who voted for Jimmy(the peanut) Carter and his Malaise government. Usually it takes events like what we see with this FECKLESS admin to have more people understand that LIBERALISM is all about FAILURE. The more you fail the more you move up, eventually achieving the ultimate goal, THE RAINBOW HOUSE. Surround yourselves with more failed people, and soon the country goes down the toilet. And you bitch that it is the RICH people who are the problem, yet Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary)(LIBERAL) Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, have their millions and billions, and you adore them. Libtards are the dumbest people on the planet.
Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth

Is it true that increasing taxes on the wealthy will always cause a reduction in economic growth? If we tax the wealthy at, say, 50 percent, and the reward from a new, innovative product is only $50 million instead of $100 million, would that reduce effort? Would you work any less for “only” $50 million?

There is likely a margin at which such a reduction in the reward for effort matters, a promise of $80,000 per year is a lot different from a promise of $40,000, but this can be overcome through progressive taxation. Taxes on the wealthiest households, even taxes that are quite large, are unlikely to have much of an effect, if any, on innovative activity.

Some types of taxes on the wealthy may even enhance economic growth. There is mounting evidence, for example, that too much inequality reduces growth, so taxes that are used to promote equality can also promote growth. In addition, economic growth can be increased through a large estate tax on the wealthiest households.

Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth

"Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth"


Now that's funny!
The truth hurts.
Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality : A Global Perspective

I don't have a problem with 'inequality'. Quite frankly, people who refuse to work hard, should be poor.

Moreover, the prior link was full of mindless drivel and nonsense. That's why at the top of the page it said "Opinion", not "Fact".
Ridiculous, you're insulting billions of people worldwide, your narrow worldview is disgusting, your making the assumption that material wealth is the only measure of hard work. What a sick thing to think. And it's wrong, considering I know people who work 3 jobs to barely make ends meet.
Why with HOPE AND CHANGE, the FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION, the REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, someone would have to work 3 jobs to make ends meet, after 6 3/4 years of the messiah, who promised to lower the oceans and heal the planet? Because those dumb enough to believe that, were just as dumb as the people who voted for Jimmy(the peanut) Carter and his Malaise government. Usually it takes events like what we see with this FECKLESS admin to have more people understand that LIBERALISM is all about FAILURE. The more you fail the more you move up, eventually achieving the ultimate goal, THE RAINBOW HOUSE. Surround yourselves with more failed people, and soon the country goes down the toilet. And you bitch that it is the RICH people who are the problem, yet Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary)(LIBERAL) Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, have their millions and billions, and you adore them. Libtards are the dumbest people on the planet.
Incoherent rant.
"Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth"


Now that's funny!
The truth hurts.
Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality : A Global Perspective

I don't have a problem with 'inequality'. Quite frankly, people who refuse to work hard, should be poor.

Moreover, the prior link was full of mindless drivel and nonsense. That's why at the top of the page it said "Opinion", not "Fact".
Ridiculous, you're insulting billions of people worldwide, your narrow worldview is disgusting, your making the assumption that material wealth is the only measure of hard work. What a sick thing to think. And it's wrong, considering I know people who work 3 jobs to barely make ends meet.
your narrow worldview is disgusting, your making the assumption that
The first "your" was correct. The second "your" should of been "you're". When it comes to worldview, at one time everyone was jealous of US because being a FREE country, we could reach for the sky and most of US achieved it(there were always a few, who sat back and bitched because they were too lazy to work) but many got complacent and were re-educated into thinking that communism was good. Now we are dealing with it with a sad sack president who has no clue to run a country, except into the ground. So here we are, many rich people fleeing America for greener pasture. Problem is when we go into WWIII, no place will be safe.
People are still jealous of America, this is a great country win opportunity, although some people want this great country to go back to the time before FDR.. LOL. You're trying to imply Obama is a communist? Great. WW3? Yeah, republicans would love that, considering they want Iran to keep its plutonium and it's enriched uranium.
Obama: Iran "Over A Year Or So" Away From Nuclear Bomb
Obama: Iran Over A Year Away From Nuclear Bomb
Jonathan Gruber and the Stupid Americans
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American "LIBERAL" voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass.
The conservatives saw that Obamacare would be a boondoggle, we know that IRAN will develop the bomb that Obama wants so IRAN will go after little SATAN. You are as stupid as Mr. Gruber proved it.
"Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth"


Now that's funny!
The truth hurts.
Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality : A Global Perspective

I don't have a problem with 'inequality'. Quite frankly, people who refuse to work hard, should be poor.

Moreover, the prior link was full of mindless drivel and nonsense. That's why at the top of the page it said "Opinion", not "Fact".
Ridiculous, you're insulting billions of people worldwide, your narrow worldview is disgusting, your making the assumption that material wealth is the only measure of hard work. What a sick thing to think. And it's wrong, considering I know people who work 3 jobs to barely make ends meet.
Why with HOPE AND CHANGE, the FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION, the REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, someone would have to work 3 jobs to make ends meet, after 6 3/4 years of the messiah, who promised to lower the oceans and heal the planet? Because those dumb enough to believe that, were just as dumb as the people who voted for Jimmy(the peanut) Carter and his Malaise government. Usually it takes events like what we see with this FECKLESS admin to have more people understand that LIBERALISM is all about FAILURE. The more you fail the more you move up, eventually achieving the ultimate goal, THE RAINBOW HOUSE. Surround yourselves with more failed people, and soon the country goes down the toilet. And you bitch that it is the RICH people who are the problem, yet Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary)(LIBERAL) Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, have their millions and billions, and you adore them. Libtards are the dumbest people on the planet.
Incoherent rant.
When FACTS are brought forth to prove the failure of liberalism all the libs can do is throw out an insult. Rules for Radicals.
I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more because the majority of them are selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves! Trust me, if you are a millionaire, it is NOT going to hurt you if you just pay a little more in taxes. I believe that if you are a good and righteous person, you would want to help the poor or people that are less fortunate. It's as simple as that! People need to stop being so selfish.
No, I do not believe in further punishing the rich for earning or inheriting their way to the top and more than likely contributing in one way or another to your lifestyle or of those you know and love. I like to see the rich in our country remain in our country. They are taxed heavily as is and if they are conservatives they are more than likely contributing to charitable institutions or causes much more so than the rest of the population.. :eusa_think:
This thread proves liberals hate thier children

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That is if the unborn baby got past the executioners knife on the abortion table. I heard that some parts have been sold for profit, but hey, liberals would sell their mothers if they could get away with it.
I know people who work 3 jobs to barely make ends meet.

Then they are doing something wrong. Perhaps they are living above their means? Maybe they've made poor choices which they now are paying for? Maybe they are idiots without any talent or skill and lack any kind of education and are not trainable? Maybe they have poor work ethic and can't get a decent job? Maybe they don't bathe regularly or use deodorant? Maybe they don't know how to manage their money?

You see, there are LOTS of factors and we don't know any of them with your example because you're not paying any attention to that. You assume they work 3 jobs because of evil capitalists who are too greedy to pay them well. This is how you've been programmed to think. We've got to change your thinking because it's killing us slowly.
This thread proves liberals hate thier children

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That is if the unborn baby got past the executioners knife on the abortion table. I heard that some parts have been sold for profit, but hey, liberals would sell their mothers if they could get away with it.
Fetuses aren't babies.
Thanks for making my point , dumbass.

This thread proves liberals hate thier children

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That is if the unborn baby got past the executioners knife on the abortion table. I heard that some parts have been sold for profit, but hey, liberals would sell their mothers if they could get away with it.
Fetuses aren't babies.
Near full term babies are in every biological way identical to babies born early. Calling them something other than babies is just semantics.
hadit, they are stupid with Socialism! They don't care! That's the big ruse here! They argue like they care about capitalism... like they care about people... the truth is, they don't care about anything other than destroying capitalism and installing socialism. They will lie, mislead, pretend to be intellectual... whatever it takes.
That's obvious. I enjoy watching them panic as argument after argument is stripped away from them.

That's the thing, they really don't have an argument. Not an honest one. They pretend like they are arguing about the economy and how to make things better... they don't give two shits about the economy or making things better. They want to wreck the economy and take down free market capitalism because they're communist scum. It's how they operate. Convince a lot of really gullible people into thinking they have the best of intentions when their true intent is to destroy this free market capitalist system.
"They want to wreck the economy and take down free market capitalism "
"Free market capitalism" is a stupid statement, it can never exist, it never will. Monopolies, corruption, greed..

Socialistic egalitarianism is a stupid concept, it can never exit, it never will. Monopolies, corruption, greed...

Note the difference between your post and mine, is that mine is proven by history.
Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth

Is it true that increasing taxes on the wealthy will always cause a reduction in economic growth? If we tax the wealthy at, say, 50 percent, and the reward from a new, innovative product is only $50 million instead of $100 million, would that reduce effort? Would you work any less for “only” $50 million?

There is likely a margin at which such a reduction in the reward for effort matters, a promise of $80,000 per year is a lot different from a promise of $40,000, but this can be overcome through progressive taxation. Taxes on the wealthiest households, even taxes that are quite large, are unlikely to have much of an effect, if any, on innovative activity.

Some types of taxes on the wealthy may even enhance economic growth. There is mounting evidence, for example, that too much inequality reduces growth, so taxes that are used to promote equality can also promote growth. In addition, economic growth can be increased through a large estate tax on the wealthiest households.

Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth

"Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth"


Now that's funny!
The truth hurts.
Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality : A Global Perspective

I don't have a problem with 'inequality'. Quite frankly, people who refuse to work hard, should be poor.

Moreover, the prior link was full of mindless drivel and nonsense. That's why at the top of the page it said "Opinion", not "Fact".
Ridiculous, you're insulting billions of people worldwide, your narrow worldview is disgusting, your making the assumption that material wealth is the only measure of hard work. What a sick thing to think. And it's wrong, considering I know people who work 3 jobs to barely make ends meet.

Hard work combined with intelligence and responsibility is what leads to wealth. The idea that no one in the world is lazy, stupid or irresponsible is absurd. There are plenty of people in this world who find the truth insulting. That doesn't mean we aren't allowed to tell the truth.
Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth

Is it true that increasing taxes on the wealthy will always cause a reduction in economic growth? If we tax the wealthy at, say, 50 percent, and the reward from a new, innovative product is only $50 million instead of $100 million, would that reduce effort? Would you work any less for “only” $50 million?

There is likely a margin at which such a reduction in the reward for effort matters, a promise of $80,000 per year is a lot different from a promise of $40,000, but this can be overcome through progressive taxation. Taxes on the wealthiest households, even taxes that are quite large, are unlikely to have much of an effect, if any, on innovative activity.

Some types of taxes on the wealthy may even enhance economic growth. There is mounting evidence, for example, that too much inequality reduces growth, so taxes that are used to promote equality can also promote growth. In addition, economic growth can be increased through a large estate tax on the wealthiest households.

Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth

"Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth"


Now that's funny!
The truth hurts.
Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality : A Global Perspective

I don't have a problem with 'inequality'. Quite frankly, people who refuse to work hard, should be poor.

Moreover, the prior link was full of mindless drivel and nonsense. That's why at the top of the page it said "Opinion", not "Fact".
Ridiculous, you're insulting billions of people worldwide, your narrow worldview is disgusting, your making the assumption that material wealth is the only measure of hard work. What a sick thing to think. And it's wrong, considering I know people who work 3 jobs to barely make ends meet.

Hard work combined with intelligence and responsibility is what leads to wealth. The idea that no one in the world is lazy, stupid or irresponsible is absurd. There are plenty of people in this world who find the truth insulting. That doesn't mean we aren't allowed to tell the truth.
So you believe wealth is the only measure of hard work? What a fucking idiot.
"Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth"


Now that's funny!
The truth hurts.
Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality : A Global Perspective

I don't have a problem with 'inequality'. Quite frankly, people who refuse to work hard, should be poor.

Moreover, the prior link was full of mindless drivel and nonsense. That's why at the top of the page it said "Opinion", not "Fact".
Ridiculous, you're insulting billions of people worldwide, your narrow worldview is disgusting, your making the assumption that material wealth is the only measure of hard work. What a sick thing to think. And it's wrong, considering I know people who work 3 jobs to barely make ends meet.

Hard work combined with intelligence and responsibility is what leads to wealth. The idea that no one in the world is lazy, stupid or irresponsible is absurd. There are plenty of people in this world who find the truth insulting. That doesn't mean we aren't allowed to tell the truth.
So you believe wealth is the only measure of hard work? What a fucking idiot.

Read what I said, dumbass. Hard work, intelligence, and responsibility lead to wealth. It's not the "measure of wealth." Money is the measure of wealth.

I don't have a problem with 'inequality'. Quite frankly, people who refuse to work hard, should be poor.

Moreover, the prior link was full of mindless drivel and nonsense. That's why at the top of the page it said "Opinion", not "Fact".
Ridiculous, you're insulting billions of people worldwide, your narrow worldview is disgusting, your making the assumption that material wealth is the only measure of hard work. What a sick thing to think. And it's wrong, considering I know people who work 3 jobs to barely make ends meet.

Hard work combined with intelligence and responsibility is what leads to wealth. The idea that no one in the world is lazy, stupid or irresponsible is absurd. There are plenty of people in this world who find the truth insulting. That doesn't mean we aren't allowed to tell the truth.
So you believe wealth is the only measure of hard work? What a fucking idiot.

Read what I said, dumbass. Hard work, intelligence, and responsibility lead to wealth. It's not the "measure of wealth." Money is the measure of wealth.
Hard work is done by billions every day around the world, including children and the elderly. Everyone is intelligent in their own way, expecting intelligence to directly lead to money is stupid, money is not a measure of someone's hard work. Responsibility? Anyone who survives in this broken world knows responsibility.
hadit, they are stupid with Socialism! They don't care! That's the big ruse here! They argue like they care about capitalism... like they care about people... the truth is, they don't care about anything other than destroying capitalism and installing socialism. They will lie, mislead, pretend to be intellectual... whatever it takes.
That's obvious. I enjoy watching them panic as argument after argument is stripped away from them.

That's the thing, they really don't have an argument. Not an honest one. They pretend like they are arguing about the economy and how to make things better... they don't give two shits about the economy or making things better. They want to wreck the economy and take down free market capitalism because they're communist scum. It's how they operate. Convince a lot of really gullible people into thinking they have the best of intentions when their true intent is to destroy this free market capitalist system.
"They want to wreck the economy and take down free market capitalism "
"Free market capitalism" is a stupid statement, it can never exist, it never will. Monopolies, corruption, greed..

Socialistic egalitarianism is a stupid concept, it can never exit, it never will. Monopolies, corruption, greed...

Note the difference between your post and mine, is that mine is proven by history.
No one wants a socialistic egalitarianism, pure socialism and pure capitalism both fail, this is a proven historical reality. Monopolies formed whenever capitalism was left unregulated, you always bitch about big government, what do you think happens when a business grows massive and dominates? This happened, and it destroyed small businesses as well. Corruption and greed exist in all aspects of life, unregulated capitalism spirals this greed out of control.
I don't have a problem with 'inequality'. Quite frankly, people who refuse to work hard, should be poor.

Moreover, the prior link was full of mindless drivel and nonsense. That's why at the top of the page it said "Opinion", not "Fact".
Ridiculous, you're insulting billions of people worldwide, your narrow worldview is disgusting, your making the assumption that material wealth is the only measure of hard work. What a sick thing to think. And it's wrong, considering I know people who work 3 jobs to barely make ends meet.

Hard work combined with intelligence and responsibility is what leads to wealth. The idea that no one in the world is lazy, stupid or irresponsible is absurd. There are plenty of people in this world who find the truth insulting. That doesn't mean we aren't allowed to tell the truth.
So you believe wealth is the only measure of hard work? What a fucking idiot.

Read what I said, dumbass. Hard work, intelligence, and responsibility lead to wealth. It's not the "measure of wealth." Money is the measure of wealth.
Hard work is done by billions every day around the world, including children and the elderly. Everyone is intelligent in their own way, expecting intelligence to directly lead to money is stupid, money is not a measure of someone's hard work. Responsibility? Anyone who survives in this broken world knows responsibility.

Everyone is intelligent in their own way? That's another way of saying that not everyone is intelligent.

Otherwise, your post is total bullshit. Not everyone can be wealthy. It would be absurd to believe that was possible. Since not everyone can do it, you want know one to have that opportunity. Your attacks are motivated by envy, pure and simple.

It's really quite ugly.
Ridiculous, you're insulting billions of people worldwide, your narrow worldview is disgusting, your making the assumption that material wealth is the only measure of hard work. What a sick thing to think. And it's wrong, considering I know people who work 3 jobs to barely make ends meet.

Hard work combined with intelligence and responsibility is what leads to wealth. The idea that no one in the world is lazy, stupid or irresponsible is absurd. There are plenty of people in this world who find the truth insulting. That doesn't mean we aren't allowed to tell the truth.
So you believe wealth is the only measure of hard work? What a fucking idiot.

Read what I said, dumbass. Hard work, intelligence, and responsibility lead to wealth. It's not the "measure of wealth." Money is the measure of wealth.
Hard work is done by billions every day around the world, including children and the elderly. Everyone is intelligent in their own way, expecting intelligence to directly lead to money is stupid, money is not a measure of someone's hard work. Responsibility? Anyone who survives in this broken world knows responsibility.

Everyone is intelligent in their own way? That's another way of saying that not everyone is intelligent.

Otherwise, your post is total bullshit. Not everyone can be wealthy. It would be absurd to believe that was possible. Since not everyone can do it, you want know one to have that opportunity. Your attacks are motivated by envy, pure and simple.

It's really quite ugly.
Err, sorry that we disagree on how intelligence is measured, material wealth does not equal someone's intelligence level, just look at trump. No shit, and I know that, what I do support is everyone having a minimum standard of living, a ladder that is easier to move up, progressive taxation, welfare programs.. Wealth is fine, unregulated greed isn't.

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